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Hi everyone.

Quick poll, of the characters bellow, who is your favorite and would like to see more from?

I wish I could put all the characters but Patreon has a 25 item max.






Gotta go with Rose, Pandora and Vicky on this one. 👍🏾


Surprised about the low votes for Sarah - so far. Deadly trial is an awesome story!


Pandora & Sofia


Pandora and the Twins definitely. After that it gets really hard. Want more Sarah and the Vixens, but I'll limit myself to only voting on 4. Would love to see more stuff like the Vixen Party, so I guess I'll vote Scarlet as she was my favorite from that story.


Deadly Trial is a fun read, but it doesn’t do much to develop Sarah’s character as anything other than a wanton destructress. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I agree with the shortcomings you pointed out and add that am not a big fan of telekinetic powers. Having said that I still like the lack of background detail, and the fact that there was a reason for all that destruction which we should learn more about in deadly trial 2 -hopefully.


Believe it or not, I do agree with you guys. It's not much of a story, more like a description of a scene with a lot of action. I had forgotten she used mental powers in the encounter, at the beginning she used telekinesis to destroy two manned artillery guns shooting at her. The honest truth, I only added that because I thought it was the fastest way to dispose of them without deviating much from her incursion into the prison. The second place she uses mental powers are inside when she "freezes" a bunch of soldiers, telepathically having them stand still while she took her time dispatching them. I remember I did that because I wanted a reason for the soldiers to stand there and not having them run away the moment she started killing them. I didn't want her to do it at super speed because I wanted the soldiers to see her coming and panic and not be able to do anything but wait their turn. It was a story written almost 20 years ago and I had no clue how to do any form of storytelling. I like to believe I've gotten better at it over the years.


I have to say you have not just gotten better now, but you were improving even back then. When I read Alpha task force parts 1, 2 and 3, I see clear improvement from one part to the next. like in part 2 you introduce the alphas by the building shaking due to the alphas steps - a detail lacking from part 1 - am a sucker for ground shaking heavy steps ❤️


So the idea behind Sarah (from back then and as well as today) is that she is a very snobby and entitled girl born with superhuman abilities. She has grown up believing she is so much better than normal people for whom she has very little regard. Her mother and sister are wealthy omega superhumans as well, so she has always been around her own kind and normal people around her have always been servants (her father left when she was a baby). In the present, she attends university with no real major in mind yet. She has been invited to a sorority where all members are metahuman women. The thing about this sorority is that it is a front for a metahuman assassin for hire organization. They only want to take in the more "compatible" candidates, soy they send their pledges on quests and trials to see how much they are willing to do. The majority of the girls don't pass their first trial since most don't want to have any blood on their hands, but on Sarah's case, she really doesn't mind. She relishes a job well done so she will probably be accepted.

Kim Danver

Pandora is definitively the best one for me, but we didn't know much about her except she's deliciously evil and strong. If I would have a second choice, I would vote for Sarah Nova too.