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Link:    https://discord.gg/jFpWNWG

Hi everyone, as many of you might have already seen, I've set up a Discord Server for us. Anyone who is a patron can access the private channels and see the content. The name of the server is: KurtsFantasyStudio  and it's icon has Cassandra's beautiful face on it.

Before I go any further let me assure anyone who is not in discord that the content here will not be affected. All the images and comics of superhuman women that you are used to will continue to be posted here so no one will be "forced" to use discord to enjoy the usual content.

So then I imagine the question that comes to mind is....why? What will be the difference or advantage of going into the discord server. The truth is, there are quite a few:

1) Better organization:

I've set up a number of private channels for the art I post. Stuff like the general NSFW art, violent art, written stories, and raw sex art will be posted in it's corresponding folder. So if you want to see the sexy stuff but you don't care to see the violent stuff, you just enter the channel with the stuff you want to see. I've already posted the majority of my 3D rendered images and the stories into the server.

2) Faster scrolling:

Don't know about you, but in my experience, browsing through a Creator's gallery through the Patreon site is a bit slow, and searching for a specific image from some time in the past can take a very long time. Discord lets you browse much faster so that's a plus.

3) Communication and feedback

I've set up a private channel for Patrons to have a place where we can chat and discuss anything from ideas for images and stories, questions and answers about characters and lore, general world building. Anyone who wishes to interact with my and like-minded people you are all welcome and invited.

Speaking of communication, I believe that platform will give me a chance to be more in contact with you guys, especially to let you know what I'm working on and how things are coming along. I sometimes post WIP content here but I think you might appreciate for greater contact. 

4) Variety of content

This Patreon page focuses on a very specific genre, Stories and Images (mostly CGI) featuring tall women of fantastic strength, some with extreme musculature. That is my 1st love and I want to keep this Patreon site dedicated to it. However, as an artist my taste is a bit broader, I'm a fan of muscular and powerful characters in general, be it male, female or futanari, regardless if they are human, furry, feral or alien. As such, I do have art I've done or I really wish to do and would be great to have a place where people who appreciate that kind of art to have the chance to see it. 

That's where the discord server will come in, little by little new private channels will be added for that "bonus" content that will not be posted on Patreon. So, if you only wish to see art of female superhumans then you'll be OK because I won't force you to see it by posting it on my Patreon wall. And if you have interest for some of the extra stuff, it will be posted on separate channels so you can see only the type of stuff you like and can easily ignore the rest.

Additionally, there might be art with the characters I post here that might be a bit too extreme to post on Patreon. Like hardcore violence or extremely kinky sexual content. I've refrained from doing and posting things like that here because I know many of you might be put off by that. Now, with the ability of posting it in a safe environment where one can Opt in to see it, I'll have the chance to explore that kind of art.

One final thing, I'm actually quite new in Discord myself and are setting things up with help of friends who are guiding me on how to set things up correctly. I'll probably make many mistakes along the way so I ask for a bit of patience in that regard and of course I'm very open to tips and suggestions from you guys.

A second Note: To access the Parteon only channels on the discord server you'll need to link your Discord account to your Patreon accont. The reason behind that requirement is that Patreon has a special BOT on Discord that manages the channels one declares as Patreon Exclussive. It manages the roles patrons have on those channels automatically so everything is transparent and instantaneous. If you are a Patron and don't see my Server do check if your discord account is linked to Patreon.

That's it for now. Hope you guys enjoy the new server and have fun




Crisna Alaircon

Glad to see your modernizing your setup Kurt. Discord can be chaotic but it's easier to see a lot quickly. It does have a limitation on how big files can be, 8mb for the basic. If you get nitro, i believe the limit goes up. Also if you "boost" the channel then people can have more MB to upload and other perks too. Discord is definitely better for posting in comparison to Patreon. I wish you luck and continued success with your patreon. I'm in for the long run. 👍.


Thank you. I already signed up to Nitro to not have that 8MB limit. That's how I was able to post the comics in there. The Visit 1 is a 72 MB PDF. It will be fun to make this site and the discord server grow over time. Thank you very much for your good wishes and support!

CW Moss

Hi Kurt, I'm new to Discord but I believe that I have an account from Giantesscity. So when I open my Discord on my browser, on my PC I click on "Add Server" on the left panel and it asks me for an invite code. Did you give us an invite code or something? Then if I click on "Explore Public Servers"and search for KurtsFantasyStudio I don't get anything. Is there anything I should be doing here? I really didn't want to start a Discord account because they are requiring me to link it with my phone. I really want to keep all my porn accounts anonymous and completely separate from my family life. But I have bitten the bullet and relinquished this information to them. Oh well... Anyways, thanks for your work here.