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Hi everyone. While I work on the next comic book for you guys, here is young Helga messing with a cocky beach muscle man. She bet him he could get her to straighten her arm and he took the bet. 10 minutes later he is still struggling and has not been able to move her arm even a fraction of an inch. Little did the man know that arm he is trying to overpower has lifter trucks over her head with ease.





Rook Errant

Wow she is incredible! Awesome proportions 😍


Thank you, she is one of the more "normal" looking girls in my roster, still one look at her and you know you don't mess with her or she will bend you in ways your body wasn't meant to bend.


What is Helga’s story?


Hi, I don't have a fully fledged out backstory for her yet. The basic is info is: She is from rural Germany, a small town by the Alps, maybe in the outskirts of Bavaria. She is a simple no nonsense girl. Helga was born with all the traits of a metahuman, incredible strength, speed, durability and reflexes, but her upbringing kept her grounded and has led a normal life. She loves showing off to her friends and play games with them where she gets to use her strength. At one point she traveled to Key Lake City to visit relatives and loved it so much she decided to stay for a while longer.