Studio site (Patreon)
2018-01-07 09:30:44
2018-01-07 09:30:45
I haven't posted anything about it till now, but we've gone ahead with plans to build a shed and convert it to a studio on our property. I'm currently working out of a single bedroom, so my partner and I agreed to add the cost to our loan so I can have a better workspace and also free up that room for us to use inside.
Today we had earthmovers come in and dig the side area of our house out. It was a really daggy area and we didn't use it for anything, so we figured it'd be a good spot to use.
In the next few weeks we should get the concrete slab put down. Not sure how soon the shed itself will go up, will have to see how busy the company we are getting it through is atm. It'll probably be months before I can move into it, need to get electricity, water, airconditioning inside etc. Hopefully by mid year it'll be done.