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Chapter 8: Venom Makes Ahsoka Cum

It had been several days since that excursion on the unknown Sith world. Things had become rather quiet on Coruscant since then. Anakin and Obi-Wan were still currently away from the temple with their ladies in love. Ahsoka on the other hand was still staying there. Moments like these were well earned for all of them.

But while Anakin and Obi-Wan were enjoying themselves, Ahsoka was not content to let herself go. Still at the temple, there was nary a day when she didn't have her lightsaber powered up. That thing they saw on that planet, her success in bringing back Anakin from the brink, and her struggle with Ventress alone while her two companions were left to spar with Dooku. She would not let herself become weak again so easily.

Her current sparring partner was Barriss Offee. The Mirailan healer was adept in many talents but was still much a Padawan like Ahsoka. Yet today her usage of Soresu was nothing compared to Ahsoka's flurry of strikes. Before she knew it, she was knocked down on the floor underneath her.

“That makes this the third time I've beat you,” Ahsoka said, reaching down to pick her up. Barriss took her hand and stood up with no problem. “You up for more?”

“Well you may be the superior duelist, but I know there are still some ways I have you beat,” Barriss said. “If we ever find ourselves fighting together on the front lines, I'll be the one to save your life.” She smiled. “Especially if it's against Ventress.”

Ahsoka frowned. “What's that supposed to mean?”

Barriss's grin widened a bit. “Between the two of us, I know it'll be you that defeats her. But I know she'll also do a number on you. So it'll be me that saves your life.”

Ahsoka smirked wryly. “We'll see.” The two laughed. That moment of joy was so genuine that Barriss was honestly shocked when Ahsoka said, “Thank you Barriss.”

She looked confused. “For what?”

“For teaching me what you know about healing. If I didn't know any of that, then master probably would have...”

“Well it's no problem. I'm sure Master Skywalker appreciates it very much. But it was you who did that. Far more than anything I did.”

That let Ahsoka feel at ease. The next day she was immersed in a Jedi meditation trance. Ever since the battle on that world, she had felt a great unease. More than anything related to the battle, there was just this nagging feeling in her mind, like a splinter that wouldn't go away. She hoped meditating would be the cure she needed.

The familiar feelings of peace and serenity were there. But they did nothing to relieve the tension. As she had her eyes closed, she felt another presence in the force. One as familiar as the peace of meditation. It was Jedi Master Plo Koon.

She opened her eyes up. The Kel Dor was standing right over her. “Don't let me bother you,” he said. “Continue as you were. I was just about to do some of that myself.” He sat down facing her. “Or I can leave if you need your privacy...”

“Actually I was just finishing up,” Ahsoka said, standing up.

“Is that so? A shame. The battles have grown vicious, but I always did enjoy your company. I sense something is bothering you. If you feel the need to open up, I'll receive whatever words you have with no judgment.”

That offer seemed promising. Plo Koon was one of the few other Jedi let alone one of the senior masters she felt a kinship with. But deep in the back of her mind it stung her as insulting. She wished it didn't.

“Thank you Master,” she said. “But I think I'll have to sort this one out on my own.”

“Is that so? I hope you're able to sort out whatever it is.” His expression was unchanged as it always was, and if her master was present, he certainly would have been the type to take that advice the wrong way. Yet Ahsoka sensed no malice in his words. Still, she was not ready to share anything.

Nightfall came sooner than expected. The Coruscanti skyline was always a brisk noisy affair and no less so in this darkness. There was a certain safety in the industrialized city scape as opposed to the sheer chaos of the field and her most recent excursion on that Sith planet. She still couldn't figure out what that thing was which broke free of the Sith holocron. For whatever reason, it was still on her mind and made her feel uneasy. Even after bringing her master back from the brink of death and returning safe and sound, the image of that thing made her sick to her stomach.

She mused to herself that there wasn't anything like that here on Coruscant. Then she remembered how many corrupt senators were here, the underbelly of crime, and so many dark secrets, some mundane, and some far more sinister. So many secrets connected to the dark underweb of the galaxy which would never be discovered.

That greater noise she felt kept drumming in the back of her mind. Even more now as Anakin and Obi-Wan, whom she had grown so close to that they might as well have been her brothers, were gone off to their own duties. That was fine, the Jedi Temple was as good a home for her as any. That just left her the comfort of her own privacy.

Still she took solace in one more comfort these days. Her being more alone in the temple allowed her the privilege of sleeping naked. The soft feeling of the blankets on her skin against the cool air of the evening felt so good. She would often pretend that she was a holo model or something. Not usually the Jedi way, but she allowed herself to indulge in that bit of vanity more and more these lonely nights.

That strange presence and feeling had not gone away. At this point in time, she had grown used to it. She rationalized it to herself as just a side effect of still recovering from that latest battle. Like everything about the Clone Wars, it was ugly and brutal. But it was far from the worst thing she had experienced. There were other things to be worried about.

She was about to learn that first hand. The strange feeling that had perturbed her was not so bad, understandable even. The Jedi were sages first and peacekeepers second, certainly not known for their presence in war so much that even Padawans were given command over trained soldiers. But the source of that malaise was nothing so innocent.

As Ahsoka was looking outside lost in her thoughts, she had failed to discern another's presence. The presence she had sensed was not the despair of war and it had not left her side once. Alongside her neatly folded clothes nearby were her boots. And from underneath it slid a black gooey form.

It might as well have been a puddle on the otherwise clean floor. But no ordinary puddle would have a demonic face twisted with great blank eyes and a wide mouth lined with too many teeth. After suffering the injuries it did from Skywalker and Ventress both, it took refuge under her boot. Unable to assume it's proper shape again, it was forced to take this shape. And it certainly had reason to fear the likes of the other Jedi were they to see it.

It watched Ahsoka as she went to her bed and pulled the covers over her body. It would have preferred the Chosen One or his master. This stripling was not it's first choice. But it hungered for the warmth of flesh. And as she breathed and fed, so too would it regain it's power and grow stronger than it ever was even at it's prime so many millennia ago.

It's movement was something unreal. It slid along the surface like sentient water on it's own, something wild even with all the known miracles of the force. Slowly it made it's way towards Ahsoka's bed without a single sound. Then it shaped it's face up from it's flat liquid form to something resembling a head.

She briefly roused back awake and saw the thing staring right into her eyes. She blinked hard, not believing it was real, just a hallucination of her dream state. She closed her eyes and turned her back to it.

It slithered into her bed. The creature had eyed Skywalker and Ventress with equal fascination, seeing them both as prized candidates to bond with. It's presence had magnified Dooku with power but for all of his natural prowess, the frail and aged ex-Jedi was not to it's tastes. And while this Togutan Padawan was not it's first choice, she could be molded to it's liking.

As Ahsoka dozed off, unaware of it's presence, it began to envelop itself around each of her feet. She stirred a little, feeling it's slimy surface contort and envelop up her shapely naked legs. It wasn't long before she felt it her hips. She blinked briefly feeling it reach up her ass and bare vagina. But she realized she must have been having a naughty dream.

She giggled to herself at the thought. With her mind still in that pre-dream haze, she began fantasizing about her master. While doing so, the thing crawled further up her body, up to her breasts. That whole time she was convinced she was still sleeping and that Anakin was touching her just the way she liked it.

She got so turned on at the thought of it. Here she was in her bed, alone and naked, free to indulge in her forbidden fantasies as she pleased. For a moment she thought there really was a strange substance wrapping her whole body up inside of it, yet her rational mind thinking it was impossible and the heat of her lusts consuming every bit of her thought process made her think it was absurd. Her body was shaking.

It all felt so good too. Ahsoka had never felt something like this, even in the throes of her deepest force meditations. As she writhed around in her weird dream state, it continued massaging her breasts and vagina, it all felt so good, and she was convinced this was a miracle from the force itself. She was on the cusp of an orgasm.

The substance was at her neck now. It was stretching up to her face. To Ahsoka's muddled mind, all she felt was an incredible oneness with the force, nothing at all like the daily warrior life of the Jedi now. She smiled as it coiled up to her lips.

She climaxed in the throes of her ecstasy. The thing was coiling up her lips and her face. As she warily opened her eyes, she saw the familiar surroundings of her dormitory. Then suddenly all was darkness.


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