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Chapter 9: A Fun Dream and a Rude Reckoning

The next thing Ahsoka realized, she was looking at the dark Corsucanti horizon. She blinked hard and then looked around her. The cold night air was all too real. She wasn't in her room from within the Jedi Temple, she was actually outside.

She quickly panicked and looked around her to figure out where she was. She looked at her feet. She was on top of the Jedi Temple.

“What...?” she barely got out. She was disoriented and almost tripped on her feet in confusion. That didn't last long though, she quickly woke up, forgetting all about orgasm and the weird thoughts that enveloped her as she went to sleep. She couldn't begin to imagine what the air traffic overhead were thinking.

Ahsoka suddenly remembered she went to bed naked. She suddenly pulled her arms over herself in a fit of shame and embarrassment. But when she felt herself, she suddenly realized she wasn't naked at all.

She looked down at herself. Her skin was covered in this dark material she didn't even know what it was. Then she realized the same substance was constricting around her head too. From her toes to the top of her head, she was completely covered in darkness. From the feel of it, she realized it was right up against her naked skin.

I must still be dreaming, she thought to herself. Intrigued at the idea, she started walking. Her movements had a fluidity to them that wasn't there before. Faster and sleeker, she felt like she could do anything.

She looked over the edge of the Jedi Temple. It was a long way down. Even within this dream she realized it was absurd to go down a drop that high. The impact might be so real that it would wake her up prematurely.

Intent on having her fun, she looked over the various skyscrapers dotting the city. Even on an industrialized planet like Coruscant, the temple was far away from the main city, with the nearest area being the Senate District. But even with that distance, she could see there was no shortage of tall buildings in the main precincts. Then she looked at the air traffic above. She figured she'd give them one hell of a show.

She looked at the set of spires adorning the temple roof. She ran up to the tallest one in the center, the Temple Spire, and jumped at it. She wasn't surprised when her hands and feet actually stuck to the surface.

This really is a good dream! she thought to herself. Intrigued, she crawled up the spire with her hands and feet alone. She looked inside the window of the Temple Spire. Complete darkness with nobody inside. A naughty part of herself hoped that the high council would be in session and hoped to scare them. Alas it was not. Then she made her way to the top of the tower.

She looked up above at the air traffic. Seeing it up close, she never realized how fast it could get. Even dreams had rules. So she looked at the surrounding spires.

They were all at least several stories below the one she was currently on. She moved back and forth several times before she made a running jump at one of them. To her surprise, she actually made it, landing right on the summit. Then getting on all fours like she had with the Temple Spire, she actually crawled down it's surface until she was back on the roof of the temple.

Curious at what else might happen in this dream, she didn't stand up this time. Instead she crawled so that she was on the outer walls of the temple. She moved around the perimeter, looking around the whole area. The Jedi Temple was a prestigious building with so much history behind it. Yet living inside of it day in and day out, it's halls could become more than a little boring and stuffy. The daily trials of actual war had tested her patience too. But right now she was having the most fun she had in years.

A little too much fun apparently. One of the Temple Guards patrolling the area spotted her. He pointed at her and shouted. The others looked up in his direction and spotted her too. They stared at her for several seconds, not sure what to make of her. Then they all drew their double bladed lightsaber pikes and ignited their golden blades.

She moved quick. The Temple Guards in their stoic and austere white armor were as intimidating to a mere Padawan like her as they were to any outsider who would occasionally pass the monastic grounds, and in this realm of fantasy that was all the more true. Even in the dream world, being caught doing something she shouldn't by the senior Jedi scared her and she knew if she was hit by one of those lightsabers she would wake up fast. She wasn't going to let that happen.

Ahsoka crawled fast on the outer walls of the temple until she was at the entrace. In the position she was in, the guards had their backs to her. Taking advantage of her situation, she dropped down and quickly made her way inside.

She moved fast. She had an idea on waking up the other sleeping Jedi younglings, giving them a scare. It was a thing she had wanted to do for a long time but knew it was wrong in the real world and she would get in serious trouble. Now she could have as much fun as she wanted.

But she spotted one of the guards in the distance. Apparently he didn't see her, it was pitch black in these hallways with only the moon in the night sky above giving any real light. Intent on not being caught, she made her way to the training area. Maybe the other Jedi would be training there in this dreamscape. She wanted to scare every single one of them.

Yet when she arrived, the area was empty. Everything about this dream was so ordinary. Ahsoka realized the only bizarre thing here was her.

This isn't a dream, she thought to herself. She looked herself over again. The last thing she remembered before going to sleep was seeing the face of that thing they encountered on that Sith planet. She remembered how it approached her master, and then Ventress. And then it disappeared.

Has this thing been hiding on me the whole time? She remembered that sudden burst of power which allowed her to stand up against Ventress. The same power which let her bring back her master from the brink of death. But...this is a Sith weapon. Nothing good can come from this!

She tried prying it off of her face. But it wouldn't budge. The material was not so thick as to feel like it couldn't be torn off. Yet everytime she grabbed hold of it and made to rip it off, it stretched with an almost unbreakable elasticity. With her fingers covered in the same substance, she could never get as good of a grip as she wanted to either, and then it would snap right back onto her skin.

Enough child.It was a voice. She didn't know where it came from, but it boomed right inside of her ears. She looked around frantically, but there was nothing.  I have joined with your flesh. Your body will be my sustenance. And soon this galaxy will be our plaything. She thought she could hear laughter all around her.

She tried ripping it off harder than ever. But just like before, it's elastic surface was as strong as it was stretchy. She tried to scream out loud, but the sound was muffled within it's grasp, making no sound to the temple at large. It might as well have constricted around her vocal cords in her throat.

Try as you like child. You will not be rid of me so easily. Or perhaps you would have the whole Jedi Temple bear witness to your flesh? Perhaps we will find out beyond a shadow of a doubt just how restrained some of the members of the order are compared to others. That got her to stop.

“What do you want from me?” she said out loud against it's presence still bound around her lips. With it muffling her so, she at least knew that it would hear her every word.

There was silence. Then she felt the material from the top of her head slowly retract down across her face, down her jawline, and then finally around her neck.

She took several moments to breathe. It must have been several minutes at least with this thing on every inch of her face, yet she realized that in not one of those instances had she been allowed the privilege of taking in air. She never believed she could take such a simple thing for granted. That whole time, it must have been feeding her it's own supply of oxygen.

“You actually bonded to me?” she whispered.


“And I was naked in my bed when I you came and...” She didn't bother finishing that sentence. Ahsoka was immersed in shame remembering how easily she embraced that pleasure.

Yes,it said after a long silence. Even with it's truly alien nature, she began to feel the creature was growing impatient.

“You...you're just a pervert!”

What?it said, incredulous. It couldn't believe what it was hearing.

“I said you're just a disgusting nasty pervert!” Ahsoka Tano might have been a Jedi trainee and actually fought in real battles, but she was still a teenage girl and quickly screamed at the top of lungs. She ran back in the opposite direction where she saw the Temple Guards. Even if she hadn't retraced her steps to find them, her screaming would have done the trick for them. “Help, this perverted nasty thing attacked me while I was sleeping! And now it won't let go!” And then she was screaming again.


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