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Chapter 7: Padme Loves Anakin's Cock

Padme had helped Anakin back to their apartments. He was perfectly able to walk on his own even in his current condition, but she would not have it. Even with all those eyes on them, neither of them really cared. They were so happy that if anyone dared to ask where they were going to, the two of them were so ecstatic they might very well have dropped all pretense and started screwing each other in public. Not a very Jedi attitude to have and for a senator, she would have been quite the object of scandal and gossip. Neither of them would have cared either.

As soon as they had reached their apartment doors, she pulled him in a little more roughly than she should have and then the doors shut behind them. They had total privacy to themselves. She wasted no time, pulling him into a vicious kiss. He was all too happy to oblige, coiling his tongue along with hers. Still in his position, he couldn't hold her back like he wanted to. She on the other hand had no compulsions, feeling all over him like he was a piece of meat. Even with him in this unflattering position, she only had eyes for him. After hearing he almost died, she was not calm.

“Padme...” he said.

“Yes?” she said, an almost scary amount of enthusiasm creeping into her voice.

“Can you calm down just a bit? I just...”

“You're right, I should calm down.” She helped him to their bed where she had him lie down. “Is this better?”

“Well...” He was silent for a bit.

“Sir Skywalker, it is best to answer your queen promptly and with due haste. Even after returning on a quest to slay a beast with all the danger that entails, your queen is still your queen. And she demands satisfaction.”

He cleared his throat. “Well then Queen Amidala. It was indeed a most dangerous quest I had been on. I barely came back alive. I can barely move any of my limbs.”

“But there is one limb that still works, right Sir Skywalker?” Getting on top of the bed, she sat right on top of his lap. His breath hitched as he felt his manhood fill up with fire.


She pouted. That wasn't a senatorial attitude let alone a royal one, but it was a side she would only ever show with him. “Ani, ever since you became a knight, we used to do this fun kind of queen and knight roleplay all the time. Even after your worst missions. Are you really hurting that bad?”

“Not anymore. But...for awhile I did die. That was the worst I've ever felt. Even more when Dooku...” He looked at his metal hand. “It was only because of Ahsoka that I survived.”

She snuck her hands under his robe and felt his muscular body underneath. She traced small patterns on his skin, felt the heat there. After a mission, he always made sure to see her in some way or another. The softness of her skin, the sweetness of her taste, it was always the best reward. But now he was so rattled that he couldn't even enjoy that as much as he wanted to. Still on top, she slowly leaned forward and gently kissed him on the lips. “Then let me make you feel better.”

She moved back so that she was on the opposite side of the bed. She lay forward and undid the crotch of his clothes. He breathed deeply as his member was freed from it's prison. She gasped with a smile on her face. He faced death but he was still as virile as ever.

She licked her lips happily at the sight of it. For several moments she traced her fingers all over it, gauging the reaction as well as teasing it with her soft fingertips. It was just as big and hot as she was used to. Leaning forward a little, she softly blew on it. He sighed happily, her warm breath on the bare skin of his phallus after that recent ordeal was like a sweet breeze.

He had been getting harder all the while. Smiling, Padme rubbed her face on it, taking in it's lusty scent, feeling it's heat all over her face. She lovingly kissed all over it. Reached down on her robes, she pulled them down to reveal her breasts. Moving herself up again, she wrapped his shaft in between her tits.

Whatever inhibitions Anakin had were forgotten. His body was tingling with need and his heart thumped with a hot blooded happiness he was all too familiar with when around this woman. He moved his hips to speed up his arousal.

Still, with his hands still aching he couldn't get in on this act as much as he wanted to. Padme sensed that disadvantage too. Moving her head further, she took the member into her mouth. Anakin breathed roughly from his prick being at her mercy. She stopped, worried she was doing something wrong. But he just looked at her and nodded.

Closing her eyes, she bobbed her head back and forth on his penis. He laid his head back on the pillow and smiled. After all that hesitation earlier, it felt so good to surrender to her wanton affections. They had already done so much together in their secret marriage, but she still always knew how to give him the perfect pick me up.

He was forgetting all about that recent battle. As she sucked him off, she picked up the pace. He was heaving from how good she was blowing him. Padme heard it too, she also felt his member thickening in her mouth. But she was determined and ate his penis even more.

He grunted loudly when he came, bursting an overflowing amount of jizz right inside her mouth. She jerked up suddenly from all that cum filling up her mouth. But she kept on sucking him, nursing his dick of every last remaining bit of his semen. Though he had just climaxed, the way she was moaning and using her mouth was getting him harder even then.

When she was finished, she looked up at him with a lewd look on her face. His cum was still smeared on her lips and she licked it right off while she was still staring right into his eyes. Then she stood up so she was on top of him.

That look on her face, her breasts hanging out, there was no denying what she wanted. Still, she would not overstep her limits. But when he slowly nodded at her, smiling right back, she knew it was fine.

Padme grabbed the shaft of his thick penis and pulled it up inside her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as he easily slid inside of her wet orifice. Then she looked down at him, pleased.

She rode him slowly at first. As good as it felt, she was in no hurry to speed things up, she wanted to enjoy this one as much as he was. Whatever idea that Anakin wasn't up for this was long gone with his erection firmly deep inside her. He was moving right back up against her, as they lovingly gazed into each other's eyes.

Her tits were still hanging out. Even in his current situation, he was still so adept with the force. Grinning, he moved his fingers ever so subtly as if he were gently prodding the threads of a connected network. She had been confidently riding him enjoying their embrace, but she was not prepared to feel her nipples being tugged at out of nowhere.

She looked down at her chest. She knew he hadn't risen his torso up to touch her directly. But there was no denying what she was feeling, and even with the little light in their room, she could see her nipples being tugged at. She looked back down at him, saw him deftly moving his fingers about.

Padme bellowed out a noise of deep satisfaction. Stepping things up a bit herself, she rode him faster too, ready to give it to him right back. The two of them were staring into each other's eyes with feral looks on their faces. She was trying to unnerve his concentration in the force and he was hellbent on keeping his control over her.

But she had far underestimated the power of the Chosen One. Underestimated her own sexual fortitude as well. As she was riding him to shake him out of his power, it only got her even more turned on, and she was that much closer to a climax. She moaned deeply and breathlessly. Smirking, Anakin got nastier too, not only pumping inside her pussy faster, but grabbing onto her whole breasts with the force while still twisting her nipples. He felt her losing her composure.

Padme suddenly came on top of him. This time Anakin was at her mercy from the force her vagina squeezing his member. He groaned out of nowhere from the pressure of her soft insides wrecking his penis, and then he felt it too. His voice became a loud bellow and then he pushed all the way inside her pussy, spewing his load inside her. Already gasping, Padme let out a sweet breath of exhiliration and satisfaction from the warm gooey sensation of his cum inside her pussy. Together with that dick pumping her pussy it was all so good.

She slowly let herself fall upon him. Even with the both of them still cumming, she planted a long trail of kisses up his chiseled abs to his bulging pectoral muscles. And then her mouth was at his neck. Slowly, she breathed on the tender skin just like she had with his penis, trailed her tongue onto it to tease it.

She kissed and sucked all over him at first. Her hot and wet tongue on him, her soft lips sucking his skin, he felt like he was in heaven. Then licking her lips, she bit him.

It was gentle at first. Anakin was still reeling from his orgasm and her teeth on the skin of his neck with just the right amount of pressure sent an electric thrill up his spine. But then she bit deeper, becoming a little painful. Anakin was not put off one bit however, he was in the spirit of competition after that kinky little fuck they just had.

She suddenly tasted his blood on her tongue. She quickly moved away. In that dim light, she could see the faint marks of her chompers, realizing she had bitten a little too hard.

“Was that too much Anakin? I...”

“It's fine Padme. And if that's the worst you have to offer, you have no idea what I'm capable of.”

She smiled. Rising herself up again, she looked down at him and naughtily bit her lip. “It is quite a thing to challenge your queen in such a way, Sir Skywalker. For the next several days, you are mine. When I am through with you, you will only be able to think about serving me.”


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