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Jack can't stop thinking about the choker so he decides to use it just one more time...


Jake gripped Natalie’s round hips, thrusting hard and fast into her wet pussy. He knew exactly where to aim to make her cum, slamming his cock against that bundle of nerves that made her cry out with each touch. She could feel her tightening around him and he groaned, warm wetness filling her as they both tumbled over the edge together before he gently slid out of her. It should have left him in that warm afterglow of satisfaction but it didn’t. No, all Jake could feel was envy for the woman he’d just fucked because now he knew what that felt like and try as he might, he couldn’t forget.

Natalie stretched and Jake looked over her body. Most guys would kill to be in bed with a woman so beautiful, with perky breasts and curly red hair but all Jake could think about was how much he wanted to be her right now. Basking in that subtle soreness that left him feeling so satisfied afterwards. His Jackie form was hotter than Natalie, smoother, more curvaceous and Jake missed it so much.

It had been almost a month since the club, when he’d spent the entire night as a woman basking in the attention of all he encountered. He’d danced, drank and fucked until the early hours of the morning, taking no less than five men out into the ally. Walking home his insides had ached from the punishment in a delightfully satisfying way that a man’s body just didn’t experience. Removing the choker had been even harder than in the past and he realised it was an addiction. He had to stop humiliating himself like that before he turned into a whore. Not only that but he’d started to notice the clasp taking longer and longer to rematerialize each time. That night he’d put the choker under his mattress and done his best not to think about it.

Natalie was the latest in a line of young woman he’d taken to bed in the hopes that he could reignite his past fervour. Now that he had experienced it from the other side, he found he was quite the proficient lover, able to make woman scream his name as they came; which resulted in him easily picking up women via word of mouth. And yet, he was never fully satisfied with them anymore. His thoughts still went of the choker; how it felt to change and all the things that body was capable of experiencing.

“That was incredible.” Natalie sighed, curling up against his chest. “Give it a little time and we could go again?”

Jake swallowed.

“Nah, I have to get going.” He muttered, hastily sliding out from under her and starting to dress.

She seemed annoyed, clearly assuming he’d gotten what he came here for and was bouncing but he really didn’t care what she thought. He felt at war with himself. He didn’t want to be Jackie all the time but he couldn’t deny he enjoyed aspects of her more than he did his usual self. He liked the clothes, the confidence and yes, the sex was better. Yet at the same time, he didn’t want to risk losing himself to it. He could feel his sense of self slipping, he’d have to pick eventually, right? But no matter which he picked; he knew he would never be totally satisfied.


Just as he did every night he laid in bed, brushing his fingers against the edge of the mattress where he knew the choker was hidden away. Maybe trying to stop all at once had been a mistake. It would be a simple thing to slide his fingers between the mattress and frame to retrieve it; he didn’t even have to go and find a man he could just get himself off quickly.

Fingers brushed against a smooth silk band as he slowly, without looking at first, pulled it free. The silver star dug into his skin and the magic that thrummed through it sent a tingling warmth through his palm. He bit his lip, breathing already beginning to stutter in anticipation. He lifted the choker up and stared at it in the twilight of his room, the setting sun glinting off the silver star sending refractions of hypnotic light into his eyes.

Just one more time.

Just one…

Hands trembling with need he lifted his neck and closed the clasp, cool metal resting against his neck for only a moment before it dissolved; even if he wanted to there was no going back now. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back into the pillow and allowed the sensation to spread through him as wave after wave of energy moved through his body from the choker. His lips swelled, becoming full and luscious as his tongue licked at them; he swore he could still taste the strawberry lip gloss he’d borrowed from another woman in the bathroom that night at the club.

He moaned as he breasts began to grow, swelling and smoothing over, nipples growing and becoming erect. He opened his eyes and watched the transformation with rapture, each wave increasing their size and he swore they were larger than the last time he’d changed. He rested his hands on them, soft fingertips brushing against the sensitive skin as it continued to grow.

He could feel the material of his boxers becoming looser around his legs and tighter at his hips as they began to curve. His ass grew round and soft beneath them, filling out his underwear completely. His curvy, hour glass figure was taking form; he’d missed it so much. Without hesitation he slid a now manicured finger under his waistband and lifted off the boxers to reveal his now fully formed pussy.

Jackie was back.

She stretched, arching her back and running her hands along her curves, letting the setting sun warm her naked skin. The metal star at her throat was now comfortably warm. She felt the last of those tantalising waves recede back into the choker; as always, the change left her skin tingling and sensitive.

Jackie took a deep breath, letting her chest rise and fall as she cupped her breasts. Pliable flesh moulding to her hands easily as she stroked, circling each nipple with reverence before gently squeezing. Starting at the base she teased each nipple upwards, biting down on her lip as she imagined a mouth in their place; a wet tongue circling each one before sucking. A tremor went through her as she remembered one of her lovers from the alley doing just that.

Without hesitation she moved a hand down to her soft folds, treasuring the velvety feel against her finger tips and shuddering as she pushed inside. She started to pump almost immediately, thumb resting against her clit making sure to press down on the bundle of nerves with every thrust. She didn’t last long; Jackie came fast and hard, orgasm taking her almost by surprise. Crying out she arched off the bed, satisfied at last.

She took a few minutes to bask in the afterglow, fingers lazily stroking to prolong it every few seconds before finally wiping them off on the bedspread. God, she’d needed that. He’d needed that. She reached for the clasp only to find the back of the choker smooth. Alarmed, she sat up, fumbling more, surely it had just twisted? No, it was gone, nothing but smooth silk. Stamping down panic she took a deep breath. That wasn’t unusual, sometimes it just took a little longer that’s all. A few hours and it would be back surely.

It had to be.


It was not.

Jackie spent the night alternating between nervous pacing and arousal before finally falling into an exhausted sleep after her third orgasm. In the morning the clasp was still missing. This is what she’d been afraid of, was she stuck like this forever now? Desperately, she tried everything but not even scissors could cut through the silk band around her neck. She had no choice.

She had to go and see Sara.


Jackie pounded on the door angrily, her rage and frustration having only built during the walk over here. Thankfully, Sara opened the door quickly and smiled when she recognised who it was.

“Jackie! I was wondering if I’d see you again!” She greeted.

“Take it off.” Jackie ordered, cutting to the chase as she stormed in. “The clasp won’t reappear! I want you to remove whatever spell you’ve put on it for good!”

Sara didn’t seem perturbed by the outburst at all; closing the door calmly and looking at Jackie with…concern?

“Do you though?” She asked, sitting herself down on the couch and patting the spot next to her. “You really want this form gone for good?”

Jackie swallowed, rage melting away. Replaced with that feeling of confliction that had haunted her since the morning she’d woken up with Devan. Feeling defeated she collapsed back onto the couch next to Sara and sighed.

“Look, I’m not Jackie, not really.” She sighed. “This is…fun. But I can’t stay this way all the time. I’m still Jake deep down.”

“Why can’t you be both?”

Jackie blinked. That was an option?

“Wear the Choker when you want to be Jackie, take it off when you’re ready to be Jake again.” Sara continued.

“But I have to wait till the clasp appears again!” She argued, “I want to turn back now!”

“Do you? Or do you just feel like you should?”

Jackie sat and let those words wash over her.

“There is no shame in enjoying this new form you know.” Sara added, hand on her shoulder, “For what it’s worth, I think it suits you.”

All this time, she’d had control over the clasp herself? Just subconsciously? It was a lot to take in and yet the more she thought back the more sense it made. The weight that she had been carrying seemed to fade away, leaving her feeling light at the realisation that she never did have to choose. The hand on her shoulder squeezed and she looked up to meet Sara’s eyes.  She was smiling at her with heavy lidded eyes, her pupils were blown wide with arousal and Jackie felt her heart start to thump in her chest.

“Have you been with a woman yet, Jackie?” Sara asked, voice a husky whisper.

“N-No…” Jackie replied, eyes locked on Sara’s lips as they came ever closer.

“I think it’s time we changed that don’t you?”

She leaned forward, lips brushing against her own as if to ask permission and Jackie found herself leaning forward. Sara tasted of coffee and something sweet, it was different, kissing a woman as a woman. Her lips were so soft and warm, Jackie found herself moaning and opening her mouth wider, allowing Sara’s tongue inside to explore. What started as slow gentle kisses soon took on a more urgent feeling as pressure and pleasure increased. One of Sara’s hands gripped her hip, the other danced up her form and slipped under her shirt. Jackie gasped as she felt Sara’s fingers circle her nipple, her round nails scrapping gently against the skin.

“No bra? Naughty girl.” Sara admonished, finally stopping their make out session and lowering her mouth to Jackie’s neck.

Jackie could only gasp and keen as Sara began to suck and kiss her way along her neck and clavicle, all while her fingers gently teased her nipples to hard points. Almost unconsciously, Jackie reached forwards, unbuttoning Sara’s own shirt and cupping both her breasts in return. Using what little focus she had on eliciting pleasured gasps from Sara.

“I think it’s time to lose some clothes, don’t you?”

“God, yes.”

Sara practically ripped Jackie’s shirt over her head before removing her own and slipping them both out of their skirts. Gently pushing Jackie back onto the couch so she was laying atop her before taking her already overstimulated nipples in her mouth.

“Oh fuuuuuck…”

Jackie couldn’t stop the word escaping her as Sara sucked, even using her teeth to tease the hard nubs till the pleasure almost turned to pain. Jackie could feel herself getting wetter with every stroke of Sara’s tongue and the ache between her legs was becoming impossible to ignore.

“Please, p-please I need…I need…”

Sara just hummed in acknowledgement, sending further vibrations down through her skin before finally releasing her nipples. Climbing back up her body Sara took Jackie’s face in her hands and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Did you know that woman can come so hard they squirt?” She teased, “I can do that for you Jackie…”

“Please.” Jackie begged, she needed more. She had never been turned on this much in her entire life, not even as Jake. She needed this so badly.

“Be a good girl now, stay still and let me work my magic.”

Jackie just nodded, focused only on the burning want between her legs and Sara lowered herself down between them. Her warm breath danced across the sensitive skin; the teasing was almost too much. Then she lowered her lips to Jackie’s pussy and she was lost.

Immediately, Jackie was unable to obey Sara’s order arching off the couch as she felt that wet, soft tongue between her legs. With a surprising amount of force Sara placed a bracing hand on her hip and held her down, tongue swirling and stroking all the while. She lapped at Jackie’s hole, teasing more wetness from inside before slowly, oh so slowly, licking her way up to her clit. She circled it almost lazily as Jackie keened and gasped.

“O-Oh God, Oh God ohgodohgodohgod-”

She was babbling, she couldn’t help it. The words became nothing but sounds as Sara began to switch back and forth between sucking and licking at her clit. Jackie had to fight to urge to writhe in ecstasy. Then she felt something pressing against her hole, a finger, then two slowly pushed inside. Gently they thrust inside her, brushing against her G-spot in time with Sara’s sucks and she saw stars.

It was too much. Too good. She never wanted it to end but she could feel herself beginning to crest, her insides tightening as climax approached. But then, sensing the incoming orgasm Sara slowed, her strokes becoming torturous as she left Jackie on the edge. She was completely at her partner’s mercy, unable to fight, unable to think about anything but the pure pleasure radiating through her entire form. Sara kept her there on the edge, no matter how hard she begged or thrust her hips to get that extra friction she needed.

Finally, after several minutes or it could have been hours Sara began to gather speed again. Alternating stroking at her G-spot and clit so that the pleasure never quite stopped before finally, touching them both in time.


And again.

And again.

Jackie could feel herself getting closer, there was nothing to stop it now. It felt as though she was on fire, her whole body burning up with pleasure as it began to coil low in her gut. Her body no longer under her own control she thrust her hips desperately as she approached. And then her muscles tightened, she threw her head back as the wave came crashing down. Endless pleasure overwhelmed her senses and she could feel wetness squirting out from between her legs, pumping out of her with each tightening of muscle. She was screaming, porn stars wished they could make such sounds as she moaned and cried out unabashed. Until finally, Sara slowed her ministrations and the orgasm ended leaving Jackie a quaking mess of exhaustion and pleasure.

The two women laid together and vaguely Jackie realised the clasp was back, cool against the back of her neck. She smiled, knowing on some instinctual level that it would never disappear again.

The End! At least for now...

I always imagined this as a short three part story but perhaps I will return to it in the future, who knows! 


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