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Personal Touch Tier Patron reward for deadtom - Further expanded upon request!

Stuart finds himself at the mercy of his old body as Lisa takes control. 


Lisa sat behind the desk in the lecture hall watching as ‘her’ students filed in, keeping a sharp eye out for one in particular. She curled her fist around the gem hidden away in her pocket and fought of a grin. Stuart had looked so adorably bewildered in her body; those green eyes wide with fear staring up at her had filled Lisa with a sense of control and power she had never felt before. She’d spent the last hour basking in victory and of course, snooping. Not that she’d found anything good; no hidden stash of porn or incriminating emails. It really did seem like Stuart prided himself on being professional at all times. At least while he was at work but his home…perhaps that might yield something juicy for her to hold over his head.

Right as the exam was due to start, he finally arrived and Lisa felt a predatory smile spread across her new face. Stuart didn’t meet her eyes as he passed, head down he signed in and took a seat near the front of the hall. Lisa studied him in with glee; taking note of the slightly rumbled clothing, if she peered closely, she swore she could see a dark stain near the front of the skirt. It seems Stuart wasn’t quite as puritan as he led everybody to believe. She could use that.

“Alright class,” She announced, clearing her throat, “Your tests are on your desks, you have one hour. Good luck!”

She gave them a salute, much to the confusion of a few of her former peers. She could see Stuart cringe in embarrassment at her casual nature. In response she sat back down behind the desk, unbuttoning the top of her shirt so a few dark hairs were visible and leaned back. She could see a few students watching as she stretched out her now muscled chest, enjoying the way the action made Stuart sink lower in his seat.

The room was soon silent save the scratching of pencils and Lisa swiftly found herself growing bored. She observed her old body. Stuart was squirming slightly, knees together and shoulders constantly shifting. She could see the subtle ride and fall of his breasts, if she focused closely enough, she could even see a nipple pressed up against the tight material. That proved he at the very least removed her bra. Out of habit she squeezed her thighs together under the desk, imaging what his face, her face, would have looked like taking in her bare breasts; so nervous yet tinged pink with arousal. There was no way he could have resisted touching them once they were free. She found herself wanting to touch them now as well. Of course, she had done so every day back when she was in that body but the idea of feeling them with a stranger’s hands turned her on more than she expected. The idea of taking those soft, round boobs under her new hands, feeling those pink nipples stiffen beneath her touch. The idea made her mouth water with want.

She wondered just how far Stuart had gone in the hour they’d been apart, had he stripped her body naked? Touched it? Had he gotten himself off? Just thinking about it made her harden under the desk. A new but not unpleasant sensation. She knew exactly how to touch her old body to elicit the most wonderful feelings, she could bring Stuart to his knees and make him beg for more, especially if he’d already had a taste. She had set her eyes on seducing him the moment she entered his class but now she was in the unique position to seduce herself at the same time. The idea sent a thrill through her.

Hidden below the desk, she rested a hand on her crotch, feeling her hardon through the material of her trousers. A tiny dot of wetness soaked through to her finger from the tip. She ran a thumb gentling up and down the length enjoying the roughness of her trousers brushing against the it as she imagined what it would be like fucking her old body. Stuart’s form was strong, she would easily be able to hold him down now that they’d swapped and make him beg and keen for her.

She was tempted to excuse herself to take care of her obvious arousal but she didn’t want to risk Stuart following her and jeopardising the midterm. Instead, she passed the hour fantasising and teasing herself under the table. A plan formed within her mind of exactly what she was going to do to her body and its new inhabitant when this exam was over.


Stuart had done many tests in his life but none had made his as stressed as that midterm. The content itself was easy, he wrote it after all and he knew without a doubt he’d just earned Lisa a perfect score. Rather it was the environment itself that caused him to sweat. Lisa staring at him from the desk at the front of the lecture hall, eyes burning and hungry had made his guts twist in ways he wished they wouldn’t. Residual arousal from his time in the bathroom still lingered and his whole body felt sensitive and distracting.

He practically slammed his finished test on the pile and left the room, ensuring he gave Lisa ample time to make it back to his office before he showed up. He could hardly be seen entering right after the midterm, people might talk. Knocking at his own door felt wrong but he did it anyway, biting his tongue when Lisa called him in. He tried to look serious as he entered and stood before the desk, glaring down at his own face which was currently the picture of smugness. Lisa seemed right at home in his body. He got straight to the point.

“I got you an A.”

“We don’t know that yet.” Lisa mused as she rose from the desk. “I still have to mark all the exams and well, who knows how long that will take.”

“That wasn’t our deal!”

Lisa slowly walked past him to the door, flicking the lock. The sound seemed so much louder than it had in the past. Stuart felt his breath quicken as the reality of the situation set in. Lisa was looking at him with fire in her eyes; he’d seen that face every day in the mirror and thought nothing of it but now butterflies were forming in his stomach. Lisa gave him a smouldering smile, a look he’d never known his own features capable of making. He was so captivated he didn’t even realise she was closing in. He tried to take a step back but found he was backed up against the desk. Lisa leaned forward, a hand to each side of his hips effectively pinning him down. With a sharp intake of breath, he realised there was barely an inch of air between their bodies, he could feel the heat of her skin through his thin shirt.

“I think it’s time to renegotiate.”

Lisa loomed over Stuart as he struggled to control his own breathing, the smoulder turning predatory. He could feel his heart pounding as adrenaline flooded his system; confusion, nervousness and arousal swirled in his gut. He was captivated by his own face; the fire Lisa had brought into his eyes. This close he could see the tiny pricks of hair left when he’d forgotten to shave this morning and resisted the urge to see what it would feel like to run his smooth fingers over that rough surface.

“I know you touched yourself.” Lisa whispered, leaning in closer so their lips almost touched. “It felt good, didn’t it? I bet you want to know what it feels like if somebody else touches you that way.”

He tried to swallow down the nerves but his mouth had gone dry. He wanted to deny it but his new body was betraying him already. A subtle warmth was already forming between his legs making him shift ever so slightly, a movement which did not escape Lisa. She lowered herself further, warm breath tickling the skin on his neck as she ran the tip of her tongue along the shell of his ear. A stuttering breath escaped him.

“I’m going to make you beg.”

Even biting down on his lip didn’t stop the whimper of desire escaping. Hearing those words in his old voice sent shivers down his spine. He was frozen in place by shock and lust.

He couldn’t do this, couldn’t want this. Yet he did. Oh so badly. He wanted Lisa to run that tongue all over his new form until he couldn’t take it anymore. The idea of being held down and fucked by his own body turned him on so badly it almost hurt; tainted only by his own shame an embarrassment the nature and strength of these new feelings.

Lisa was already unbuttoning his shirt, slightly calloused hands running across the smooth skin at the top of his breasts leaving trails of warmth behind. At war within himself he couldn’t bring himself to move, his hands hung uselessly by his side as she flicked the button on the front of the bra allowing his heavy breasts to fall out. His nipples were already hard and aching to be touched. Just a few minutes, he told himself, if he could just let her touch him for a few minutes it would be enough to satisfy and he could put an end to this.

A rough finger traced down and circled the hard nubs and instantly, Stuart knew he’d made a mistake. Pleasure rippled out from the feather light touch, a soft breath escaping him as he lost himself to the sensations; there was no way he could stop now. Those rough, masculine fingers felt so good on his soft boobs, so much better than his own had. He never knew his old body had such power.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lisa teased, gently nipping at his ear, “Tell me it feels good.”

“It f-feels good.” He breathed, almost against his will, trying to ignore the thrill that went through him at the act of submission.

“Good girl.” She purred, increasing the pressure, sending lightning forking throughout his entire chest.

Stuart tried not to focus on how horny being praised by that deep, husky voice made him feel. Lisa took the nipple and rolled it between her fingers, finally lowering her other hand to do the same on the other side. Stuart leaned back against the desk, thrusting out his chest to allow her more access. Letting the pleasure wash over him while trying his best to stop the tiny moans escaping his mouth. Could women cum like this? His breasts felt so sensitive he was sure he could if she kept this up.

“This is wrong.” He breathed, “We have to stop-“

“You don’t want that.” Lisa gave each of his nipples a pinch, “Do you?”

Before he could answer her head lowered and a tongue brushed over his right nipple, the rough surface sent thousands of stars flashing in his vision as the pleasure intensified. Wetness flowed freely from his hole in response and he found himself keening. Eyes fluttering shut he whimpered.


Lisa rewarded his obedience by taking the nipple fully in her mouth and began to suckle, running her tongue over the sensitive skin between each suck and making Stuart gasp. Helplessly his writhed, thrusting his chest closer desperate for more. For a few minutes he was in pure ecstasy, pleasure coiling in his gut as Lisa sucked and licked at the oversensitive skin of his breasts, when she finally stopped, he found himself panting with exertion. He had to bite down on his lip to stop from whining at the loss.

“Touch me.” She ordered, her voice was husky with arousal and Stuart could see the tent formed in her pants.

This was so wrong but he was so turned on and all he wanted right now was for Lisa to keep touching his body. He didn’t hesitate, unzipping the fly on her pants and reaching inside, taking the length in his hand. He felt his eyes widen; his cock looked so much bigger from this angle. He’d never considered himself large but now, from this new point of view he was almost afraid. He’d felt stretched by his new fingers inside him, how would a cock this size feel? The idea filled him with trepidation but also no small amount of excitement.

Stuart had never touched another man before but he knew what he liked; he swiped a thumb over the head and began to pump, eliciting a primal growl from Lisa; a sound he wasn’t even aware his throat could make.

He suddenly remembered what it had felt like pumping his fingers inside his pussy and unbidden the desire came to him again. Only this time he wanted more than just his new slender digits; he wanted a cock in him. His cock. Lisa was thinking the same thing it seems as she pulled down his skirt and pushed them together. He could feel the head of her cock against his hole and he moaned. He wanted it, he wanted it so badly, yet he was filled with hesitation, surely having something that thick shoved inside him would hurt.

“Beg for it.”

Stuart bit down on his lip, struggling to keep what little dignity he had left. His silence earned a glare that sent shivers down his spine as Lisa took a small step back and reached between them, running a rough finger through his sensitive folds. Slowly, far too slowly, she stroked back and forth as she teased. Always leaving his clit untouched and never pressing inside like he so desperately wanted. A want that was steadily becoming a need. Desire began to overwhelm his better judgment, what little of it remained.

“Beg. For. It.”

“I…I… won’t-“

A swirl on finger on his nipple, matching the pace between his legs. Pleasure cascaded through him yet his hole continued to ache, almost painfully. He knew there was only one thing that could satisfy that need.

“Oh-Oh Gods that’s-“

It was so good but not good enough. He needed more. His insides were aching to be filled and fucked. With strong arms she lifted him up onto the desk, brushing aside his papers and continuing her ministrations; leaning close enough that he could feel the warmth radiating off her body.


His resistance crumbled.

“Please. Oh Gods please fuck me. Please.”

“Good girl.”

The hands disappeared and seconds later they were flush again, he wrapped his long legs around her waist and pulled them together, thick cock sliding along his folds as he did so. The feeling was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, he needed it inside him. Finally, Lisa positioned herself, he could feel the tip resting against his entrance. She gave him a wicked grin and pushed inside slowly so that he could feel each inch of skin as it stretched him open. Stuart threw his head back and let out a primal groan, unable to think of anything but the wonderful feeling of friction as she filled him right to the sheath. He braced his hands behind him on the desk and rolled his hips experimentally. He could feel the cock inside him, rubbing against his sensitive inner walls. Lisa slowly pulled out until he was almost empty again, watching his face with hungry eyes before thrusting deep inside once more. Stuart watched as the length slid back inside his wet hole, unable to avert his eyes even as his body quaked with pleasure. The ache between his legs turned to a burn as she began to thrust her hips, slamming the cock as far as it could go into him and making him moan louder and cling to her strong arms for support.

“Beg for more.”

“More!” He didn’t hesitate. He couldn’t hesitate. He was completely under her power.

She did it again, grunting with the exertion as she thrust in and out of him with abandon. Fucking him hard and rough as the pleasure began to overload his senses. He could feel her balls slapping against his entrance as she pushed herself in to the sheath. He could think of nothing but the wonderful pressure between his legs squeezing every ounce of friction it could from the dick inside him. He didn’t care about the sounds that were escaping him; high pitched and wonderful as he continued to babble, to beg for more.

“I’m going to keep you this way.” Lisa growled, “I’m going to fuck you every day until you’ve given me exactly what I want. Understand?”

He could barely think straight. He felt totally helpless against his old body, mind and body dominated. He could only moan and cling tighter to those broad shoulder as he neared the edge.

“Say yes, or I stop right now.”

No, she couldn’t stop! He was so close. In this moment, he’d give her anything just so long as she kept fucking him.

“Yes! Yes! Please, more! I’m so close.”

She slammed into him hard, burying herself right to the shaft and then again. Stuart could feel his muscles beginning to coil and tighten his whole body shuddered. He rutted against his former cock, trying to force it deeper and harder against that bundle of nerves deep inside him. He could feel his insides beginning to clench.

“Ah, ah I-I’m going to-“

The words failed him. He crested over the edge and his entire body seized as pure rapture flowed through him from pussy to tits. Wetness flowed between them as he came sending slickness down his legs but he didn’t care. Lisa kept fucking him, slamming against his G spot over and over again as he came. She thrust in one final time and gave a ragged groan, more wetness flooded him. He went limp for a moment, basking in the afterglow and drinking in that wonderful, masculine musk wafting off his former body. Then the reality of the situation crashed down upon him and Stuart realised what had just happened.

He'd fucked his student. Or rather, his student had fucked him and he’d loved it.

Semantics didn’t matter right now, what mattered is that if anybody ever found out about this he was ruined. Lisa pulled out of him and he tried to ignore the feeling of loss that came with it, instead quickly gathering tissues from his desk drawer and cleaning himself up, chucking a handful at Lisa as he tried to get his panic under control.

“Alright, you got what you wanted. Switch us back. Now.”

Lisa threw the tissues away without using them, instead running a finger along his former cock, already half hard again. She gathered the wetness he’d soaked her in and gently licked it off her finger before wagging it back and forth and tsking.

“Remember what I just said, I’m keeping you this way until I get what I want.”

“B-but I gave you what you wanted!” A stone was formed in his gut, “I did the test I…I fucked you! You can’t hold me to something I said while you were…”

“Making you mad with desire?” Lisa suggested with a roguish grin and despite himself Stuart blushed.

“I can and I will. I hold all the power here.” She continued, “You get me a passing grade on all my midterms this week, then we’ll talk.”

He gaped at her. She couldn’t be serious! He wanted to refuse, to rage at her, maybe even try taking the necklace by force but it was useless. This body couldn’t fight off his old one and even if he did, he had no idea how to activate that gem. He had no choice but to keep going along with Lisa and her insanity until he couldn’t figure out a better plan. Lisa straightened her shirt and walked over to the bookshelf, picking up a phone from where it was hidden between two books. The stone in his stomach doubled in size.

“And if you step one toe out of line. I show the video of what just happened to the world.”


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