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Patreon Tier Reward for deadtom. 

A college professor finds himself at the mercy of his student when she body swaps them. Having no choice but to obey her in order to get his original body back. 

Now further expanded as requested! 


Stuart was at his wits end.

When he’d become one of the youngest professors at the prestigious Hollyhock Confederate College, he had assumed the prestige would afford him a measure of authority and respect. Though much to his annoyance it seemed his youth made things more difficult most of the time. Despite all evidence to the contrary older professors thought him too inexperienced at best or the result of nepotism at worst but the students, the students were the worst. His students were often less than a decade younger than him; this made the guys immediately start slacking, thinking he would be easy to cosy up to, a buddy, not a professor who held their academic future in their hands.

The girls though were the worst. Stuart was, in his humble opinion, pretty good looking; he went to the gym, he ensured his dark brown hair was styled and he dressed to impress. All of these factors had landed him the label of ‘the hot history professor’ and while that sounded flattering on paper, the practical result was girls giggling and batting their eyelids at him every time he spoke. Leaning over his desk to show off their low-cut tops while suggesting that ‘surely there was somethinghe could do to raise their grade’.

Which is exactly what Lisa Marino had been doing all semester. When she had first walked into his lecture hall, he’d thought she had an intelligent spark about her but that first impression was quickly proven wrong. With her golden hair, bright green eyes, ample curves and a seductive smile; she was exactly the sort of woman who got men in his sort of position in trouble. How she had even managed pass the entrance requirements for Hollyhock was baffling to him. The university was famed for its humanities program and yet Lisa seemed reticent to even pick up a book, let alone actually read it. Even if he were the type to go to bed with a student, he could certainly do better than some trust fund brat like Lisa. Not that he would ever consider risking his career that way, he was a professional and that is how he continued to handle Lisa’s ill-mannered outbursts. But after six weeks his patience was wearing thin.

“This midterm is you last chance.” He said sternly, ignoring the way Lisa perched himself on his desk, “As I have told you many, many times anybody who isn’t averaging at least a C in my course will be dropped afterwards. Considering that you have failed over half the assignments you would need an A to even be considered.”

Lisa fiddled with the gemstone hanging around her neck. Yet another extravagant gift from her hedge fund manager father no doubt.

“I can’t help it.” She pouted, “there are just, so many dates to remember but don’t worry Stuart. I have a plan.”

“Professor Haynes, Lisa.” He corrected, rubbing at his temples in frustration, she just giggled.

“Oops, sorry. You know me, so forgetful.” Her pointed tone implied she had very much not forgotten.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, his temper was flaring but he kept his cool, barely. He kept his voice measured and calm but even somebody as airheaded as Lisa would be able to hear the seething rage lacing it.

“You will do the exam.” He stated, “Just like everybody else. There is nothing you can do to boost your grade other than doing the work. Understand?”

“Oh, I can think of a few things…” She smiled.

That was the last straw. Stuart stood quickly, slamming his palm down on the desk.

“I have had it with you!” He yelled, “I have not and will not every exchange money or any sort of sexual favours for better grades! Understand, Miss Marino? If you are too stupid to pick up a history book you have no place in my classroom or this university!”

He’d expected her to jump, to look nervous or frightened at his outburst. At the very least he thought she’d finally remove her ass from his desk but she did none of those things. Instead, she just cocked her head to the side, sly eyes glittering with mischief as she continued to flick the gem at her throat back and forth.

“Do you like my necklace?”

The insolence. The sheer audacity of this woman! Had she never been told no in her life? This was it, screw the midterm and the rules he was dropping her from his class right now! He opened his mouth, ready to dismiss her from his office for what would hopefully be the last time but she interrupted him.

“I wasn’t lying.” She said sweetly though her voice had a hint of an edge to it, “I do have a plan. I am going to pass that test with flying colours, all thanks to you Professor Haynes.”

How she managed to say his proper title and make it sound like an insult was beyond him.

“Let’s get started, shall we?”

With that she finally got off his desk and gave that necklace a final flick, the blue gemstone catching the light from his window, sending refractions across the room. The light shone into his eyes, dazzling him for a moment and causing him to blink to try and clear his vision but for some reason he found himself unable to. Dizziness began to fill him and he could feel himself swaying on his feet. Lisa was still standing before him, excited smile on her face but she seemed to be at the end of a long, glittering tunnel made of light that swirled between them, the gem around her neck sending more and more glittering refractions into the fray.

He opened his mouth to speak but all the air rushed from his lungs and he felt himself flung forward by some unnamed force. For a few seconds he felt weightless only to then slam back down as gravity reasserted itself. He fell forwards onto the carpet, gasping and desperate for air to refill his lungs. What on earth had just happened?

The lights finally stopped dancing across his vision and allowed it to clear and he was on his hands and knees looking up at…himself? He gaped, what on earth was happening? Had Lisa spiked his morning coffee with something? Was he having one of those psychedelic out of body experiences he’d overheard students talking about?

“Oh, it worked! I mean, I was sure it would but you know how shady things are online something. There is always that little doubt.”

That was his voice but the intonation was all wrong. His body was leaning casually against the desk, smiling down on him like a cat spying a mouse.

“What the-“

He didn’t get the finish the sentence. That wasn’t his voice, that was…that was Lisa’s voice! He thrust his hands in front of his face and found manicured nails, gone were the callouses from gripping his pencil too hard while marking. Glancing down he saw a rounded chest spilling out of the low-cut shirt Lisa had been flaunting. His long bare legs kneeling on the carpet beneath a pleated skirt. This couldn’t be happening!

“You…switch us? How?”

“Oh, I don’t really know how the whole thing works exactly, some voodoo specialist online sent it to me.” His body waved her off before approaching, bending down and tucking a finger under his new, rounded chin forcing him to look up at Lisa in his body.

“I’ll be taking that back by the way,” She added, reaching her free hand to his neck and lifting the necklace off, “Can’t have you figuring out how to switch us back before the midterm now, can I?”

“You found proof of magic and you’re using it to get me to take an exam for you?” He gaped, “Do you have any idea what the implications are here? What you could be doing?”

Lisa just shrugged and patted him on the head like a dog.

“I don’t really care.”

Hurriedly Stuart got to his feet, due to his new height he had no choice but to look up at Lisa smirking down at him in his body. She gave him another condescending pat on the cheek.

“Don’t worry, little girl. I am sure you will do just fine.”

With that she walked behind his desk and sat down in his chair, crossing her arms behind her head and placing her feet on his desk like she owned it.

“Well, you’d better hurry along Lisa. The midterm is in an hour and if you want your old body back, you’d better hit the books. I hear you need an A.”

Stuart was fuming.

“If I get you an A, you’ll give me my body back?” He seethed, just barely keeping his temper under control.

“Oh yes.” Lisa nodded, “And don’t even think about trying anything clever or I, Stuart Haynes, will have no choice but to come clean to the University board about my unprofessional conduct with female students.”

He had no choice. He couldn’t let this woman flush his entire career down the drain. He would complete the midterm, get his body back and then the second he was able he would ensure Lisa Marino would never set foot on campus again.


Hands shaking, Stuart closed the stall door and ensured it was locked. He had an hour until he had to arrive at the lecture hall and not wanting to risk talking with anybody he’d opted to hide. The bathrooms down the hall presented the perfect hiding spot, though he almost walked into the men’s room out of habit.

Sitting down on the closed lid he put his head into his now soft hands. How was he going to get through this? The test itself would be simple but how could he ensure Lisa was good to her word? He didn’t trust that bitch as far as he could throw her. The anger sustained him for several minutes until finally it began to wane as time ticked by; horrid as this situation was it didn’t change the fact that sitting alone in a cubicle was incredibly boring.

He shifted uncomfortably, still unused to this new form. Perhaps it was a side effect of the recent swap but he swore his nerves were twice as sensitive; he felt hyper aware of how each piece of clothing felt against his skin especially the tightness around his crotch and breasts. The feeling of material across his chest was almost as alien to him as the breasts themselves. He could feel the underwire, the straps across his shoulders and most distracting of all, the soft plush fabric pressing against his nipples. He found himself biting his lip. Surely, there would be no harm in taking a closer look at Lisa’s body now that he was in it. Eventually he was going to have to ‘take care of business’, so to speak and then he would see it anyway. He may as well familiarise himself with it at least a little before then.

He wasn’t lying when he’d said Lisa was the sort of girl who got men like him in trouble. For all her bratty, entitled behaviour she was gorgeous. Even from this angle he could admire the curve of her breasts and hips, the smooth slope of her legs. With some trepidation, he slowly unbuttoned the blouse to reveal a bra which was most certainly a size too small judging from the way the flesh strained against the fabric. It was cream with black lace that tickled him at the edges; he could feel the underwire pressing them upwards, that would explain why Lisa’s cleavage was always spilling out of her top. The item was practically begging to be removed as it strained to contain the boobs within.

Stuart bit his lip harder, almost drawing blood. While he was hardly a virgin it had been a long time since he’d seen any action. He’d been so focused on getting and maintaining his position at the university he’d had little time for indulgences. Just looking at a rack this impressive made arousal coil in his gut. The bra had a button that allowed it to unhook at the front and thanks to the strain all it took was a single finger for it to pop loose and allow his breasts to sag free. Nervously he traced his finger around one of the pink nipples, making it harden in seconds. He added pressure, sucking in a sharp breath as the sensations started to ripple through him, his body already eagerly responding to the slightest friction.

After a few moments he added had his other fingers join the first, slowly stroking down across the soft flesh until his was cupping his breasts; thumbs still resting against his nipples and he massaged them, taking in their soft roundness and savouring it. It had been so long since he’d touched a woman’s body or his own, now he was in the unique situation of doing both. Now painfully hard, he took each nipple between his thumbs and forefingers, squeezing gently and gasping at the electric feeling that shot through his body in response. Breath quickening, he continued, letting the pleasure flow through him and letting out a small moan.

As he continued to fondle his breasts, he became increasingly aware of the ache between his legs. Wetness was slowly seeping from his hole as the sensitive folds started to throb with need. Swallowing thickly, he removed one hand from his boob and slowly stroked down his smooth stomach.

This was wrong. He had to stop. He knew he had to stop but the temptation to look was too great. Deftly and with some reservation he moved his hand to the waistband of his skirt, gently lowering it and until he stood staring down at his revealed panties. He sat back against the closed toilet lid, removing the skirt fully in order to spread his legs to fully and admire what he saw. The panties didn’t match the bra exactly, they were paler, still lacey but white. Were they on a different form Stuart may have even been tempted to say the looked ‘pure’. This body was far from innocent though, already he could see the darkening stain where the wetness was soaking into them and the dark curls of hair either side of the fabric. The material was so thin he could even see the outline of the rest of that curly hair beneath.

This flimsy material was all that stood between his fingers and his hungering pussy. One hand still working his nipple he reached the other toward the soaking material. He ran a finger ever so lightly across the smooth silk and gasped. Even the featherlight touch had sent sparks flying through his core, the deep need within him seemed to double. He did it again, dragging his finger harder this time, letting the thin fabric rub against his wet folds. The added friction made him shiver with want, thin lace tickling the sensitive skin. He had never dreamed that pussies were so sensitive, even through the panties his touch felt electric, what would it feel like to remove them entirely? To feel skin against skin. Unbidden a moan escaped him at the thought. He knew he was crossing a line, many lines, but he didn’t care. He had to know.

His other hand moved from his breasts to his mouth and he bit down on his fist in an effort to stop more sounds escaping as his fingers moved to the waistband of his panties. His pussy, Lisa’s pussy, was as beautiful as the rest of her body. Dark hair that had been neatly trimmed and maintained enough that it did nothing to hide the soft pink lips that were currently flushed with desire. Gently he ran his hand over that soft, wet hair before taking a finger and gingerly parting the folds. The simple touch caused lightning to surged through him, body jerking unexpectantly as the sensation raced to his core. He whimpered around his fist and repeated the gesture. He felt overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure that sparked through him. His guts coiled, his nipples hardened almost painfully and the ache between his legs only increased. Now that he had started, he couldn’t stop, his finger continued to rub gently against the outside of his pussy stopping to circle his clit every few strokes.

He had never known just how powerful that one tiny bundle of nerves could be. Each touch sent shockwaves coursing through him; his legs were shaking with the intensity as the pleasure began to build. Even the tiniest increase in pressure against his clit seemed to double the wonderful sensations coiling within him. He removed his fist, biting down on his lip instead to try and mask the heavy moans and gasps that were escaping him unbidden. Normally he got himself off quickly in the shower but here he took his time experimenting with different speeds and strokes as the pleasure continue to build and build within him. There was still one part that ached to be touched, as good as it felt to tease his clit it did nothing to soothe the ache deep within his core. Hesitation gone he plunged that finger deep inside himself.

Some primal part of his new feminine mind, the part that needed to be filled, took over as he curled and twisted the digit inside himself. His eyes fluttered closed as he teased the tight inner walls experimenting with what gratification each stroke could bring him. Every touch felt stronger than the last and yet, it was never enough. He was panting now, rapidly approaching some sort of edge as he pumped his fingers in and out of his aching pussy. Lust fuelling his mind he forced his eyes open to watch his fingers disappearing into that tight, wet hole between his legs. The electricity coursing through him turned to fire as he did so, his entire body blushing with the intensity as he watched more wetness leak out of him. It was coating his fingers now and they slid in and out without hinderance. He picked up speed, running the soft pads of his fingers against his inner walls hands stuttering as they found what must have been his G-spot. He was reaching an edge, pleasure building and ready to burst now. He grabbed a handful of soft boobflesh and tweaked his nipples again while continuing to pump his fingers in and out, ensuring he hit that same spot inside him each time.



A wave crashed down over his entire body, causing it to arch as every muscle tightened and he came. He came harder than he ever had in his life the pleasure continued, fingers still pumping as he finger fucked himself through the orgasm, desperate wordless gasps filling the air. More wetness squirted from his hole, soaking the skirt and panties on the floor by his feet and coating his fingers entirely. After what seemed like an age, he came back to himself, gasping and shaking, one hand still buried inside his pussy.

Shame flooded him. What had he just done?

His mortification only grew as Lisa’s watch beeped on her wrist. A reminder for the exam; he’d been in here, touching this new body for almost an hour. What was worse, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it either; even the memory of what it had felt like to slide his fingers inside those wet folds made him shiver. He wanted to do it again.

But he couldn’t.

With a shaky breath he gathered his panties and skirt from around his ankles, shivering as the wet material touched his folds. He thanked his luck stars nobody had entered the restroom during his little…experiment. He cleaned his hands thoroughly and splashed cold water on his face in an effort to focus. Then, tastefully hiding the wet patch on his skirt he headed toward the exam room.

His face blazed as he walked the halls; each person he passed seemed to stare at him, eyes appraising his body. While he’d been aware of people staring at him sometimes as a man Lisa’s body bought a whole new kind of attention. Tight as this bra was it didn’t seem to stop his boobs from bouncing as he walked and his ass had no chance in those thin panties. Lisa dressed for attention, not practicality and now he was reaping the rewards. The eyes on him felt judgmental, Stuart felt sure they knew what he had just done in that stall. His little experiment hadn’t even stopped his skin from feeling over sensitive, on the contrary, he felt more aware of his new assets now than ever before.

A gust of wind made him shiver as he crossed the courtyard; not only was it cold but he could feel it in places he never had before. This skirt did nothing to shield his legs or ass from the elements, the fact that his panties were still soaked did not help. A sharp wolf whistle made him jump, eyes snapping in the direction of the sound he found three men his own age winking and jeering at him. It was then he realised the wind under his skirt was revealing more than just his legs. Hastily he grabbed at the fabric and held it down against the gale, mortified not only of the situation but the tiny spark of pleasure he felt at the attention. Burying the feelings as much as he could he doubled his speed toward the lecture hall, he had an exam to ace.


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