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The ghost of a famous actress will make Alex pay for insulting her abandoned manor. 

The house was musty and dark with a layer of dust over everything, the white sheets used to protect the antique furniture had long gone grey. The windows had been boarded up and the air was so stale it left a bad taste in Alex’s mouth as he grimaced.

When he’d won this place in the sweepstakes, he’d been excited. A free house in this economy was not a gift horse you looked in the mouth; the fact that it had once belonged to the famous Briana Laurant was just the icing on the cake. Alex had never watched any of those old movies, black and white just wasn’t his style, but even he knew the actress by reputation. He figured her house had to be full of all sorts of finery and collectors’ items he could sell off but so far all he’d found was moth eaten furniture and half a dozen rats.

He walked the musty corridor, taking in the pictures that lined the walls with vague interest. They were all of Briana in various period costumes and Alex rolled his eyes.

“Just how vain was this lady?” He scoffed, oblivious to the way the eyes narrowed on the picture behind him.

Suddenly, a door slammed at the end of the hall making Alex jump, the place clearly had some sort of draught. Swearing under his breath he headed toward the open door and peered inside, fully expecting an open window and a room full of leaves and water damage. Instead, what he saw was a perfectly preserved bedroom and not a single wisp of cool air to indicate what had blown the door open.

Shrugging to himself he walked inside to investigate. There were plenty of drawers and cupboards in here, maybe he could find some old jewellery to sell online. He had just stepped into the room fully when the door slammed closed again. With yet another swear he moved to prop it open only to find the handle wouldn’t budge. Straining, he pulled against it, muscles bulging as he did so but it was no good.

“Fucking perfect.”


Briana sat at the desk, invisible and grinning at her new houseguest. Many had tried to buy her old manor in the years since her death but she’d scared off every single one. Now that this man had won it free of charge though, she would have to be extra frightening. She studied her newest invader as he struggled with the door; he was a rather plain looking fellow all things considered, not ugly by any means but nothing really stood out about him.

After a few minutes he gave up on the door and started on the windows. Briana giggled with delight as he jumped when she made the panes of glass rattle, it was almost too easy. He was already glancing around the room warily, finally focusing on one of her portraits, the one from her part as Cleopatra where she’d worn nothing but a thin linen drape that left very little to the imagination. With her bright blue eyes and ample bust she’d had men like this troglodyte flocking to the silver screen for weeks.

“Stupid arrogant bitch and her stupid freaky house. Some prize.”

That made her smile slip. What exactly did he just call her? Oh no, no that would not do at all. She was going to teach this plain, stupid little man a thing or two about taste and glamour.


A sharp pain exploded in his back and Alex cried out, whirling around just in time to see a book similar to the one that just hit him heading his way. Ducking he narrowly avoided it but three more were already flying in the air.

“What the fuck!?”

“Vain? Bitch? How dare you besmirch me in my own home!”

The voice seemed to come from the walls themselves, echoing unnaturally in a way that made his skin crawl. The books slammed into him and as he blinked his vision clear he saw a figure appearing from thin air. Wispy and translucent a beautiful, young Briana Laurant stood before him wearing a green evening gown and a wicked smile. Even as a ghost, he could see why she was considered one of history’s most beautiful actresses.

“You should learn to appreciate beauty when you see it.” She said, nose high in the air, “Allow me to be your teacher.”

The cupboards and drawers slammed open and a whirlwind of items flew through the air toward him. Alex flinched in anticipation of another barrage but to his surprise the items did not touch him but rather surrounded him in a whirlwind of colour and shapes. Ballgowns and cocktail dresses, now dust free and radiant engulfed him, colours whirling in front of his eyes as she magically held them up against him. The ghost floated sagely above him before clapping her hands and selecting a bright blue evening dress.

“This one I think!”

“I am not wearing that!” Alex snorted, taking a few steps toward the door only to find himself stopped. It felt as though there were invisible strings attached to his wrists and feet, forcing them to turn and walk back to Briana.

“Not yet,” she smiled, “First, let’s get rid of these drab things, shall we?”

Alex gasped as the seams in his clothes began to tear, stitching falling apart in places and falling to the ground for a moment before being swept up on a summoned wind and whisked away under the bed. Now he was totally naked and at Briana’s mercy. Maybe it was better to indulge her at this point, if he put on the stupid dress maybe she would let him leave or at the very least let her guard down long enough that he could slip to the window.

“Fine, pass me the stupid dress.”

Much to his chagrin, she did not release her invisible hold on his limbs. Instead, she continued to flick her fingers this way and that, pulling him on invisible puppet strings and pulling the dress over his head. The material was flowing and soft against his skin which felt surprisingly nice. His gaze fell on a full-length mirror by the end of the bed and was surprised to note the outfit didn’t look half bad on him. Twisting a little to see each angle he couldn’t help but notice the colour made his eyes pop, though the front was a little loose on his flat chest.

“Hmmmm, no not quite right.” Briana Mused, obviously noticing his interest, “Let’s try another. If I am to show you true glamour you need the right outfit.”

“Yeah, okay.” Alex felt himself blushing.

As far as hauntings go, getting hit with a few books and playing dress up was pretty good.

Again, Briana swirled the dresses, taking them each in before gasping with delight and selecting one. It was strapless and red with a long slit down one side to show off the wearer’s legs and hips. The thin material felt silky in his fingers as he handled it, secretly he was glad Briana was controlling his movements as he wouldn’t have had any idea how to get it on without ripping it. He admired himself in the mirror, again he didn’t quite have the chest to fill out the top but his figure looked surprisingly good.

“Not bad, not bad at all.” Briana mused, “A few more touches, darling.”

With a click of her fingers make up brushes and compacts surrounded them both leaving him coughing slightly as scented powders filled the air. Mascara lined his lashes and rogue his cheeks. He found the sensations quite relaxing really, pampering almost. He couldn’t help but hum with contentment as Briana made him pout, allowing the tube of lipstick to paint his mouth.

His ears stung for a moment as earrings pierced them but the pain faded quickly thanks to further distractions. A pair of black high heels appeared before him and he easily slipped into them, keeping his balance without any issue thanks to Briana’s control.

“There!” Briana gasped, “Beautiful.”

Alex turned to face the mirror and found his jaw dropping. He looked…beautiful. His eyes were smoky and dark, his lips glossy red to match the dress and the gold earrings caught the light in such as way that he couldn’t help but stare. His hands were placed on his hips as he twisted left and right, admiring his new look from all angles, he looked like a film star about to step out onto the red carpet.

“Strike a pose darling!”

The invisible strings pulled harder as Briana made him strike pose after pose, pouting, sensual, sexy, daring. Then raising both his arms above his head and twirling, making the skirt of the dress flow out around him. Briana’s fingers twitched as she moved him like a marionette, twirling and posing for invisible cameras.

“And now, the finishing touch.” Briana breathed almost reverently.

Before Alex could ask what she meant she surged forward, straight into his body. With a gasp he doubled over, all air having been forced out his lungs. Somewhat dizzy he straightened eyes locked on the mirror again, mouth falling open in shock. The dress now fit perfectly, the front filled with round breasts and the waistline supported by wide hips. His mouth was soft and pouted, his hair long and flowing down his back.

What had she done?

Briana appeared before him with mischief glinting in her eyes and made his new body spin, fixing a pleasant smile to his new face.

Her voice echoed inside Alex’s mind.

“I think it’s time we met some adoring fans, don’t you?”

Then against his will, hips swaying sensually, Alex made his way outside.


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