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An arrogant businessman learns just how hard working as a stripper can be.


The night was young but so were Andrew and his colleagues, meaning they had no shame whatsoever being completely drunk at a bar on a work night. The whole team had gone down to the local bar to blow off steam after putting the finishing touches on their proposal for tomorrow. Every team in their office was vying for that extra funding so tensions had run high for weeks.

For some, this night was to calm their nerves but not Andrew, he knew they would be successful with him at the helm. Despite only being in his early twenties he’d already been promoted twice and this team was yet another stepping stone. When they got the funding for their new software program, he was sure it would launch him to even greater heights. Soon, he’d be living the high life with all the money, women and riches he could dream of. He just had to ensure nothing went wrong with the presentation tomorrow. He’d just returned to their table with another round to see Tony talking animatedly.

“I’m telling you man, the girls there are something else!”

“Where?” Andrew dropped down into his seat and took a swing.

“Changing Fortunes,” Tony was practically drooling, “I went there last week and my man, I swear I am never going to different strip club.”

Andrew screwed up his nose at the image his mind conjured, high end escort companies were one thing but strip clubs were dank, awful places filled with tarts who had nothing but boobs for brains. Sure, he liked a good woman as much as the next guy but he prided himself on having class when it came to picking who warmed his sheets. If he was going to be CEO before he turned thirty, he couldn’t be caught with just any cheap girl who’d probably had a dozen other men touching her that same night alone.

This was part of why the presentation had to go well. This team was fine, he supposed but they weren’t quite up to his standards. Andrew dreamed of the day when he would be sipping fine bourbon in a penthouse office to celebrate victory, rather than cheap beer in a dive bar with co-workers who frequented strip clubs. His disgust must have shown on his face because Tony felt the need to defend it further.

“Trust me! Let’s go, it’s not far I swear you’ll see what I mean.”

Andrew was about to argue but the others, clearly more drunk, gave a cheer. He rolled his eyes; he could hardly let them all go by themselves and miss out. Perhaps Tony was right and there would be at least one girl of quality there who could make the trip worthwhile.


Changing Fortunes did not inspire confidence when it came into view, in fact it did just the opposite; a neon outline of a woman on a pole flickered slightly against the cracked brick walls. The windows had been painted black to stop people looking inside and had various phrases like “GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!” and “Sexy Times!” written over the top in garish pink. The only thing that stood out really was the bouncer, instead of a balding overweight man in his fifties he was a young man about Andrew’s own age in a tight black shirt. He felt himself smirk, here he was a successful business man and in the same time on earth this guy’s greatest achievement was standing in the cold all night throwing drunk men off harlots.

“Hey Dave!” Tony greeted, “Is Baby Berry performing tonight?”

“Sure is man.” Dave shrugged, gesturing them inside.

Andrew had never rolled his eyes so hard in his life, Baby Berry? Really? His cohort obviously didn’t share his feelings though as they all walked inside eagerly leaving him to bring up the rear. He was already seriously doubting his decision to come here; he made a mental note to distance himself from Tony after this, somebody on a first name basis with the bouncer at a strip club was hardly the sort of man he wanted in his inner circle.

However, the inside was an improvement he had to admit; at the very least it was clean, with soft red carpet and shiny black walkways and stages. The couches and chairs were spacious and the bar seemed to have a decent collection behind it.

Tony raced toward the main stage where a girl in a pink bikini and matching wig was slowly twisting herself around a silver pole for a number of men already, Baby Berry, Andrew assumed. Her breasts and ass were huge and clearly as fake as her hair but he could see how she could ensnare men like Tony, ones with simple, easy to please taste. All in all, he had to give the man some credit, this place wasn’t some sleazy pit of debauchery. He could enjoy himself here well enough and let his team have some fun so they were good and focused tomorrow.

Andrew ordered himself a drink and took a seat on one of the plush armchairs near the centre stage and watched as various girls paraded themselves across it. They were all fine, nothing spectacular and certainly nobody worthy of his own notice, but fine. After yet another pedestrian performance the lights dimmed and a single spotlight appeared against the velvet curtain covering the main stage.

“Gentlemen,” Boomed the voice from the loudspeaker, “Changing Fortunes proudly presents our star attraction, Honey St. Claire!”

The crowd cheered and Andrew clapped politely along with it as a long leg criss-crossed with black straps appeared from between the folds. Somebody in the crowd wolf whistled as Honey St Clair stepped out to take the stage and despite everything Andrew felt himself lean forward as she revealed herself. Tall, taller still in those black high heels that laced all the way to her upper thigh, she was wearing a black bra and panties studded with silver that would look tacky on a lesser woman but somehow looked as classy as any evening gown on her. Her golden hair really was the colour of honey, it framed her heart shaped face and blue eyes perfectly and Andrew couldn’t help but follow the flowing locks down her form where they brushed against her stomach.

Slowly she sauntered down the stage, a small smile on her lips that said she knew exactly what all the men in here were thinking. As she reached the pole, she took a deep breath and bowed, her breasts rising and falling.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” She purred, “I do hope you enjoy the show, I certainly will.”

Effortlessly, she lifted herself onto the pole, spinning down again as the music faded in. Unlike the other women she moved slowly, sensually, taking the time to show off her considerable assets. The dark lighting seemed to highlight her every feature perfectly and Andrew felt himself hardening as she leaned her head back and thrust ass out toward him in a slow motion. As her song finished, she lowered herself down the pole till she was on her hands and knees, locking eyes with Andrew and crawling over to him, reaching out and running a manicured nail along his cheek.

Honey smiled at him expectantly as she thrust out her chest. Without thinking Andrew reached into his pocket and took out a fifty-dollar bill and placed it between her cleavage. Their bare skin touching for only a moment but even so he felt himself harden further, something that did not escape Honey’s notice. She gave a throaty laugh and to his surprise slid of the stage and into his lap.

“Why, thank you.” She murmured, “That’s so generous.”

He was glad the rest of the room had already turned back to the stage where some other woman had taken the spotlight. Honey, despite her name and occupation, was clearly a woman of class who could spot a real man in a crowd.

“You’re incredible. Wasted on this place.” Andrew gave her his most winning smile, “If you want, I could help you out.”


“With a body like yours you could be modelling or even acting.” He continued, “I could help you with that, I have…connections.”

To his surprise Honey did not look impressed in fact, she looked almost insulted which was ludicrous. What stripper didn’t wait for the day a rich man noticed her for this exact purpose? This poor girl, she probably had no idea of the life she could be leading with him.

“I perform here because I like it.” She responded finally, the warm tinge to her voice faded.

“Because you don’t know better,” Andrew responded gently, “stripping may be easy money but I promise, with a little hard work you could make more and not have to sell your dignity.”

For a moment she was silent and then to his surprise she removed herself and pulled him to his feet, dragging him toward the private alcoves at the side of the room. Had it been any of the other performers tonight he’d have set them straight but Honey…she was somebody worthy of his time.

The private room was small and mostly taken up by a plush bench, Honey closed the curtains behind them and gently removed his tie. He smiled, it seems she finally understood what he had been talking about and wanted to thank him. Well, he was still hard from her show and it would be a shame not to show the girl a good time.

“I think it’s time somebody taught you a lesson.” She whispered, unbuttoning his shirt, his cock twitched in anticipation, listening to her tone not her words.

She reached forward and gently pushed him back into the soft velvet wallpaper and kissed him, deeply. Her lips glided over his sensually and slowly, taking the time to taste him and he couldn’t help the moan that escaped. The kiss sent a wave of heat over his entire body leaving it tingling and sensitive. Then, all of a sudden, she stopped leaving him blinking in surprise as she wiped her lips in an offhand manner. That was it?

“You can’t just stop there!” He complained trying to ignore that warm feeling was still spreading throughout his body.

“Yes, I can.” Honey replied coolly, “Now you’ll see just how easy performing here can be.”

The audacity of this bitch. Fuck this place. Fuck this woman. This is exactly why he avoided such lowly establishments in the first place, now he was half undressed and horny as hell with nothing to show for it but a hard on and a smirking stripper. Furious, he stood only to stumble taking a step toward the curtain which separated them from the main room. Looking down in annoyance he noticed for the first time that his shoes were lose, no, not loose, they were too big and getting bigger. He lifted his foot out easily, it was dainty and small now and looked nothing as it usually did.

Did she drug him? Was that what was happening here? That sensual warmth spreading through his body could be the drug entering his system, couldn’t it? Honey was still standing there smiling wickedly as she reached forward and pushed his shirt off his shoulders to the floor. His strong figure was softening, his shoulders now sloped, allowing the baggy material to slip off unimpeded.  He opened his mouth to ask what on earth she had dosed him with but a sudden burst of pleasure made him gasp instead. His chest was swelling before his eyes. Slowly but surely rounding like balloons being filled. The sensitive skin stretched and his nipples hardened almost painfully. He was growing boobs! In a desperate attempt to stop the growth he grabbed handfuls of the flesh in his hands only for the expansion to increase in speed. The skin contact almost made him moan but he it fought back.

He could feel it everywhere now, that expansion of flesh that seemed to make his skin oh so sensitive. Starting from the tip of his head it swept down his body in a wave, his form shrinking and swelling in different parts with each cascade. His thighs widened with his hips, sending shivers straight to his crotch. He couldn’t resists rubbing his thighs together, the rough material of his trousers creating wonderful friction on the sensitive skin. His hardon was gone, instead a warm wetness was slowly developing between his legs that only intensified as he shifted. His perfectly tailored pants now barely fit him, stretching across his round ass and hips but hanging loosely off his thin legs.

“It’ll be a lot easier on you if you stop fighting.” Said Honey as she watched but he’d be damned before he listened to her!

At some point during his transformation, he’d fallen back on the bench, writhing as the sensation took over his mind completely almost totally. He couldn’t decide if it was pleasure or pain really, one side of him was horrified at what was happening but the other never wanted the feeling to stop. Stop it did though, slowly receding until he was left panting on the bench, naked from the top down and staring at Honey wide eyed.

“What…What did you do to me?”

The voice was not his own. It was higher, breathy from exertion and undeniably female.

“Now you can see just how easy performing here is!” Honey laughed, leaning forward to press a hidden button behind his head which cause the two of them to spin quickly.

The switch deposited them in what appeared to be a dressing room full of outfits and mirrors surrounded by lights. In a daze Andrew stood, his pants falling around his ankles as Honey pushed him toward a makeup table and into a chair.

A woman stared at him from the mirror, eyes wide with shock and mouth hanging open. She had long lashes, full lips and a rack that would catch anybody’s eye. It took him a moment to realise the woman was him. He ran a manicured hand over these new features, taking in the high cheek bones and heart shaped face. Gone was his sharp chin and perfectly trimmed beard; a sense of indignation began to fill him and that beautiful face twisted in rage.

“Turn me back! Now!” He demanded, “I’ll sue you for everything you have for this!”

“Will you now?” Honey didn’t seem phased; in fact, she was busy comparing two lipsticks and barely listening to him.

“Do you have any idea who I am?” He raged.

“Not in the slightest.” She replied nonchalantly before turning to smile at him, “I would love to see how you prove this in court though.”

He had no comeback for that. How would be prove who he was? Honey took his chin in her hands and turned him to face her.

“Pout.” She ordered, “We can’t have you performing looking like this.”

Again, that indignation rose within him; he gave the orders, no matter the situation but then he forced himself to calm. Honey wanted him to show her how easy this job was? No problem. At least nobody would know it was him, he just had to get through this and then once he figured out how to turn back, he’d bulldoze this place to the ground on fake health violations.

Glaring at her with hatred, he pouted his lips and allowed her to paint them a deep burgundy. The smooth lipstick felt cool on his lips, the skin obviously still sensitive from his change. He diligently ignored it. Doing so became harder and harder as the makeover continued; Honey widened his dark lashes with mascara, sharpened his cheekbones with bronzer and drew delicate wings besides his eyes. The paints and pigments felt wonderful against his skin and he couldn’t help but admire the beautiful face that was forming in the mirror. The woman staring back at him could command an entire room with a single look, with a flick of her hair she could have men falling at their feet. Honey caught her staring.

“Like what you see?”

He nodded absentmindedly, still fascinated by his own reflection.

“Time to get dressed for your big debut!”

Andrew tried to ignore the thrill that went through him at the thought of seeing this new body in one of those skimpy outfits. How it would feel to have all those eyes on him as he slowly removed the coverings piece by piece up on stage? The pair of women made their way to a long silver rack stuffed with outfits, some loud and bombastic, the others little more than leather strings. Andrew found his eyes roaming over them, taking in each detail and trying to match it to his make up only to shake his head in disbelief at his own behaviour. He was getting swept up in all this!

“Oh, this is perfect!”

Honey was holding a red and black number consisting of a bra, high waisted panties and harness, all made of some shiny plastic like material that couldn’t possibly be comfy. And yet, his first thought upon seeing it was that Honey was right, it was perfect for this new body. She pushed it toward him with a smile of satisfaction.

“We can call you Cherry Red.” She nodded sagely as if the name wasn’t completely generic and demeaning.

He wanted to argue it but the words seemed to swirl in his brain, looking in the mirror at the woman who stared back…she did look like a Cherry Red, more than an Andrew that’s for sure.

With a small amount of difficulty Cherry slid the outfit over her new form. The bra could barely contain her chest, probably by design. Honey helped her tightened the harness and then completed the look with a pair of knee-high leather boots and a black choker. With a smirk Cherry placed her hands on her hips, she looked authoritative, in control, all she needed was a whip and she’d be at home in a dominatrix’s bedroom.

“Ready to show me just how easy performing is?” Honey dared.

Cherry flicked her dark hair over her shoulder, confidence practically radiating from her new form and nodded.


“Gents, we have something really special here tonight!” Honey announced, “Making her debut here at Changing Fortunes…Cherry Red!”

The crowd cheered as Cherry stepped out from behind the curtain and struck a pose against the velvet backdrop. It was as easy as breathing to lean forward showing off her ample bust that threatened to spring free at any moment. Somewhere deep inside the voice that had once been Andrew was humiliated but Cherry Red couldn’t help but bask in the attention. She’d be back to her old self soon enough; she could enjoy this and nobody would have to know.

She began to strut down the runway, stopping every few steps to bend low or thrust out her ass in the drooling men’s faces. Taking the silver pole in one hand she spun around it with ease ready to show Honey just what she could do. She leapt, fully intended to lean herself backwards and spin around the pole by her legs; but that didn’t happen. Instead, she fell in a heap at the foot of the pole, ass in the air as the crowd roared with laughter.

Embarrassment rose in her and she got to her hands and knees, the men in the crowd were laughing, even some of the other women. Humiliated, she got to her feet intending to try again only to fail once more, eliciting fresh laughter from the crowd. Tears burned in her eyes; this wasn’t how things were supposed to go! A gentle hand touched her shoulder and Honey appeared next to her with a kind smile.

“Oh sweetheart,” She cooed, “I told you it wasn’t as easy as it looked. I’ll help you, okay? But you have to give in to it fully. No more arrogance, no more fighting.”

Cherry nodded, looking up at her pathetically. Honey leaned forwards and kissed her again much to the delight of the crowd. The waves of sensation began to flow through her once again and this time Cherry didn’t fight back. She could feel the waves within her mind, changing it the same way they’d changed her body the first time. Then suddenly she could see the tricks of the trade, the performances she could do. With new confidence she got to her feet, giggling along with the crowd good naturedly.

“So sorry ‘bout that!” She giggled, “What can I say? I’m nervous, it’s my first time.”

Somebody in the crowd wolf whistled at the inuendo.

“But as you can see…”

She reached up and wrapped her legs around the pole before hanging back, chest thrust toward the crowd.

“I’m a fast learner.”

This time cheers rose from the crowd as she changed positions, dancing over the pole with ease thanks to Honey’s magic. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, each touch of the pole was sensual against her skin and she began to resent the clothing coming between them. Without thinking she removed the bra, tossing it to a man in the front row and cupping her new breasts. God, it felt so good.

No longer caring what anybody thought she crawled across the stage and grabbing a businessman’s hand, placing it against her bare breasts. He squeezed and she moaned, this body almost had a mind of its own, moving on instinct.

“It seems Cherry Red’s getting a little too into her performance!” Honey laughed gleefully, “We might need to take her back stage for a cold shower.”

“You’re so mean Honey.” Cherry pouted, “We were just getting to know each other! Weren’t we…?”

“Tony.” The man finished for her. Cherry reached for him again, wanting nothing more than to feel Tony’s hands on her and in her.

Gently but firmly, Honey grabbed Cherry’s arm and dragged her up to take a bow.

“So sorry Tony but as her name suggests Cherry is yet to become a real woman.” She teased, “We can’t have her cherry popped by just anybody can we?”

“But I want it!” Cherry whined, she really did, the warm wetness between her legs was getting harder and harder to ignore.

“Don’t you worry darling,” Honey purred, “I’ll take care of you later.”

Cherry shivered.

Honey then took to the stage with her and they danced together, bodies intertwining and the last scraps of their costumes slowly peeled off. Cherry felt free, naked and wild on the stage as adoring men cheered for her. She didn’t need anything but this, well, this and Honey’s promise of later. Her life before seemed like a dream, as if she didn’t even exist before she took the stage tonight. With enough practice she wouldn’t even need Honey’s magic touch to perform.

Though she might ask for it anyway…


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