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Jared and Dan find themselves transported into a dress up doll game.

At the moment this is a standalone piece but I may do a part 2 later down the line if people enjoy it.


It was finally happening.

After months of hype the new Sniper360 game was out; the most advanced in the series so far and virtually guaranteed to be the best FPS to release all year. Jared and Dan had been eagerly awaiting it and had planned this night accordingly. When the download codes went live at midnight, they would have both their PCs set up and ready. Dan had even sprung for a new graphics card and boosted his internet download speeds for the occasion. They were both so excited even in the incoming storm couldn’t dampen their moods.

Carefully Jared carried his tower and monitor to the study where Dan kept his gaming supplies, luckily, he had gotten it out of the car before the rain started. Dan’s brand-new gaming PC was a thing of beauty and Jared felt himself turn green with envy; Dan would be playing Sniper360 on the highest graphics settings for sure. Without thinking much of it he switched on the screen, eager to take a look at the specs but to his surprise there was already a game running. He felt himself gape as he took in the title;


It was one of those old flash games with a cartoon woman standing in the middle of a brightly coloured shopping mall. The words ‘Hurry! Or we’ll be late to the party!’ floated above her head in pink letters. Of all the amazing things Dan could be playing on his new PC…he was playing a dress up flash game for little girls? Jared turned with a smirk as Dan entered the room and locked eyes with the screen.

“Seriously dude?” Jared jabbed his thumb at the screen, “Dress Up Dolly?”

“They are pretty fun.” Dan defended meekly.

“You play more of these?”

“It’s actually really satisfying putting it all together with the right aesthetic-“

“Aesthetic?” Jared snorted, “Who the hell are you?”

“There is nothing wrong with getting in touch with your feminine side!”

“Sure man, keep telling yourself that.”

Awkwardness filled the room. Okay, maybe he shouldn’t have been quite so harsh, Dan was his bro after all. But seriously? Dress Up Dolly? Jared hated going shopping for clothes in real life why on earth would somebody spend their time doing it virtually? The silence was deafening and Dan continued to look at the floor in shame.

“Look man-”

A blinding flash suddenly lit up the room followed by an almighty CRASH of thunder and both PCs hissed and buzzed with electricity. Fight forgotten both men raced to their towers, hoping to unplug them before they were totally fried. Jared had just grabbed the power socket when another blinding white flash lit up not only the windows but his entire vision.

“Oh fu-”

He blinked.

The room was gone. Well not gone but…changed. He was standing in a mall that looked like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon; all bright colours and shiny plastic not a cigarette butt or discarded gum wad to be seen. He was so bewildered he almost didn’t hear the delighted gasp from behind him. Turning, he came face to face with a gorgeous red-haired woman wearing nothing but a pair of pale green panties and a bra. She blinked her matching green eyes up at him in shock.


The voice was higher pitched but it was still recognisably Dan.

“Dan?” Jared gaped, “What the hell happened to you?”

“To us.” Dan corrected, eyes roving up and down Jared’s form, much to his confusion.

Jared looked down at himself and was met with a curving, voluptuous female body. He had a pair of pale blue panties on with a simple lace trim and his chest now held two rounded breasts, barely contained by his strapless bra. He recognised this outfit; it was the one the girl in that stupid flash game had been wearing. His hands flew to his face, perfectly manicured nails combing through his long blond hair and across his now full lips.

This couldn’t be happening! Frantically he ran for one of the many mirrors and took in the form he saw. Where he had once been hard muscle and sharp angles, he was now soft and rounded. His wide hips and large breasts gave him a perfect hourglass figure, his hands and feet were now dainty with half moons painted across the nails. He looked like one of those dumb bimbos you always saw smiling blankly on the cover of girly magazines.

“Are we stuck in your stupid dress up game?” He cried, whirling back to face Dan who, frustratingly, didn’t seem concerned at all.

“Maybe we just need to finish it. Y’know, win?” Dan shrugged, looking at himself in a slightly pixelated mirror with appreciation, smiling and posing.

Jared bit his lip, he had to admit, Dan looked hot. At least his new form did which wasn’t actually Dan, it was just the body his mind was in, so there was no harm in perving a little. His new body was skinner than his own and as a result less curvy but he still had an ass made for squeezing. The panties she-he was wearing only covered half of the available skin making it hard not to stare, especially as it jiggled with each turn of his hips.

Long red hair fell down his shoulders in waves, framing around his round breasts in a way that only called attention to them. To his surprise Dan cupped them in his manicured fingers and smiled.

“Uh Dan?”

Don’t make this weird…

“Danielle.” Dan interrupted without looking at him, “Seems strange to go by Dan or ‘he’ in this form don’t you think?”

Jared opened his mouth to argue but found himself hesitating. Danielle did have a point, plus, it made perving on her all the easier to forget that it was his friend in there. So instead, he nodded and Danielle clapped her hands.

“Well, let’s go get some clothes, shall we?”

Danielle grabbed his hand and gleefully dragged him into the nearest shop. It was much bigger than the little sidebar on the flash games screen with outfits of every type and colour imaginable. How on earth were they going to find the ‘perfect’ outfit to win the game with all these choices? Lacking any better ideas Jared started to walk through the racks, normally it was an effort to find something that caught his eye clothes shopping but all of a sudden, he was having the opposite problem. Everything caught his eye. He found himself running his fingers over satin evening gowns, chiffon skirts and even stretchy yoga pants, each one seemed more interesting than the last.

Somehow, he ended up in the swimwear section, a bright white bikini with golden straps in his hands. He held the suit up against his form with wonder. How would those big breasts look under this white material? It was so thin his nipples would show through when he got cold for sure…

“Oh no no no no!” Danielle clucked appearing suddenly, “We need party gear, remember?”

She took the bikini from him and waggled her finger and Jared felt himself blushing with embarrassment. They were supposed to be winning this game so they could get out of here! Quickly he chased after Danielle as she ran to the other side of the shop where the mini dresses and club clothes were hanging. Plucking a red strapless number off the rack she stepped up onto a central podium where she could see herself reflected in three mirrors at once.

“Jared really doesn’t suit you anymore.” Danielle pipped up after a moment, taking his wrist and pulling him up on the podium to admire their new bodies.

The curves, the full breasts and pouty lips, Danielle had a point.

“How about Jill?” She suggested and he felt as though the name slid right into his very soul.

Jill was a nice name; it wasn’t his name but just for a little while it could be fun to be Jill instead of…of…? Jared! Yes, that’s right, his actual name was Jared. How had he almost forgotten?

The two of them focused on the task at hand but slowly Jill could feel herself getting overwhelmed. For every amazing dress there was a cute skirt, for every sexy shirt an equally hot crop top. It was impossible to decide!

How had she never appreciated all the choices women had before? There were so many outfit choices, it would take them forever to find the perfect outfit for the party! Giggling to herself Jill plucked option after option from the rack, holding them against her body in the mirror and examining each aspect of them. What colours brought out her sparkling blue eyes or showed off her wonderful new curves. It was exciting and so much fun!

Danielle slipped on a black mini skirt and twirled in front of her gleefully before handing her one to try as well. The material fit snuggly over her hips and she smiled as she admired how her long legs looked under the thin strip of material.

“It’s almost a shame you need a matching shirt.” Danielle sighed, “It’s a pity to cover these up.”

She cupped Jill’s breasts in her hands, they were a size larger than Danielle’s own and hung heavy. Jill playfully swatted her friend away but savoured the warmth where their skin had met for a few moments.

“You can talk,” She responded, “Look at this ass!”

She smacked Danielle lightly on the rump making it woggle ever so slightly, eliciting more girlish giggles. Somewhere in the back of her mind Jill was aware there was some goal she was supposed to be achieving. Wasn’t she supposed to be doing something else with Danielle to help them change back?

Back into what exactly?

She tried to think back, didn’t she have another name not too long ago? It was on the tip of her tongue when Danielle called out to her and it vanished. This is why she spent so much time working on her appearance, she really didn’t have much in the way of brains. Shaking her head of those strange thoughts Jill raced to her friend and squealed with delight when she produced a pink party dress.

“It’s perfect for you, girl!”


Without hesitation Jill divested herself of the skirt and slid on the hot pink strapless number. It left little to the imagination by design, short and tight it made her look effortlessly sexy.

“You look like a model.”

“Uh huh!” Jill stuck out her chest, “I’ll have all the dudes totally drooling.”

“Not just the dudes…” Danielle cooed, eyes heavy lidded, Jill gave her a teasing smile.

“Uh uh, I just got into this dress, you’re not getting me out so easily.”

The two women burst into a fit of giggles; Jill hadn’t had this much fun in ages! Looking around she swore the shop was growing, more and more options appearing before her eyes. They could be here hours, days even, trying to find the perfect outfit.

Jill couldn’t think of anything she’d rather be doing.


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