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Kyle examines his changing body and tries to avoid temptation...


Kyle looked into the mirror and studied his changing body. It had only been twenty-four hours but he could already notice the differences. His chest was now soft, slightly rounded and his nipples had grown with them. He didn't quite need a bra yet but if the growth continued at this rate, he probably would some time tomorrow. His hips were ever so slightly wider; the beginnings of an hour glass figure Dr. Cone had assured him at his morning check-up.

Truly, he still didn't know how to feel. His new body felt...good. A small voice in that back of his mind liked it. But at the same time was it even his anymore?

“Just a few years.” He reminded himself, “Just, get through this. You know who you are.”

Dr. Cone had encouraged him to study his changing body, get to know it as much as possible and to talk with the others in the facility. As tempting as exploring his body was, finding somebody to talk to in one of the common rooms was probably the safer bet. Shame burned through him thinking back to last night. It was just the hormones, that’s all. He didn’t like his new breasts they were just sensitive that’s all. At least nobody saw or he might just die of embarrassment.

Hastily putting the memories out of mind, he grabbed the loosest, baggiest clothing he could find and put it on to head to the common room. Over the years Femdale had done everything they could to make the transition as easy as possible for people like Kyle; he knew soon he would have no choice but to go to one of the many dress-up rooms available to find clothes that better fit his new body but he wanted to delay that as long as possible.

He ignored the clothing displays walking with purpose only to stop dead in his tracks when he noticed one room in particular. It was unassuming enough, but the simple black label besides it may as well have been made of neon.

‘Toy Room’

His heart stuttered in his chest. Dr. Cone had mentioned there being all kinds of things to help deal with his urges in there. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of items were in there, what they would feel like as he changed…

Kyle swore he could hear a soft buzzing sound behind the closed door, then a soft moan.

No. No! He was going to find somebody to talk to. Just talk. No toys. No thoughts. No more touching his breasts. Sucking in a deep breath he turned and walked across the hall to the common room trying not to think about the other door and what might be behind it.

The area was nice enough, really it was just a big lounge room with clusters of couches and chairs together so people could sit and chat. It was mostly empty right now with one small huddle of women who looked to be a day or so into their change gathered in one corner. Trying to think of a way to approach them he jumped as a finger tapped his shoulder.

Spinning around he was with a woman with a wide grin.

"Rachel." They held out their hand, "Formerly Richard. You look like you could use some company."

Rachel was further along than Kyle. Her features and figure already rounded and fully formed. Golden hair spilled over his shoulders and a tinge of pink to her lips told Kyle she was wearing makeup. She seemed so at ease in her new body, already dressing to show it off with high heels and a short skirt.

"Kyle. Still Kyle."

"He or She?"

"Um, I don't really...he. I think."

Kyle blushed, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. Rachel guided him down onto a couch in a more secluded area blocked off by a bookshelf and several pot plants.

"Oh, don't worry. Everybody changes at their own pace!" Rachel smiled warmly taking a seat, "It's easier for me, I volunteered!"

"You did? Why?"

She blinked.

"Because this is who I am." She shrugged, "and now I get to be myself and help save humanity! How cool is that? Plus, you've seen how treasured women are these days we'll be treated like royalty once we're out of here."

Kyle hadn't really thought about that. He'd never really thought about guys in that way before. Would it be nice, having men fawn over him? Wanting to sleep with him? How would that feel?

"You're developing nicely." Rachel smirked, "Have you been, enjoying everything so far?"

Kyle swallowed. He was suddenly very much aware that their legs were touching.

"I could help you out you know." Rachel's voice turned husky, "I bet you've been wondering what it would feel like to have somebody else’s hands on you."

His nipples hardened, poking through the thin material of his shirt. Perhaps he should have worn a bra after all. It was the hormones that were doing this that and the fact Rachel was a woman already. Yes, that was it. There was no harm, right?

"M-maybe. Maybe you could touch me a little."

Rachel purred, sensually stroking her hand across Kyles stomach, fingers tracing the hem of his shirt. Then slowly, the hand moved under until her fingers were tracing the skin at the bottom of his new breasts. The skin was still stretching, growing and it was so sensitive; he gasped as her nails lightly scraped along it. Rachel didn't stop, her fingers traced over the rest of his skin, feather light and teasing, circling his nipple but never touching. Would she make him beg? The idea bother horrified and aroused him.

Then, finally, she took a nipple between her thumb and forefinger, rolling it back and forth between them in a way that made Kyle see stars. Without removing her hand Rachel moved from her seat next to him and settled herself on his lap, leaning forward till he could feel her lips on the shell of his ear.

"You like this, don't you?"

A high-pitched whine was all that escaped his mouth.

"I'm going to make you come like this."

Oh God.

Then, her hand was gone. His nipples ached with need and for a moment it looked like Rachel was about to get up and leave but instead she lifted Kyles shirt and lowered her head, taking the nipple she had been playing with in her mouth.

"Ooooh," Kyle moaned, "O-ooh God, oh my God that's, that's s-so-"

He couldn't finish the sentence, desire overrode his mind, filling it until he couldn't think straight. Rachel's tongue was gentle, yet firm and she alternated between suckling and licking. Unable to resist, Kyle flung his head back and moaned. He didn't care if anybody heard, it just felt so good.

For several long moments he simply floated, allowing the pleasure to course through him until he felt a shudder pass through his form and the feelings overwhelmed him. A few moments passed and with a blink he came back to himself.

What the hell had he just done?

His shock and embarrassment must have been showing because Rachel gave him a teasing smile and gently smoothing down his shirt.

“Don’t be embarrassed hun.” She cooed, “There’s no shame in enjoying your body.”

“I know that!” Kyle snapped back a little too quickly, “I just…I’m not staying like this. I don’t want to get caught up in it.”

Rachel cocked her head to the side and gave him a quizzical look.

“Why ever not? Sure, you don’t have to stay this way forever but why not enjoy it while it lasts?”

“Because…B-because…” The answer wouldn’t come.

Tugging his shirt down further Kyle stood, unable to meet Rachel’s eyes. He felt as though his entire being was in turmoil as emotions roiled within him; embarrassment, arousal, shame, want, anger.

“I’m going back to my room.”

She called out after him but Kyle refused to turn around, moving as quickly as he could away from further temptation.


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