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Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to get an update posted but as expected this month was rough. After the first week of contacting family and businesses about my dad's passing I felt exhausted, and I stayed that way for about four weeks straight. No motivation or energy and forcing myself to keep calling about estate matters and cleaning out the house. It's been rough, but so many of you reached out with kind words and that really meant a lot.

I was living with my dad the last few years, first to help out with my mom's illness and then to keep him company after she passed. Last year he was getting ready to retire and I was going to help him fix the house up and get it ready to be sold, but then the pandemic hit. So the plan was to do all that this year but then he got sick suddenly and passed before we knew how serious it was. Which meant this whole past month me and my brother have been having to figure out his finances and affairs with no clue where anything was, and also I've had to fix the house up and start looking for a new place with the pandemic still ongoing.

Needless to say it's been a rough, stressful past few weeks. I've had relatives helping out, and I know everything will work out okay in the end but it's a hell of a ride getting there. I've been slowly coming back up the last few days and it actually feels like I've rested a bit when I wake up now, which has to be a good sign.

I apologize for not getting any stories out, although so many of you already told me to take my time and it's appreciated. But it still stings knowing I had two years running of meeting my monthly goals here on patreon and now I have to start that streak over again. Still, I've got things in progress that I can finish up, and new ideas that kept popping up even when I didn't have the strength to work on them yet. I'll keep resting and recovering but there should be some stories up next month for everyone to enjoy. I'm grateful so many of you stuck by me this last month and continued your support even when I couldn't get the rewards out, and I promise to make some amazing stories to pay you all back. And of course I fully understand anyone who had to stop their support this month as well. It's been a hard year for all of us and I know my writing definitely counts as a luxury. I just hope that I'll see you all back some time and you can always keep enjoying my writing.

Here's to hoping for some fun things to come out next month. And so that we're not ending on a completely sad note with this update, I'd love to hear some feedback from all of you about any ideas or topics that you'd want to see me write in the future. Whether it's more romance or specific types of erotica, more scifi stuff with drones or fantasy things with transformations and corruptions, or even more psychological thriller angles with gaslighting and control. Let me know what you'd like to see in the coming year and we'll see what ideas it inspires in me :)

Thanks again for all of your support! Please know how much I appreciate and love you all!


Samantha Bitner

What about gaslighting and corruption?

Ian Graham

Still really hoping you'll add another chapter to the RWBY story!


Hello Ian Graham, I will happily second your idea. I would also love to read the rest of this story as well!!!!


Hello Sammy. Again, I would like to offer my sympathy. And as I always say, family first!!! As far as stories go, I for one, will be happy when we pick back up with Connie and company!! I am curious how Connie will react when she finds out about Michelle's antics at the party and just offering herself up to anyone that wanted to use her. How will Connie react to her slave being a willing fuck toy to strangers and what happens when the "wrong" person sees or gets their hands on one of the multiple copies of the videos that I can only assume more than one person recorded on their phones?? Michelle may trust her friends not to show the video, but while she was busy "servicing" whoever was next, I'm sure some of them made their own videos, right?? Hmm, if I were Michelle, I wouldn't be so quick to not worry!!!


Take as much time as you need. Regarding future content, the trope I'd like to see most is more serial recruitment. Maybe pair that corruption in a vampire story, where each turned girl aids in the next victim's induction/turning?