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Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of an update in May. I kept meaning to write even a small post to let everyone know how I was doing but it kept getting lost in the mix of everything going on. The good news is that I'm in a much better place. My dad's death hit me unexpectedly hard, mostly because it was something none of us saw coming. I was in a total brain fog for most of April, and it took a huge toll on my energy and creative drive. On top of that I had so many new responsibilities and problems pop up having to deal with my dad's estate, debts, medical bills, lawyers, the IRS, and clearing out his house to sell it. Also the long process of getting a new car that wasn't broken down.

I'm very thankful to say that most of that stuff has been resolved, and now everything is just up to waiting on the courts and lawyers to get back to me. I've got a non broken car which is great, and I'm feeling like my old self again, including being able to write once or twice a week. I badly needed to take April and May off to recharge and recover, and I want you all to know how incredibly grateful I am to everyone who pledged and supported me even though I wasn't able to put anything out. I know many of you have already told me to take my time, but it's still frustrating when I found myself unable to work and get anything done. Putting my writing out for everyone to enjoy is really one of my favorite things, and having that taken away so suddenly hurt a lot.

But the benefit of taking my time is that I was able to work on a few short pieces over the last month and every time I write I'm feeling more and more like myself. I have almost a month's worth of work in short pieces that need editing so I'm happy to say that you'll be seeing stories this month coming out very soon. And having those stories prepared means I can work on stuff for next month and start building up my buffer again, so hopefully no more delays in content.

2020 was a tough year for everyone, and the last few months especially have knocked me on my ass. With my tailbone injury and losing my dad so suddenly I really don't think I've ever been in such a low place. That's why I'm so grateful to my friends who supported me and inspired me to keep working. Why I'm so grateful to every single one of you, who helps to support me doing what I love and allow me to pay my bills with my writing. I know I'll still have stuff to process and things are up in the air, but I know there's nothing I'd rather do than keep writing for all of you to enjoy.

So be ready to see some fun flash fiction and short stories over the new few weeks. My plan for this month is to work on my series, which I haven't been able to update in a while, and start pushing myself ahead so you can see them come back this summer. Just want to thank you all again from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, you have no idea what your support means to me.



Thanks for sharing the update. I really feel for you. I’m glad you took some time and I’m encouraged that you are in a better place. But in the end I’m also excited to see a bit of flash fiction and of course those long awaited series updates. Connie finally back at the cottage and learning how out of control everything has gotten. Lol.


Oh yeah, things are going to get wild haha. I've been looking forward to finishing up this arc with a bang but I've also been trying to wait until I felt 100% so it's not disappointing. But I'm making a push to get back to work on that series so hopefully we'll have more IRF soon


Hello Sammy. I'm glad things are looking up. 2020 was definitely a year to put in the round file. let's hope 2021 is better for everyone.


Wrong button again. One day I'll remember NOT to hit enter so fast... As for the stories. I have REALLY missed Connie!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what happens when she finds out about Michelle's party!!!! I just hope they don't both regret what she did or the videos.... Ha haa... looking forward to finishing "Family?" So, not much more, then? Will there be more Connie stories coming?? I hope so!!! You know me, Sammy, I love Connie!!!! LOL!!! Have a good day!!!!


I think there were about 3 chapters left of the retreat. Maybe more. It has gone longer than I expected it to. But after that there is certainly material to cover with the family back home, after the SMS pic that was sent to Connie in the diner. Connie is a bit of an unconfident protagonist but this arc she sure has built XP due to Glorias generous brainwashing of an unknown percentage of the vacation town. It wasn’t the family that was unready — it was her.


Hello Dozer, I appreciate the response. 3 chapters of the retreat? you meant the current arc at the cabin, yes? Yes, this has been a LONG arc of the story. A fun one though, ha haa!! I. for one, like Tammy! She is an unique character in the story, in that she DIDN'T want to be Connie's slave AND that she, in fact, is the ONLY character that ( easily) dominates Connie. And, even though I truly love Connie, I have enjoyed her submission to Tammy. Oh yes, definitely! There's a LOT more story to go. Assuming it goes" my way" and Connie ends up with Michelle, Jane, Tara AND Nadia, (right?) as her fully aware and WILLING slaves!! But, we both know, Sammy could really surprise us all with who ends up being the Mistress and who are the slaves, right? Any votes for Tammy, LOL??!!! I, obviously, am rooting for Connie. Of course, I do remember Sammy mentioning Michelle has a sister. Hmm?? Looking forward to the finish and NOT wanting it to finish, lol?!


I am WAY too used to enter being new paragraph, ha haa.... as for your comment about Connie being the unusual protagonist? VERY true!!! She is almost afraid to enjoy having them under her control? They have all made it very clear to her that they WANT to be her slaves!!!! I only hope she changes her outlook before someone else? finds out what's going on and takes advantage and then not only takes them away from Connie, but makes Connie a slave too!!!!


Yes, the death of a loved one from the family is terrible and unsettling, and by the way, my friend also had a similar situation when his father died and after his death, millions of things had to be settled. Nevertheless, I am glad that you are gradually recovering spiritually and that everything is fine with you!