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Hi everyone. Unfortunately my father passed away last night. He became sick very fast on Friday and before we knew it his heart gave out on him. This was very sudden so I've had to spend most of the weekend going over things with family and trying to sort everything out. I was really looking forward to getting back to writing more now that my injury has healed up but this was a blow that none of us could have seen coming.

I've got a story finished that will go up in a day or two, just need to finish editing it over, and hopefully after funeral arrangements are done I can try to get back to focusing on writing. But honestly it's hard to know where my headspace is going to be at. I'll definitely be sure to keep up my promised goal of 15K words a month, and hopefully I can try to get some work going on the bigger series like It Runs in the Family again. I know that one has been sorely missed by the fans but I wanted to make sure I was back in shape writing wise before jumping back into it. I might keep focusing on one shots to keep the creativity flowing and get back in the groove after all this but I can promise you that I'm just as excited to keep working on and finish up some of these beloved series too.

Thanks again for all of your support these years. It's truly means the world to me that you offer such amazing feedback and love for my writing. I'm excited to see what I can bring you over the coming year and I hope you're all looking forward to it too.



I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself, first and foremost


Sorry for your loss. Take the time you need and grieve. Try and find someone to talk to about it either a consuler or friend. I lost someone this year and people just aren't comfortable talking about death so please make sure you have someone to talk to.

John Doe

I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Reed James

I'm so sorry for your loss!


Sorry for your loss Sammy


I'm so sorry for your lost. Prioritize yourself and family as you all process through this.


I'm sorry for your loss. Don't ever feel like you can't talk about it - you have a ton of fans who would be happy to be a listening ear and support.

Misty F.

Aw, Sammy... :( My condolences about your father. Let me know if you need anything, okay?

Aaron Wall

Take as much time as you need!


I lost my mom last November. You owe us nothing. Take your time and get back to writing when you feel you’re ready, not a day sooner.


Sincerest condolences for this unexpected tragedy. The thoughts and well-wishes of all your readers are with you. Please don't feel guilty for taking the time you need to grieve, process your feelings, and set affairs in order. We'll all be here when you're ready.


Sammy, so sorry to hear about the loss of your father, I can't imagine the toll it's taking on you. Please don't worry about getting material out, as I've seen others mention, it is completely understandable and we all wish you the best during this period. Your writing is a high point for us and it should be for you as well, my thoughts are with you and your family during this time.


Hey Sammy, Ssooo sorry for you loss. Especially when something so serious happens so fast!! That is what makes it worse. Take your time and come back strong when you're ready!!!


Yes, I really miss Connie!!!!! But, she is fiction. You are dealing with a much more serious reality!!! Take care because family comes before anything!!!!!!!!!!!

The Phoenix and Cat

I'm sorry to hear that. Take the time you need to grieve, we'll all be here for ya when you are ready to come back.

Connor Shearn

Oh god, I'm so sorry. Family deaths are never easy to deal with and even less so when they're sudden. I remember when my grandfather had a heart attack and we had to rush him to the hospital. He made it through a quadruple bypass surgery and we thought he'd be okay but then something went wrong. I only remember being able to say we loved him in a brief moment when he was conscious and lucid. One of the worst days of my life. For all I care, you can charge us for this post, take all the time you need.

BZArcher (Blind Zen Archer)

I’m catching up after being able to pledge again, and I am sorry for your loss.