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Hey everyone! I'm deep in editing right now on the first batch of stories for this month, but I wanted to see your thoughts on how the stories are put out on my patreon. I announced at the beginning of the year that I'd stop sticking to a strict five story count rule, and instead work off of word count for each tier, with me sending out at least 10,000 words of stories to everyone pledging at least a dollar, and then an extra 15,000 words worth of stories to everyone pledging $5 or more. Right now I'm editing A Witch's Dream of Power part 2, and it looks like this chapter will be 10,000 words, with a third part coming after. That means it will be the only chapter that's available for all patrons this month, so I was curious to see how everyone would feel about that. It's possible I could make deep cuts to the chapter to strip it down but honestly after the positive fan reaction to the first chapter I wanted to really showcase some fun magic and mind control, and keep the characters developing. Don't worry, this won't extend into a series like some of my other short stories do, as I have a definite ending in mind. All in all Witch's Dream is looking to clock in at about 25,000 words total as a story.

So let me know if you'd rather see two smaller stories or one larger one. And any other thoughts you have on how my tiers function right now. I'm still looking to evolve them and make them better when my writing is back on track, so I'd be happy to hear any suggestions that my fans might have. Let me know what would make the best experience for you



Larger stories would mean less updates, but it might give you an easier time meeting the deadlines if you aren't working on a half dozen stories every month. I approve. 🙂


And don't worry, I don't mean I'm going to aim for 2 or 3 long stories a month lol. Just that if a story runs long then I can let it and not have to scramble to come up with another story in it's place haha

BZArcher (Blind Zen Archer)

I'm perfectly fine with getting a longer story - my only minor concern is that if I'm following a story like Managing the Office, and it gets bumped to a higher tier over a story I'm not as interested in, that sucks a little, but OTOH it's not like I can't increase my pledge for a month either.


See, I never want to feel like I'm exploiting people's interest in a series to force them into a higher tier. That's the main reason I haven't created a $10 tier yet. The idea for that tier is that it would be for the other series that I don't get to write on often to motivate me to write more but it also feels like charging people more for the stuff they wanna see. I'm very conflicted about it


Not a big deal but I actually prefer the somewhat smaller chunks, I've found that I tend to gravitate to stories o mcstories.com with chapters running in a 4-7k range. Long enough for me to feel engaged yet still short enough it doesn't like a time consuming commitment to read.


That's my sweet spot as well. I don't always have time for a 10k story, so I try not to let my chapters get that big. Sometimes I can't break them up though lol

Paul Maxey

What you could do is if you have a story that runs over the lower tier limit is hold it back from the lower tier and present it to them as a thank you 'present' for supporting you for a landmark period of time. Like a freebie that the higher tiers get for the lower tiers support for say 6 months or a special Xmas present. It isn't more work for you as it is a story you have already done and it makes the supporter feel valued. It depends how often you would go over the word limit. Some stories you might be able to cut down for the lower tier and have an extended version for the upper tiers. It is going to be hard because whenever, if you do, start the $10 tier there are going to be some stories that people have started that suddenly if they pay the lower tier suddenly they don't get access to. That is just because you will always have stories that are in the middle of their tale. Same as what I think you are talking about, you have a 3 chapter story 2 chapters are in the $1 tier threshold and 1 chapter isn't. You could I suppose if it is long enough a chapter split it in 2, name it say chapter 2a and 2b for the lower tier and present the full chapter to the upper tier? would that work? Only other way I can think of is to say to the lower tier I am only going to give you 1 and not two stories this month BUT it is double length of a normal story. Would they accept that, I personally think they would as they aren't losing out on quantity really. It is all about how you want to square that circle. :P


Just keep the writing tiers separate from the art ones. I have no problem paying more for writing but I'm not really interested in the drawings, no disrespect ment to your artist just not my thing.

Zelkova Tatl

Out of curiosity will I still get to see the other stories that I adore so much this month too??? Such as Its Runs in the Family and Enslave all Cheerleaders, oh and of course the Snake Goddess o.o ?????


I'm working on the next It Runs in the Family, don't worry there :) But since Enslave all Cheerleaders only runs in the all patrons tier then you want see a chapter of that until next month unfortunately. I promise to try and make it a good one haha


Oh of course, the illustration tier is it's own thing unrelated to the writing. I fully understand :)

Abby Gail

Please don't forget the Snake Goddess.. always looking for another chapter on them.


Perhaps make it clear someway about what's behind $15 tier. For example, Torch Gal to the Rescue feels like it would be a story, but is part of the Illustration tier.


The illustration tier doesn't have any exclusive stories to it, don't worry. They just get to see completed artwork before anyone else, in that case being a pic of Torch Gal. It'll be posted up for all patrons to see soon, but I figured I'd just give the post a fun name lol