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Austin was both impressed and infuriated.  Looking at the drawer full of bright little panties and bras, he admired his roommates’ initiative.  Replacing his normal boxer briefs with the feminine garments must have required significant investments of time and money, especially when coupled with the other alterations to his wardrobe.  Looking in the rest of the drawers revealed tiny shorts, lycra sports bras, crop-tops, and leggings in place of his normal t-shirts and joggers, while slinky tanks and a variety of low-riding, form-fitting pants had replaced the polos and jeans in his closet.  In addition to the skimpy shapes and sizes, the colorful new array was a far cry from his usual options of black and navy, the eye-catching shades almost as jarring as the inappropriate items themselves.

Objectively, it was hilarious.  If he’d helped Spence or Billy pull it off on one or the other, Austin would have considered it a personal best.  The planning and preparation, the dedication, the work that had to have gone into keeping it all a secret while sharing their relatively modest condo; as far as pranks went, it was a masterpiece.

But Austin hadn’t helped Spence or Billy, and it was his clothes that were currently missing, two substantially mitigating factors in how he viewed the current situation.  His friends had always given him a hard time for his reluctance to cover himself around the house, including just now as he’d strutted from the shower to his room with a towel flung over his shoulder instead of around his waist, but he didn’t see what the big deal was.  Austin knew exactly how good he looked, and he wanted to admire that beauty.  He wanted others to admire it as well.  The sculpted stud was constantly posting thirst trap after thirst trap on social media, letting everyone enjoy the results of good genetics combined with regular workouts.  Hair the color of cinnamon, brooding eyes, plump lips, a strong jaw; the young hunk’s face was as stunning as the rest of his strapping frame.  Austin’s shoulders were broad, his arms and pecs equally chiseled above a tapering washboard, while his lower half sported a solid, ample rear, sturdy thighs, and a serviceably average package.  Austin wasn’t the most hung guy in the room, but with the rest of his stellar presentation he didn’t need to be.  His smooth muscle and handsome features spoke for themselves.

The problem was that not everyone wanted to listen.  Spence and Billy were also fit and also handsome, though not to the same level as Austin’s polished perfection, yet they managed to at least have shorts on most of the time.  A trio of straight, gym-going jocks, they all accepted that a certain level of casual comfort was to be expected in their shared spaces.  Early morning underwear-clad encounters were common.  Shirtless Saturdays were an established routine.  Occasional, handsy horseplay was grudgingly tolerated.  But Austin took things a step further.  The handsome hunk was rarely dressed in anything more than a pair of boxer briefs until he absolutely had to leave the house, even if company was over, and when it was just the three of them he regularly wore even less.  It wasn’t at all uncommon for Austin to come home from the gym, take a shower, and then put nothing else on for the rest of the day.

It was a level of intimate exposure that neither Billy nor Spence had signed up for.  And while Austin would regularly try to get the pair to join him in his uninhibited exhibitionism, they had yet to take him up on his offer.  Instead, the duo regularly bemoaned the fact that they had a naked Adonis in the house and couldn’t even enjoy it.  They would joke about the abundance of ass and titties on display, and how they were the “wrong kind,” but Austin had yet to take the hint.

If they thought the prank would drive the message home, the ruddy-haired hunk was determined to prove them wrong.  “Nice try, assholes,” Austin grumbled, pulling out a pair of lime-green lace.  The bright panties popped against his smooth, tanned skin as he slid them up his meaty legs, the back panel nearly vanishing between his plump globes.  Austin wasn’t thrilled to discover that the incongruent underwear could contain his modest package, though the base of his stout cock was exposed as it pulled the lace low, and his heavy balls threatened to spill free at any moment.  The thin elastic bands connecting front and back also emphasized the tightness of his shredded waist, just as the matching lace bra did for his brawny upper body.  The breadth of his shoulders, the prominence of his jutting pecs, the thickness of his arms; the bright strip of sheer fabric clinging to his chest put a spotlight on all of it, while the straining straps accentuated the width of his back.

Austin shivered as he hooked it in place, unable to hold back a wave of full-body blushing when he caught sight of himself in a nearby mirror.  For just a moment, he considered conceding defeat.  Seeing his stunning physique clad in the bright, feminine attire was almost too much even for him, but he bit down on the embarrassment.  “No fuckin’ way.  Those guys aren’t getting away with this one.  They want a show?  They’ll get a show,” he chuckled, his exposed skin tingling as he took a deep breath.  The underwear’s unfamiliar sensation was becoming rapidly less so already, and after a few minutes of awkward poking, prodding and flexing in front of the mirror, Austin was at least relatively confident that he could keep his humiliation in check.  Steeling his resolve, the panty-clad pretty boy put on his most-smug smile and stepped out of his room, bracing himself for the inevitable cat calls.

Instead, Austin was greeted with silence.  As it was a late Saturday afternoon, a shirtless Spence stood in the kitchen while a similarly bare-chested Billy lounged on the couch in the connected living room, but even when they glanced in their friend’s direction, neither reacted.  For his part, Austin was determined to play along, refusing to give his antagonists the victory of a reaction.

“How was the gym,” Spence asked when Austin sauntered in.  “Place was fuckin’ packed this morning.”

“About the same.  Weekend warriors are a pain in the ass,” Austin shrugged, searching the blonde’s face for any sign of a smile or other crack in the facade.  He found none, but as his eyes traveled over the other man, the exposed hunk was surprised to find himself thinking about just how attractive Spence actually was.  They were roughly the same height, both hovering around six feet, and although the blonde wasn’t as shredded as the underwear-clad hunk and his face was closer to “cute” than “stunning,” the shirtless jock’s athletic frame was still well above average.  None of that was a new revelation for the scantily-clad stud, but Austin was surprised at how readily the thoughts came to him, and how little resistance there was.  Normally when he acknowledged how good looking Spence and Billy were it was accompanied by excuses and rationalizations for why he was thinking that another man was attractive.  He would always tell himself that he was just sizing up the competition, or that he was admiring the work his friends had put in at the gym.  Now, there was none of that.  Spence was just hot.  Austin’s stomach fluttered when the blonde finally grinned, the grip on his carefully held confidence becoming more tenuous by the moment.

“Was there more to that,” Spence asked, raising an eyebrow as his friend gawked at him.  “You kinda trailed off and just started staring,” he said, following the other man’s eyes down to his trim, shirtless torso.  “Eyes are up here, bro.”

Austin finally blushed, licking his lips as he sputtered out a response.  “Sorry…don’t know what happened there.  I guess I just…”

“Got real thirsty,” Billy interrupted as he hopped up from the couch and made his way over.  The lean brunette was the least built of the trio, but his whipcord body looked to have been chiseled out of granite, a fine dusting of chocolate fur accentuating rather than obscuring his impressive definition.

“What? No, I didn’t…” Austin started, his eyes betraying him as they immediately dropped to the outline of Billy’s long, thick cock as it bounced against the front of his thin cotton shorts.  The wide band of the brunette’s boxers poked out from above the low-riding waist, drawing attention to the furry trail that tantalizingly vanished into them.

“These are cute…are they new,” Spence asked, motioning to Austin’s lime-colored lace.

Too flustered to maintain any sort of charade, the dazed hunk tried to force a glare.  “Of course they are, thanks to you two.”

Billy and Spence exchanged a puzzled look.  “Thanks to us?  What are you talking about?”  The brunette folded his toned arms and gave Austin a slow look up and down.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen that specific combo before, but the overall theme isn’t new,” Spence added with a shrug.

“Okay, very funny,” Austin sighed, rolling his eyes in an attempt to force them away from his friends.  The pair’s proximity was almost overwhelming, and all of the confusing thoughts he’d tried to bury for so long were rapidly rushing to the surface.  “This was a killer prank.  Seriously, Master Class level.  But where’s all my stuff?”

The blonde and brunette locked eyes again.  “Are you feeling okay?  This is weird, even for you,” Spence said, reaching out and putting the back of his hand against Austin’s forehead.  “You sick or something?”

Instead of pulling away, the blushing beefcake instinctively leaned into Spence’s hand, his skin tingling from there the other man’s hand made contact.  “No!  I mean, I feel fine,” he stammered, his chiseled features going a deeper shade of red when he realized what he was just doing.  “But you guys…”

“Ohhhh,” Billy interrupted with a laugh.  “He’s sick alright…someone’s got that dick fever,” the brunette grinned, reaching out to squeeze one of Austin’s pecs.

“HHHOOOUUHHHHNNNNNHH!”  The effect was intense and immediate.  As soon as Billy’s nimble fingers applied pressure, Austin spasmed and let out a bellowing howl that rose to a shrill, piercing cry.  A moment of stunned silence followed as the three men stared at each other in wide-eyed surprise, with Austin’s sensitive chest heaving as he struggled to recover.  “What…what the fuck was that…” he sputtered, clearing his throat.  “That felt like…like…” he trailed off and cleared his throat again when he heard the altered tone, his normally deep voice now retaining the high, soft edge it adopted during his shout.  “Why do I…why do I sound weird…” he asked, rubbing his wide neck.

“Awww, it’s okay, big guy,” Spence cooed, running a hand up the stunned stud’s back.  “You make it work.”

“What the hell does that mean,” Austin spat, trying, and failing, to inject some of the missing depth back into his voice.  “And why are you two soOOH!”  He broke off in a yelp when Spence unhooked the bra, the sensation hitting him the same as if he’d just been pantsed.  He instinctively reached for the loose garment, but Billy’s arm shot out and snatched it away, leaving Austin with the unfamiliar urge to reach up and cover his prominent pecs.  The dazed hunk had never felt anything like it before.  He’d spent countless hours with his juicy shelf on display without ever giving the muscled mounds a second thought, but now it felt as if his dick was hanging out.  Specifically, if felt like his dick was hanging exposed somewhere it shouldn’t, as being naked at home never brought with it the kind of aroused vulnerability currently coursing through him.  “Oh…oh fuck…” Austin sputtered, that last thought bringing attention to yet another odd aspect of his current circumstances.  Despite being painfully, confusingly turned on, despite the pure bolt of erotic ecstasy that shot through him when Billy squeezed his chest, his panty-clad package remained entirely soft.  “Guys…please…what the hell is going on?”

“Should we tell him,” Spence asked, wrapping his arms around Austin from behind and clutching the sculpted stud’s sensitive chest. He braced himself to absorb the weight when his friend’s knees buckled, his relentless fingers tweaking Austin’s lightning rod nipples.

Billy waited until the howling hunk’s ecstatic moans died down to a steady stream of breathless whimpers.  “I guess we should,” he sighed, shaking his head.  “I kinda wanted to play dumb a little longer, but damn…that new voice got me,” he grunted, a hand absently dropping to the front of his shorts.

“Dude, for real,” Spence said, grinding his tented shorts into Austin’s backside.  “I’m giving myself away over here.  Holy fuck this is hot…”

“We always wished we could at least enjoy the view if you’re going to walk around naked all the time,” Billy said, stepping forward to run a finger along the upper ridge of Austin’s pecs.  “Well…now we can.”

“Wai…wait…does that mean you guys…” Austin panted, mustering the remains of his willpower.  The sensations were still overwhelming, but he at least didn’t feel like he was going to black out from the intensity of it all.  “Did you make yourselves into dudes?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that,” Spence said, letting his hands slide down to his friend’s waist.  “We just made it so that your ass and your titties are as captivating as the ones we’re usually interested in.”

Billy nodded and ran his thumbs over Austin’s hard little nipples, eliciting another round of gasping.  “As far as dudes all over the world are concerned, you’re now the prettiest pussy on the planet.  I mean, fuck, dude…if what that Code Breaker guy said is true, they’ll take you over an actual woman at this point.”

“What?!”  Austin couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than how good it felt to be wrapped in Spence’s brawny arms while Billy played with his tits.  He shook his head at that last thought and forced himself to think of them as his pecs, his stomach dropping at how wrong it felt.

“Especially with that sexy new voice,” Spence purred.  “I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with this guy, but at least it’s out of the way,” he chuckled, slipping a hand into the front of Austin’s panties.  “Ohhh…someone gets real wet.”

The ruddy-haired hunk was as mortified by what he heard as what he felt.  His lifeless package wasn’t numb, he could feel Spence squeezing it, but the pleasurable sensations that usually accompanied such contact were entirely absent, their forces now marshaled at his overly-sensitive chest.  He’d been able to feel himself oozing as the plump mounds were kneaded, but he’d been trying not to think about the altered reaction.  “Guys…come on…you can’t really…” Austin stammered, leaning into Spence’s embrace despite his protests.  “Who the fuck is the  Code Breaker?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Billy shrugged.  “All you need to know is that shit’s expensive.  But it looks like we got what we paid for.  And don’t worry, we didn’t leave you hanging.”

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck…!”  Austin went up on his toes, another unexpected pulse of pure bliss punching through him when Spence’s stubby fingers slid around and slipped between his ample cheeks.  Whenever they brushed against his equally sensitive hole it was like the blonde was pressing a button connected directly to the spasming stud’s pleasure receptors.

“I mean…it’s a win-win, right,” Spence asked, biting his lower lip as he slowly pushed a finger inside.  “You can still do what you love to do, only now we can all enjoy it.”

“And, let’s be honest, bud,” Billy said, his tone going from smug to sympathetic.  “Always strutting around naked…trying to get us to do the same…getting all handsy when you’re ‘drunk’...it was pretty obvious, bro.  You’ve wanted this for a long time, haven’t you?”

“YuuhhheeEEEsssSS…” Austin groaned before he could stop himself.  Any remaining walls had officially crumbled under Spence’s invading digits, leaving only the desperate, unrequited desire.

“We totally called it, dude,” Spence said to Billy before returning his attention to the hunk squirming at the end of his fingers.  “And just think of it, man.  Instead of being limited to gay dudes, you get to pick from any of ‘em.”

“Hey now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Billy grinned.  “He’s got two of the best at home already…he’s not going to need to pick anyone.”

“Solid point,” Spence nodded, pulling his hand free.  “What do you say?  Want to have some real fun?”

Austin didn’t know how to respond other than to throw himself forward and drop to his knees, taking Billy’s shorts and boxers with him.  His spinning brain was still processing what he’d been told, that he’d somehow been turned into a limp-dicked, sultry-voiced man magnet who’d forever be strutting around in bras, panties and other ill-fitting feminine attire.  He knew he should be mad, that such a fate should have been beyond humiliating, but as he finally wrapped his lips around Billy’s thick club all he felt was grateful.  No more hopping from one woman’s bed to the other in some pitiful attempt at maintaining a disguise.  No more pretending to be something he wasn’t.  Whether he’d ripped the bandaid off himself or his friends had done it for him, the end result was that he could finally indulge in the desires he’d denied himself for so long.  If that meant becoming a panty-clad power-bottom with pleasure-balloon pecs, then so be it.  Austin reluctantly pulled his bobbing face from between Billy’s hairy thighs long enough to shoot Spence an expectant look.  “What are you waiting for,” he purred, pulling Billy to his knees while he repositioned himself on all fours.  He let out an excited giggle when he felt the blonde slip his panties free, wagging his muscled bubble until Spence’s invading cock had it locked in place.

With a friend now filling him at each end, Austin let himself be carried away by the overwhelming ecstasy.  It was like nothing he’d ever imagined, and before he fully lost himself to the sensations there was time for one last rush of appreciation over the lengths to which his friends had gone on his behalf.  It really was a hell of a prank.



Loved this! Nice work!


Thanks! I feel like we’ve tread similar ground before, but it popped up when I was playing around with the story randomizer and I felt inspired.