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Mason’s square, flat face was crimson, his blunted, rugged features blushing from his bashful nerves.  His heart raced and his huge, calloused hands trembled, the enormity of what loomed over him more than he could process.  A part of him desperately wanted to take Luke up on his offer before it was too late, but the other parts still refused to believe any of it was really happening.  He still felt fine.  So far, the only symptom was a slight, barely noticeable tingling throughout his broad, brawny frame, a vibration so subtle that he likely would have overlooked it had he not been on high alert.  “I don’t know, man,” he said, letting out a long breath and looking sheepish.  “I appreciate the offer, but…it feels weird, you know?”

Luke’s smile was sympathetic as he nodded.  “Of course.  I totally get it, believe me.  I just know how much you enjoy all this,” he said, motioning to the towering, auburn-haired hulk’s strapping frame, “and I wanted to put it out there.  I get that I’m far from your first choice, but any port in a storm and all that.”

“Oh, no, dude, it’s not that you’re not…I mean, you look great, bud,” Mason stammered, giving the shorter brunette a quick glance up and down.  Where he lived up to his name, sporting a physique that loomed as a 6’4” wall of bulky brawn, Luke was a sculpted pretty-boy by comparison.  The other man wasn’t short, standing an average 5’10”, but even with his ample, chiseled muscles he looked small by comparison.  Next to Mason, everyone did.  In addition to his excessive height, the blushing beefcake’s burly torso strained against his black XXL t-shirt, his mammoth pecs and powerful arms threatening to tear free any minute.  While it would have been loose and draping on Luke, the plastered-on top showed off every inch of Mason’s firm muscle gut, as well as emphasizing the sheer size and thickness of the bigger man’s lower half as the bottom barely reached his waist.  The ruddy-haired hunk’s meaty rear filled his heather jogger’s to capacity and then some, and both of Luke’s legs could have filled in for one of Mason’s trunk-like thighs.  Unsurprisingly, the casually revealing pants left little of the rugged stud’s hefty package to the imagination, but since it was just him and Luke in the lab that day, he hadn’t felt the need to dress up.  When it was just the two of them, he could get away with exposing the elastic of his briefs in back whenever he bent, or the hairy trail in front that snaked up towards his navel whenever he raised his powerful arms.

Luke chuckled and shook his head.  “Dude, sparing my ego is the last thing you need to be worrying about right now.  If you’re not into it, you’re not into it.”

“It’s just that I never really thought we’d have the, uh, opportunity,” Mason said, thinking back on the many hours of playful flirting he and Luke had engaged in while working on the project.  He knew the handsome brunette had a thing for him, and he was always happy to accept such attention regardless of whether it came from a man or a woman, but when it came to actually doing the deed, Mason limited himself to the latter.  Often.  It wasn’t uncommon for the buff bull to hook up with a different woman every night of the week, eagerly regaling his lab partner with the details whenever one of the copious encounters took a turn for the weird or disastrous.  Mason knew that’s why Luke extended the offer, that soon things would be very, very different in regard to his favorite hobby, and he wanted to give his friend a final opportunity while still in his prime.  Mason wasn’t oblivious to the self-serving aspects of his partner’s offer, but he couldn’t blame the other man.  If he’d been in Luke’s shoes and knew this was the last chance he’d get to shoot his shot, he’d have done the same thing.   “I still can’t believe this is actually happening,” the burly hunk groaned.

“I’m just glad it didn’t happen two weeks ago,” Luke said, his eyes going wide at the thought.  “At least we had a chance to get the safety protocols up and running.  That…could’ve been bad.”

Mason swallowed hard and looked over at the adjoining chamber through the wall of windows.  In its center sat a small metal box that looked entirely unassuming.  The whole room did.  The white, unmarred walls, smooth, tiled floor and clear glass showed no signs of the energy bath they’d just taken.  Nor would they.  The device only affected people, not things, leaving the anxious hunk as the sole piece of impending evidence that a disastrous accident had taken place at all.  Mason had been calibrating the box, a task he’d done countless times before without issue, when he’d bumped the wrong wire and unintentionally set it off.  He’d completely forgotten to disconnect the power beforehand, one of those simple steps that was easy to overlook when tired from fucking all night but still going to the gym early in the morning.  As a result of the unfortunate oversight, his unprotected body had been hit by a tidal wave of experimental radiation.  He’d seen Luke frantically trying to power things down from the other room, but there wasn’t anywhere near enough time since they hadn’t built the kill switch yet.  Until then, they hadn’t needed one.  Turning the device on was as equally laborious as turning it off, unless you forgot to unplug it and were messing around inside its guts.

Luckily, they’d refined things to the point where Mason knew he wasn’t in mortal danger.  His life wasn’t literally on the line the way it would have been a few weeks before, but his coming years were going to be very different from the twenty six he’d lived so far.  The purpose of the device was to shrink tumors in a more targeted way than existing methods, thereby reducing side effects and shortening the overall length of treatment.  If successful, and so far he had no reason to believe otherwise, the device would be a medical milestone.

He’d been thrilled to land a spot on such a groundbreaking project so fresh from grad school, and he’d been thrilled to work with someone as bright and equally dedicated as Luke.  While they couldn’t have been more different on paper, one a straight, rugged meathead and the other a gay, primped pretty-boy, they were a dream team, each perfectly complementing the other both socially and technically.  More than anything, they just wanted to help people, a shared, core principle that let them quickly move on from their frequent arguments.  Their coworkers always said they bickered like a married couple, especially with the frequent flirting, but neither ever expected things to progress beyond a solid friendship.  They also never expected one of them to wind up at ground zero.

“How long do you think I’ve got,” Mason asked, absently flexing an arm as he ran a hand along his muscled stomach.

Luke shrugged and shook his head.  “No idea.  But with a hit like that, I’m guessing not too long.  Less than an hour for sure.”

Mason took a deep breath, his prominent pecs swelling.  “And with the fifteen minutes or so we took checking my vitals…plus the time we’ve been standing here…fuck.”

“To be fair, checking your vitals was a priority,” Luke said.  “Maybe not YOUR first priority, but I don’t want you dropping dead on me.”

“My hero,” Mason chuckled, biting at his lower lip.  He shifted his weight from foot to foot, taking another look around the quiet lab.  They were putting in hours on a Sunday and the rest of the building was equally empty, meaning they wouldn’t be disturbed if he wanted to take Luke up on his offer.  There was still time.  “Aw, hell,” he finally sighed.  “You’re right…it’s now or never.  Let’s do this.”

It was Luke’s turn to blush as he watched Mason peel out of his t-shirt.  “Wait…really?  You’re sure,” he sputtered, the sight of the other man’s bare, burly torso making his stomach flutter.  He’d fantasized about this scenario so often that he couldn’t believe it was actually happening, though the circumstances were far from what he usually imagined.

“What’s it look like,” Mason laughed, spreading his arms wide.  “Clock’s ticking, bro.”

Luke tore out of his t-shirt and fumbled with the fly of his jeans as he darted forward.  He reached for the waist of Mason’s joggers, intending to tug them down as he dropped to his knees, but the bigger man’s arms were instantly around him, holding him in place for a rough, passionate kiss.  Though he hadn’t expected the intimate gesture, Luke leaned into the embrace, relishing the sensation of Mason’s massive frame pressing into him.  If his friend was still hesitant at all the other man’s eager tongue succeeded in hiding that fact, as did the hungry hands that slipped into the back of Luke’s pants to knead the smaller man’s perky bubble.

“Okay…yeah…this is a good idea,” Mason grinned, his flushed face looking bashful when he finally broke off the kiss.  “You’re a good kisser, bro.”

“And I thought you were just full of shit this whole time,” Luke chuckled, so dazed from the kiss that he barely noticed Mason tugging his pants down.  It was the brunette’s turn to blush when his rigid cock instantly sprang free and he was left standing naked and hard under his friend’s hungry stare.  “I, uh, also thought I’d be getting YOU naked right now.”

Mason pursed his lips and nodded as he reached out to wrap a hand around Luke’s aching rod.  The six-inch organ was of average size and smaller than his own, but it perfectly complemented the lean hunk’s tapering physique.  “I guess there’s no point in hiding it anymore,” Mason said, giving a few gentle tugs.  “I’ve thought about this before.”

“Wait…what?  Really?” Luke gasped, both from the sensation and the surprise.

Mason shrugged.  “A bunch, actually.  Fuck, man…I’ve jerked it so many times thinking about what this would be like,” he laughed.  “I just didn’t want to mess anything up, you know?  I’ve never actually fooled around with a guy before, and I didn’t want you to think I was just using you as an experiment or whatever if it turned out I wasn’t into it.  I’m not really used to feeling like I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Don’t think you have to worry about that,” Luke groaned.

Mason grinned at the other man’s obvious pleasure, nodding down at his own tented joggers.  “Didn’t have to worry about any of it, ‘cause I think I love this,” he said, leaning in for another kiss.  While the bigger man was distracted, Luke seized his opportunity.  His hands slipped into the back of Mason’s briefs, and before his friend could stop him he wriggled out of the kiss and dropped to his knees, taking the briefs and joggers with him.  The eight inch club that bounced free made Luke’s mouth water, and he wasted no time getting to work.  “Sneaky sneaky,” Mason sighed, running a hand through the brunette’s hair as the kneeling man’s head began to bob.  “I was going to do that to you first.”

“I know,” Luke said between mouthfuls.  “But you’re the one on a clock, not me.”

Mason didn’t argue.  He’d have ample opportunities to enjoy Luke’s cock after this, the other man’s equipment wasn’t going anywhere, but his own fat log had a shelf life.  He closed his eyes and sighed as the other man’s tongue explored every inch of his thighs, cock, and churning balls, reluctantly pulling away when he eventually felt himself approaching the edge.  He didn’t have to say anything when he met Luke’s eyes, and he was once again grateful for their effortless connection when the brunette just nodded and climbed to his feet.

When their lips met once again, however, they both realized the urgency of their situation.  Instead of having to tilt his head back, Luke now stood eye-to-eye with his once taller friend.  “Oh…oh shit…” he stammered, his stomach dropping.  He hadn’t noticed Mason growing any smaller as he’d clung to the other man’s ample rear, but his friend had already lost nearly six inches in height.  “Do you…do you want to stop?”

“No!” Mason roared, his face a mask of determination.  He frantically threw himself against his friend’s back when the brunette turned and leaned against a nearby table, lining his spit-slick rod for entry.  Luke braced himself for the pain of a forceful intrusion, but, to his surprise, Mason stayed calm, steadily, if rapidly, working the thick log inside.  “Fuuuuuck,” the ruddy-haired hunk groaned, his hands latching onto Luke’s hips.  “This is…starting to feel weird.”

“Just keep looking at me,” Luke grunted, his eyes meeting Mason’s as he looked back over his shoulder.  The brunette’s tapering back arched, his fingers digging into the table as the other man rolled his rapidly dwindling hips, each desperate thrust accompanied by increasingly visible physical changes.  “You’ll be fine, okay?  Just remember that.”

Mason nodded, his eyes going wide from both the pleasure and his shifting perspective.  Luke seemed larger by the moment, but the shrinking stud refused to look down at himself, opting instead to keep his eyes fixed on the other man’s.  He was terrified at what was happening, and he knew their actions were ridiculous given the circumstances, but he also knew there was nothing else to do.  The change was inevitable, and it seemed like a better idea to greet it by having fun than sitting around consumed with dread.  Mason was just glad that, if it had to happen, at least Luke was there to get him through it.

The former hulk finally closed his eyes when the other man officially became too big for him to process.  He could hear the tone of his grunts getting higher and softer, but he was close enough to the edge that there was no point in turning back now.  Whatever the shape of his new body, it would still be there after he’d unloaded into his friend’s perfect, perky bubble.

For his part, Luke had actually been able to feel Mason shrinking inside of him.  He didn’t need to see it to know that the once-imposing log was now considerably less so, just like the rest of his increasingly diminutive partner.  Though Mason refused to watch, Luke had witnessed the entire transformation, doing his best to keep his expression neutral as the mountain of muscle melted.  Broad, cannonball shoulders thinned and pulled inwards, prominent pecs deflated, the lumpy muscle gut softened into a shapeless belly, and the arms that once wrapped around him like steel girders shrank to a matched, slender set.  Even Mason’s rugged face had softened, swapping out the statuesque features for wide, bright eyes, a button nose and plump, pouty lips.  Considering the continued reduction in height that had occurred, “cute” was a much better fit for his friend’s face than “rugged” anyway, as the once-towering titan now stood as a tiny twink.  It was hard for Luke to tell from his current vantage point, but he guessed that Mason now topped out around the five-foot mark, meaning his friend had dropped sixteen inches from where he’d started.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…fuuUUNNNHHH…!”  Mason’s reduced frame tensed and spasmed, his high, lightened voice ringing around the lab as he erupted.  His eyes finally shot open and took in his new proportions, the color draining from his face while he finished spurting.  His shortened legs gave out as soon as he was done, giving both of them a view of his barely four-inch cock and petite new balls as he staggered to the floor.  Luckily, Luke managed to twist and dive just in time, catching Mason against himself and softening his friend’s impact.

“You’re okay…you’re okay…” Luke repeated, his head spinning as his own mind struggled to accept the tender twink in his arms as his formerly huge friend.  “I think you’re through the worst of it.”

“Oh god…is this…I’m so small,” Mason squeaked with a shocked laugh.  He kept blinking and shaking his head as if it would readjust his perspective, his doe-eyes wide as he now stared up at Luke.  “You seem fucking huge,” he said, leaning into the other man’s athletic frame as it loomed against him.

“Everything still good,” Luke asked, ignoring how small Mason’s formerly thick wrist seemed as he checked his friend’s pulse.  “Anything hurt?”

Mason shook his head.  “Just like we thought,” he sighed, his flattened chest heaving.  “I’m a little sore, but that’s it.  We really did build a hell of a machine…” he said, his pale face going red when he finally noticed his diminished equipment next to Luke’s comparatively huge cock.  “Fuck!  That’s…that’s something…” he sputtered, absently reaching out to wrap a dainty hand around his friend’s rigid organ.  “At least we got one in just under the wire.  It was fun while it lasted, I guess…”

“Excuse me,” Luke chided, leaning down to kiss the top of Mason’s head.  One hand stroked along the shrunken man’s softened, supple thigh while the other rubbed at his friend’s stomach, the contrast between his own tapering firmness and the former beefcake’s yielding new curves making his cock throb.  “Why are you talking about that like it was a one-time thing?”

Mason looked down at himself, surprised at how turned on he was by his new perspective.  He was still in shock, he knew that much, but beneath the dread and anxiety was a seed of excitement, a fluttering in his softened stomach that made him think maybe things weren’t as bad as he feared.  “I just assumed you’d…I mean, I don’t look ANYTHING like I used to.  That muscle is gone for good.  I don’t think I’ll be able to build back even a fraction of it.  And what am I even supposed to do with a cock like…” Mason was cut off when Luke leaned in for a kiss, his whole body trembling with desire at the foreign sensation of being the one swallowed in a strong embrace for a change.  It was occurring to him that, more than the loss of his size, he’d feared the loss of Luke’s interest along with it.  Mason had always been quick to adapt, and he knew that, even though it would be a hefty adjustment, he’d eventually find his new rhythm.  But after finally acknowledging and acting on their secretly shared desires, he was afraid that it was his only chance, that Luke’s interest would wane now that he wasn’t a massive meathead.  Based on the way the now-bigger brunette clung to him, and the way their tongues vigorously wrestled, it was becoming increasingly clear that he needn’t worry after all.

“What are you going to do with it?  I can think of a few things,” Luke purred, swallowing his friend’s twitching little rod with one hand.  “We’re in a lab, right?  Let’s experiment.”



I really like the fantasy of transforming during sex — especially size change of any kind. I’d love to see more stories that feature that!