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“So this is the stuff that’s going to make my dreams come true?”  Colton lifted the tiny vial, holding it up to the light so he could better inspect the contents.  The bright afternoon sun streaming through the balcony doors shattered into a rainbow against his grinning face as it passed through the countless glittering shards, the prismatic effect seeming more pronounced than it should given the meager size of the container.  The thin little vial was no more than an inch and a half in length and looked even smaller as it wedged between the jock’s thumb and forefinger, his meaty, gym-calloused hand threatening to crush the delicate container.

“You really need to give that back,” Jeremy said, his stern tone undermined by his slight, slender frame and the size difference between them as he stepped forward.  At 6’3”, Colton had nearly a foot on him, to say nothing of the copper-haired hunk’s broad, strapping physique.  The smaller man was tight and toned, but if it turned into a physical confrontation there was no question as to which of them would come out on top.  The comparatively tiny twink could have fit comfortably inside his roommate’s brawny body with room to spare.  Colton’s arm was nearly the size of Jeremy’s thigh, and the bigger man’s legs were almost the size of the smaller man’s waist.

“I do?”  Colton reached out and ruffled Jeremy’s coffee-colored mop, emphasizing the difference in stature as he practically palmed the brunette’s head.  “Or what?”  He drove the point home by planting his hand against Jeremy’s toned pecs and giving a gentle, but irresistible, shove, sending the smaller man back several paces.

“Colton…please.  Do you know how long it took me to get that?  How much work I put in?”  Jeremy sighed and adjusted the glasses resting on his pointed nose.  Unlike the towering jock’s deceptive, boy-next-door looks, his own features were as sharp and delicate as the vial in the other man’s hand.  With his effortless, handsome charm compared to Jeremy’s naturally icy expression, people always assumed that the jock was the more friendly of the pair, until they spent any amount of time with him.  “That took me months!”

“I know,” Colton shrugged.  “Shouldn’t have left your notes laying around, bud.  I just thought you were on some gay hippy shit with all the candles and incense.  But this?  Honest-to-god magic?  I still didn’t really believe it,” he said, the rainbow shifting across his smug smile as he turned the vial around in his hand.  “But I can actually feel it.  This shit’s the real deal, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It is,” Jeremy spat.  “That’s actual dust from MY actual dreams.  Mine.  Not yours.  It’s going to make MY dreams come true.  I’m the one who spent months meditating and training to lucid dream.  I’m the one who had to wait for the right celestial alignments.  I’m the one who risked getting stuck over there.  Do you have any idea how hard it was to bring back even a small amount like that?  I had a migraine for a week.  It almost killed me!”

“Hey, if you did it once, you can do it again,” Colton said, entirely unphased by Jeremy’s tirade.  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m impressed.  I’m not saying what you did was easy.  But there’s no way in hell I’m letting you waste something this amazing on something so dumb.”

“Fuck you,” Jeremy growled, his fists balling at his sides.

“Honestly?  Kinda thought that’s where you were heading with all this,” the bigger man chuckled.  “I’m flattered that you’d go to all this trouble to ‘get a body like Colton’s,” he said, air quoting what he’d read in Jeremy’s notes.  “But this apartment’s already cramped enough as it is without there being two big guys here.”

“Just can’t stand the thought of coming in second, can you,” Jeremy asked, folding his toned arms across his chest.

“Second to you?  Is that what you think would happen?”  Colton let out a loud laugh and mirrored the smaller man’s defiant pose.  “Bro…there’s no way you’re magicking up a better package than this.  I love how thirsty you are for me, but come on.  Even if you were on my level it’s still not happening.  I mean, maybe I’d let you suck my dick if I didn’t have to worry about breaking you, but that’s as far as you’re getting.  This is a strictly pussy situation over here,” he said, motioning to the lumpy muscle straining against his tight t-shirt and thin joggers.  “Bad enough with you lusting after me as a little guy…don’t want you being big AND horny for all this.”

Jeremy took a slow, deep breath to keep from losing his temper completely.  He and Colton had lived together for two torturous years, stuck as a duo through a variety of economic and social pressures.  They’d met through mutual friends during college, and while they’d always maintained a delicate “frienemy” equilibrium, things had progressed to genuine animosity in the few years since graduating and the start of their cohabitation.  At first, Jeremy actually did enjoy sharing space with the strapping, sculpted stud.  Despite his less-than-sparkling interior, Colton’s exterior presentation was stunning.  He was a hung, handsome hunk, and Jeremy initially thought there were worse things than having some smug eye candy around.  He’d quickly been proven wrong.  His copper-headed antagonist loved nothing more than to bait and tease him, mocking him for his diminutive stature and going out of his way to embarrass him whenever he could.  On the rare occasion when Colton would be anything other than fully clothed in one of their shared spaces, the bigger man would make a production out of letting Jeremy know that he was “off limits”, despite the fact that the lean brunette never so much as looked in his direction.  Nor did it help that the arrogant Adonis was far from the dumb jock he appeared to be.  Jeremy had actually looked forward to the possibility of some engaging conversation with the other man, but the only thing Colton seemed interested in using his above average intelligence for was finding new ways to get under his roommate’s skin.  “Let’s just cut the bullshit,” Jeremy said, locking eyes with the bigger man.  “What do I have to do to get that back from you?”

Colton cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, the fingers on one hand tapping against the meaty bicep of the opposite arm.  “THAT’S an interesting question,” he nodded, his growing smile lacking any humor.  “Now that you mention it…maybe there’s a way we can make both of our dreams come true.  Hold on…” Colton said, sauntering over to the dirty gym bag he always left lying around the apartment.  He zipped it open and pulled out a wad of musky fabric that he tossed over to Jeremy.  “You want to look like me?  Put ‘em on.”

The smaller man’s face went crimson as he held up the sweat-stained boxer briefs.  The heather fabric assaulted his nostrils even at arms’ length, the pungent underwear looking huge as he held it up.  “Excuse me?”

“Maybe I’ll be so impressed by your budding potential that I’ll let you have it back,” Colton said.  “Unless you take too long and I change my mind.  What’s it going to be?”

“You’re such an asshole,” Jeremy grumbled, his hands shaking as he grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and lifted it free.  The crimson sheen flowed down from his face to cover the entirety of his toned torso when he saw that Colton had pulled his phone out to start filming, but he knew this was his best, and possibly only, chance.  If nothing else, he thought maybe he could distract the other man, a fact that became a certainty when he shucked his jeans to reveal his twitching briefs.  Despite his anger and embarrassment, Jeremy couldn’t deny the thrill that ran through him at the thought of stripping down under the bigger man’s piercing gaze, and the fact that he was about to be slipping into the jock’s used underwear only made it more intense.

“Well that didn’t take long,” Colton groaned when the brunette peeled out of his briefs and let his rigid cock spring free.  The five-inch pole was smaller than the thick seven he sported, but it looked impressively large between Jeremy’s slender thighs.  “I get it…have to try and make it bigger if you’re going to fill those out,” he laughed.

“Isn’t it a little weird that you’re so interested in MY dick right now,” Jeremy stammered as he slipped the dirty boxer briefs on.

“Is that what that little thing is? I couldn’t tell,” Colton shrugged.  He shook his head at the sight of the baggy underwear draping off the other man’s trim hips, the loose boxer briefs unable to stay in place even with the aid of Jeremy’s rigid cock.  “I don’t know, man.  I’m not seeing it.  Maybe if you flexed for me?”

The brunette sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing full well what was going to happen the moment he let go.  He felt the underwear land at his ankles as he broke into a double-bicep pose, well aware that Colton intended to post the videos as soon as he was able.  Still, Jeremy played along, his thin little arms going solid as he strained.  “Happy now?”

Colton let the other man hold the pose for several moments before shrugging again.  “Still not really seeing it.  Why don’t you try the shirt?”  Underwear still at his ankles, Jeremy slipped into the muscle shirt that Colton tossed him.  It was just as musky as the boxer briefs and equally oversized, with the draping top fitting him like a gown.  A part of the blushing twink was just glad to have some level of coverage again, but the bigger man’s icy smile kept any real relief at bay.  “Sorry, bud.  I’m just not buying it.  You look like one of my girls after I’ve fucked her brains out and she puts my shirt on, not anything like me.  But hey, I’ll tell you what…you can keep that stuff, alright?  That feels like a fair trade.”

“Colton, please.  You don’t…!”  Jeremy’s plea was cut off when the bigger man pulled the cork out of the vial and held it up to his nose, quickly snorting the contents.

“Fuck!  That stings,” Colton laughed, his handsome features screwing tight as he shook his head.  “Now I just close my eyes and think about what I want real hard?  Easy enough,” he said to himself.  He scrunched his eyes shut, his prominent pecs rising and falling slowly as he took a deep breath.  His face was a mask of concentration, his massive hands tensing and relaxing as he focused on the version of himself he wanted to become.  “Oh…whoa…” he gasped, his eyes still closed.  “I think…I think I can feel it already.  Everything’s all tingly.  Is that how it’s supposed to work?”  Colton opened his eyes, looking slightly dazed as he stared at the scantily clad twink.  A hand absently drifted across the front of his torso, his skin feeling more and more sensitive as the internal vibrations increased.

“You steal months of effort, and now you want me to tell you how it works,” Jeremy asked with a short laugh.  “Didn’t you read that in my notes?”

“Awww, come on,” Colton cooed.  “Don’t be mad.  Want me to make it up to you,” he asked, looking slightly alarmed when he heard the words leave his mouth.  The hand that had been drifting across the front of his shirt slipped up underneath, lifting the bottom and exposing the jock’s impressive abs.  “Fuck…you look so fucking cute right now,” he groaned, lifting the shirt to his pecs as the groping hand traveled north.  It was joined by the other as the dazed jock blinked and shook his head, his expression growing more confused.  “Wait…what did I just say?  Why did I…fuuuuuuck,” he broke off in a groan when he started tweaking each nipple, his tapering washboard flexing as he squirmed.  “What the fuck am I doing,” Colton gasped, abandoning the lightning rod nipples to seductively slide his hands down his trim sides.  He rolled his hips in time, pursing his lips when the hands reached his waist and glided back up.  Colton’s piston arms were flexing in the process, their imposing size accentuated by the way the moaning stud kept folding them behind his head and running his seemingly desperate hands through his hair.  “Holy shit I’m horny,’ the gyrating jock grunted, his eyes going wide when he casually stripped out of his t-shirt altogether.  Colton knew something was very wrong with his behavior, but it wasn’t until he started flexing in earnest that he realized he was in the midst of a striptease.  After a few moments of groaning poses he stopped flexing and let his hands drop again, the thumbs slipping into the waist of his joggers to seductively pull the front down.  He flashed the stuffed bulge of his navy boxer briefs before turning and pulling the back down with a swivel of his hips, showing off the way the straining underwear stretched around his ample globes.  “Fuck!  What…why am I doing this?!” he asked with a shocked laugh instead of the desperate cry he’d intended.

“Because you’re so, so predictable,” Jeremy sighed as he watched the other man’s performance.  He tugged on the dirty, draping shirt he’d been forced into and shrugged, a smug grin spreading across his sharp face.  “Not entirely, though.  This whole bit was a pleasant surprise.”

“But…but the dust…” Colton sputtered, his meaty thighs flexing as he pushed the joggers down and kicked them free.  His own thick log had gone rock hard, and he kneaded the aching organ through the tented underwear with one hand while the other latched onto the back of his head to resume flexing a powerful arm.  “Your notes…”

“Were a trap,” Jeremy interrupted.  “One that was up to you to spring.”

“What?!  But…but…oh fuuuuck,” Colton groaned again, his sculpted frame going crimson when he pushed the front of his boxer briefs down and fished his oozing cock free.  One arm still folded behind his head, he began slowly rocking his hips to thrust the organ through his fist, a series of low, lustful moans slipping from his slack jaw.  “What’s…what’s happening…?”

“You’re literally making my dreams come true,” Jeremy said with a proud nod.  “The hole in the plan would have been obvious if you’d stopped and thought about it for even two seconds.  It’s dust from MY dream…why would it make YOURS a reality?  But I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.  All you saw was yet another chance to try and fuck with me.  You didn’t even stop to question how convenient it was!  All it took was a few careless ‘notes’ left scattered around and boom, here we are.”

“I’m…I’m sorry, okay?  I was just messing with you,” Colton stammered, his body on autopilot as he shucked his boxer briefs and wagged his thick club back and forth.  The smug stud wasn’t used to actually feeling exposed or vulnerable, and the fact that he’d just put Jeremy through a similar process wasn’t lost on him.  “You…you got me back.  Good job.  Now how do we stop this?”

“Oh, there’s no stopping it,” Jeremy chuckled.  “You bought the ticket, now you’re taking the ride to Dream Colton.  Just look…you’re already on your way.”

Colton’s eyes went wide when he looked over at his reflection in a nearby mirror.  “FUCK!  What the fuck happened to my face?!” he cried, his hands shaking as he prodded at the altered mask.  Though his features were still recognizable as his own, they’d been significantly exaggerated.  His eyes were bright and sparkling, his cheekbones had sharpened, his lips had puffed, and his already-lantern jaw had become comically wide.  They were the unnatural proportions of a caricature or a cartoon character, warping even beyond what surgery should have been capable of creating.  “That…that can’ be me,” he gasped, wincing at the permanently seductive expression that seemed to have settled over his new visage.

“You think that’s impressive?  Just wait,” Jeremy laughed, his cock twitching at the sight of his dream made flesh.

“What?!  What do you meeaaaAAAHHHH!”  Colton broke off in a yelp when his chest suddenly started to balloon.  Without warning, the prominent pecs puffed and swelled, jutting out like a juicy, gravity-defying shelf as they piled on mass.  The misproportioned muscle-tits looked even larger as the jock’s waist pinched further inward, adopting a noticeable curve as his body crested out again at his expanding rear.  Like his chest, the granite globes doubled in size, inflating to a thick, bouncing bubble that acted as a perfect counterpoint to the now-colossal cock that had swelled from seven to eleven inches.  The end result was a Colton that had gone from gym-sculpted Adonis to an erotic drawing made flesh, his warped contours now well beyond the bounds of probability.  “Shit!  What the fuck, bro,” he yelped, his hands darting between the oversized trinity that was his chest, ass and cock.  “Look at me!  I’m thicc as hell,” he said, the exclamation more surprised than alarmed.  Colton let out an almost drunken laugh as he pawed at his inflated rear, kneading and clapping the cheeks together.  “About to ride soooo much dick with this thing, dude,” he groaned, his dull grin wavering when he heard the words.  “Wait…no I’m…I’m…I am?  Fuck, bro, my head feels weird as shit,” he chuckled, unable to put his finger on what exactly was wrong.  He felt like the way he was talking sounded just as out of place as the words themselves.  Colton had never been anything close to a dumb jock, but now he seemed to be plummeting in that direction.

“Don’t worry, big guy.  It won’t for long,” Jeremy said, his tone sympathetic.  “Just have to get rid of all that stuff you don’t need anymore.”

“Oh, good,” the bigger man nodded before the words fully sunk in.  “Wait, what?!  No…I don’t want to get rid of…I’m not some…some…” Colton shook his head again, the words slipping beyond his grasp.  At the moment, he didn’t know what he was.  Like Jeremy had just said, there seemed to be gaping craters in his thoughts that were growing larger by the moment, but the images and memories that were trickling in to fill them still left plenty of empty space.  Colton didn’t know how to feel as he started to see visions of himself as he currently was, his buff new hourglass on full display as he sauntered around the apartment in nothing but a thong.  His fattened, lengthened cock and inflated balls half-spilled out of the pitifully inadequate pouch, and his shifting cakes were fully exposed, but he didn’t seem to mind in the least.  Instead, it felt fantastic.  Colton suddenly remembered that he hated wearing clothes.  He hated covering the ludicrous body that he knew Jeremy loved to look at.  The cute little twink did such a good job taking care of him that Colton would do whatever his friend wanted.  He loved the wiry brunette more than anything, and even though that thought struck the addled Adonis as wrong, he couldn’t quite hold onto it as he gazed at the nearly-naked little hunk.  “But…but this isn’t…me…” Colton half-heartedly protested.

“Of course it is,” Jeremy cooed.  “It’s the you I dream about, but it’s still you.  And, honestly, look at the bright side.  We technically both had our dreams come true.  Instead of going to the office every day, now you get to lift, flex and fuck to your heart’s content.”

Colton beamed at that last part, his excitement far outweighing the slight stab of anxiety he felt at the thought.  Now, instead of sitting behind a desk at a job he was no longer anywhere near smart enough for, he spent his days working out at the gym, getting naked in front of a camera, and having his pillowy cheeks pounded as often as possible, preferably by the lean little brunette.  The curvy stud still took turns on top when he had a partner who could handle his now-girthy monster, though they were few and far between.

A part of Colton still thought it all felt wrong, but a much larger part knew how good it all felt, so he didn’t really care.  “I…I do?  Fuck yeah I do, bro,” he grunted, his sputtering question turning into an eager bark.  “I’m way hot now,” he grinned, groping his mammoth pecs as he spoke.  It wasn’t an arrogant boast the way it would have been in the past, just a simple statement of fact.  “Dumb as shit, but who gives a fuck?  Don’t gotta be smart with all this meat,” he said, giving his oversized cock a tug, his expression falling slightly.  “That’s okay, right?”

“Of course it is,” Jeremy said, finally stepping forward to run his significantly smaller hands along Colton’s curvy new frame.  He’d felt it countless times before in his dreams, but to feel it in the waking world made him quiver.  “People don’t love you for your brains, bud.  Or your body, really.  They love you for being such a big softy.”

Colton felt a lingering resistance at that, but it was pushed away by a flood of memories before he could grab on.  Instead of seeing himself throwing his weight around and forcing his way into the center of attention, he now hovered at the edges.  Guys he used to lord his superiority over now talked down to him, acting like they were doing him a favor by letting him hang around.  Something about his own skimpy, revealing attire compared to their standard clothes struck Colton as odd, but he was too busy feeling grateful just to be around them.  They were all so smart and handsome that he didn’t mind how jarring his cartoonish features looked by comparison, or how he was treated like a dumb, meathead mascot.  Especially when they’d let him blow them, or when they’d take a crack at his bouncing bubble.

“Oh, yeah…yeah…you’re right,” Colton sighed, his relief as exaggerated as his body.  “People are great, dude.  You’re great,” he said, wrapping his arms around Jeremy and holding the smaller man tight.

“So are you, bud,” the brunette laughed, his face buried between his friend’s mammoth pecs.  He reached around and gave Colton’s rear a squeeze, squirming against the rigid log that wedged between them.  “How’re you feeling now?”

“Fuckin’ awesome, bro,” the bigger man said, nodding like an excited bobblehead.  “Horny as shit, too.  I get so pumped seein’ you like this,” he chuckled, toying with Jeremy’s oversized shirt.

“I noticed,” the smaller man grinned, giving Colton’s inflated log a few strokes.  The curvy jock pursed his lips and groaned, his equally exaggerated response now a whole-body experience.

“Fuuuuuck that feels good, bro,” Colton laughed, his eyes wide.  “Wanna keep strokin’ me?  Play with my balls too,” he grunted, his head falling back on his broad shoulders when Jeremy complied.  “Fuck yeah, man…shit feels so good…love gettin’ this meat jerked…” he said, his voice a huffing, hissing groan.  His lips pursed, his eyes widened, and his jaw would tense and slack as he pumped his hips.  “Don’t get…better…than this…” he sighed, tweaking each of his enlarged nipples.  If any of the old Colton remained, he was buried deep, with the new version showing no signs of hesitation as he gave himself over with uninhibited abandon.  While the old jock never would have eagerly let himself be jerked off by his roommate, the current Colton lived for the experience.  Asking Jeremy to play with his balls, to flex and moan and toy with his inflated pecs while the other man watched, was all perfectly natural.

So was the deep, howling moan and spurting fountain that soon followed.  When Colton finally erupted, his bloated beast of a cock let loose a warm, sticky torrent that shot nearly to the ceiling.  The spraying stud heard his helpless wailing, and he could feel the way his face twisted in overwrought ecstasy, but none of it struck him as anything he should be embarrassed by.

Colton let out a dull, drunken laugh when it was over.  “Bro…I just came so hard,” he panted, absently wiping a cum-covered hand across his juicy muscle tits.

“Good job,” Jeremy cheered.  He used remnants of the copious load to lube his still-aching cock, lifting the draping top to let the eager organ hang exposed.  He thought about stripping out of it, but he knew how much Colton liked getting fucked while he wore the bigger man’s clothes.  “Now turn around so I can give you your reward.”



I love that look for Colton :P


That was a great story. I love it when a plan backfires and the payoff here was a chef kiss moment!