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“Here we have an excellent opportunity to observe the Jock in his natural habitat.”

Josh jerked awake at the deep, unexpected voice, his eyes shooting open at the incongruent sound of a strange man’s smooth tones in his home.  He bolted upright, exposing his broad shoulders and prominent pecs as the thin sheet fell away, the top of his striped boxers just barely visible.  Though physically alert, the young brunette’s groggy brain hadn’t quite caught up yet, leaving him in the confused space between slumber and wakefulness.  “What the fuck,” he yawned, his powerful arms flexing as he folded them behind his head and fell back onto his pillow.  There were no signs of an intruder in his compact studio apartment, just the usual mounds of discarded laundry, along with the dirty dishes stacked like cairns on the counter and the pungent piles of empty food containers that peppered the small space.

Despite the vividness of the man’s dulcet voice, Josh was certain that he must have dreamt it.  His laptop, tablet and TV were all turned off.  He lived alone, and though the walls in his building were thin, most of his neighbors were college students like himself.  The only older men in his life with similarly distinguished voices were his professors, but he encountered them on campus, not at home.  Hey lay still for a moment, listening for the sounds of neighboring TVs bleeding through floor, wall, or ceiling, but all was silent in the early morning.  His racing heart having slowed to a regular pace now that he’d convinced himself it was just a dream, Josh kicked the sheet aside and started to roll out of bed when he heard it again.

“Morning is an exciting time for the Jock.  After recharging all night, they awaken in a state of intense arousal.”

Josh froze at the sound, letting out a sharp gasp before falling back onto the bed.  A surge of lust like he’d never felt before rocketed through him, his impressively average cock springing to life through the fly of his boxers.  “Shit!  What…what the fuck is this…” he yelped, his aching rod throbbing so hard he was afraid it would shoot off his body.  He was so focused on the pulsing, desperate need that he forgot about the voice altogether until he’d wrapped a fist around the solid organ.  Josh’s sharp cheeks went red as his wide-eyes frantically darted in search of the source, suddenly afraid that people were witnessing his aroused exposure.  With his tapering torso and athletic build, the brown-haired hunk wasn’t normally shy about his body, but he also didn’t flaunt his morning jerk sessions for an audience.

“Possessing larger reproductive organs than the average person, the Jock is typically longer and thicker, with ample storage space for the copious fluids they unleash on a frequent basis.”

Josh let out a stunned yelp, his confused embarrassment overpowered by the sudden shock of his growing cock.  His hand still wrapped around it, the addled hunk actually felt the aching organ expand.  His strong fingers were spread apart as the shaft widened, the bulbous, oozing-head extending further away from his fist as it simultaneously lengthened.  Josh had never received any complaints about his six inches before, and he certainly wouldn’t going forward since he now appeared to top out well above nine.  He could feel an extra mass at the top of his thighs at the same time, and the frantic hunk tore out of his weathered boxers to reveal a set of balls that had grown disproportionately large.  Tight and drawn in the heat of arousal, they were still an imposing lump, undoubtedly hanging like heavy oranges in their relaxed state.

“As one would expect from a specimen possessing such a demanding endowment, the Jock requires a minimum of three releases a day, lest they become overwhelmed by their pent up desires.  This Jock doesn’t appear to have experienced the typical release while sleeping, resulting in the captivating display brought on by a period of prolonged build up.”

Josh had no idea what was happening.  He didn’t know if he was awake or dreaming.  He didn’t know if his body actually had changed or if people actually were watching him.  And he didn’t care.  At the moment, all that mattered was the painful, desperate need for release.  He’d wrapped both hands around his inflated organ, his ass, arms and abs all flexing as he thrust his trim hips through his fists again and again.  His enlarged member oozed like a leaking faucet, adding plenty of natural lubrication to the proceedings, but along with extra size had come extra stamina.  Josh could feel himself approaching the edge, slowly, leaving him with no other recourse than to huff, and grunt, and thrust.  He knew his neighbors could hear his slamming bed and desperate howling; he just couldn’t stop.

When Josh finally came, the release was just as intense as the voice implied.  The bellowing brunette erupted like a hydrant, launching strand after ropey strand all over his chest and face.  The ample eruption sprayed into his slack-jawed mouth and up his nose, landing in glistening clumps amongst the bed-head coif above while streaming through the valley of his pecs below.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…what the fuck…” Josh panted, now fully convinced that he was wide awake despite the impossible scenario.  He winced as he sat up and felt the sticky liquid trail down his tight frame, the salty taste lingering at the back of his throat.  Flopped heavily over a hairy, muscled thigh, Josh could only stare at the softening snake he now possessed, and at the accompanying knockers sitting like an anchor beneath it.  Not knowing what else to do, he stumbled over to the bathroom in a daze, trying to ignore the foreign sensation of his enlarged equipment bobbing and swaying on the way to the shower.  His package looked absolutely massive in the mirror, almost too large against the rest of his athletically proportional physique, so he focused instead on the warm water as it washed away the embarrassing remains of his release.

“His primary need met, the Jock’s secondary impulse will be to seek out protein.”

Josh jumped so hard that he nearly slipped on the wet tile at the invisible voice’s reappearance.  He’d turned the shower off and was halfway to his towel when the man spoke again.  “Who are you?!  What the hell is going on,” he cried to the empty apartment, instinctively covering his enlarged equipment.  “Are there cameras in here somewhere?  Is this a prank?  Some kind of…kinky…” Josh trailed off, a wave of dizziness washing over him.  Despite being only moderately hungry just a few minutes earlier, he suddenly felt like he hadn’t eaten in days.  The naked brunette stumbled dripping wet into the kitchen, his modesty forgotten as he pulled a protein shake from the fridge and downed it nearly in a single gulp.  He followed it up by grabbing a pack of bacon and a carton of egg whites, his body on autopilot as he began throwing ingredients into a skillet.  Josh downed another shake while things cooked, finally registering the abnormal abundance that now filled his refrigerator, but where they’d come from was nowhere near as important as filling the yawning void in his stomach.  Though he’d made enough food to feed three people, Josh tore into it directly from the skillet, just barely managing to wait long enough to avoid burning his mouth.

“Due to their ample muscle, the Jock requires a steady stream of calories.  Eating, lifting, and eating again consumes much of their day, with the results of such effort being readily apparent.”

Still shoveling forkfuls of food into his mouth, all Josh could do was sputter out a stunned grunt when his body began to expand.  Looking down at the skillet, he immediately noticed his sculpted pecs pressing further outward, while his already impressive abs multiplied.  On either side, the arms holding cook- and silverware, respectively, each nearly doubled in size while the voice continued.

“With the main goal of such muscular plumage being to attract a mate, the Jock will focus his efforts on key areas.  Notice how his pectoral and gluteal muscles are slightly more developed than the rest of his body, along with his upper arms and shoulders.”

Now empty, Josh dropped the skillet into the sink and sagged against the nearby counter as his plump pecs swelled further.  He gasped at the odd sensation of his formerly perky rear squishing against the edge, letting out yet another yelp when he struggled to reach around with his expanded arms and feel the growth for himself.  Josh staggered back to the bathroom, his center of gravity thrown by the growth and his gait altered by his widened thighs, unable to wrap his head around the stranger in the mirror.  It was still his boy-next-door face, but he’d never seen the attached body before.  The shoulders were too broad, the back too wide and the waist too small.  The arms hanging at an angle were like pistons, the perfectly sculpted pecs wedged between them like juicy, muscled melons.  The same went for his now-ample rear, the gravity defying globes acting as a counterbalance as they hung from meaty, massive thighs.  Josh had always been handsome, but, especially with his oversized endowment, the man in the mirror radiated a kind of primal presence the young brunette had never possessed before.

“As the Jock prepares to leave his den, note how his clothing has all been carefully selected to accentuate his impressive attributes.”

Once again on autopilot, Josh turned away from the mirror and lumbered back out into his apartment, his stomach dropping when he noticed the changes to the small mounds on the floor.  Instead of baggy sweats and boxers, everything was small and stretchy, bright, tight and revealing.  “Oh…oh no…come on!  I can’t…this isn’t mine!” Josh cried to the unseen observer, his embarrassment growing when he pulled open a dresser drawer and plucked a pair of shorts from within.  The bright orange running shorts were tissue thin and obscenely small, the built-in mesh emphasizing instead of obscuring Josh’s enlarged package and plumped bottom.  The slit sides split around his muscled thighs and looked like a grapefruit had been wedged in front, while each ample cheek was highlighted in back.  To the now-brawny brunette’s growing horror, the bright bottoms were capped by purple muscle shirt, whose scooping neck, open sides, and cropped waist made the top entirely pointless.  Josh’s chiseled new muscle tits spilled freely through the missing sides, his deepened pec cleavage fully on display, while the shirt’s limited reach left his now-ripped obliques and shredded washboard tantalizingly exposed.  “I can’t go out like this!  Wait!  Just…give me a second,” Josh yelped again as he bent to pull on a pair of equally bright ankle socks before reaching for a pair of neon sneakers.  He was just as horrified by the garish colors as he was at being left so exposed, afraid that the shorts would shred as he bent.  He could feel the tissue-thin fabric straining around his granite globes, and he tried not to think about how it would look to anyone who saw him, though such thoughts did little to keep him inside.

“A thoroughly physical creature, the Jock will take any opportunity to move their body.  As with their demanding sexual impulses, a Jock will quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated if forced to sit still for too long.”

Josh wanted to argue with the voice as he trotted outside, but he kept his mouth shut.  He already thought he looked crazy enough jogging down the street in what essentially amounted to underwear; he didn’t need people to see him talking to himself on top of it.  He did his best to ignore the way his bulge shifted, and how his pecs and ass both bounced noticeably with each heavy footfall.  Josh knew on a logical level that he looked amazing, that, no matter the cause, he’d just been the recipient of a dream come true for many people, becoming hung, huge and handsome.  But he still had no idea what else was in store or where things were headed.  He was supposed to be in class that morning, but he’d left all of his things at home, and he didn’t like the voice’s implication about an inability to sit still.  Josh wasn’t a straight-A student, but he had no problem with his academics, or with making it through class.

“Understandably, the gym is a Jock’s preferred environment, giving him both the chance to be around others of his kind and to attract a potential mate.  With plenty of other men in abundance, the Jock will use his natural musk in an attempt to gain the attention of one of them.”

Josh felt himself go red at the sudden waft of body odor that slithered up his nostrils.  He’d broken out in a sweat on the run, but he hadn’t noticed the pungent new aroma until he was inside, the musky miasma cutting through even the gym’s melange of bleach and bodies.  The smell wasn’t noxious, merely potent, a mix of sweat and pheromones that sent a confusing tingle to his inflated package.  He’d hoped he’d merely misheard the voice’s comment about mates and men, but his racing heart told him otherwise.

Despite his internal anxiety, Josh sauntered over to a nearby rack and took up a spot next to a buzz-haired bulldog.  The stocky stud would have easily outsized him earlier that morning, but now the brawny brunette stood as a peer.  This new status was reinforced a few moments later when, as if he’d done it countless times before, Josh grabbed a pair of dumbbells and began going through a routine that he somehow knew.  He watched himself in the mirror the whole time, both marveling at and dreading the sight of his strapping new physique as it flexed and strained on almost full display.  He could see plenty of people enjoying the view, but his own eyes zeroed in not on the massive meatheads like himself, but on the leaner, wiry men.  Josh had always liked his women on the shorter, slighter side, and he was quickly discovering that those same tastes had carried over.

“Once a potential mate has been spotted, the Jock will go through a display of virility, a sort of ‘mating dance’ to try and gain the other’s attention.”

The voice chimed in at the exact moment that Josh’s eyes lingered on a familiar blonde.  He recognized the toned twink, Mark, from his Physics class, though he’d never paid such attention to the other man’s appearance before.  With a button nose, pouty lips, and a mop of shaggy, golden hair, Josh hadn’t fully appreciated how cute the other man was.  Even now, fully knowing that he shouldn’t be so turned on by another man, he couldn’t stop looking at the towheaded twunk’s deceptively broad shoulders, toned arms, and impressively trim physique.  In his tight little t-shirt and small gym shorts, the full extent of Mark’s lean definition was evident, and, regardless of how he did or didn’t respond before, it now made Josh’s mouth water.

The aforementioned display began as soon as they locked eyes in the mirror.  Josh wanted to crawl under a nearby bench and hide as he caught himself obviously flexing his ample rear, and things only got worse when it became clear that Mark was still watching.  The grinning hunk then started flexing each of his plump new pecs individually, causing the muscled mounds to shift and bounce in an obvious performance.  Josh was mortified as he could see more and more people watching, but his attention was squarely focused on the now-blushing blonde, who had yet to look away.

After a few moments of pec-dancing and ass-flexing, the beefy brunette decided to seal the deal.  He popped his crop-top entirely, pulling his shorts suggestively low as he wedged it into the waist and strutted over to Mark, no longer flexing but adding a purposeful saunter to his steps.  “Hey,” he said, his voice a smooth grunt.  Josh’s stomach fluttered as he discovered just how much he now towered over the other man, and just how much that size difference turned him on.  “Mark, right?”

“Uh, yeah, hey,” the smaller man stammered, his eyes wide.  “You’re Josh, right?  From Physics?”  Before the shirtless stud could respond, the voice interrupted.

“When approaching a potential mate, the Jock’s behavior may become more aggressive than normal.  While not generally known for their social graces, a Jock is extremely direct in expressing their desires.”

Josh shook his head as a fresh wave of dizziness slammed into him.  “Did you…did you just hear that voice,” he managed to ask, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Mark.

The blonde shook his head and shrugged.  “No?  All I heard was you…there wasn’t an announcement over the loudspeaker or anything.”

The bigger man wanted to explain that it wasn’t over the speaker, but things took a distinctly different turn when he spoke.  “Oh…that’s cool, I guess.  So, uh, did you want to go fuck?  You’re, like, really, really hot, bro.  It’s gettin’ hard for me to think about anything other than peeling you out of those clothes and goin’ to town on that dick.”

Josh wasn’t sure who blushed harder, Mark or himself.  “Wow…that’s…wow,” the lean blonde laughed, giving a quick look around to see just how many people had heard the offer.  “I don’t normally…I mean, no judgment, but I…” he sputtered, looking almost as surprised as his buff friend when he nodded.  “You know what?  Sure,” he said, grinning.  “Why not?”

“Once a mate agrees, the Jock will quickly claim them as their own, making it clear to any potential competitors that they’re no longer available.”

Even as the voice spoke, Josh was already throwing a massive arm thrown around Mark’s trim shoulders, pulling the smaller man against his bare, brawny torso.  He quickly guided them out of the gym, and, far from trying to be discreet, the burly brunette practically beamed, proudly showing off the impending encounter to anyone who looked their way.  His meaty new hands openly groped the other man, slipping up under Mark’s t-shirt and down into the back of his shorts in a display that was equal parts possessive and protective.  For his part, the other man appeared far less enthusiastic about announcing their intentions, but whether he was also under the voice’s spell or merely overwhelmed at being unexpectedly swept off his feet by a sculpted stud, it was difficult to tell.

“Back in their den, the Jock will attempt to establish dominance before any true mating occurs, using their impressive size in displays of primal power.”

As the voice suggested, Josh slammed Mark up against the wall as soon as they’d stepped into his small apartment.  The smaller blonde let out a yelp, but it was swallowed as the bigger brunette leaned in for a long, rough kiss, his imposing frame keeping the other man pinned in place.  When he eventually broke it off, he pulled his face away just long enough to grasp the collar of Mark’s shirt and tear it free.  The other man’s trim torso exposed, Josh leaned in again, only this time his square, stubbled jaw scratched against the blonde’s modest pecs as he eagerly licked at the perky little nipples, his huge hands making quick work of Mark’s shorts and briefs.

“Hey!  I…I need something to wear out of here,” the blonde yelped, his impressively long, thick cock rocketing to life.

“Says who,” Josh grunted, giving the other man a series of rough tugs as he held him pinned against the wall.  “I don’t see anything you should hide.”

Mark whimpered, unable to do anything other than squirm against the piston-like arm pinning him in place as the bigger man jerked away.  He tried to reach out and reciprocate on the eager hunk, but Josh would always grin and swat his hands away.  The brunette’s imposing log had gone rigid and poked out through the top of his shorts, though he seemed oblivious as he focused on the blonde’s tight frame.

“A Jock’s mate should consider themselves fortunate for several reasons.  Not only can they count on a Jock’s superior physique for their physical safety, they can count on the loyal and simple-minded creature for pleasure as well.  With their limited intellect, a Jock doesn’t always understand that not everyone has the same demanding sexual needs as themselves, making them eager, attentive partners.”

Josh tried to fight it as the voice cut in above Mark’s quiet groans.  He tried to hold on when the voice finished speaking and he felt his head spinning, but he knew it was too late.  Things were already fuzzy and quickly growing fuzzier, with Mark’s smooth, naked frame becoming the only thing he could focus on for long.  Josh knew he should have been alarmed, that he should have been horrified at the thought of becoming the dumb, horny jock the voice described, but he’d already lost the mental finesse for such insights.

“Feel good,” he asked instead, his soft lips curling into a smug grin.  He sighed and looked down at Mark’s oozing cock as he tugged, his eyes going slightly wider.  “Fuck you’ve got a cute dick,” he laughed, fishing his own monstrous log free.  “Mine’s all big and shit, but yours is, like, just right, dude,” he grunted, batting his fattened organ against the other man’s before dropping to his knees.  “It even tastes good,” he said, running his tongue along the underside of Mark’s shaft after a few minutes of bobbing his face in and out of the blonde’s lap.

If Mark noticed the sudden shift in Josh’s expression, it didn’t show.  Just like the brunette’s inflated physique, the wiry blonde seemed to be adapting as the voice described the scenario.  “You’re…too kind…” Mark groaned, his fingers laced through Josh’s chocolate mop.

“I cannot wait to fuck you, bro,” the bigger man laughed, abruptly pulling away and scooping his friend into his arms.  With a gentle toss he threw the blonde onto the bed and draped himself on top, leaning in for another long, rough kiss as he ground his leaking girder against the pinned twink.

“Wait…wait…” Mark protested, reluctantly pushing Josh’s face away.  “You, uh, might be too big for me,” he said, nodding down at the other man’s massive cock.  “We’re going to have to build up to that.”

“Oh,” Josh said flatly, his expression momentarily falling.  It sprang up again a moment later, a look of revelation spreading across the brunette’s statuesque features as if he’d just solved one of life’s great mysteries.  “Do you want to fuck me instead?”  He flopped onto his back without waiting for an answer, hoisting his meaty thighs into the air and presenting his hole for the taking.

With only a nod, Mark lubed himself up and clamped onto Josh’s plump pecs for support as he slipped inside.  “Holy…holy shit you…feel amazing,” he moaned, unaware that Josh couldn’t hear him over the voice’s continued monologue.

“In the throes of passion, the Jock truly shines.  Their inner nature is revealed for all in a provocative display, an unfiltered frenzy of pure, unrestrained desire.”

After that, nothing could be heard over the sound of Josh’s howling.  He bucked and spasmed and screamed in wild-eyed ecstasy, his whole world reduced to the overwhelming bliss wracking his frame, and the man responsible for it.  The one thing he was certain of, even with his limited new focus, was that he’d do whatever Mark wanted, whenever Mark wanted.  As far as he was concerned the toned little blonde was now his, which meant the smaller man would be expected to do the same for him.

Mark came long before he did, but Josh didn’t mind.  Sprawled out on his bed with the blonde’s slender hands sliding up and down his wide shaft, the twink’s release oozing out of his battered hole, the brunette was entirely content.  His eyes drooped, occasionally going wide when an intense burst of pleasure would rip through him, but as far as he was concerned all was right with the world.  He still didn’t know where the annoying voice kept coming from, and he didn’t really care.  Nor did he understand the random flashes of anxiety that would try in vain to latch onto his mercurial thoughts.  He felt fantastic and he was about to explode.  Then he was going to take a nap and eat a snack.  He didn’t need anything else.  When Josh finally came, his main priority was getting as much of the potent eruption as possible onto the blonde to mark his territory, a feat at which, to Mark’s embarrassment, he was quite skilled.

“Now fully marked, the Jock’s mate will find themselves the sole focus of the creature’s attention and affection.  While this can be occasionally troublesome for the modest mate at first, such pairs quickly settle into a workable routine.  As the one responsible for any tasks that are remotely complex, the mate will…”

Josh yawned and stretched, ignoring the rest of the voice’s monologue as he pulled Mark against his cum-slick pecs and drifted off to sleep.