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Agent Keller knew he was in trouble.  Despite his smile and calm, relaxed demeanor, things had quickly spiraled out of control.  “Seriously, you guys have no idea how much trouble you’re getting yourselves into right now,” he said, sounding like he was simply talking to a group of friends, not captors.  His voice was as deep and rumbling as always, but it lacked the extra, intimidating edge he put into it while on the job.  Seated comfortably on the couch, one arm thrown up over the back while his discarded shoes and jacket lay by the door, Agent Keller even looked relaxed, as if the trio around him actually were longtime companions.  His strapping build and dour uniform set him apart, but he’d already shucked his tie and had popped the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing the upper ridge of his plump pecs.  Unlike the slight, wiry young men around him, the confusingly calm agent was built like a tank.  Standing 6’4” and weighing in at an imposing 270lbs, Agent Keller could have fit two of the smaller men inside with room to spare.  His unsculpted physique was burly and beefy, topped by flat, rugged features that looked more brutish than handsome when coupled with his buzzed, copper-brown hair, leaving him with an exaggeratedly imposing, masculine presence.  He was broad and wide, his bulldog face seeming to sit directly on his shoulders, and it was those exact qualities that made the hulking agent perfect for an assignment like this, what should have been a simple “scared straight” visit.  Agent Keller had been dispatched to the unassuming condo after a neighbor had called in a complaint about the group, afraid that the trio was forming a Coven.  Nothing had officially pinged on the BMR’s radar, and there wasn’t any evidence to suggest the presence of an unlicensed Caster, but it never hurt to check.  And while Agent Keller likely wouldn’t describe himself as a bully, the brawny bruiser had made it a lifelong mission over the course of his thirty years on the planet to throw his weight around whenever possible.  He loved the rush of adrenaline that came from bagging someone with real power, but scaring scrawny wannabes shitless was his second favorite.  “I will personally see to it that the three of you never, EVER, set foot outside of a cell again,” he said, failing to force a growl into his friendly tone.

The lean brunette seated next to Agent Keller rolled his eyes.  “Oh, Tim…so dramatic,” Dane sighed, giving the bigger man’s thigh a gentle pat.  The agent’s meaty leg strained against his pants as he sat, looming larger than both of the brunette’s slender legs combined.  “Just relax.  Everything is happening exactly as it’s supposed to,” he said, his tight, toned torso looking pitifully small next to the broad wall of muscle.  The trio had been dressed in colorful combinations of nylon shorts and tank-tops when Agent Keller arrived, but they’d been steadily stripping down while finishing their preparations.

At the other end of the broad living room, a trim, dark-haired figure shrugged.  “Dane’s right, big guy,” Bryce nodded, slipping out of his tiny shorts.  The bright orange briefs underneath popped against his smooth, bronze-hued skin as he casually tossed the discarded bottoms aside, his plump bubble bouncing as he went around lighting candles.  “You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

“Convenient thing for you to say,” the brawny agent laughed as he untucked his shirt and popped a few more of the buttons.  “Considering that you’re the ones who brought me here.  And it’s Agent Keller.  Not Tim.  Not ‘big guy’.”

A pair of dainty hands landed on the bigger man’s shoulders from behind, the slender fingers kneading the abundant muscle.  “Tim, hon, we’ve been over this,” Zack said, his thin, bare arms tensing as he massaged the agent’s traps.  The pale blonde was no bigger or more built than any of his companions, his waifish frame sharing their lack of any real definition or size.  The trio even stood the same 5’8” height with similarly soft features, making their varying skin tones and hair color the only real distinctions between them.  “WE didn’t bring you here.  THEY did,” he said, lifting a hand and pointing a finger skyward.  “We’re not actually Casters.  We just know how to ask the right people for the right things.”

“There’s nothing ‘right’ about anything you’re doing, and whoever you’re talking to sure as hell isn’t a person,” Agent Keller sighed, leaning into the smaller blonde’s massage despite himself.  “At least a Caster is in control.  Did it ever occur to you to question what it is you’re talking to?  What kind of deal you’re really making?  Covens like you are just parasites.  Each of you individually doesn’t have enough mojo to cut it as a caster, but the three of you together can generate juuuuuuust enough of a spark to get something’s attention through the thinned walls. Then you let it do your dirty work for you, unlike people with REAL  magic,” he tried to sneer, the insult’s impact blunted by his casual tone.

“If it’s not real, then what are you worried about,” Zack chuckled, giving the agent’s buzzed head a rough rub.  He sauntered around from behind the couch, slowly running his hands down his slender sides before shucking his crimson briefs.  A short, thin cock and unimpressive balls sprang free, the below-average equipment twitching in the open air.  “Does that mean you’re sitting here with us because you really want to,” he purred.

“I’m sitting here because of an oversight,” Agent Keller sighed, exposing the full breadth of his beefy torso as he leaned forward and peeled out of his shirt.  His slab-like pecs were dusted by the same copper fur, resting heavily on his lumpy muscle gut while his thick arms hung like pistons at his sides.

“No, baby, see…that’s what Zack is trying to say,” Dane cooed, lifting himself off the couch just enough to slip his shorts and briefs free.  The naked brunette’s short little cock rocketed to attention like his blonde friend’s, the trio’s sub-par packages being yet another shared trait.  “Think about it.  Today of all days is the one time when you ‘forget’ your wards before leaving the office?  That’s not a coincidence, sweety.”

“No, it sure as hell isn’t,” Agent Keller said, trying in vain to keep his squat fingers from undoing his belt and fly.  “Not when you dickless little fucks make sure I…”

“Oh my god he’s dense,” Bryce laughed to his friends, wagging his rigid little log in response to the bigger man’s insult.  “I mean, in more ways than one.  We didn’t know it was going to be you, Timmy,” he said, turning his attention to the flustered agent.  “We asked them to send us the ‘right’ one for what was needed.  Not you, personally.  And did it ever occur to you that maybe this is all happening ‘for’ you and not ‘to’ you?  They see what’s hidden, even from…ESPECIALLY from…ourselves.  If they decided you were right, then…” he trailed off in a shrug before shoving the small coffee table and rug out of the way.

“Hate to break it to you, but ‘they’ missed the mark on this one,” Agent Keller said as he lurched to his feet.  The bigger man’s relaxed demeanor never wavered as he casually shucked his pants and boxer-briefs in one motion, his comparatively gargantuan package flopping free.  Unsurprisingly, the hulking agent was just as beefy from the waist down, with a granite set of ample globes, tree-trunk thighs dusted with fur, a swaying snake of cock, and heavy, churning balls.  He towered over the trio, his naked girth making their smaller frames insignificant.  “Last chance to stop this,” he offered as he stepped forward.  The center of the intricate circle that had been painted under the rug was the last place he wanted to be, but his meaty legs had other ideas.

“Plenty to go around,” Zack whistled while the trio took up a triangular formation at the edges.  “Everyone ready?  Let’s start small and make sure it works before we dive in, yeah?”  He waited for his two friends to nod before the chanting began, slow at first but steadily gaining in both speed and volume.

Agent Keller braced himself for the worst, or he would have if he’d been able to punch through the persistent calm.  As it was he merely looked around the room, as if he was waiting for something in the oven, not a life-changing event to occur.  He noted the way the bright afternoon sun lit up the edges of the drawn blinds, how the shadows danced whenever one of the candles flickered, amused at the contrast of it all.  He’d fallen into the hands of a Coven on a sunny, autumn day, standing naked in a modern, modest condo while his world turned upside down.  It wasn’t at all how he’d expected to go out, but it wasn’t entirely surprising, either.  He’d been careless.  He’d been on the job long enough to know better than to go on any job, no matter how minor, without the proper protections, but he’d been in a hurry, eager to go push around some punks who’d flashed too many tarot cards and crystals.  If what they’d said was true then he may have already been under the influence of supernatural forces, though Agent Keller suspected he’d never know for sure.

And it was a moot point.  The naked mountain of a man gasped as his cock rocketed to life, the naked waifs around him becoming instantly captivating.  Instead of resenting their underdeveloped frames and lackluster endowments he craved them, his ten-inch log throbbing and his hands tingling at the thought of contact.  Had he not been locked in place, Agent Keller wasn’t sure that he’d have been able to resist the sudden siren song, but all he could do was stand and stare, the tingling sensation spreading over the rest of him until the chanting came to a halt.

Zack took a deep breath, his flat chest rising and falling slowly as he opened his eyes.  “Whoa.  That was wild,” he said, grinning when he heard the extra depth to his voice.  “Well, fuck.  Looks like it worked.”

“Holy shit,” Bryce chimed in, his smooth tones now carrying the same new bass.

“We sound so crazy right now,” Dane laughed, his eyes wide.  “What about you, big guy?”

“What…what did you just…” Agent Keller broke off in a yelp when he heard his high, softened new voice.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Did you…you…you just stole my voice?!” he squeaked in his mousy new tone, his stomach dropping and his cock throbbing confusingly when it became clear exactly what was about to happen to the rest of him.

“Shame we can’t leave him like that,” Bryce sighed, his deepened voice seeming as out of place against his tiny frame as Agent Keller’s light chirp did against the bigger man’s bulk.  “Shit’s hot.”

“Can’t have everything we want,” Zack shrugged.  “I’m sure we’ll get over it.”  The chanting was considerably deeper when it began again, and the effects much more noticeable.  All at once, Agent Keller watched the trio around him begin to grow.  The expansion was subtle at first, starting with increased definition that gradually sprouted into real mass, and he couldn’t help but marvel at the impossible sight until it dawned on him just what that inflation meant for himself.

When Agent Keller looked down, he didn’t look back up until it was all over.  The stunned stud couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched his heaping pecs steadily deflate and flatten, his cresting muscle gut pulling inward and away from the arms that seemed to be losing air like a punctured tire.  He could feel his shoulders shedding size as his missing neck was steadily exposed above, while his meaty thighs ceased rubbing and seemed to become repellent to each other, his jagged, iceberg calves steadily melting in time below.  In a matter of mere moments, Agent Keller’s powerful physique transitioned from broad and beefy, to fit and athletic, to tight and toned, to lithe and lean, before landing at soft and supple.  Nor had his imposing package been spared throughout the reduction, with the fat, lengthy log dwindling inch by inch until a meager little nub poked from the shrunken man’s copper bush, a pair of appropriately petite balls wedged below.

“What…what just…am I…is this…FUCK!” the shrunken agent broke off in a squeaking yelp when he finally looked back up at the now-towering trio.  Not only had he lost size, he’d lost height, with the purloined inches having been distributed amongst the group like the rest of his attributes.  With everyone’s new, varying sizes it was hard to guess an exact amount, but Agent Keller could tell based on how huge the furniture looked that it had been significant.

“Holy shit!  Look at us,” Zack cried, ignoring the shrunken man entirely.  He spread his newly muscled arms wide and turned in a slow circle, giving everyone a view of his tapering, athletic physique.  His shoulders had broadened to compensate for his new pecs, while his pinched washboard accentuated his perky rear and a package that had doubled in size.  He’d adopted a classic physique, sculpted and proportional, his golden hair a perfect complement to the pretty-boy jock he’d become.  Though it was clear that not all of them had the same priorities.  When the process had started they’d been nearly identical, but as the tow-headed new hunk looked over at Dane, it was clear those days were over.  “Why am I not surprised?”

“She likes what she likes,” the brunette laughed, reaching around to grasp his inflated, solid rear.  He wagged his cock in the process, showing that, while it had grown slightly, it was nowhere near as large as the other two.  “What was I going to do with all that dick?  Figured you two could put it to better use,” he said, flexing his new washboard.  Like Zack, Dane had put on a significant amount of muscle and now stood as tall as his friend, but where the blonde had grown considerably larger, the bottom-heavy brunette had gone for definition.  He now sported a pair of modest pecs and leanly muscled arms, but the majority of the growth was centered around his ass and thighs, leaving his trim new frame deceptively thicc and juicy.  “And I know how much Bryce wanted to get big.”

“Thank you baby,” the bronze-skinned beauty purred, breaking into a double bicep pose.  He’d taken on the most muscle of the group and the least amount of height, leaving him the shortest and the bulkiest.  He’d adopted the stocky physique of a gymnast or a wrestler, compact and ripped with a wide, soda-can cock jutting out between his sturdy new thighs.  He was still considerably taller than Agent Keller had become, and his ample new muscle made him appear massive to the shrunken agent regardless of his actual height.  Bryce was all broad shoulders and biceps, pecs, ass and a pretty face.  His meaty globes weren’t as large as Dane’s, or, if they were, they didn’t seem that way given the rest of his now-strapping physique, their muscled curves perfectly complementing the rest of his solid build.  “And how’re you feeling, big guy?”

Agent Keller froze when the three new studs turned their attention to his withered form.  He was torn between wanting to flee and wanting to throw himself at them, overcome by the beauty of their new bodies.  “I…I don’t…know,” he finally sputtered, his lithe new frame trembling.  “I feel so…why’re you three so…” he groaned, wincing internally when a hand found its way to the solid few inches that remained of his cock.

“We thought this might happen,” Zack said, his deepened voice gentle.  “Pretty good chance based on the nature of the spell that you were always going to wind up into dudes whether or not you already were.  But,” he said, grinning as he watched Agent Keller’s hungry eyes follow his wagging rod when he popped his hips, “there was an even bigger chance that you’d be super into us because now we’re technically made of you.  Thanks for that, by the way.”

Agent Keller didn’t know how to respond.  He was still torn between dread and desire, knowing full well that he should be horrified but at the same time wanting nothing more than to be near the glorious gods he’d helped create.  Movement once again returned to his altered limbs, he took a staggering step, his head spinning as he felt his softened cheeks bounce and sway.  He was so busy prodding his slender curves, marveling at how supple and yielding his shrunken body had become, that he didn’t even notice Dane approaching from behind with a tape measure and a scale.  He gasped when the now-bigger man’s hand landed on the flat spot where his pecs had been, obediently standing in place while the tape was stretched first against his back, then against his tiny cock, before letting himself be manhandled onto the scale.

Dane let out a low whistle as the scale settled.  “Looks like Tiny Tim here is down to a flat hundred pounds and an even five-feet, with a whopping two-and-a-half incher.  They really went in on him, didn’t they?”

“They did what they were supposed to,” Zack said as he stepped forward and let his own measurements be taken.  When the numbers were in, he and Dane had both stretched to 6’1”, while Bryce still hovered a few inches shorter at 5’10”.  Their weights all differed drastically, as did their altered endowments, Dane only putting on an inch to settle at a respectably wide, five inches, while Zack had a proportionally thick seven and Bryce a fat eight.

Agent Keller watched the trio take their new measurements like a man adrift at sea, barely clinging to his confusing lust as a life raft.  He didn’t understand it any more than he understood any of what was happening, but it was tangible, and powerful, and he could at least latch onto it.  “They’ll…they’ll know,” he finally stammered, uncertain whether he was terrified or justified by the prospect.

“No they won’t,” Bryce said, watching his arms inflate as he ran them through his raven hair.  “You were sent to us for a reason, remember? Let me guess…no real family or friends to speak of?  No close contacts?  Just a few folks at work?  But even then, you strike me as the loner type, right?”  Agent Keller, now simply Tim, wanted to argue, but he knew there was no point.  Everything Bryce had said was correct.

“This wasn’t some major rewriting of reality or anything,” Dane added, still absently bouncing his inflated bubble.  “It’s not like you were erased, more…forgotten?”

“Oh, buddy, don’t look so sad,” Zack quickly cooed, stepping over and running his massive new hands down Tim’s sides when the smaller man’s expression fell.  “WE certainly aren’t going to forget you.  We’re not monsters.”

Tim felt like he should protest, but he was too busy quivering in the blonde’s embrace.  He’d been trying to muster anything other than mild surprise and the same giddy calm he’d been experiencing since he’d arrived, but it was like those negative emotions had been taken as well.  While he’d been watching the freshly-sprouted studs playfully paw at each other and take their measurements, he’d been surprised at how light and weightless he felt.  Between the absent anxieties and missing muscle, Tim felt unencumbered in a way he literally never had before.  For as long as he could remember, he’d always been big and strong and intimidating.  He’d always been rough, rugged, and hung, commanding and in control, no matter what.  Now, he was none of those things.  He was small and soft and slender, with a petite little cock and a chirp for a voice.  The only thing big about him anymore was his ass, and even those supple mounds jiggled and shook with the slightest provocation.  Catching sight of his reflection in the darkened TV, Tim was able to see just how much of a twink he’d become, his once-imposing features now cute and dainty.

He didn’t expect to love it.  He hadn’t counted on the overwhelming sense of freedom, on how much that utter lack of control would turn him on.  Any one of the formerly diminutive men, men who’d been both younger and smaller, could now pick him up and throw him across the room, and the mere thought of it made him ache.  Tim didn’t miss the need to be an imposing presence; he was exhausted by the thought of it.  If this really was him now, then he just wanted to be, to exist as he was and not have to think about it.  He just wanted someone to tell him what to do, and, ideally, that someone would be one of the three naked hunks in front of him.  Whether it was all part of the spell or not, Tim didn’t really care.  The world at large could forget about the old him all it wanted.  At the moment, he wanted to do the same.  After all, like his new friends had said, this hadn’t happened TO him, it happened FOR him.

“What…do I do now,” Tim asked, wanting nothing more than to linger in Zack’s strong hands.

The blonde searched the shrunken man’s eyes for a moment, then, finding what he was looking for, grinned.  “We talked about it ahead of time.  You’re welcome to stay with us if you want,” he said, his tone taking on a condescending edge.

Dane nodded and threw an arm around Zack’s shoulders, draping against the buff blonde.  “We could use someone to keep things clean around here.  You could be our own, adorable little House Twink!  Wouldn’t that be fun,” he asked, his voice taking on the same tone.  “We can get you some cute undies to wear around instead of that dreadful BMR outfit, too,” he laughed, rolling his eyes.

“Aaaaaand, we all like to have fun with each other,” Bryce added, sealing the deal when he wrapped his burly new arms around Tim from behind.  “You’re more than welcome to get in on that if you want.”

There was still enough of the old Tim present to fully understand what he was being told.  Instead of a respected law enforcement agent, he was being offered the position of a panty-clad housekeeper, forced to flaunt his shrunken frame for the aroused amusement of the very men who’d taken it from him in the first place.  He’d be a chirping, eager little bottom, desperate for even a fraction of the trio’s attention and willing to do whatever it took to get it, no matter how embarrassing.  It was the best offer he’d ever received.  It wasn’t captivity, it was bliss.  What did he need his old body for when he could have access to theirs?  Their muscle was technically his anyway, just spread around.

The former stud was rooting back with his plump bubble before he even realized it, oblivious to his light little whimpers.  He’d taken Bryce’s hand and guided it down to his shrunken package, the other man’s meaty mitt easily obscuring the petite package as Tim ground it into his new friend’s palm while the other two watched.


Voting Options

Option 1: A man files a complaint with the Council of Caster Affairs after the spell he purchased for a bigger dick goes wrong, leaving him with an impossibly large, impossibly demanding endowment. (cock growth, stripped)

Option 2: Wanting to be the tall, hot one for a change, a man files a complaint with the Council of Caster Affairs after the spell instead shrinks his friends, leaving them significantly shorter and significantly more infatuated with him. (shrinking)

Option 3: A middle aged man who wanted to keep himself from going bald seeks out the Council of Caster Affairs after a spell leaves him pulling hair, and attention, from the men around him, putting it everywhere on his body BUT his shiny scalp. (hairy, straight to gay)

Option 4: A fashionable hunk files a complaint with the Council of Caster Affairs after the spell that should have made sure his clothing always looks its best instead leaves him wearing, and acting out, the intimate desires of the men around him. (stripped)



Whoa, that was fucking hot! I loved how he gradually stripped himself out of the uniform that provides his authority before his body was taken too. Perfect!