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Coming to your local gay art boutique *

Bigger picture question, though: is physical media something people are actually/still interested in?  I found a site that can print these up pretty cheap, but distribution would fall on me and that's not an insignificant amount of work.  I made the jump to ebooks for my own personal reading a while back, but I'm curious where everyone else stands.

Follow up question - if you were going to buy one of my ebooks in physical form, what would your top choice be?

As always, however you do it, thank you for reading and for the support!

(* if you live in Cleveland and shop at The Edge)



Hugh Michelsen

If I saw one of your books in a store, I’d buy it to support you, but I only buy physical books to loan or give to friends and I would likely be too embarrassed to give it to a friend that I didn’t meet online via this community.


Appreciate the feedback. That's pretty much the boat I'm in re: physical books, but there's a ton of pressure to have physical copies of your stuff out there. Whenever I tell someone I just have my stuff as ebooks they look at me like I have two heads. But I do like the idea of being able to seed these out there. Maybe throw some in with a stack of stuff to Half Price Books, or just randomly leave them (in appropriately adult) places.