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Noah didn’t remember when or how it ended.  He didn’t remember getting dressed or leaving or how he’d wound up in Gabriel’s bed, but the immediate contentment he felt upon opening his eyes to the sight of the hairy, smiling stud was like nothing he’d ever felt.  His friend was already awake, watching him sleep with a heavy arm wrapped around his smaller frame like a blanket.

“Wondered how long you’d be out,” Gabriel rumbled.

Noah shivered as he felt his friend’s chest vibrate against his face before lifting his head.  “Did that…did all that really happen last night?”

“You tell me.”  With surprising speed for his size, Gabriel tore the sheet aside to reveal his friend’s naked frame, complete with its budding alterations.

“Fuck!  Is that…”  Noah yelped and shot off the bed, his stomach dropping when he felt himself shake in unfamiliar ways.  The first thing he noticed was the small-but-prominent gut that had replaced his washboard, a layer of paunch that erased his torso’s former taper.  “Do I have a belly?!” he cried, his face going red when his shaking fingers bit into the supple layer of flesh.  He could still feel muscle underneath when he tensed and flexed, but the firm foundation had been buried by a squeezable, shakeable, pinchable coating.  “Wait…is it hairy, too?”  Noah finally began to notice the wiry coating that spread out from the navel in radiating waves, fading to silky peach fuzz just below his pecs.  The recently sprouted follicles spread down at the same time, drawing the dazed blonde’s attention to the way his thighs had thickened, now just barely rubbing together as they shed a significant portion of their definition.  Where before he’d had firm, striated quads, Noah now sported chunky trunks, each fleshy pillar supporting an equally inflated, fuzzy cheek.  The inflated jock’s eyes went wide when his fingers slipped around and he felt the layer of hair that coated the plump mounds, a fresh wave of crimson blossoming over his entire body.  “Do I…do I have a hairy ass?!”

“And a fat one,” Gabriel laughed, lurching off the bed to give his friend’s expanded rear a swat.

“HoooOOOUhhhHH!” Noah moaned, the seismic ripples reminding him of the first change he’d undergone the night before.  He’d wondered if it had all been part of his dream, but the sparks of pleasure that rocketed up his spine told him otherwise.  “Is that…is that what’s happening,” he sputtered, his cock surging to life.  Noah wasn’t used to the way his burgeoning belly obscured his view, but it did nothing to dull the aching that followed.  “Am I getting fat?!”

“Maybe,” Gabriel shrugged, his meaty fingers digging into his friend’s softened midsection.  “You saw some of the Brothers last night…no one ends up exactly the same.  Maybe you’ll get jacked like me…maybe you’ll end up a blonde beach ball.  Who knows?”  Gabriel spun his friend around and clutched his belly from behind, wedging his own rigid log against the smaller man’s back while he ran a finger through the budding fur.  “How do you feel?” he asked, spinning them to face the mirror on the far wall.

Noah didn’t know what to say.  He was shocked, stunned, and embarrassed, but he was also giddy with excitement.  And painfully horny.  “Good, I guess,” he stammered, already rooting back with his plumped rear while he stared at his bloated midsection.  “I mean, it’s a lot…but…but this is what I wanted, right?”

“Glad to hear you say it,” Gabriel grunted.

“FUUUUUUUuuuuuCCCCKKKkkk…” Noah howled, his back arching when the other man popped his hips and slipped inside.  His elasticized holed took his friend as easily as it had the night before, leaving him free to focus on the way he looked in the mirror.  Noah couldn’t believe he was actually looking at himself as he watched his belly squish against Gabriel’s hands, and the way his thighs and ass now shook and jiggled.  From the pecs up and the knees down he appeared unaltered, and the pudgy pretty-boy was struck by the notion that he seemed to be going through puberty in reverse.  His body looked and felt awkward, and instead of shedding his baby fat it was creeping its way back on.  Noah didn’t relish the idea of becoming plump and portly the way Gabriel so casually said might happen, but, at the same time, if it felt just as good he wasn’t sure how much he cared.  He clutched the hands on his new gut for support as he watched his untouched cock and churning balls swing and slap wildly in the mirror, already knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d never use the proud organ in the same way ever again.  “Do…do I still have to call you sir…” he whimpered over the sound of his expanded cheeks slamming against Gabriel’s firm midsection.

“Nah, only at the temple,” the bigger man grunted before reaching up to give one of his friend’s nipples a rough squeeze.  “Unless you want to.”

“Yeeuuuhhhsss…yes sirrrRRRUUuunnHHH!”  Noah plummeted over the edge, his untouched cock exploding like a shotgun.  The copious release was every bit as potent as the night before, but this time the howling blonde had room in his overloaded brain for a swell of pride at how long he’d lasted.  Gabriel followed suit after only a few more pumps, once again filling the blonde’s inflated gut with an oversized load.

“Knew you’d be a natural,” the hairy hulk rumbled, tousling his friend’s hair.  He gave Noah’s dripping ass a loud swat and pulled him along to the bathroom, not asking or saying anything as he turned the shower on and shoved the widened jock inside.

Noah didn’t try to resist or even speak.  He enjoyed the sensation of being roughly manhandled and scrubbed down.  He shivered excitedly when he noticed how different the water felt running along his softened curves, and when he realized he knew for the first time what damp hair felt like clinging to his formerly smooth skin.  There was still a small voice in his head telling him he should be alarmed at the transformation taking place after so many years of working to keep himself shredded and lean, but as soon as Noah even glanced in his friend’s direction it was silenced by the other man’s radiant masculinity.  That was what he really wanted, not the tiny body he’d already started to outgrow.  He’d known going into it that there would be a certain amount of adjusting he’d have to do, and an expected level of embarrassment as he blossomed like Gabriel, and he told himself the nagging voice would go away in time.

Though that quickly became a harder sell when the bigger man finished toweling him off.  Gabriel was still basking in the contented body buzz, too focused on prodding his thickened midsection to notice what the other man had in his hand.  “Hey!  What…what the hell are you doing?!” Noah’s face went red when he felt the hum of the clippers run up the back of his scalp.  He instinctively tried to pull away, but Gabriel’s massive hand on his shoulder kept him in place.

“Hold still,” his friend barked, making another pass with the clippers.  Noah could feel the short, golden locks raining against his back, but all he could do was stand in place as instructed and watch in the steamy mirror as his short crop turned into a barely-present buzz.  In a matter of minutes his expertly styled hair looked no different than the stubble coating his cheeks, except that there appeared to be less of it.  “That’s better,” Gabriel grunted, giving his friend’s scratchy scalp a rough rub.

“You could’ve at least given me a heads up,” Noah pouted, marveling at how different he already looked.  The lack of hair and the roundness of his skull seemed to accentuate the roundness he’d acquired at his midsection, a trait he knew it would soon be emphasizing all over his body. He felt a mix of nervous lust when he thought about his sharp, handsome features filling out in a similar fashion, taking him from blonde pretty-boy to a buzzed bulldog.

“More fun if it’s a surprise,” Gabriel shrugged.  He took one of their damp towels from the floor and wiped the shorn hair from his friend’s back and shoulders as he spoke, giving a final, proud nod.  “It’s a good look.”

“Then how come your head isn’t shaved,” Noah asked, grinning despite himself.  He followed his friend back out into the apartment, sniffing at the air until he realized the potent musk he smelled wafted off his own body even though he’d just showered.  He wanted to ask Gabriel how long he’d stink for, but he knew right away that wasn’t the right word, or at least not in the way he was about to ask it.  There were no more negative connotations to the odor, and, if anything, Noah just wished he could add the sweet tobacco stench of a cigar to the mix.

“Huh.  I figured you’d be more interested in what you’re going to wear,” Gabriel said with an evil grin.

Noah’s stomach dropped.  He’d been so caught up in his altered body that he hadn’t stopped to think about how he was going to cover it.  He hadn’t become massive overnight, but given the fitted nature of his wardrobe he already doubted whether his shorts and t-shirt would be up to the task.  “Can I, uh, borrow some of yours?”

“Absolutely not,” the mountain of a man laughed, folding his arms across his furry shelf.  “You’ve got a long way to go until you’re this size.”

“But at least it’s not…” Noah trailed off in an embarrassed sigh when his friend just nodded at his discarded pile of clothes.  He winced as he pulled the boxer-briefs up, feeling both embarrassment and actual, physical pain at the way they squeezed and bit into his expanded thighs.  They’d already been a tight fit, but now the straining garment wouldn’t even fully cover Noah’s thickened bottom.  “There’s no way these are going to fit,” he whimpered, giving up with the top half of his ass, as well as most of his package, still on display.

“Looks like you’ll just have to wear the shorts then,” Gabriel said, his bearded cheeks still twisted by a smug grin.

“This is humiliating,” Noah mumbled, his stomach dropping when he struggled the shorts into place.  The fitted gym gear now fit the way his boxer-briefs should have, and were just as revealing.  Only instead of clinging to toned thighs and a firm, perky bottom, the mesh fabric stretched around a pair of hairy trunks while a noticeable breeze wafted down Noah’s fur-lined crack.  “I can’t go out like this!”

Gabriel cocked his head to the side, his eyes glued to the clearly-outlined cock in the smaller man’s shorts.  “You’ve still got the shirt.”

Noah braced himself as he pulled the small t-shirt on, correctly guessing how poorly it would fit.  The already skin-tight top still showed off his broad shoulders and sculpted pecs, only now it also showed off the budding belly below.  The once-wiry jock was mortified at the way it refused to drape all the way down, leaving a hairy strip of softened flesh on display.  Coupled with the overstuffed shorts and his buzzed scalp, the look did nothing to conceal Noah’s alterations as much as it emphasized them, much to the blushing blonde’s growing humiliation.  “Well that’s…something…” he said, his tone flat as he took a few awkward, waddling steps.  He knew bending over was out of the question unless he wanted to flash his hairy cheeks to anyone who happened to look, and even raising his arms left him in a precarious position.  To make matters even worse, the constant sensation of near-exposure made the demands of his sensitive new hole impossible to ignore, leaving Noah teetering on a knife’s edge of embarrassingly obvious arousal.  One stray thought, one errant shift of his weight, and there’d be no hiding any of it.

“Better get used to it.  You’re just getting started,” Gabriel chuckled, finally turning away to reluctantly pull something on.  Like his bashful friend, the brawny hunk skipped the underwear and slipped into a pair of shorts, and while they were almost as revealing as Noah’s, he seemed far less bothered by the obvious manner in which his colossal cock bounced against the front.  He followed it up with a huge muscle shirt whose scooping sides and front did so little to provide coverage that it was nearly pointless.  “Imagine how that stuff’ll feel in a few days when you’re even bigger.”

Noah’s eyes widened at the thought.  “How long do I have to wear it for?!”

“Until it rips,” Gabriel said, as if it should have been obvious.  He laughed at the look of horror on Noah’s face and reached out to rub his friend’s scalp again.  “Don’t worry.  You noticed the way I dressed, right?  That’s one of the reasons you wanted to come talk to me?”  He waited for the other man to nod before gesturing down at his obvious package.  “You knew it was different, but you didn’t really freak out the way you should have, right? I mean, you saw me walking around swinging this piece in public the way you’re about to.  So did the guys.  Hell, I even went shirtless in class that one day and no one said anything.  It’s part of the process.”

Noah blinked, confused.  “What…what are you saying?”  He gasped when Gabriel reached out and began kneading his cock, causing it to rocket to full mast and nearly poke out the top of his shorts.

“I’m saying we’re about to walk out of here with you like that to meet up with the guys and no one’s going to say shit about it,” Gabriel grinned.  “They’ll notice, don’t get me wrong.  They’ll stare and they’ll gawk and they’ll want it.  But no one’s going to stop you.”

The flustered jock didn’t know how to feel about such a revelation.  He knew Gabriel was right, that, thinking back on it, neither he nor any of their friends had reacted with anything other than mild curiosity regarding the furry stud’s increasing exposure.  But that didn’t mean he was ready to test things out for himself.  He already dreaded the idea of walking around with his meatier new proportions so prominently displayed; the idea of a hard cock thrown in as well was more than he could process.  “But…I mean…what’s the limit?  Where’s the line?  Is there one?”

Gabriel’s smile grew.  “Guess we’re about to find out.”



ugh! Major turn off that he got fat. Hoping for a muscle transformation


The good news: you don't have to search hard to find a ScreamingMoist story including muscle transformations (its like the #1 hashtag lol). This one also has a #weightgain hashtag, so if that's a personal turnoff you can always avoid them in the future. I LOVE that some of the less common fetishes are frequently explored, as those often end up my favorites. Looking forward to seeing some #hugefeet #AB #shrinking in 2023! :)


That was really hot. I love the idea of a muscled gym bro hulking out into a chubby cub almost as much as I enjoy things working the other way around. Hope Noah ends up a cuddly little furball!