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“I need to warn you…there’s a chance you could end up looking like me if we do this,” Tim said when they broke off the kiss, his lips brushing against Nolan’s.

The other man grinned and raised an eyebrow, pulling his head back just enough to take in the blonde’s striking features.  “I have no idea what the fuck that means, but I’m not seeing a lot to complain about either way.”

Tim loved the way Nolan trembled in his grip when they resumed their tongue wrestling.  He’d caught the other man eyeing him at the bar and had been immediately taken by his new friend’s adorably bashful smile when he’d eyed him back.  It was a reaction Tim had quickly grown accustomed to, and he couldn’t blame the other men for it.  He knew he would have been just as confused to find himself aroused by the sight of a stunningly handsome man wearing nothing but a pair of pointlessly small, pink briefs in public.  And he would have been even more confused to then find himself making out with said man in their bedroom.  Or at least he would have been before his life took an entirely unexpected turn.

All he’d wanted was a better body.  Tim had worked hard his whole life, excelling both academically and athletically in his younger days.  He’d been a straight-A student all through high school and college, and he’d applied that same dedication to his sky-rocketing career.  By his mid-thirties he’d managed to acquire more money than he’d ever be able to spend, establishing a comfortable life of leisure funded by a series of skillful investments.  The problem, though, was that the luxurious existence had come at the cost of his looks and romantic life.  Tim had been so focused on his work that he’d long since lost the fit frame of his younger days, and aside from the occasional hookup the doughy brunette didn’t exactly have a revolving door to his bedroom.  He wasn’t irrevocably ugly or too far gone physically, just remarkably average.  He could have fixed his diet, started a workout plan, and consulted a plastic surgeon, but Tim couldn’t shake the feeling that a clock was ticking.  All of those things would take time, and now that his hard work had paid off and he’d built the kind of life he’d always dreamed of for himself, he wanted to take full advantage of every moment.

Which is where the Codebreaker came in.  Tim had never been a believer in urban legends, but “legendary” was the only way he could describe the mysterious figure.  He’d heard vague references over the years as he’d advanced into more lucrative social circles, and it was those wealthy peers that made him wonder if there wasn’t some truth to the myth after all.  These weren’t the kinds of people who were easily fooled or taken advantage of, yet they spoke of the Codebreaker in hushed whispers, with a tone bordering on awe.  Many of them would later deny any knowledge of such a person when Tim brought up the subject after his unexpected experience, but given what happened that was the least of the altered man’s worries.

He’d thought it a simple request, all things considered.  Tim already had more than enough money.  He had a circle of friends that spanned the gap between wealthy socialites and college drinking buddies.  He wasn’t lonely or overly ambitious, nor was he looking to set the world on fire.  All he wanted was the looks and body of an underwear model, to be the guy who walked into a room and was envied by the other men for a change.  He didn’t want to have to work so hard or flash his money to pique a potential partner’s interest.  He wanted them to come to him.

It seemed like it worked at first.  Tim had marveled at how fast it all happened, how one moment he’d been a heavyset, balding brunette with a spare tire and flat features, and the next he’d been a demigod.  He hadn’t even been embarrassed by his sudden lack of clothes, too overcome by his new physical perfection to focus on anything else.  His shoulders were broad, his pecs prominent and defined between a set of sculpted, athletic arms.  Instead of thick and soft, his waist now tapered as a shredded washboard, his ripped obliques practically pointing at the hefty bulge filling the front of the small, aqua briefs he’d somehow acquired.  The thin fabric left nothing to the imagination as his plumped balls and lengthened cock were clearly outlined in front, while his perked, granite cheeks spilled out the back.  It was exactly what he’d dreamed of, a body that was perfectly proportional, neither too jacked and bulky nor thin and wiry.  His pale skin was covered in a bronzed tan, with only a light dusting of hair on his calves and forearms, hair that had gone from a dirty brown to a light, sandy blonde.  The short, stylish crop perfectly accentuated his altered facial features, now strong and symmetrical, with bright eyes, a distinguished nose, and plump, pouty lips.

Tim had been elated, but the worried look on the Codebreaker’s face told him that something was amiss.  He watched the determined man hammer away on the keyboard, his expression growing more and more frustrated.  After a few minutes he’d typed a sequence that resulted in a pair of pants apparating out of thin air, but Tim didn’t have long to be impressed by the minor miracle.  Instead, his stomach dropped when he pulled them on, only to have them immediately vanish.  He tried again with another, and then with a shirt, but the result was always the same.  Tim wished he could have enjoyed his first glimpse of his altered equipment when the Codebreaker had him try another pair of underwear.  The lengthy hose was thick and proud as it swayed between his muscled thighs, but the priority had been to determine the longevity of the coral bikini briefs.  Tim had braced himself for the worst when he pulled them on, and he didn’t know how to feel when they remained.

Something had clearly gone wrong, and even the mighty Codebreaker couldn’t set it right.  He’d tried for nearly an hour, Tim had watched him type out string after string of code, and he’d seen the look of genuine determination on the mysterious man’s face, but the System refused to budge.  Sometimes it became obstinate, the Codebreaker had offered by way of explanation.  It didn’t happen often, but every now and then there was a “glitch.”  What that meant for Tim was that he’d gotten most of what he’d wanted, the perfect body of an underwear model, but with a literal twist.  Underwear was the only thing he could wear, the only thing he’d ever be able to wear going forward, and there was nothing that could be done to fix it.

The most the Codebreaker could do to remedy the situation had been to alter Tim’s perception of it, and provide him with a full refund.  The altered Adonis still knew what happened, still remembered how his life had been and how he’d wanted it to be, but, instead of wallowing in humiliated dread over the unforeseen circumstances, the Codebreaker wrote it so that he leaned into them.  Tim had asked him to.  Ever the pragmatist, when it became clear that he really was stuck with his perfect new body on display, he at least still wanted to be able to enjoy it.

That all happened before he knew the true extent of just how deeply and fundamentally he’d been changed.  It wasn’t until later that night, when his aggressively straight friend Eli had desperately sucked his perfect new cock dry, that Tim began to understand.  Like his literal new Underwear Model body, the handsome hunk’s desire to be envied by other men had taken a far less subtle approach.  Men didn’t want to be like him; they just wanted him.  And, much to Tim’s surprise, he wanted them in return.  He guessed the Codebreaker had seen this specific glitch in the code and had corrected it as best he could, but while he’d initially been angry over his altered orientation, Tim quickly realized it had been the only real course of action.  With men throwing themselves at him left and right, and with women now seemingly oblivious to his presence, his previous existence as a straight man would have been nightmarish.

It helped that the adjustment had been a purely mental one.  Physically, Tim’s altered body took to the new encounters like a fish takes to water.  Though he’d never done anything with another man before, the stunning stud somehow knew exactly what to do whether he was the one giving the pleasure, receiving it, or both.  He’d had a knee-jerk moment of mental hesitation the first time he’d found his firm, round globes bouncing up and down on another man’s cock, but it wasn’t long before the short lived sensation passed and he lost himself to the same eager abandon with which he approached his constant exposure.  He loved it.  Whether he originally would have, or whether or not he would have actually chosen such an outcome, did nothing to change the way he experienced it now.  He didn’t want to hesitate or question; he just wanted to enjoy the ride.

It was what sometimes happened afterwards that Tim wished he could feel something other than joy over.  He knew it wasn’t his fault or anything that he could exert any control over, but that was cold comfort when he watched a person’s life change in an instant.  When he’d left the Codebreaker’s office he hadn’t known the “glitch” was contagious.  Like any virus there was no guarantee of infection with every encounter, though repeated exposure significantly increased the chances.  It was a roll of the dice every time.  Tim actually warned guys ahead of time as he had with Nolan, but none of them ever believed him.  How could they?  Given how confused and worked up most of his partners were by the time they got down to business, it was all most of them could do to form a coherent sentence, let alone process reality-warping side-effects.

Nolan was holding it together better than most.  The flustered man was stammering and clearly out of his element, but he hadn’t given over all of his charm to the onslaught of awkwardness that consumed most of Tim’s partners.  He smiled bashfully as he gawked at the chiseled hunk, a slight, rosy undertone welling beneath his light brown skin.  “This is still so wild,” he laughed, his hands shaking when they landed on the sculpted stud’s tight waist.  “Never even thought about fooling around with another guy before…”

Tim grinned, relishing the look of pure hunger in the other man’s eyes.  Though he could easily pass as a decade younger with his supernaturally enhanced looks, he guessed Nolan to be around the same, mid-thirties age as himself.  His new friend carried the years well, still maintaining a body that, while average, undoubtedly drew plenty of attention.  His disarmingly friendly face bore an easy smile, and Tim guessed that Nolan had added some padding over the years to a body that had once been trim and toned, much like he once had himself.  The other man’s shoulders were broad, his arms thick in his straining sleeves, and his pleasantly plump pecs rested on an appealingly prominent midsection.  An equally thick, round rear filled out the back of his pants below, and Tim could already picture the fat, girthy package that lurked inside.  “What made you change your mind,” the sandy-haired stud asked as he reached up to begin popping the button’s on Nolan’s navy shirt.

“I mean…look at you,” the other man laughed as if it should have been obvious.  “You’re beautiful.”

“Aww…aren’t you sweet,” Tim purred, slipping his hands inside once he had the other man’s shirt half-open.

Nolan let out a quiet gasp, his own hands gliding up and down the chiseled hunk’s tapering sides.  He gave Tim’s perfect pecs a gentle squeeze before running his thumbs down the blonde’s improbable washboard, coming to a stop just below the elastic waist of the stuffed, pink briefs.  “How does someone even get this hot?”

“You tell me,” Tim said, pushing Nolan’s shirt down over his shoulders.  He reached out and began kneading the other man’s heavy chest, running his fingers through the dusting of sparse, wiry hairs before toying with the firm, nubby nipples.

“You’re…you’re too kind…” Nolan sputtered, a throb pulsing through him as he cupped Tim’s hefty bulge. “Even your dick feels perfect.”

The brief-clad beauty responded by deftly unzipping the other man’s fly and fishing the twitching cock free from inside.  This was one of Tim’s favorite parts.  He loved the look of wide-eyed surprise on Nolan’s face as his confused new friend stood there half undressed with his hard dick out in the arms of another man.  The fat log was just as thick and heavy as Tim had imagined, filling his palm while he gave it a few gentle tugs.  “Don’t sell yourself short,” he laughed.  “Not that there’s anything short about it.”

Nolan was rapidly reaching the point of being overwhelmed.  He’d stopped his absent fondling when Tim started tugging, too surprised and aroused to focus on anything else.  “Fuuuck that feels good,” he sighed, his head falling back on his shoulders.

“Why don’t you just relax and let me take over,” Tim suggested in a sultry whisper.  He let go of Nolan’s aching organ just long enough to fully remove the other man’s shirt and bottoms, leaving himself as the one wearing the most for a change.  He took the opportunity to explore the other man’s thick thighs in the process, squeezing and kneading the supple trunks before reaching around to clamp onto the ample cakes they supported.  Tim kept kneading the yielding mounds as he leaned in and let his tongue pick up where his fingers had left off on Nolan’s chest, eliciting a series of sharp gasps when he began licking and lapping at the sensitive nipples.  He didn’t linger for long, opting instead to let his mouth drift down the delightfully doughy midsection, nibbling playfully at the soft skin.

Because of his own supposedly superior build, Tim was used to guys assuming that he thought of his own appearance as better than theirs.  At one time he certainly would have, it’s what started all of this in the first place, but he’d quickly grown to love the variations in the sizes and shapes of his partners.  Thin, fat, short, tall, beefy, chiseled; they were all equally arousing as far as he was concerned.  He loved a spare tire as much as a washboard, a bony twink as much as a muscled twunk.  He was actually disappointed when he would pass his affliction onto some of the guys, often much preferring their original state to the one they acquired.

Tim was certainly enjoying Nolan’s.  He’d dropped to his knees, one hand toying with the thick hunk’s heavy balls while he bobbed his face along the other man’s imposingly wide cock.  There was a time when the thought of himself on his knees with another man’s cock in his mouth would have been repellant to Tim, but now he left the anxiety up to his partners, letting Nolan work out any conflicting emotions over the perfect pretty-boy going to town on his fat log.

Though in this case, there didn’t appear to be much to work out.  “Can…can you take ‘em off,” Nolan finally asked after several blissful minutes, nodding down at Tim’s tented little briefs.  “I…I want to get a look at all of you,” he panted.

Tim gave a long, lingering drag with his lips before pulling his head back and smiling.  “Why don’t you do it for me,” he said, climbing to his feet and grinding his rigid bulge against the other man’s spit-slick rod.

This time his hands didn’t tremble as Nolan slipped them into Tim’s briefs.  He gave the blonde’s firm bubble a rough squeeze before working the skimpy underwear down, the first sign of conflict flashing across his eyes when the long, luscious cock sprang free.  The internal struggle was apparently brief, however, as a moment later Nolan was on his knees, desperately clinging to Tim’s muscled cheeks while awkwardly administering his inaugural blowjob.  The movements were tense and tentative in the beginning, their rapid transition into a smooth, rhythmic bobbing the first sign that Nolan had caught the glitch.

Tim looked down in time to see the kneeling man’s shoulders widen, his chest, arms, and upper back all inflating with muscle.  Everyone took to the glitch differently, and while the end result was always an eagerly exposed stud, there was plenty of room for variation.  Some guys ended up with a classically tapered physique like himself, but others ended up wider, or thinner, or lean, or stocky.  In Nolan’s case, the obliviously blossoming beauty appeared to be swapping out his extra padding for muscle, going from Dad Bod to Daddy Bodybuilder.  His thick arms had become steely, striated pistons, and while his pecs were still pleasantly plump they were now round and full with firm flesh, just like the prominent, jutting muscle-gut they rested on.

It took several more moments for Nolan to realize what happened.  Tim thought about giving the other man a heads up, but he’d learned it was better to let things play out on their own.  “Wait…what just…holy shit!” Nolan cried, his eyes going wide when he looked over at his hulking new arms and down at his muscle-packed midsection.  “What the fuck happened?!”  He pushed away and fell backwards, giving Tim a clear view of both his massive, tree-trunk thighs and thick pole of a cock that had stretched from an average six inches to an impressive eight.  Even the stunned, shocked face that stared up at the blonde had changed, losing its soft charm as it adopted a sharp, sultry edge.  Nolan was all wide jaw, plump lips and razor cheekbones, devastating instead of disarming.

“Just take a deep breath,” Tim said, his tone calm.  “The hard part’s over.”  He reached down and grabbed Nolan by a widened forearm, feeling firsthand the other man’s increased weight as he pulled the mountain of muscle to his feet.

“What do you mean the hard part?!  What’s over?”  The towering hunk asked.  His eyes were wide as he prodded at his altered frame, turning in a slow circle while he inspected the alterations.

Tim let out a low whistle when he saw the granite, gravity-defying pumpkins that had taken the place of Nolan’s already-ample cheeks.  “I told you,” he said gently, placing a hand just above the shelf formed by the other man’s new rear.  “When I said you could end up like me, I meant it.  Take a look at your face.”

Nolan gasped when he looked over at his reflection in the nearby mirror, his widened jaw dropping at the smoldering stud gawking back at him.  “Is this…is this real…?”

Tim responded by hefting one of the other man’s arms up into a flexed position, giving the melon of a bicep a loud slap.  “You felt that, didn’t you? Just like you can feel that muscle flexing?  It’s all real.”

“Holy.  Shit.”  Nolan’s open-mouthed gape turned into a broad grin as he flexed the rest of his recently acquired muscle, looking for all intents and purposes like he was about to strut out onto a competition stage, fashion runway, or a go-go platform.  “This is incredible!  I’m ripped AND gorgeous!”

“You were always gorgeous,” Tim said, tracing a finger through the deep valley between the other man’s expanded pecs.  “But there’s a bit of a catch.  When I said you could look like me, that includes how I was dressed.”

“So? What’s wrong with how you were…were…” Nolan gasped, his triumphant expression falling.  Until they caught the glitch, no one gave a second thought to how little the beautiful blonde wore, but afterwards it would become painfully clear.  Nolan immediately looked down for his discarded clothing, but instead of boxer-briefs, gray slacks, and navy button-down, all he found was a gray-and-navy-striped thong.  Even his socks and boots had vanished, leaving nothing but a pair of flip-flops like the ones Tim wore.  “Fuck!  But…but I can’t just walk around like…like that!”

“I do,” the blonde shrugged.  “Didn’t bother you before, did it?”

Nolan blinked and shook his head when he realized the question wasn’t rhetorical.  “No…I…whoa…I didn’t even think about it!  All I thought about was how good you looked.”

“And that’s all any of the boys will think about you from now on,” Tim said, giving the other man’s enlarged log a cheerful tug.  “Just the boys, though.  The way you were into me despite never having been into guys before?  They’ll all feel that same way now whenever you walk into a room.  Don’t worry…you’ll absolutely feel the same way in return.  That’s not the issue.” He paused and locked eyes with the frazzled beauty.  “The most important thing you need to know is that what happened to you can happen to anyone you mess around with.  It’s not guaranteed, and it might not happen right away, but if you fool around with someone long enough it’s bound to spread.  I fucked around with my friend Eli six times before he…” Tim trailed off, his stomach fluttering at the memory of his ginger friend’s beefy, linebacker body shrinking and refining into a stunning, shredded soccer-player physique.  The brawny bulldog had gone from almost antagonistically hetero to hedonistically homo, embodying yet another variation along the spectrum.  Just like their bodies, everyone’s personality shifted in different ways, with some remaining unchanged, some becoming laidback himbos, and others becoming flamboyantly fabulous.  His redheaded friend had landed at the latter end of that list, but, based on what he’d seen so far, Tim guessed that Nolan would be closer to the beginning.

The strapping stud blinked and shook his head, waiting for the panic that never came.  After a few silent moments he bent and picked up the thong, blushing again when he realized the skimpy pouch would barely cover his heaping equipment, while his oversized rear would be left fully exposed.  “So this is all I get,” he asked with a grin, hanging the pointless thong off his rigid girder.

Tim shrugged.  “That and other stuff.  Whatever clothes you had at home have already become variations of this theme.  And you can always buy new stuff, but even if you try and buy pants and shirts, you’ll find them turning into something much more revealing before you can put them on.”

“This is not how I thought this night would go,” Nolan said with a short laugh.  “Why am I not freaking waaaaaay the hell out right now?”

“Silver lining.”  Tim plucked the thong and tossed it aside, giving the lengthened cock a long stroke in the process.  “There are a few others…like how your body will know what to do even if your brain doesn’t.  Did you notice how much better you got at blowing me just a minute ago?”

“Now that you mention it,” Nolan nodded bashfully.

“I take it you’ve never been fucked before, either?”  Tim laughed when the other man quickly shook his head, empathizing with the reflexive reaction.  “Do you want to be?”

Nolan’s mouth opened and closed several times without any words finding their way out, his expression a shifting mask of hesitant desire.  He finally swallowed hard and nodded, his eyes wide.  “I…I do.  I really, really do,” he said, as if he didn’t believe it.  “This is…this is a weird feeling…” he laughed, shifting his weight from foot-to-foot at the unfamiliar longing coursing up his spine.

“Just you wait,” Tim purred, gently nudging the lumbering meathead over to his expansive bed.  He grinned at the way Nolan immediately dropped onto his hands and knees, already wagging his granite globes like an excited puppy.

“Oh!”  The bigger man gave a surprised yelp at the bright burst of pleasure when Tim worked a pair of slick fingers inside, the sensation growing more intense as the rooting digits probed deeper.  “OOOOoohhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he moaned, his widened back arching.

“See what I mean,” Tim laughed, relieved at how Nolan was already embracing his new role.  He could practically see the other man’s mental gears shifting, rapidly adapting to the impossible circumstances.

“I…I thought it’d…hurt…” he groaned, pushing back against the invading fingers.  “I mean…I’ve never had anything…”

“Another silver lining.  It might’ve been a bit more dramatic if you hadn’t caught the glitch, but you’ll know how to loosen even the tightest guy up, so don’t worry about hurting anyone,” Tim said as he pulled the fingers free.  “I’m not the biggest guy out there…hell, you’ve got me beat…but now you can take just about anyone.”

“MMMMNNNnnnNNNHHhhh…” Nolan let out a low, deep grunt when Tim draped against his back and slipped inside, his expanded body falling into rhythm like he’d ridden countless men over the years.  As the shredded blonde picked up the pace he adjusted his writhing to match, loving how his bulkier body bounced and shook with the impacts. “Thiiiiissss iiiissss fuuuuuuuuckiiiiinnng iiiiincreeediiiiiiibbbble…” he howled, his voice breaking as if he rode a rollercoaster.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…yesss…yeeessss…don’t…don’t stop…”

Tim knew Nolan would do just fine with the transition.  He’d been eager himself the first time he'd been taken by another man, but the way his new friend was begging and bellowing told him the penetrated pile of muscle would easily land on his feet.  Tim hadn’t howled and screamed in ecstasy until his third go at getting fucked, so Nolan was already more advanced in that regard, though the gorgeous blonde eagerly proved his current willingness when they switched positions.  After finally pushing the bigger man over the edge they’d caught their breath in each other’s arms and then reversed roles, with the sculpted Adonis swiveling his hips and flexing on Nolan’s lap.

He didn’t always stay in touch with the guys he changed, but Tim had no doubt that he’d be seeing more of his new friend.  There was a connection between them, he could see it in Nolan’s eyes and feel it in the way the other man responded to his touch.  Based on their meager conversation at the bar they seemed like they would have been friends regardless, which was always a bonus for Tim in these situations.  He wanted to introduce Nolan to Eli and his other buddies he’d changed along the way, adding yet another member to their unique fraternity of exposed flesh.  They already numbered in the dozens in just the few months since his transformation, and that only included the ones Tim knew about. There were several men he’d never heard from again after their change, so he had no way of knowing how many they’d passed the glitch on to, and then how many those men had infected, and so on.  The patient-zero pretty-boy consoled himself with the knowledge that at least they were all as happy with their altered circumstances as he was, but a part of him wondered if it would ever truly stop, or if it was only a matter of time until the world was overrun with his unintentional creations.

He’d worry about that later, though.  For now, all Tim cared about was the look in Nolan’s eyes as he gyrated on the other man’s broad lap.  The now-brawny beefcake was proving himself to be a quick learner, but there were still plenty of lessons to walk him through before the night was over.


Voting Options


Option 1: A greedy young hunk who’s always taking advantage of his friends is forced to give back to the group, using his superior looks and body as the currency.  (Muscle Theft, Cock Shrink, Shrinking)

Option 2: After being caught selling bogus supplements, a personal trainer begins providing his clients with his own special protein shakes as he cums massive amounts throughout the day. (Cock Growth, Straight to Gay, Milking)

Option 3: An unscrupulous salesman who’s been selling subpar products adds lingerie and sex toys to his regular offerings of construction materials, providing his rugged customers with a firsthand demonstration.  (Stripped)

Option 4: A burly mechanic who purposely damaged cars in order to force people to return ends up having his own bumper replaced and begins providing oil changes of an entirely different kind. (Butt Growth, Straight to Gay, Power Bottom)



Oooh the idea of the code breaker having to wrestle with the code having its own ideas is super interesting! Hope you develop that theme further.


Definitely! There's a lot about the "system" that I want to get into, it's just been tricky to work in. I might have to do it in some spin-off stories outside the interactive ones.

Hugh Michelsen

Hot new chapter. I also loved the Code Breaker fighting with the system, and the glitch. New daddy is hot too!


Turns out I'm also physically incapable of remembering whether I write the Code Breaker's name as one word or two. Even after 11 stories I still get it wrong.