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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 4: The Loot

  • A fired lifeguard curses his former coworkers with permanent flotation devices, causing their asses to grow. 17
  • Testing out a new kind of bait, a young fisherman's cock grows to impossible proportions and becomes a lure of its own. 21
  • A charter captain runs his boat through a fog bank, causing the tourists on board to warp and change. 23
  • A group of fed up witches in town get revenge on a pair of arrogant womanizers by taking their cocks. 7
  • 2020-01-06
  • —2020-01-09
  • 68 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 4: The Loot', 'choices': [{'text': 'A fired lifeguard curses his former coworkers with permanent flotation devices, causing their asses to grow.', 'votes': 17}, {'text': "Testing out a new kind of bait, a young fisherman's cock grows to impossible proportions and becomes a lure of its own.", 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'A charter captain runs his boat through a fog bank, causing the tourists on board to warp and change.', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'A group of fed up witches in town get revenge on a pair of arrogant womanizers by taking their cocks.', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 9, 17, 0, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 6, 0, 34, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 68}


“Oh, shit!  Guys!  No fuckin’ way!”  Dean’s booming voice crashed ashore with the waves when the hulking brunette broke the surface.  His arm was a thick, tanned log as he wicked the water from his hair with one hand, while in the other he clutched something that his friend couldn’t quite make out.

“What?  You find a pretty shell or something?”  Noah asked, averting his eyes while the burly man modestly pried the damp shorts from around his stout, sizeable cock.  The lean blonde was still stretched out on his stomach, sunning himself like a lizard on the warm sand.  

“That look like a shell to you,” Dean said, dropping a small gold coin in front of the prone man.  

Noah blinked at the shiny metal disc, his perky rear and toned arms flexing as he raised himself up on his elbows.  “Dude, there’s no way this is real,” he muttered as he turned the coin over in his hands.  The coin felt like metal, but it was so shiny that it almost looked brand new, not like something that had been resting underwater for centuries.  “It’s probably just something from one of those junk shops.”  

Before Dean could respond, Alex’s head shot up out of the water further down the secluded cove.  “Guys!  Holy shit!” the dark haired jock cried, waving a shiny object excitedly at his friends.  With his sculpted pecs, tapering waist, and brawny arms, the handsome stud looked like Neptune emerging from the waves as he trotted to shore.  Unlike Dean, Alex appeared completely unbothered by the vacuum seal that exposed every inch of his huge, girthy package against the tiny blue trunks.  “I think I just found a gold coin!”  

“Me too!” Dean roared, bumping his hairy chest against Alex’s smooth slab.  

“Guys, be real.  This is a public beach,” Noah sighed, climbing to his feet and gesturing to the open shore and the sparse treeline behind them.  “We followed a trail, which means other people clearly come out here.  You didn’t find real gold coins.”  

“Like you’re an expert all of a sudden,” Alex scoffed defensively, giving the wiry man a shove.  “You’re just pissed ‘cause me and Dean found ‘em.”  

The stocky brunette nodded, folding his arms over his meaty chest.  “And you heard that old guy.  He said people who live here don’t swim at this beach...maybe they just started washing up lately?  Guy said there were a ton’a old shipwrecks off the coast.”  

Noah still wasn’t convinced.  The toned blonde may have been the least built of the trio, but where Dean was all muscle and Alex was all looks, he’d always been the brains of the group.  His two friends only knew how to fight or fuck their way out of trouble, which usually meant he had to be the one to keep them in line.  “Maybe that’s why no one comes out here?  This could be a historical sight or something…” 

“Fuck that, man.  I didn’t see a sign,” Dean grumbled.  

“The old guy at the pier didn’t say anything about it either,” Alex added, slapping his burly friend.  “Come on dude...I wanna see if we can find some more!”  

“Guys, come on…oh for fuck’s sake,” Noah sighed, trailing off as he watched his friends dive back in to continue their search.  

Eventually their contagious excitement got the better of him, and when the trio finally made their way back to their rented cottage they did so with a small pile of the purloined loot.  Even Noah was coming around as he studied the coins, gradually becoming convinced that they actually had found the real thing after all.  He still wasn’t sure it had been a good idea to take them, but no one had seen them do it and they’d be leaving town in a couple days anyway.  

“Well that was better than I thought it’d be,” Dean laughed as they dumped the coins on the table.  “Never found pirate treasure before.”  

“Who says it’s pirate treasure?  It could be legit,” Noah corrected.  

“Would that make us the pirates, then?”  Alex gave Noah’s ass a slap before heading for his room to change out of his trunks.  “Uh...guys?  Are we in the right cottage?  Or did we get robbed?”  The other two darted into Alex’s room to find their friend standing awkwardly in front of an open drawer.  

“What?  What’s missing?” Noah asked, looking around the room and seeing his friend’s phone, wallet and tablet still on the nightstand.  

“These aren’t my clothes,” Alex said, pulling out a pair of small red bikini briefs instead of the boxers he’d packed.  “I don’t know whose stuff this is,” he muttered, rummaging through the small wads of fabric.  

“You pack the good stuff for us?” Dean cooed.  “A little vacation romance?”  

“Fuck you,” Alex laughed.  “I’m serious.  This isn’t mine!”  He picked up the skimpy underwear and snapped the elastic.  “I mean, they’d probably make my ass look great, but there’s no way my junk’s...gonna…fit” The dark-haired stud froze as he reached down to squeeze his package through his trunks, his eyes going wide and his olive skin going pale as he groped between his legs.  “WhhhaaaAAAHHHHH!”  Alex shrieked, frantically tugging his trunks down to reveal a small, three inch nub where his thick, dangling monster should have been.  “What the fuck?!  What the fuck?!”  He cried, tugging on the tiny member and the petite balls as if he could pull them back to their proper length.  

“Jesus!” Dean yelped, backing away as if his friend’s shrinkage was contagious.  He breathed a sigh of relief when he tugged his own trunks open and saw his stout, fat cock exactly as it should have been, though he was troubled by the way it twitched at the sight of his panicked friend.  After so many years of looking at Alex’s perfect body and enviable endowment in the locker room, the brawny brunette couldn’t wrap his head around the small little poker concealed behind the other man’s trembling hand.  The rest of the olive-skinned pretty boy’s chiseled frame appeared unchanged, making the ridiculously small package even more noticeable.  

“Was it...do you think it was something in the water?  Oh...oh shit...maybe that’s why people don’t swim there!” Noah cried as he gave himself the same inspection.  Like Dean, his coiled snake was unchanged, but where his brawny friend had merely peeked inside, Noah pushed his boardshorts down to his knees in a panic.  The wiry blonde blushed when he realized how he’d exposed himself, but he couldn’t get his hands to follow through on the command to pull the shorts back up.  It was as if the signal got lost somewhere between his brain and his arms.  

“What...what do we do now…” Alex stammered.  “Does this town even have a hospital?”  

“I don’t know, dude...I don’t remember seeing…” Dean stopped and cleared his throat at the hoarse, cracking sound of his voice.  “That’s weird...must’ve swallowed…” the broad stud’s eyes went as wide as Alex’s when he heard the high pitched tone that replaced his deep rumble.  He cleared his throat again and rubbed his neck.  “Guys...do I sound as weird to you as I do to me?” he asked, his light, nimble new voice sounding ridiculous coming out of his stocky, hairy frame.  

“Oh god...there WAS something in that water…” Alex gasped, momentarily forgetting his own predicament as he gawked at Dean.  He turned to Noah, hoping his friend would have a plan like he always did, but froze at the sight of the other man.  “Uh...dude?”  

Noah raised an eyebrow as he looked at his friends’ stunned expressions.  “What?  Why’re you two looking at me...like...that…” he asked, trailing off as he looked down to see himself pumping away on his exposed, rigid cock.  He hadn’t even noticed that he’d started stroking.  He’d been staring at his friends, thinking how good Alex still looked even with his miniscule rod, and wondering how Dean’s chirping new voice would sound in bed.  They were strange thoughts for Noah to be having in the first place, but like his pumping fist the addled blonde hadn’t even registered them as odd.  He blushed a deeper shade of red a few moments later when he realized he’d continued to jerk himself off in silence as his shocked friends watched, but the most he could manage was to slow the pace.  

“Fuck, man, what’re you doing?” Dean squeaked, his furry slab of a chest heaving as he tottered on the verge of hyperventilating.  

Noah shook his head, a desperate look in his eyes.  “I don’t…” he started before losing his train of thought almost immediately.  He felt like he knew what he’d wanted to say, but it had slipped away like water through his fist.  Instead he kept staring at his friends, finally managing a simple, “...what...what were you asking?”  

It was too much for Dean.  He looked over at Alex’s shrunken equipment and at Noah’s dazed stroking and darted out of the room.  He needed to make it to his room so he could get his wallet and car keys and go for help.  “They’re here somewhere…” he muttered, wincing at the light, soft tone.  “What the fuck could even do this...this isn’t…” he broke off in a gasp when he found the shorts he’d been wearing earlier.  In a heap on the ground they’d looked the same, but as soon as he’d lifted them Dean discovered the missing panels of fabric where the back pockets should have been.  His stomach dropped as he tore the small dresser drawer open and found that, like Alex, his normal boxer briefs were nowhere to be seen.  In their place was a smattering of small, neon briefs that caused the stocky bulldog to blush at the thought of walking around with his brightly-clad cheeks hanging out from the back of his shorts.  

The rest of his clothes were no better.  Dean let out a whimper as he held up what remained of his shirts, all of them having been altered to leave his burly arms and the bottom two-thirds of his muscled torso entirely on display, and his dread grew when he discovered that the assless shorts were actually more modest than the rest.  Instead of the fitted chinos and baggy cargo shorts he remembered packing, Dean found small, tissue-thin running shorts barely larger than the unwanted briefs mixed in with denim cut-offs so short the pockets hung out the bottom.  He cringed as he thought of his meaty, hairy thighs straining the tight little shorts near to bursting while his furry muscle gut was left on display beneath his plump, barely-covered pecs.  Add in the stolen bass from his voice, and the burly hunk could barely recognize the mental image of his scantily clad frame chirping around town.  

“I still don’t know why you didn’t wear those to the beach instead of these gross things.”  

Dean gasped and dropped the tiny running shorts at the unexpected sensation of Alex’s sculpted arms wrapping around his midsection from behind.  His instinct was to pull away, but the feeling of his friend’s fingers sliding down the trail of hair on his stomach sent a shiver through him.  “What do you...these aren’t mine…” the thick man whined in his twittering new voice, trying desperately to convince himself.  Even as he said it, Dean could remember how much he loved the thin fabric against his skin, and how it left none of his ample rear or hefty equipment to the imagination.  “Oh...oh god…” he groaned, his cock surging at the thought of showing off his burly frame.  Having never been able to reach the level of definition that Alex and Noah had, Dean always rode a fine line between pride over his powerful muscle and shame at his bulkier build.  Or at least he had.  Now, squirming against his friend’s solid little poker, Dean couldn’t find even a shred of his former modesty.  “Dude...what’s happening to us…” he whispered, guiding Alex’s hand down to his shorts.  

“I thought Noah was the confused one,” Alex laughed as he slipped his hand into Dean’s trunks and started stroking the wide, twitching pole.  

Dean sighed and leaned back against the other man, too overcome by his frantic thoughts to do anything other than give in to what his body wanted, no matter how strange.  He should have been horrified at his pretty friend’s hand on his cock, but instead it, and the shrunken member he ground his meaty rear against, felt blissfully natural.  Based on the eager way the dark-haired hunk pushed his trunks down, Dean could only assume that Alex felt the same way.  He turned in his friend’s arms, the cock that should have been shorter and wider looking massive as it batted against the few inches that remained of Alex’s once-proud endowment. 

Their lips were pressed together before Dean even knew it was happening.  One second he was staring at his friend’s face, realizing for the first time just how handsome it truly was, and the next he was probing Alex’s mouth with his tongue while the other man massaged his plump globes.  He kept trying to tell himself that the tiny little nub digging into his gut wasn’t right, that their desperate desires were all horribly wrong.  Then he was falling backwards onto his bed, his mental struggles rendered moot when Alex climbed on top and impaled himself in one smooth motion.   

“OOHHHHHHHH!”  Dean was aware enough to be mortified at the high, piercing wail shooting out of his mouth.  Even with his former, deeper voice he’d never been overly vocal during sex, but now he was like a twittering canary, an endless series of chirps and squeaks echoing off the walls as Alex writhed and bounced on his lap.  Watching the formerly hung stud roll his hips and writhe against his muscled stomach, Dean wondered if the former lady’s man ever imagined what it would be like to be on the receiving end.  After so many years of listening to Alex brag about his sexual exploits there was a part of Dean that felt a smug satisfaction at being the one giving it to the arrogant pretty boy, until it occurred to him that Alex was still the one in control.  Dean couldn’t do anything other than wail and hold on while the olive-skinned adonis used his chiseled rear to bring him to the brink over and over.  

“Hey...what about me?”  

A flash of horror pierced his ecstasy as Dean watched Noah stumble into the room.  The naked blonde was still tugging away on himself, his normally shrewd eyes looking dull and flat as he grinned at his friends.  Dean may have lost his voice and inhibitions, and Alex had lost his source of pride, but it was becoming clear that Noah had experienced a significant loss of his own.  

“Come on...champ...get in on...this…” Alex grunted, waving Noah over to the bed.  

Dean wondered at his friends’ seeming acceptance of what was happening.  They’d both been as panicked as himself at first, but where he was still fighting, Alex and Noah were already acting as if everything was perfectly normal.  As he watched Alex tug with a few fingers on his little member, Dean saw none of the sheer terror he knew his friend should be experiencing.  The same went for Noah, who only giggled as he climbed up onto the bed with his naked friends, not questioning Alex’s condescending tone or being called “champ.”  Dean had to stop and remind himself that it was wrong when even he started to think of Noah as slow-witted and easily confused instead of the smart, quick man he knew him to be.  

Staring up at his naked friends looming over him jarred Dean slightly back to his senses.  “Guys...wait...fuckin’ look at us...this isn’t normammphh…”  His halfhearted protests were cut off when Noah crawled over and jammed his cock in his mouth.  Dean’s eyes went wide at the sudden invasion while his cock throbbed even harder inside Alex at the warm, musky organ gliding against his tongue.  He felt his jaw relax on instinct, like he’d done this countless times, as Noah pumped his hips.  

It was too much to fight.  Dean felt himself slipping, images of Alex’s chiseled frame strutting around in the little bikinis and tiny shorts, showing off his missing endowment while the hairy stud flaunted all of what he had, and he could hear his high pitched voice talking down to Noah as he and Alex kept an eye on their friend so he didn’t strip down or start jerking off in public and get himself into trouble.  He didn’t know how any of it was possible, but he knew it wasn’t fair that they’d all been robbed of something.  

That last thought finally pieced it together.  He remembered the gold coins and the old man’s warning.  Noah had told him not to take them, but he hadn’t listened and they’d all paid the price.  It was impossible and ridiculous, but it was the only thing that came close to explaining any of it.  And maybe if they put them back, he thought, it would undo everything.  Dean bucked and writhed, trying in vain to work himself free of his friends, but with Noah holding his head in place and Alex firmly on his lap, there was nowhere he could go until they’d finished.  He hated himself for loving Alex’s lingering moan, and the way his friend’s little nub spurted, just as he dreaded how eager he was to suck down every last drop of Noah’s explosive release as it dribbled down his chin.  

“Whoa!” Alex laughed when Dean lurched abruptly and shifted him off his lap.  “Where’s the fire?”  

Dean ignored his friend as he raced out of the room, his heart sinking at the sight of the empty table.  They’d left the coins sitting on it when they’d returned, but now the shiny loot had seemingly vanished.  He turned and stared at the strangers his friends had become as Noah draped himself across Alex and sucked the entirety of the handsome man’s tiny package into his mouth.  “Did you guys move the coins,” he asked, already knowing the answer.  

Alex sighed and stroked Noah’s hair while the other man sucked contentedly away.  “What coins?” 


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