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“Thought I got rid of this damn thing already,” Adam muttered as he picked up the small troll doll.  It belonged to his ex, Ally, and he could have sworn he’d thrown it away the day before.  Had it been up to him he would have tossed it while they were together.  Adam couldn’t stand the thing’s beady eyes and rainbow colored hair, but Ally loved collecting whatever bizarre trinkets and knick knacks she could get her hands on.  He’d never understood it.  With her flowing, golden hair and stunning looks, Ally could have been Queen of the campus.  Instead, she chose to hang out with the freaks and weirdos, squandering her potential.  It’s what led to their breaking up, as Adam felt that he had certain standards to maintain.  With his lean, athletic build and sharp, handsome features, the straight-laced young jock was used to being at the top of the social food chain.  He didn’t go out of his way to be mean to those he looked down on, often literally given his 6’3” height, but he had no interest in spending time with people who weren’t on his level.  He was fit, hung and handsome, and he knew it.  

He’d thought Ally knew it too, but she hadn’t taken their breakup well.  It wasn’t like he’d cheated on her, though with his looks and body he had plenty of opportunities, a fact that he now realized he probably shouldn’t have brought up once the conversation became heated.  But he’d lost his temper, too.  All he’d done was point out the ways he thought she could improve.  All she had to do was act less flighty and hang out with regular people.  It wasn’t hard.  It should have been obvious, he’d argued.  She’d ended up calling him a troll, the reason she’d left the doll behind, before storming out, and that had been the last of their relationship.  Other than the irritating little figure he couldn’t seem to get rid of.  

“Whatever,” he sighed, tossing the doll in the trash again.  It was the last thing he needed to worry about.  He’d been feeling off for the past few days, especially that morning, to the point where he’d decided to skip the rest of his classes and head back to his apartment.  Ditching class was more his roommate Mitch’s style, but the way Adam was feeling he was willing to make exceptions.  He hadn’t slept in what felt like weeks, and whenever he did manage to get a few hours of slumber, his dreams were strange and troubling.  He’d been especially horrified that morning, when he’d woken up from a dream where he’d been stripping on stage, only to eventually grind his naked frame on Mitch’s lap in front of a roaring crowd.  And while Adam was grudgingly willing to admit that his roommate was just as physically gifted as himself, he was more than a little confused to wake up to a still-solid cock and soaked, sticky sheets.  

He’d hoped to make it to his room before the other man could catch him, but as soon as he turned the corner he heard Mitch’s door open and saw the chiseled blonde stumble sleepily out.   His friend was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, which wasn’t out of the ordinary, but the words that shot out of Adam’s mouth were anything but.  He could feel them leaving as soon as he thought them, far too quick to stop.  “Ohh, those are cuuuuute,” he said, nodding down at Mitch’s boxers with their pink and blue polka dots.  “Are they new?  They look great,” he chirped, his cheerful voice showing none of the dread he felt inside.  

Mitch cocked his head to the side with an awkward smile, shifting his weight uncomfortably under Adam’s gaze.  The casual air of acceptable nudity that normally existed between the two jocks was shattered by the taller man’s sudden, vocal interest in his friend’s underwear.  “Uh...thanks?  Yeah, I just got ‘em,” Mitch said, flexing his impressive chest and abs on instinct.  His hand drifted down to obscure the thick cock that bounced against the thin material, his demeanor changing as if he’d turned a corner and ran into a group of strangers, not the friend he’d been living with for months.  

“Good choice!” Adam said, looking back over his shoulder as he left his confused friend and continued down the hall.  “Daaamn, they make that ass look greeeaaah!” Adam’s whistle was cut off when he suddenly tripped on his pants and landed in a heap on the floor.  He heard a loud rip and rolled over to see the stitching on the thighs had exploded, leaving large patches of his hairy legs on display.  His heart started racing as he stared at the exposed skin, but his head was too busy ringing from the fall to put together what seemed off.   

“Fuck, man, you okay?”  

Adam’s face was red, an odd fluttering in his stomach as he looked up at the chiseled, boxer-clad man smiling down at him.  From his current vantage point he had a perfect view of the heavy package pushing out against his friend’s boxers as he reached out and took Mitch’s extended arm.  “That’s what I get...for...staring…” he stammered as the other man pulled him to his feet and he found himself looking Mitch in the eye.  The fluttering in his gut turned to a churning, plummeting sensation as he blinked at the other man, trying to will his perspective back where it should be.  At an even six foot, Mitch should have been just slightly shorter.  Adam should have been looking at the other man’s forehead, not standing level with him.  

“Maybe you should go lie down for a bit, bro,” Mitch said, his amused expression turning to one of concern.  “You don’t look so hot.”  

“Probably not a bad idea…” Adam’s voice was hoarse as he looked down and saw the source of his stumble.  Instead of being perfectly sized, his pants pooled at his ankles as they clung like a cotton film to his thighs.  He told himself the extra fabric at his feet was due to the ripped seams, but he still couldn’t hold back the question.  “Do I, like, look weird,” he asked, taking a step back and spreading his arms.  

Mitch crossed his arms over his bare chest, the motion accentuating his tight, tapering waist and the low-riding boxers.  “You mean other than just taking a header and having your pants explode,” he laughed.  

Adam laughed nervously and nodded.  “Yeah...you’re right...that’s gotta be it…” he said, more to himself than Mitch as he turned and headed for his room.  He felt foolish for even thinking it, but Adam made a detour on the way to grab a pencil and tape measure.  He shut the door and sagged back against it as soon as he was in his room, his hands shaking as he fumbled his tattered pants open.  “Omigod...well THAT was embarrassing,” he sighed, his eyes going wide when he heard the strange speech pattern.  In his fear he’d forgotten that it was what started the strange encounter in the first place.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Like, what the hell?  Why do I sound sooooooo sexy,” he said, his deep voice taking on a lilting tone as he drug out the words.  “Oooookay, don’t...don’t panic girl,” he stuttered, his face going crimson at the flamboyant speech.  “One thing at a time.”  

Forcing his hands to steady, Adam leaned up against the wall and made a mark with the pencil.  He shucked his pants when he was done and went for the measuring tape, but froze at the sight of his furry thighs.  Adam had always had a dusting of hair on his toned legs, but now there was a thick carpet sticking out from underneath the boxer briefs that were stretched near to bursting.  Looking at the widened quads, Adam understood why his slim-fit pants had given up the fight.  

“No...no way…” he gasped, turning to inspect himself in the mirror.  A stab of horror punched through him at the sight of the inflated cheeks that had replaced his toned little bubble, but his feelings were more conflicted as he stared at a noticeably larger bulge.  “What is even happening…” he stammered, his eyes going wide when he cupped the heavy, girthy package.  “I’m totally losing my mind.  That’s gotta be it.  This isn’t poss...ible…” 

Adam’s jaw dropped when he looked up from his expanded member and noticed the curly, chestnut hairs poking out through the neck of his t-shirt.  He’d been so focused on his pants and lower half that he hadn’t felt the thin material stretching tighter and tighter across his torso, leaving none of his sculpted build to the imagination.  Or at least none of his thickly muscled build, as Adam began to notice a frightening lack of definition outlined against the fabric.  “Oh my god...oh my god...oh my god…” he panted, frantically peeling out of the confining shirt to reveal a body he didn’t recognize.  Instead of his naturally smooth skin, Adam was greeted by a silky forest spreading across his pecs and down his stomach, both of which were significantly thicker and bulkier than they should have been.  The stunned jock still had a set of visible abs beneath the freshly sprouted carpet, but he was noticeably broader, his body having lost it’s shredded physique in exchange for extra mass.  He could actually see himself expanding as he watched, some unseen force squishing him down and out like a ball of putty until, where he should have been long and tapering, Adam now seemed wide and stocky.  The realization sent a bright flash of panic through his addled brain as he remembered the measuring tape.  He winced as he grabbed it and headed back to the wall, feeling his impossibly altered flesh rub against itself in strange new ways.  The nimble stud was used to feeling light and agile, not heavy and plodding.  

He knew it was worse than he feared as soon as he looked up at the mark.   “WHAT?!” He shrieked, taking the measurements again and again but coming up with the same 5’10” reading every time.  Suddenly losing five inches would have been bad enough on its own, but Adam could tell that he’d continued to drop as he stretched his increasingly beefy arms up to measure.  “It’s totally fine...everything’s, like, just fine,” he repeated, taking up the same spot and making a new mark on the wall.  As he stood as straight and tall as he could, Adam gasped at the way his expanded cheeks forced his back away from the wall, and at how different his view was as he looked down at his furry shelf of a chest.  

There were no words when he took the second measurement, just a loud rip as his boxer briefs gave out when he bent to pick up the tape measure his shaking hands had dropped.  The new mark topped out at just barely 5’6”, meaning that in a matter of minutes, Adam had gone from the tallest guy in the room to the shortest.  He staggered back, absently peeling out of the tattered underwear as he gawked at his burly new physique.  While he’d been measuring himself the changes had continued, finally spreading up his widened neck to consume his handsome face.  Like the rest of his body, his jaw had widened, a layer of stubble breaking out across his formerly smooth cheeks.  The peppering of hair drew extra attention to the way his formerly thin lips had plumped, and how his long, pointed nose had receded and flattened.  He was still plenty attractive, but instead of sharp and angular his features were wide and rugged, a perfect complement to the stocky, hairy muscle that made up the rest of his new look.  

Even his package had changed to match, with his formerly long, dangling hose becoming stout and wide as it jutted out above a set of full, hairy orbs.  Adam gasped as he reached for it with one hand, marveling at the way it filled his palm while he reached around with the other to clutch at the ample new mounds of his rear.  What had been a small and perky ass was now a set of large, bouncing cheeks, still solid with muscle but all too eager to shake and jiggle with the slightest movement.  

Adam tried to take stock of the situation as fast as his stunned brain would allow.  Even through his horror he noted that, while shorter, he still had an impressively athletic build, just one that looked more accustomed to wrestling than running.  His face had been altered but he was still ruggedly handsome, and though he sported a dense, soft carpet on his front, the hair didn’t crest over his broad shoulders or reach around his sides, leaving his back and most of his plump new rear as smooth as it had been.  With his fattened cock and inflated balls, his overall look was actually much more masculine than the one he’d previously had, as long as he kept his mouth shut.  

“Ho-ly. Shit.” Adam gasped, looking over his shoulder as he shook his gravity-defying cheeks in the mirror.  “That is one fat ass,” he said, unsure if he meant it as praise or criticism.  He gave the globes another bounce just as his door started to open, and his stomach dropped when he found himself shaking his inflated ass in front of his smiling friend.  

“Well I guess that answers that,” Mitch laughed.  “I was coming to see if you were okay, but everything looks normal in here.”  

Adam was more stunned by his friend’s confusing words than he was embarrassed.  He stopped shaking his ass, barely registering how his exposed cock throbbed as he turned and looked up at the man who now stood several inches taller than himself.  With Mitch still in nothing but his boxers, Adam felt a pang of jealousy mingle with an unaccustomed surge of lust as he stared at his friend’s chiseled body.  It was the kind of build Adam knew he should have, but the thought suddenly seemed wrong.  

Instead of begging for help or asking any of the thousand questions racing through his head, the burly little stud gave a dismissive wave of his hand.  “Oh, honey, I don’t know what that was about earlier,” Adam said, rolling his eyes.  

“Suuure,” Mitch nodded down at Adam’s thick, rigid club.  “I think I do.  You’re always a mess once you start thinking with your dick.”  

“Uh!” Adam scoffed, raising a hand to his furry slab of a chest.  “I soooo am not.”  His knees went weak when Mitch stepped forward and tousled his short, chestnut hair.  The formerly modest jock knew he should have been mortified at standing naked and hard in front of the other man, especially in a warped, shortened body, but it all felt perfectly natural.  

“Okay, then where did those clothes come from,” Mitch asked, giving Adam’s plump rear a squeeze as he turned the other man to face the shredded clothes on the ground.  “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t grab some other dude’s clothes by mistake when you were leaving his place?”  

“What?  No, those are...mine…” Adam leaned into his friend as he looked towards his closet.  He’d been so intent on the mirror hanging from the back of the door that he’d failed to notice the strange new contents.  He should have had a closet full of drab chinos, polos and button-downs, not small, brightly colored tank-tops, crop-tops, and short-shorts.  His former wardrobe had been reserved and unassuming, but his current options were all garishly bright and revealing.  But, like standing naked in his friend’s arms, the thought of parading around campus with his burly body on display brought a familiar sense of pride, not humiliating terror.  

“I mean, they are now...hope whoever he was didn’t need ‘em back,” Mitch laughed.  “The whole preppy look’s not really your thing, anyway.”  

Adam surprised himself when he reached over and snapped the waist of his friend’s boxers.  “Riiiiiight...that’s more your specialty,” he said with an exaggerated yawn.  

“Hey!  Didn’t you just tell me you liked these?”  

“I think I like what’s underneath better,” Adam purred, his heart starting to race again.  He felt like he should dread where things were heading, but his cock felt ready to burst.  

“Don’t be jealous just because your giant ass can’t fit in them,” Mitch winked.  “Maybe you just need a closer look.”    

That was all Adam needed to hear.  Before he fully realized what he was doing, the now-stocky hunk was dropping to his knees.  He grabbed the waist of Mitch’s boxers in his teeth on the way down, loving how his friend’s blonde bush and twitching cock felt rubbing against his face.  As if he’d done this plenty of times before, Adam’s hands clutched Mitch’s firm bubble while he slurped his friend into his mouth, bobbing his head and using his thickened lips to form a vacuum seal. 

“Fuuuuuuuck, man,” the sculpted blonde groaned, running his hands through Adam’s hair while he pumped his hips.  “Dude...I know I say this every time...but I’m real glad I took you up on that roommate offer.  I was a little nervous to move in with someone so, uh…” 

“Fabulous?” Adam offered, slowly running his tongue along the underside of Mitch’s impressively long shaft.  He didn’t know if he was more embarrassed by his flaming new attitude or the fact that he was licking another man’s dick like a lollipop.  

“Su...sure,” he shuddered, squirming as the kneeling man worked his balls before swallowing him nearly to the hilt.  “But you really ooohhh….opened...my eyes…” 

“So glad to be of service,” Adam said as he grabbed Mitch’s cock and held it in place while he licked around the bulbous head.  A flood of new memories were washing over him, replacing the pair of straight, preppy jocks with a stocky beefcake and a blonde adonis.  Adam suddenly remembered how amused he’d been at Mitch’s discomfort as he pranced around their apartment in nothing but a gold jockstrap or tiny pair of bikini briefs while the other man wouldn’t so much as take his shirt off.  Gradually though, Adam’s infectious enthusiasm had rubbed off, leading to one drunken night when Mitch’s curiosity had gotten the better of him.  The altered man now understood why his actions felt so familiar as he recalled the many hours he’d spent in just such a position, and how eager he was for what came next.  

The shock of climbing up onto his bed on all fours was enough to let the old Adam surface.  The uptight stud railed at the memories of himself in a similar position with many of the guys he used to consider himself superior to, but who he now literally looked up to.  He shivered, not out of the disgust he wanted to feel, but out of lust at the memory of their smooth, muscled bodies towering over him as he popped his hips and worked his round globes with surgical precision.  

The sound of his wide cock slapping up against his hairy abs brought Adam back, the memories merging with his present reality as he found himself swiveling his hips and slamming himself back against Mitch’s firm stomach.  He could see his stocky, hairy little frame working the tall stud reflected in the mirror, but instead of shame or embarrassment, all he felt was an encompassing sense of pride.  The dick may have been in him, but he was clearly the one fucking the groaning straight boy.  

That realization was enough to jettison the old Adam once and for all.  The brawny new version had one final glimpse of his old, stuffy life before Mitch erupted inside him, pushing his own oozing trunk over the edge.  They howled in unison, with Adam stretching and purring like a cat while Mitch slowly pumped out the last of his load.  

“Ye...yeah...real glad you talked me into that,” the tall blonde panted as he pulled out and shifted off of Adam.  He started to climb off the bed, but the stocky man stopped him.  

“Ah-ah, and just where do you think you’re going?  Aren’t we forgetting something,” Adam said, pursing his puffy lips in Mitch’s direction.  He knew his friend still thought of himself as very straight, most of the guys he had in Mitch’s position did, but Adam wasn’t going to let them off the hook that easy.  

“Really?”  The tall blonde turned a deep shade of embarrassed red but finally bent down and pressed his lips against the other man’s for a quick peck.  Adam had other ideas as he held Mitch’s head in place, the short kiss turning into a deep, prolonged battle of tongues.  

The stocky stud loved the dazed, bashful look on Mitch’s handsome face when they finally broke it off.  “See?  Was that so bad?”  

“You’re the only one who gets to do that,” Mitch said, his jock bravado returning.  “And no one hears about it.”  

Adam laughed and stretched his beefy frame out on the bed, running a hand through his new fur as he stared up at his friend.  “Whatever you say, honey.  Trust me...sooner or later you’re gonna want to switch places with me.”  

The blushing blonde shook his head and laughed as he stepped back into his discarded boxers.  “Hey, I’d want me to fuck me too, but don’t hold your breath.”  

Adam blew his friend a kiss as the other man left the room, his eyes landing on the rainbow-haired troll sitting on his dresser.  He thought he’d thrown it away, but it suddenly occurred to him how cute it would look in Mitch’s room.  



Oh man. Please do a part two of this. I want to see how Mitch turns out. Cursed items are fun! 🤣


I don’t know...I kinda like the dynamic these two have now. But that doesn’t mean the Troll couldn’t wind up somewhere else, like an especially obnoxious frat house.