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Hi Everyone,

Since we’re winding down the year I got curious and ran the numbers for 2019.  Over the course of the past 12 months there were 109 stories/individual chapters posted to the page (only counting new work, not re-posts of old stories), which averages out to just over 2 stories per week.  To break that down further, as a ballpark estimate, each story averages around 8 pages, which brings us to 872 pages worth of stories.  At roughly 500 words per page, that totals out to 436,000 words.  

For reference, a good starting length for a novel is 80k words.  That means you all helped produce 5.5 novels worth of stories over the course of the year.  Throw in all the editing for the e-books, finding and starting a new day job, and trying to maintain a life outside of all the work, it’s no wonder the year was a bit of a blur on my end.  

All of which is to say that, whether you were here for the whole year or only a part, your support is truly appreciated!  I hope you've enjoyed the stories so far, and I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year’s.  I can’t wait to see what we come up with in 2020.