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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 15

  • Seeing what happened to Shawn, AJ is able to get him out but can't change him back and Benton is left in his night shift role permanently. 17
  • In trying to help Shawn, AJ is discovered and caught and assumes Benton's night shift role. 3
  • AJ tries to help Shawn, but Shawn is too angry over what AJ caused to happen and willingly sides with Duncan & Benton. 14
  • 2019-11-12
  • —2019-11-15
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 15', 'choices': [{'text': "Seeing what happened to Shawn, AJ is able to get him out but can't change him back and Benton is left in his night shift role permanently.", 'votes': 17}, {'text': "In trying to help Shawn, AJ is discovered and caught and assumes Benton's night shift role.", 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'AJ tries to help Shawn, but Shawn is too angry over what AJ caused to happen and willingly sides with Duncan & Benton.', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 15, 17, 0, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 12, 16, 12, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 34}


“I...knew when...they...hired...youuuhhh...it was a...good choice…” Duncan grunted, swiveling his hips to work Shawn’s cock deeper inside.  He had the dark-haired stud pinned beneath him, his massive thighs looming like granite pillars on either side of Shawn’s tapering frame while his limp python oozed a steady stream through the wiry hairs on the smaller man’s sculpted pecs.  

“Gl...glad you’re...still impressed…” Shawn whimpered, hating how the brutish blonde had him pinned to the bed.  More and more lately he usually found himself turned on in such submissive positions, but something about Duncan still made him uncomfortable.  While the man’s impossible physique and equally impossible cock made Shawn’s own eager member throb with anticipation, there was a shrewdness to his coworker’s expression that always made Shawn feel like he was teetering on the edge.  Being with Duncan was like holding a firework that had ignited but not exploded, and he was stuck waiting to see if, or when, it would finally go off.  

Duncan reached down with his rough, meaty paw of a hand and smeared the growing puddle on Shawn’s chest up onto the smaller man’s face as he stroked a stubby thumb along Shawn’s chiseled jaw.  “Such a pretty boy...didn’t think you’d be so good at this,” Duncan said, a cold smile stretching across his fuller, rounder face.  “But then so am...was...I,” he sighed, his eyes resting on his soft monster.  Shawn followed Duncan’s gaze, not knowing what to say.  He could sense things taking a turn, but he was still jammed deep inside the hulking man who had him pinned to the bed.  “No, I know you don’t get it, at least not all of it.  You’re actually a lot like me when I started here, you know that?  I could tell right off the bat something wasn’t right.  All the dude-on-dude action I started getting into?  It was a lot.  Granted, I didn’t walk into the shit storm that you did.  Everything was flowing as it should back then, so all I had to deal with was a confusing love of dick, not having the wires in my pretty little head all jumbled up,” he said, stroking a damp, sticky line through Shawn’s dark hair.  

“I don’t...what are you talking about,” Shawn asked, trying in vain to struggle upright against the mountain of flesh.  

“You know I know, right?  You walking around hard all day, do desperate to get out of those clothes but so embarrassed to be seen in nothing but that cute little underwear?  But that’s the rub, isn’t it?  So embarrassed, but it just makes the ache all that more intense,” he grinned, flexing his mammoth rear and making Shawn gasp.  

“How?  I haven’t said anything to…” 

“I know all kinds of things.  I know about your fun-sized roommate and how tall he should really be, and how much weight Eric’s put on.  I know all about Benton’s ‘assistant’ and who he used to be...hell, I even know how our boss spends his nights right now.  There are so many fun little secrets floating around this place...but that’s something YOU know all about, don’t you?”  He motioned down at his plump pecs and distended muscle gut, his hands resting on his thighs as he sat back on Shawn’s legs.  “I can see it in your eyes when you look at me.  You know I should look more like you than like this.  Even if you don’t know it, you still KNOW.  You know?”  

“I...I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about,” Shawn stammered.  

Duncan shook his head and gave a disappointed sigh.  “Never going to make it anywhere in this line of work if you can’t get better at lying.  So why don’t we try this again?  Only this time you tell me where you were and who you ran into a couple nights ago?”  

“You mean Eric and Cayden?  We just went out for a run, that’s all,” Shawn said, his hands stroking along Duncan’s chunky thighs.  

The hulking man nodded approvingly, flashing the same cold smile.  “The hard way, then.  I knew we’d end up here, just wanted to give you the chance.  Gotta say, though, I’d have been disappointed in you if you’d taken it.”  

“Duncan, seriously, I have no ideaaaaAAHHH!”  Shawn yelped and spasmed, his eyes going wide when he looked down at his impressive chest and saw a set of clamps suddenly fastened to each tiny nipple.  “What...what just...where did those come from?”  

“You know those ‘special projects’ I’ve been helping Benton with?  He’s been teaching me a few tricks.  You could learn them too, you know.  He likes you.  He senses the same potential in you that he did in me,” Duncan said encouragingly.  “There’s so much more to this place than you know.  The things you could do…” 

“Is he the one doing all this,” Shawn asked, shivering against the growing tide of sensation rippling out from his increasingly sensitive nipples.  

“Benton?”  Duncan shook his head and laughed as he flicked each metal clamp and watched Shawn spasm, the prone man’s cock pulsing inside him.  “No.  He’s actually been caught up in this as well.  He just wants to get to the bottom of things and find the person who actually IS responsible.  Someone I think you know.”  

“I don’t even know what’s going on!  How would I know who’s responsible when no one’s told me what they supposedly did?”  

“There’s that lying again,” Duncan said, tapping a finger against Shawn’s chest.  The smaller man watched his captor’s eyes go foggy for a moment before feeling a thick band form around his neck.  He thrashed his head to try and get away, but only succeeded in creating a loud jingle of metal rattling against the collar.  “I should probably clarify what’s happening here.  Everything that appears on you now?  It’s replacing an article of clothing in your regular wardrobe.  Permanently.  So unless you want to put those embarrassing new urges of yours to the full test, I’d start telling me what I want to know.”  Duncan reached down and looped a finger through one of the collar’s rings, pulling Shawn’s head up off the bed.  “Do I need to ask you again?”  

Shawn’s mind was racing as fast as his frantic heartbeat.  He knew this had something to do with the person he and the others ran into while out on their evening jog, but as he writhed under Duncan’s immovable weight, he realized he could no longer recall who that person was.  Shawn was well aware that he should know the person’s identity, but the memory wouldn’t gel.  “Wait...just...this is a lot, okay,” he said quickly.  “You just did some crazy shit, and you’re telling me the world doesn’t work the way it should...I need a minute to process, alright?”  

“By all means, take your time,” Duncan said, his deep rumble sounding deceptively calm.  “Just gives me more time to think about your new look.”  Shawn thrashed his legs when what felt like a pair of heavy leather boots appeared around his feet. He couldn’t see them with Duncan in the way, but there was a dull thud when he knocked his ankles together.  “You’re going to be such a cute little butch boy in all this leather when we’re done.  But don’t worry if the boots aren’t your thing.  When you get back to your room you’ll find plenty of softer options.  Some bright hightops, some high heels...whatever someone’s in the mood for, you’ll be able to supply.”  

Shawn’s eyes went wide when Duncan finally slid off and he got a view of the new, shiny black footwear below his still-solid cock.  “How...how are you doing this…” he gasped.  

“Honestly?  I don’t understand it all myself.  This part,” he said, waving his hand as a pair of ringed cuffs formed around each of Shawn’s wrists, “is pretty new.  A tool to be used in my new position.  You could get here too.  I mean, HB&L is far from just another corporation, but then, you had to know that already, right?  Why do you think you’ve been crunching numbers from all over the world?  Antiques one day and pharmaceuticals the next?  Money flowing just as quickly to small South American tribes as it does to Wall Street?  There’s a bigger picture than your mind can grasp.”  The towering muscle beast leaned down and tugged roughly on Shawn’s cock, pumping until the aching organ exploded and added to the puddle on the stunned man’s sticky pecs.  “Now...we’re about to start crossing some pretty major lines here, so why don’t you tell me what I want to know?”  

“Because I don’t know!”  Shawn yelped.  “I mean it!  I don’t...I can’t remember whooouuunnn!”  His protests turned into a grunt when a stab of pain shot through his midsection and he looked down to see a small metal cage affixed to his spent cock with a heavy ring that was stretching his heavy balls.  “Fuck!  What the fuck is that?!”  

“I know you think I’m the bad guy here.  You probably think the company is, too.  But did you ever stop to think that maybe the person you’re protecting is the one responsible for all this?  Everything that’s happening to you and Cayden and Eric...none of it would have happened if your friend hadn’t messed with forces beyond their control.  There’s a very delicate balance to the way things work here, and you,” Duncan paused, motioning down to himself, “and me, are the result of that balance being disrupted.  These kinds of fun little displays were always used to...motivate...staff who needed it, but the wild, uncontrolled bursts of chaos are a direct result of your friend’s actions.  If not for them, you’d be just another number cruncher.  You and Cayden would still be sucking each other’s dicks, but that would probably be the end of it.”  

Shawn was trying to pay attention, but already he was feeling the frustrating effects of the metal cage as his eager cock was thwarted from doing anything more than twitching.  “If you’ve got all this power and know all these secrets, why can’t you just read my mind?”  

“You don’t think they tried that already?  Whoever this is has access to some pretty powerful protection.  There’s just a blindspot in your memory.”  Duncan cocked his head to the side and stroked his wide jaw thoughtfully as a leather harness slithered from out of nowhere around Shawn’s torso, lifting his already-prominent pecs and showing off the taper to his torso as they accentuated his impressive abs.  “Which is why we’re motivating you to tell us.”  

“That’s what I’m trying to say!” Shawn cried when he felt a pair of elastic straps suddenly wedge around his perky bubble.  What looked like a leather jockstrap rode low on his trim hips, but where the pouch should have been there was only the metal cage and painful ring.  “I don’t remember either!  I know we talked to someone, but I can’t...it’s right on the tip of my tongue!”  

“Huh.” Duncan said flatly.  “I never actually considered that.  Benton thought the blockage was only on our end...never occurred to me that he’d leave you holding the ball like this.  I’m actually impressed.”  He reached down and pulled Shawn upright by his collar, lifting the smaller man’s arms into the air. 

Shawn was too shell shocked to resist, failing to notice what was happening until he heard the click and found his arms locked in place behind his head to the collar.  “Hey!  What are you doing?!”  I’m telling you the truth!”  

“And I believe you,” Duncan said, guiding Shawn off the bed and smiling as he surveyed his handiwork.  With his leather work boots, chastity jock, nipple clamps, harness, cuffs, and collar, Shawn looked nothing like the business-casual hunk Duncan had first met.  

“Then why am I still like this?” Shawn asked, his cock throbbing painfully in its cage as Duncan clipped a leash to it.  

“Because if you can’t tell us, you can still send a message to whoever we’re looking for.  As soon as they see the new you, they’ll know exactly what happened.  Hopefully, it’ll make them sloppy.”

“What do you mean when they see the new me?  I can’t go around like this!”  

“Of course you can!  It’s what you’ve been craving, right?  Well, there you go.  Now you can let it all hang out...not that you really have a choice.  Stuff like this is all you’ve got anymore.”  Duncan laughed when Shawn turned crimson with embarrassment and reached over to give his clamped, sensitive nipples a flick.  “It’ll be like the way you see me...people will know something’s not right, but they won’t actually be able to do anything about you sitting at your desk in panties and a corset, or in ass-less lycra shorts, or in a diaper with a pacifier in your mouth.  You’ll know, but by then you’ll love it.”  

“No I won’t!  You can’t turn me into some kind of freaky pervermmmphh!”  Shawn’s desperate cries were muffled by the large ball gag that wedged itself into his mouth.  He roared against it, his bound arms flexing as he struggled and squirmed in a futile frenzy against his confining new outfit.  

Duncan tugged on the leash and pulled Shawn towards the door with a sigh.  “Trust me.  By the time we’re done taking you for a walk you won’t remember any of this.  This’ll just be you and me having fun.  And if you’re good, when we get back I’ll take that cage off and we can finish what we started.  How’s that sound?  Think you can be a good boy?”  Duncan’s tone was condescending as he stroked Shawn’s thick, dark hair with one hand and patted his abs with the other before pulling him out the door.  

Shawn was horrified as he staggered behind, helpless to resist and already unsure if he even wanted to.  Despite the gnawing pit of dread in his stomach, the thought of being paraded around and walked like a dog in his humiliating outfit turned him on so much his knees almost went weak.  He tried to tell himself he wasn’t excited to get back to his room and see what treasures waited for him, but as soon as the warm air outside hit his exposed cheeks and overwhelmingly sensitive nipples, he knew it was a losing battle.  A thrill shot through him every time he locked confused eyes with passing coworkers, and before the Tower was even out of sight Shawn couldn’t remember what he’d been so worked up about.  

**** I think this one's  just about done for now.  Definitely a good foundation for future stories, so this won't be the last time we see these guys, but we've reached a good stopping point.  How do you want this first part to wrap up? ****


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