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Hi Everyone,

With the current interactive wrapping up, this seems like a good time to announce some adjustments to the schedule.  For the past two+ years I’ve been pretty consistent about getting a new story posted each Monday, an interactive chapter later in the week, and a couple vignettes tossed in each month.  That’s a lot of writing, and I’m finding with my new day job that keeping up with such a schedule is proving more difficult than I’d imagined.  

This was driven home for me lately because I’m not super thrilled with how the last interactive turned out.  I couldn’t tell as big or as deep a story as I wanted to because I always felt like I was chasing a deadline and just needed to get something out.  This is largely (entirely) a self-imposed thing since I’m the one who set that schedule, but I mean it when I say I don’t take your time or support for granted.  I love writing these stories and I love hearing that people enjoy them just as much, and I absolutely want everyone to feel like what they’re getting is worth it, regardless of the tier.  At the same time, though, I don’t want to sacrifice quality for quantity in that process, or burn myself out, and I feel like that’s a slope I’m a little too close to sipping down for comfort.   

All of which is to say that the interactives will come out on a bi-weekly schedule for the time being.  Writing a new chapter on the fly each week on top of prepping the other stories on top of settling into this new job is a lot, and I need to build in some wiggle room there.  I’m not planning on going anywhere (seriously, I have SO MANY IDEAS for stories I want to get out once I have some breathing room), I just need to slow down a bit.

If you have any questions or concerns, or things you want to see more of in stories, you can always drop me a message.  The last chapter of Climbing the Ladder will be forthcoming, followed by the full text, and then we'll start building the next one.  

As always, thank you for reading and for your support! 



Art is a beautiful, creative, quirky thing. Part of all this is that, no matter how big and powerful art can be, art often arrives timidly and largely of its own accord. Art cannot be forced, or at least not without sacrificing something of its essential character. Art requires time, patience, and attention to the moment and you, Screaming Moist, have explained this clearly and masterfully. It is evident that you are not only an artist but an artist who hones his craft. Taking the time that you need to create is not a good idea, it’s a great idea. It will allow you to develop all those fresh concepts and to realize them in the best way. (Incidentally, it’s exciting to hear that you’ve got so many stories in mind!) Thank you for taking the time to open up about your life and creative process as of late and then engaging all of us about it. I’ll be sticking around on your page for a long time to come. 📝✨💪


Thanks for being understanding! I don't want to bog the page down with personal stuff since that's not what people are here for, but I didn't want to just suddenly slow down and not give everyone a heads-up as to what's going on. This should hopefully be a win-win in the long run.