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“Here we are, fellas.”  Asher swung his arm in a long arc toward the decaying property.  The squat, weathered house at the edge of the trees seemed to sprout directly from the field of knee-high grass, with vines snaking up from the ground and carpeting the entire western side of the house as they crested over onto the roof.  Tendrils crept in through the broken windows along the way, making the structure look like just another of the multitudinous weeds currently scratching at the four young men’s exposed legs.  

“About fuckin’ time,” Carter grumbled under his breath.  The tall, lean man reached behind and plucked the clinging fabric from between his small, solid cheeks.  He didn’t mind how the one-piece Lifeguard swimsuit, from the women’s section, showed off his sculpted pecs and impressive abs, but Carter could have done without having his perky rear and girthy package on display all night.  The embarrassed blonde winced as he picked the wedgie and felt his precariously covered balls threaten to slip free again, while his thick cock was wedged up against his stomach.  “Gimme a haunted house over more of this shit.”  

“Ohhhh, You don’t like the costumes we picked out for you?”  Asher made a pouting face and snapped one of Carter’s crimson shoulder straps.  “Get over it, new blood.  You know the rules...older Brother’s get to pick the Halloween costumes for the new recruits.  Next year you’ll get to pay it forward.  Assuming you make it through the night,” he added with a grin.  

The broad, hairy wall of muscle next to Carter groaned and shook his head.  “Fuck, man, I don’t know if I want to,” Wyatt said, blushing as he looked at the coconut bra stretched tight across the furry, granite slab that was his chest.  The burly, olive-skinned jock stood nearly a head shorter than Carter but was almost twice as broad, his stocky frame covered in a coating of sparse, raven hair as opposed to his taller friend’s naturally smooth skin.  The dusting of hair and the permanent, scratchy stubble on Wyatt’s lantern jaw served to make the grass skirt around his waist look even more ridiculous as it left the majority of his ample rear and thick thighs hanging exposed.  “I’m gonna see so many pictures of my ass on the internet tomorrow,” he sighed.  It had been a constant struggle to keep enough of the woven strands in place so that his long, wide cock wouldn’t escape during the walk through town, but doing so meant his hairy, bouncing cheeks were in full view.  

“On the bright side, I’m sure no one’s seen a sasquatch dressed as a hula girl before.”  Wyatt yelped when Levi stepped up behind and gave one of his hairy globes a rough squeeze.  The nimble, chocolate-haired young man was able to dart away before his shorter friend’s fist could connect with his wiry frame.  “What?  I’m being sincere...that’s a legit original look,” Levi laughed.  “Not like mine’s any better,” he said, motioning to the thin silk scarves dangling at an angle from his bony hips.  While his athletic frame was impressively defined, the bare-chested young stud didn’t have the bulging muscles of his three friends.  He was long and lean, more toned than built, with a dangling snake of a cock that fit his tight body perfectly.  That swaying serpent was clearly suggested with each step as it bounced against the draping panel of silk riding low beneath his abs.  “Aren’t belly dancers supposed to be curvy?”  

“Wanna trade?” Wyatt asked, a hand darting to the front of his skirt when the strands began to part as he adjusted the back.  

“If we get this over with we can get the fuck outta these things,” Owen barked as he stepped in front of his three friends.  He was just as mortified as the others at having to parade through town in his school-girl outfit, but the sandy-haired hunk didn’t want to give Asher the satisfaction of saying it out loud.  Instead, Owen seemed perfectly content in his sleeveless, button-down crop top and pleated mini-skirt.  The small top perfectly accentuated his bulging pecs and broad shoulders, and he had nothing to be ashamed of in regards to the solid cheeks and impressive bulge hanging out from the bottom of the skirt.  He’d been allowed to wear underwear, but even the neon pink thong didn’t appear to bother him as he crossed his sturdy arms and nodded towards the house.  “So we have to, what?  Spend the night in here?”  

“The night?”  Asher threw his head back and laughed, the motion drawing attention to his own ripped torso reflecting the moonlight overhead.  His fit frame was just as exposed as the other four, but he wore his Spartan soldier costume with pride, a mark of his status in the Frat.  “Oh, no.  We know you won’t last the whole night.  You four really aren’t from around here, are you?  No one, and I mean no one, has ever made it a whole night in the Boyd house.  No one even wants to go near it to tear it down.  Why do you think it’s still standing after so many years?  They say a few people around here tried to set it on fire back in the day, but the place refused to burn.  No matter how much gas they poured on it the flames just wouldn’t take.  No one tried anything else after that...it’s why they planted those trees,” he said, pointing back down the long, winding path that passed through the small stand of trees on the way from the street.  “No one wanted to see the place, or even think about.  Not after what happened in the end.”  

Owen kept his expression blank and unimpressed.  “That’s all very on brand for the evening, but what exactly are we supposed to do?”  

“Listen, pretty boy, you’re gonna wanna to take this serious,” Asher spat, a bit of his southern drawl slipping in for authenticity.  “Augusta Boyd’s a legend ‘round here.  Not even the high schoolers are dumb enough to come callin’ on this house, especially on Halloween.”  

“Then what are WE doing here,” Carter asked, glancing nervously at his friends on either side.  

“Our old Halloween tradition got a lil’ old,” Asher shrugged.  “You boys are gonna help us start a new one.”  

“Lucky us,” Wyatt muttered, rolling his eyes.  

“Ya’ll ARE lucky.  Pull this off and you’ll be as big a legend as Augusta,” he nodded.  “Of course, if you don’t, you’ll be wearing those outfits around the house for the next month,” Asher said, raising a hand to silence Owen when the impatient man started to open his mouth.  “You don’t need to spend the night, you just need to find four things that used to belong to Ms. Boyd.”  

“Like, anything that used to be hers,” Levi asked, shivering and wrapping his toned arms around himself despite the warm evening air.  

Asher shook his head and smiled at the wiry man’s obvious unease.  “Augusta was known for her beauty.  She drove men absolutely wild with her looks.  It was one of the reasons people around here disliked her so much.  She wasn’t modest, she didn’t go to church or associate with the other ladies.   She didn’t do what women back then were supposed to do.  She liked her men and she wasn’t shy about it.  With her huge inheritance and no family around to get in the way, the men in town liked her, too.  She had dude’s comin’ and goin’ all day and all night, toying with each one until they were completely stuck on her.  And I mean stuck.  They’d do anything for her.  She had this locket she used to wear, and the biggest prize around was to be the guy lucky enough to have his picture in it.  But from the sound of it, half the guys in town were hittin’ it, so that prize changed hands pretty quick.  Either way, it wasn’t long before the other ladies got angry and the rumors started.  People called her a witch and made up stories about the kinda things she got up to all by herself out here, saying they heard her chanting in the woods out back or that they saw strange shapes walking around through the windows at night.  ‘Course, no one really believed it.  The guys were too hooked on her pussy to care, and none of the ladies could muster up the courage to do anything about it.  Witch or not, they say she could make your blood run cold with a look.”  Asher paused and adjusted his bulge through his loin cloth, sighing.  “Not a bad set up, right?  Smokin’ hot tail just givin’ it away?  And rich, too?  Fuck, I’d hit that shit in a heartbeat, boys.”  

Wyatt cocked his head and looked around Owen at the dark house.  “So what happened to her?”  

“A thing no one saw comin’.  She got herself hooked on a guy for once instead’a the other way around.  Real big guy...handsome fella from the sound of it,” Asher said, tilting his head towards Wyatt.  “Kinda built like you, but taller.  Drifted into town as a laborer lookin’ for work, and suddenly none of the other guys matter.  Augusta was head over heels.  She wouldn’t listen to anyone when they tried to tell her he was just courting her for her money, and that he was really just as interested in the other fellas in town as she was.  But she wasn’t havin’ it.  They were supposed to be married, and everyone was talking about how much money she spent on some gold shaving kit for him, more than most folks around here saw in a lifetime.  Only problem was the marriage never happened.  Most people thought he just skipped out on her, but after that she wasn’t the same.  She never left her house, but people would see her through the windows, staring at her reflection in a small hand mirror or doting over some doll like it was her child.  It went on like that for years, and everyone just thought she finally snapped.  Getting left at the altar made her go crazy, so she was pretending to have the life she thought she would’ve had, until, one day, they stopped seeing her at all.  When the lights didn’t come on after a week a few of the braver folks ventured inside and found her body.  And someone else’s.  Turns out her fella never skipped out at all...she’d been keeping him like a pet all those years, doing who knows what to the poor guy.”  

The rustling of the leaves in the slight breeze and the chirping, cricket white noise were the only sounds for a long, tense moment when Asher finished his story.  

“Oh fuck this,” Carter finally said, shaking his head.  “No way am I…” 

“You know the rules.  If one’a you bail, you all fail,” Asher sang.  

“No one’s bailing,” Owen said, giving his three friends a stern look.  “What are we supposed to find?”  

“Her mirror, her locket, her doll, and the shaving kit.”  The southern Spartan gave the dilapidated house one last look before making his way down the path towards the street.  “Come back to the house when you find them.  It’s a small place...hope it’s quick,” he called.  

“But...how do we know those things are even still in there?” Levi yelled as Asher disappeared into the trees.  

“Because they put them in there earlier,” Owen sighed when no answer came from the street.  “Seriously...did you guys buy that bullshit?”  

“Uh-huh,” Wyatt said, nodding quickly.  “Pretty much all of it.”  

“Look at this place, dude.  Asher had a point...why is it still here?  They’re snatching up property left and right around campus, but this place stays?”  Levi held himself tighter, another shudder running through him.  “It’s creepy as fuck.” 

“It’s still here because a bank clearly owns the…” Owen trailed off and took a deep breath, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose.  “Look...I’m not wearing this for a month, so you guys need to get your shit together.  We’ll get in, grab the stuff, and get out.  They probably have some scares set up or whatever, but it’s just a house.  Got it?”  

“Yeah, I don’t really want my balls hangin’ outta this thing for the next month,” Carter said, adjusting the tight swimsuit.  “Who cares about that lame-ass story?  Let’s just get the shit and go. Anyone in there thinks they’re going to get the jump on me…” he grinned and flexed a steely bicep, letting the sentence hang.  

“Good luck punching a ghost,” Wyatt whined, still following his friends as they made their way slowly towards the house.  His confidence returned as they drew closer, the dim moonlight overhead having the opposite effect than what was intended.  In the bright light of day, every piece of cracked, flaking paint, broken boards, and missing shingles were painfully obvious.  At noon, the neglect was impossible to ignore, but at midnight, the shadows masked the decay, making it look like any other house with an overgrown lawn.  

“I’m going to punch you if you don’t stop being such a pussy,” Owen growled.  “You lose your balls in that skirt?”  

“No, I’ve seen ‘em...they’re still there,” Levi laughed.  “Small as ever.”  

“If I wasn’t ready to piss myself right now…” Wyatt hissed, his breath catching as they stepped up onto the broad, weed-choked front porch.  Pricking, thorny stems punched up through the  wide gaps between the weathered planks that creaked threateningly beneath their weight, but the group made it through the open door and into the dark foyer beyond without falling through.  

Owen turned and gave the timid group of jocks a stern look once they were all inside.  “Alright, before we go any farther, this place has got to be full of mice and racoons and snakes on top of whatever else those assholes have rigged up.  If you want to be scared of something, make sure a rattler doesn’t bite your dick off...got it?”  He waited for the three timid studs to nod before continuing.  “So how do we want to do this?  Groups of two?  This place isn’t that big.  Wyatt and Carter, you guys take the back half.  Me and Levi can handle the front.  At least there’s no upstairs, but no one go into the basement without everyone else.  Solid?”  

Carter nodded and threw an arm around Wyatt’s broad shoulders, snapping the coconut bra along the way.  “As long as it gets us outta here quicker, I’m on board.  Come on, killer, let’s see what we can find.”  

Wyatt gave Levi and Owen a hesitant look as Carter pulled him down the wide, dark hallway.  Now that they were inside, the sprawling ranch seemed to grow with each step.  Instead of a simple square as the exterior suggested, the moon-dappled hallways twisted and turned, the deep shadows filling the corners making it seem as if the house stretched on into darkness forever.  “They could’ve at least given us some flashlights,” Owen said, his furry biceps in constant contact with Carter’s smooth, toned arms as he stood as close as possible to his friend.  

“Where’s the fun in that?” Carter shrugged, reaching down to lace his fingers with Wyatt’s stubby, calloused digits.  “Is this better, sweety?” he cooed.  

“Fuck you,” Wyatt barked, tearing his hand away, grateful that the darkness concealed his blushing, stubbled cheeks.  “This place has me freaked the fuck out.  Sorry I’m not…FUCK!” the stocky jock’s voice broke off in a sharp gasp and he shot a beefy arm out to stop his friend, his eyes glued on a dark, distant corner that he was sure he’d just seen move.  

“What?  What the hell, man?!” Carter whispered, his heart pounding.  His eyes darted around the hallway, searching for any sign of a threat but finding only peeling wallpaper and weather-stained floors.  

“I thought I saw someone,” Wyatt said, refusing to let the image of the pale, long haired woman in the tattered black dress take hold in his mind.  He told himself it was just a patch of moonlight and a conveniently shaped smudge on the wall, not a grinning, inhuman specter.  

“There’s no one there, dude.  And even if you did, it’s like Owen said, they probably set shit up in here to scare us.  Now come on...I think I see the bedroom.”  The fact that the bedroom door was adjacent to the spot where Wyatt had just seen the ghostly figure was less than comforting, and the decaying, rotted furniture they found inside was doubly so.  A large, four-post bed sat in the center of the room, its structure having long since given away as the columns in each corner pointed towards each other at their peaks while the mattress fell inward at the center.  A crumbling, wooden vanity set covered in a smattering of tarnished brushes and containers with a large, cracked mirror sat at one end, and a tall, ominous wardrobe stood at the other.   “You take the table...I’ll go check the cabinet.”  

Wyatt inched towards the vanity, never taking his eyes off the bed in the center of the room.  He couldn’t shake the last part of Asher’s story about the man Augusta held captive, and he only turned away when his mind started playing tricks on him.  At least he told himself that was the reason he suddenly saw a burly, naked figure strapped to the broken frame.  Whatever the reason, the mirage’s timing was perfect as Wyatt looked down at the vanity and discovered a silver, heart-shaped locket shining in the moonlight.  It was the only item on the cluttered table that wasn’t tarnished, looking like it could have come from a jewelry store that day.  

“Dude!  I think I found the...locket...already...” the shorter man started and trailed off when he picked up the necklace and it sprung open of its own accord, revealing his picture in the center, a look of longing on his face as he stared at the blank spot on the other half.  “Uh...I don’t like that…” 

Carter stopped poking at moth-eaten, racoon nest of clothes covering the bottom of the wardrobe and hurried across the room to look over Wyatt’s shoulder.  “Ohhhh, subtle,” he laughed.  “Come on man, isn’t it obvious?  They put your picture in there when they left the locket earlier.”  

Wyatt wasn’t convinced.  He wanted to drop the locket, but his hand wouldn’t let him.  “But...how would they know I’d find it?”  

Carter nodded and ran a hand through his wavy, golden hair thoughtfully.  “Good point...hey...you don’t think Owen or Levi are in on it, do you?  They send us back here knowing that one of us would find it with your picture in it?  Let me see that thing.”  

“Guh!”  Wyatt spasmed and let out a shocked grunt as soon as Carter pulled the silver necklace from his hand.  The room felt like it was spinning around him, the floor replaced by a rolling surf as his stomach erupted in a cloud of fluttering.  The hairy stud trembled, his eyes wide as he stared at Carter’s suddenly captivating frame.  He’d lived with his taller friend for months now and was well acquainted with the other man’s athletic build and boy-next-door features, both of which were becoming increasingly magnified the longer his eyes lingered.  He’d always regarded his friend as handsome, in the way other guys judged each other’s appearance, but now the swimsuit-clad jock was a radiant adonis.  Wyatt heard himself whimper and felt his cock rocket to attention through the grass skirt, but he couldn’t look away.  

Carter also appeared affected, though to a lesser degree.  Where Wyatt had been reduced to a gawking, whimpering mass, Carter swayed momentarily on his feet before a smug grin spread across his face.  “Wh...whoa…” he laughed, shaking his head.  “That was weird.”  

“What...what just...hap...happened…” Wyatt stuttered, finding it difficult to even speak in Carter’s overwhelming presence.  

The taller man looked down at the locket and saw his picture was now opposite Wyatt’s, his portrait flashing the same smug grin that he currently wore at his friend’s look of adoration.  He held it up just long enough for Wyatt to see before snapping it shut and hanging it around the other man’s neck.  “You were about to do a dance for me,” he whispered, laughing at the way the stocky bulldog trembled in his grip as his lips brushed against Wyatt’s ears.  

“I...I was?”  Wyatt knew it wasn’t true but he was in no position to argue as he looked down at the locket nestled in the patch of hair between his prominent pecs.  If Carter told him to climb up to the roof and jump off, in that moment he would have.  

“Yeah!  You’ve been wearing that sexy little skirt all night and haven’t put it to use once,” Carter said, testing the edge of the mattress and sitting with his arms crossed expectantly.  He spread his legs just wide enough to flash his tenuously covered balls in Wyatt’s direction.  “Do a good job and you can have a treat…” he said in a sing-song voice.  

“Hhhhnnhhhh…!”  Wyatt let out a wordless whimper, his face going crimson as he started swaying his hips and moving his arms in an uncoordinated fashion.  The burly stud looked more like a dashboard hula ornament on a bumpy road than the real thing, but the sight of Carter’s cock hardening and snaking further up his swimsuit drove him on, no matter how mortified he was at the sensation of his thick tool wagging wildly and the way his ample, hairy cheeks bounced from side to side. 

“I could watch this all night,” Carter sighed, reaching out to give Wyatt’s plump globes a squeeze.  “And when we get back maybe I will.  But we’re on a schedule.  Here...make it quick,” he said, almost disinterested as he pulled the bottom of the one-piece suit aside to let his girthy cock spring free.  

There was no hesitation in the stocky man as he dropped to his knees and impaled his mouth on it, doing his best to gaze up at Carter’s arrogant expression with raised eyes while his head bobbed up and down.  On some level the slurping jock knew they shouldn’t be doing this, but that knowledge was powerless next to the encompassing impulse to please Carter.  Knowing he shouldn’t love the salty taste and musky aroma was pointless when he actually savored every moment, feeling disappointment, not disgust, when his friend erupted and shot down his throat.  He swallowed every sticky drop, sucking until Carter was dry.  

“Damn...good job, baby,” Carter said as stroked Wyatt’s short, dark hair.  His tone went from condescending to annoyed when he saw the other man’s oozing, still-rigid pole poking from between his kneeling thighs.  “Are you going to take care of that?  We’re in a hurry, remember?”  

“Sorry!” Wyatt yelped, reaching down and pumping furiously on his aching rod as he knelt and stared up at his gorgeous friend.  He felt the same dim awareness that he shouldn’t be frantically jerking himself off while on his knees in front of his friend, but as he stared up at Carter and leaned into the other man’s fingers stroking through his hair, he couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to.  “NNNGGG!”  He finally grunted, arching his back and spasming as his cock shot against the moldy bed.  

Satisfied, Carter hopped up and put himself away, brushing his perky cheeks against Wyatt’s face before the other man stood, a dazed expression on his face.  “The room across the hall looks like a creepy-ass nursery, so I’m betting the doll’s in there.”  

“This whole place is creepy,” Wyatt said, gradually finding a voice that sounded much more timid than usual in Carter’s presence.  He reached up and absently stroked at the locket, a shiver running through him at the memory of Carter’s toned thighs on either side of his face.  

“Just stay with me honey and you’ll be fine,” Carter said, grabbing Wyatt’s hand again.  The burly man left it there this time, squeezing hard as they crept across the hall and into the nursery.  “Well this is worse than I could have imagined,” the taller man said with a short laugh as he looked at the broken window looming above a dilapidated crib.  The clinging vines and dense overgrowth covering the outside snaked through the empty pane and stretched in tendril fashion up the walls and onto the ceiling.  A broken rocking chair sat next to the crib, but otherwise the room was empty.  “Only one place to look,” Carter said, leaving Wyatt at the door as he walked over to the crib.  “Are you fucking serious?”  

Wyatt was torn between his desire to flee and his desire to throw himself at his friend.  “What?  What is it?”  

Carter cocked his head to the side as he looked down into the crib.  “I mean...I guess it’s a doll.  Kinda big.”  Instead of a toy child’s doll, the young man found himself looking at a child-sized doll.  The crude, canvas figure was about three feet long and devoid of features save for a pair of button eyes that seemed to glare up at Carter from the rickety crib.  “Might as well take it.  If we find another one we caaaAAAAHHH!”  

As with Wyatt, as soon as Carter made contact with the doll he felt his world turn upside down.  Perspective seemed to lose all meaning as a numb, pins-and-needles tingling shot through him.  The stunned jock knew he was still standing, but he felt like he was falling as the doll in his hands seemed to grow larger and larger.  That growth appeared to spread to his swimsuit at the same time, with the tight fabric losing its cling with each passing second.  It wasn’t until he felt the straps slip over his shoulders and the entire garment landed in a heap at his ankles that he realized what was happening, but by then the damage was done.  It happened too fast for either of them to react.  From Wyatt’s view, one moment he’d been looking at his six-foot friend, and the next he was looking at a naked, miniature replica, perfect in every detail but half that size.  

“FUCK!  WHAT THE FUCK?!  OH FUCK!” Carter chirped in a voice that sounded like he’d been sucking on helium.  He dropped the now-lifesize doll and staggered backwards, tripping over the pooled swimsuit and falling to the rough wooden floor in a heap.  

“Ca...Carter?  Is that...oh god…” Wyatt gasped as he watched his friend struggle upright on shortened legs.  With his recent fixation on the other man’s appearance he observed that, though there were fewer of them, Carter’s proportions seemed the same.  His friend still had the same chiseled biceps, tapering, muscled torso and toned legs, and his handsome features hadn’t been altered in any way.  He was just half the size he should be.  Wyatt darted forward to help his friend up, the hairy stud’s cock throbbing when Carter stood eye level with his waist.  Whatever earlier effect had taken hold from the locket was still clearly in place as the stocky man wanted nothing more than to reach down and scoop his little friend up in his meaty arms.  “Are...are you okay?”  

“No!” Carter shrieked, staring down at his miniature new body.  From his perspective he looked the exact same, but as he gazed up at Wyatt’s now-towering body he knew that was far from the case.  “Look at me!  I fucking shrank!  How...how did I shrink…” he said, swaying against Wyatt’s hairy thighs when his own tiny legs gave out.  

“Whoa, easy,” the now-taller man said, his wish granted as he reached down and lifted Carter in his arms.  “Hey!  Don’t squirm!  I don’t want to drop you…” Wyatt said when Carter instinctively started struggling in his arms.  

“Wh...whoa...whoa…” The tiny blonde panted, gradually relaxing against Wyatt’s furry slab of a chest.  Despite Carter’s terror, his cock surged at the sensation of his solid bubble resting against his friend’s now-huge hand as his own little fingers laced through the wiry forest looming before him.  Even with the dominant new attitude he felt towards the other man, or maybe because of it, the shrunken jock felt a stab of embarrassment at the realization that, while it looked as large and proud as ever from his perspective, his once-impressive cock was no larger than Wyatt’s stubby ring finger to everyone else.  “Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” he squeaked, burying his face next to the locket nestled between Wyatt’s pecs.  “What am I gonna...oh no…” he moaned, tensing in his friend’s arms.  “We’ve gotta get to Owen and Levi before it’s too late!”  


The shrunken stud had no way of knowing that his friends had already fallen into the first of the remaining traps.  “Uh...Owen?  Maybe you should put the mirror down now,” Levi choked in a hoarse, strained voice.  They’d been exploring the desolate remains of the front room when the other man spotted the silver hand mirror resting on a windowsill.  The strapping brunette picked it up, ready to keep searching, but as soon as he held it to his face the changes began.  

There was no sound at first, only a quick gasp from Owen while he started at his shifting reflection.  A shiver seemed to wash over him, flowing down from his scalp and leaving a drastically different looking young man in its wake.  His already-handsome features were warped to an exaggerated degree as the few wrinkles and blemishes faded, his skin softening and his lips growing full and thick between sharpening cheekbones.  The silence was shattered by a loud series of pops when the changes reached Owen’s chest and his sculpted pecs exploded outwards, tearing the small shirt open as they inflated like balloons above a waist that seemed to be shrinking.  The explosive tearing sound that followed made it clear that the young man hadn’t lost weight but simply redistributed it when his tiny briefs shredded against his equally inflating rear, a thickened, lengthened cock dangling beneath the mini-skirt that now fit like a frilly belt.  In a matter of seconds Owen had gone from handsome to something approaching pretty, his face at once masculine and androgynous, though there was nothing ambiguous about his body from the neck down.  He was a walking fantasy, with impossibly large pecs, a tight little waist, a mammoth, gravity defying ass, and a cock like a third forearm.  And through it all Owen appeared oblivious, continuing to purse his lips and bat his long eyelashes at himself in the mirror.  

“Like, whhhhyyyyyyyy would I do that,” Owen purred, changing the angle of the mirror to get different views of his reflection.  “What else looks this gooooh!  Hello there,” he gasped when he reached absently up and discovered his jutting shelf of a chest.  “Daaaaaamn I look good,” he moaned, his eyes finally landing on Levi with a hungry edge.  “Don’t you think so,” he asked, slowly slipping the remains of the crop top from his broadened shoulders and giving his rotund cheeks a loud slap.  He tore the pointless skirt free, never breaking Levi’s gaze as he flexed and folded one sculpted arm behind his head and hefted his inflated club with the other.  He squirmed and writhed, his expression one of ecstasy as his friend gawked at him.  “Come on...tell me I’m pretty,” he groaned, turning and shaking his oversized globes.  He batted his eyes at Levi, groping his body at a faster, desperate pace.  “Tell me how much you want to fuck me,” he begged, his voice turning into a whimper.  “I neeeeeeed you to tell me.”  

It was too much for Levi.  He turned and darted out of the room, covering his ears with his hands to block out the sound of Owen’s pleading for him to come back and keep looking at him.  

It was the last thing he wanted to do.  He’d just watched his straight, confident frat brother somehow turn into a silicone-pumped, pretty airhead just by touching a mirror, and he had no desire to keep watching.  All he wanted to do was get out and try and go for help, but as he ran deeper into the darkness he quickly realized he’d picked the wrong door.  He wasn’t heading towards the hallway but to another section of the house entirely.  

“Damnit!  Fuck!  Okay...okay...I’ve just gotta turn back...this place isn’t that big...there’s gotta be another door,” he stammered, groping his way along in the dim light.  The gloom was such that the weak moonlight filtering through the dirty windows only illuminated a few feet in front of him, a fact that he blamed for the images of ghostly faces dancing at the corners of his vision.  He kept turning in circles, sure that he saw someone standing just behind him, until he grew dizzy from the constant spinning.  

“This isn’t getting me anywhere.  Gotta calm down…” he said to himself, taking a deep breath and screwing his eyes shut.  He felt along the wall as he stumbled ahead, ignoring the constant sensation of cold breath and bony fingers on his bare, slender back.  He turned and followed when the wall dead-ended into another, and then another, feeling as if he’d been walking for hours.  He couldn’t hear his friends anymore and knew the house shouldn’t be that big. Especially in such a quiet setting he should have been able to hear Owen’s moaning all the way outside, but the only noise was the pumping blood pounding in his ears, and a small thud as his hand blindly knocked an object from the wall he used for guidance.  He opened his eyes when it landed on his foot, already knowing that he’d find a gold shaving kit waiting for him.  

His frantic pulse quickened when he suddenly heard Owen and looked around to find himself no more than twenty feet away in the next room, a small gold box resting on his foot.  “What?  How am I so cluuuunnngghhhh….” The wiry man gripped his stomach and doubled over, a vice-like pressure settling over his lean frame.  It forced the breath from his lungs as it weighed down on him, constricting tighter and tighter until Levi felt like he was going to black out.  With a final, desperate struggle he forced his mouth open and took a deep breath, the pressure snapping all at once like an elastic band when it breaks.

The panting young man didn’t have time to feel any relief.  The breath he took didn’t want to stop, and as he kept sucking air inward Levi began to feel his body expand.  His abs vanished under his gripping arms, his tiny waist expanding into a growing gut.  Above, his flat, modest pecs were doing the same, pushing outwards as they grew into a beefy shelf of flesh that spread up over his shoulders and down to his thickening arms.  The same growth was happening to his legs as he felt his formerly toned thighs press together, a sensation that was mirrored over the rest of his increasingly beefy frame as flesh began to rub together in unaccustomed ways.  Worse still, a growing, prickly layer was sprouting on top of the excessive mass, coating Levi’s ballooning frame from head to toe.  

The inflating young man gripped at his expansive muscle gut with one hand and his spinning head with the other.  The belt of thin silk scarves had long since given way against the onslaught of expanding bulk, but Levi could still barely see the tip of a widened cock sticking out from beneath his bulky chest and cresting stomach.  His wiry body was gone completely, leaving him with a brawny, undefined frame.  He was powerfully built, but it was all hairy, unsculpted bulk.  Levi kept hearing Asher’s description of Augusta’s would-be husband, the beefy laborer who really just wanted to fool around with the other boys.  His cock surged even as he felt a sudden vertigo in his head, as if something had fallen free to make more room for thoughts of Owen’s gorgeous new body waiting for him in the other room.  

“Holy shit,” he grunted in a deepened voice, scratching at his hairy belly and rubbing his full, bearded new face.  “Fuck am I doin’ in here?”  Levi felt like he was forgetting something as he lumbered towards Owen, but at the moment nothing seemed more important than getting the other man’s thick, juicy club inside him.  


“Trick?  Or treat?” 

“Tr...treeeeaaaat,” Levi bellowed, his furry bulk shaking when Owen hefted his heavy thighs onto his shoulders and jammed himself inside.  The prone bear loved the sensation of his friend’s plump, impossible pecs against his legs and the way his stout cock felt slapping against his hairy gut as Owen slid in and out.  He knew his friend loved it too, though it was hard to tell since Owen rarely looked away from his own reflection in the mirror above the bed.  It was positioned across from another on the opposite wall, letting the primped stud watch his jiggling mountains shake and flex as he rolled his tiny hips.  

There were mirrors everywhere in the Freak House.  Owen’s constant need to either be seen or see himself made them a necessity, though the other three residents weren’t nearly as excited about them.  The only purpose they served for them was to be a constant reminder of what happened a year ago.  They’d entered the Boyd house as a group of four, handsome young frat boys, but they’d left as something else entirely.  If they’d even left at all.  

They all remembered the frenzy of horror and lust as they went at each other’s new bodies that first night until they’d blacked out, only to wake up in a seemingly different world altogether.  They were still in the Boyd house, only it was no longer abandoned.  It was a bit shabby and run down as any house full of young men would be, but it was no longer the legend-haunted abode of a witch.  

It was the Freak House, the unofficial “frat house” near campus where curious young college boys and men from all over town could go to test out their hidden desires.  Everyone knew the stories of the striking, chest-and-bottom heavy stud who loved to strip and pose, the eager, hulking bottom who could ride a dick for hours, the pint-sized adonis who was just the right height, and the stocky muscle man who would literally do anything for you if you touched his locket. 

No one ever asked, but the unique young men didn’t think of themselves as legendary.  They still thought of themselves as the four, ordinary jocks who’d gone into a house they shouldn’t have as part of a Halloween dare.  As much as he loved being manhandled and towered over by bigger guys, Carter still thought of himself as the six-foot stud he should have been.  The same went for Levi, who still felt heavy and bulky and like a wet dog every time he took a shower, and who couldn’t quite focus or maintain his attention the way he used to.  And though he hadn’t changed physically, Wyatt was still painfully aware of his actions whenever he eagerly debased himself for yet another strange man he suddenly found himself infatuated with, and who, like countless other men, he longed for as soon as they were gone.  The only person who didn’t seem phased was the vapid new Owen, who seemed perfectly content as long as he had an audience or a mirror to look at.  

They’d gone to look for Asher immediately, but the arrogant frat boy had no memory of them being in the frat or of anything called the Boyd house.  In this world they weren’t college students anymore; they were just a group of weirdos living near campus.  

“Are you guys starting already,” Carter chirped as he stumbled sleepily from his bedroom across the hall.  The naked little jock rubbed his eyes and yawned, looking up at his huge friends.  “I know it’s Halloween but it’s only 9am.”  

“We...like...never stopped...did we...big guy….” Owen cooed, turning his face from side to side in the mirror as he continued to pump into the prone hulk.  

“No fuckin way,” Levi grinned, his piston arms folded behind his head, a look of blissful contentment on his round, full face.  

“Why am I not surprised,” Carter yawned and stretched.  “Hey, Wyatt baby, you out of bed yet?”  

“Coming!”  There was a rustle of fabric as Wyatt rolled out of bed and hurried to the door.  The stocky stud was embarrassed and felt ridiculous to have his furry, muscled torso squeezed into a silk teddy while the only other thing he wore was a pair of small lace briefs, but Carter said he liked the way it looked.  

“He...hey...gorgeous...nice...panties…” Levi mocked the way he would have a year ago, despite how much he actually enjoyed the sight.  

“Thanks,” Wyatt said bashfully, knowing full well he was being made fun of.  They’d all touched the locket, though, so all he could do was take it and be happy to do so.  

Carter motioned for Wyatt to pick him up and the pint-sized jock waited until he was off the ground to continue.  “You guys keep doing what you’re doing,” he said to Owen and Levi, “but Asher reached out to me yesterday...he wants to bring a group of new recruits over for some Halloween hazing tonight.  He sent me their pics...they’re pretty hot.  Could be a win-win.  What do you want me to tell him?”  

There was a long pause, the grunting and slapping from the two men filling the room until Owen finally looked away from the mirror for the first time.  “Like, trick or treat,” he said with a grin.  


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