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“Wait, wait, wait...like a voodoo doll?”  Todd sat on the back edge of the couch, his thick arms flexing as they helped keep his balance.  He smirked, a bushy blonde eyebrow raised as he watched his friend pace back and forth.  

Chad scoffed and shook his head.  “What? No, dude, that’s crazy.”  

“So another kind of magic doll then?”  

“For fuck’s sake, bro, it’s not a doll.  It’s an action figure,” Chad said, emphasizing the last two words and waving the buff, plastic adonis in front of Todd like his point should be obvious.  

“Action figure, doll, fuckin’ whatever...you seriously believe in this shit?”  Todd laughed and shifted his weight, crossing his arms over his prominent pecs.  “Do you have any idea how insane you look right now?”  

Chad stopped pacing and looked down at his bare, athletic frame.  He’d been up all night poring over the books he’d found and was so excited by the discovery that he’d greeted his roommate at the door in nothing but his boxers when Todd got back from the gym.  His short brown hair was wild from the countless times he’d anxiously run his hands through it while reading, and his lean, sharp face was covered in thick, scrubby stubble.  He flexed his sculpted pecs and tight abs, scratching awkwardly at the patchy hair covering both.  He wasn’t shy about his body, but he seemed aware for the first time of the thick, dangling cock bouncing against the thin boxers as he paced back and forth.  “How I look NOW doesn’t matter...it’s about how I could look.  That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”  

Todd sighed when Chad again held up the buff, naked figure and waved it in front of him.  He snatched it out of his friend’s hand to get a closer look, inspecting the exaggerated proportions.  He didn’t know if the naked hunk was supposed to be a barbarian or a soldier or a superhero, but regardless of his origins, the impossibly ripped stud would have had a hard time with any of them.  In the real world his small plastic biceps would be nearly as large as his waist, with a chest so big he’d barely be able to see over it and legs so thick he’d have to waddle.  “What about down here?  You want to look like this,” he laughed, pointing to the small lump where the figure’s dick should have been.  “Oh, wait, you’ve already got that covered.”  

“Fuck you,” Chad said, twisting his trim hips to give his impressive hose a shake as he grabbed the figure back from his friend.  

“Seriously though...what the fuck?  Why do you want to look like this in the first place?  You’re already in killer shape,” Todd shook his head as he looked Chad’s leanly muscled frame up and down.  Even with his unkempt, slightly crazed appearance, the fit brunette was strikingly handsome.  There wasn’t a spare ounce of flesh on his chiseled body, and his face, with its lantern jaw, pouty lips, high cheekbones, and button nose, was an eye catching mix of hard and soft, charming and brooding.  “Fuckin’ abs for days and gets more pussy than I’ll see in my lifetime, but he wants to look like that,” Todd scoffed.  The beefy blonde laughed as he caught himself even entertaining the other man’s impossible notion.  “If you could, I mean.”  

“Aww, I’m glad you think I’m pretty,” Chad cooed, putting a hand on Todd’s meaty thigh.  “But I’m still doing it.  You’re the one that always wants to get bigger...I thought you’d be more stoked.”  

Todd slid his brawny frame off the back of the couch and reached up to put a hand on Chad’s shoulder.  The stocky blonde topped out at 5’7”, his growth stunted by an early interest in lifting that left him looking nearly as wide as he was tall.  His broad, bulky torso bulged out of his loose muscle shirt while his meaty thighs and ample rear strained his small mesh shorts to capacity, a stark contrast to his friend’s tall, tapering frame.  His square-jawed, bulldog face was nothing like Chad’s model grade looks, but Todd wore the rugged features well.  “Hey man, I appreciate you lookin’ out and all...but that?  Can you imagine if I looked like that?”  He held his arms out at an awkward angle, arching his back and sticking out his slab of a chest while he hunched his shoulders.  “I wouldn’t be able to move.”  

“That’s the thing...you don’t have to take on all the aspects.  You can pick and choose!  Just want bigger arms?  Boom.  Legs?  Got ‘em.  They used to make these clay figures specifically for this reason, but with these,” Chad said, holding up the toy, “we don’t have to recreate the wheel.”  

Todd knew the other man well enough to recognize there would be no talking Chad out of this.  His spastic friend was always falling down one weird rabbit hole or another, diving into ancient folklore one week and obscure sports trivia the next.  It was like his brain had the same constant need for activity that his fit body did.  Normally the stocky blonde would smile and nod and humor his friend, but this time felt different.  There was an edge to Chad’s voice that Todd wasn’t used to, and a look in his roommate’s eye that made him nervous.  Ever since he’d come home a few weeks ago with that bundle of strange books, Chad’s demeanor had changed.  He barely came out of his room, and when he did it was to babble about whatever insane thing he’d just read.  He’d even stopped bringing girls home, a huge red flag considering the handsome man’s normally bustling bedroom.  At this point, Todd didn’t know what to make of it all.  

“Tell ya what...you give it a shot, and if it works, I’ll think about it.”  He gave Chad’s perky rear a quick swat as he lumbered towards the bathroom, calling over a broad shoulder.  “Just don’t burn the apartment down, alright?” 

Chad sighed as he watched Todd trudge off to take a shower, comparing the brawny man’s retreating frame to the toy in his hand.  “Give YOU a doll dick,” he grumbled, frustrated that his friend refused to share in his excitement.  

He knew it was all real.  He’d had the dreams.  He’d heard the voice.  Even just thinking about the tomes he’d stumbled on brought images of the slithering text swimming before his eyes.  He hadn’t been up all night reading.  You didn’t “read” books like that; you brought them to life and let them tell you their story.  Chad broke out in goosebumps, his skin tingling at the memory of the smooth, deep voice that had rattled him to his core.  He felt the whispered promises in his bones and knew them as truth.  He just needed to convince Todd.  

It was all the more frustrating since his roommate was the reason he was even doing this in the first place.  The burly blonde had been one of his best friends for the majority of their twenty four years and Chad had always looked up to him, metaphorically speaking.  Despite his taller frame and handsome features he was well aware of how awkward he could be, but Todd was the rock.  He was the level headed one, keeping Chad’s feet on the ground while never making him feel bad for his random obsessions.  Going back to childhood his burly friend had always looked out for him, packing on impressive amounts of muscle before Chad even hit puberty and acting as an effective deterrent against bullies.  It was something the taller man always tried to repay, and now he’d finally stumbled on the perfect gift.  

“Guess I’ll just have to prove it,” Chad said to himself as he closed the door to his bedroom and stripped out of his boxers.  He’d wait for Todd to leave before going through with the ritual, not wanting the other man to interrupt.  There wasn’t much to it, just the burning of the right herbs while going through the ceremonial motions, but since one of those ceremonial motions involved him jerking off so he thought it best to wait.  

He inspected his reflection instead, turning around in front of the mirror while he tried to decide what aspect to take on.  His athletic body was already perfectly proportioned, but Chad was strangely unbothered by the idea of throwing everything out of balance.  He felt a thrill as he turned and pictured his perky bubble and toned thighs inflated to pillowy, trunk-like proportions for his trim upper body to sit on.  Likewise, his cock stirred when he thought about his ripped arms expanding to beefy, gorilla pistons next to his small waist with a set of gargantuan pecs nestled between them.  

A quiet voice in his head whispered that he should just change it all, making his cock surge to life at the image of himself waddling around in a bulky, disproportionate frame, but Chad eventually settled on the chest.  He already had a set of granite, sculpted pecs, but they were never as big as he’d like, and they looked positively small compared to Todd’s muscled slab.  The idea that he could prove his point while also outdoing his friend was too good to pass up.  

Chad waited until he heard the familiar click of the front door being closed and locked, giving himself an extra few minutes just to be safe, before leaving his room.  After their conversation that morning the last thing he wanted to explain to Todd was why he was naked and hard in the middle of a ring of candles.  Once the flames were lit, he ignited a small charcoal puck in a ceramic dish and dumped in a mixture of herbs to slowly smoulder.  For all the ritual promised, Chad was still surprised the ingredients were so commonplace.  The candles had all come from the dollar store and the herbs had all been readily available at the supermarket.  On paper it felt more like he was baking a cake than invoking dark and ancient powers.  

At least until the rest of the ceremony began.  Once the herbs were billowing a thick column of smoke he took a small nail and carved the required symbols across the toy’s chest, wiping away the plastic shavings with his thumb as he went until they formed a series of small, shallow channels.  All that left was the required material on his part, and with a trembling hand Chad reached down and began stroking.  

The naked stud whimpered quietly as he once again pictured himself with a set of large, solid pecs.  He could practically feel the heavy mounds hanging off his torso already, imagining the surprised look on Todd’s face when he saw them.  Given his motivations for doing this in the first place he wasn’t surprised to find his thoughts drifting to his friend, but the pumping jock didn’t anticipate the turn they took.  As he thought of himself flexing for the admiring blonde he started to imagine his friend’s hands squeezing and kneading his inflated additions.  All at once Todd’s expression turned from one of admiration to something else entirely as his hands were replaced by lips and tongue.  Chad groaned, the sensation so vivid he was convinced that if he opened his eyes he would actually see his friend’s soft, warm mouth clamped around his nipple.  He squirmed and writhed in place as in his head he was wrapped in Todd’s meaty embrace, his friend working his inflated pecs from behind until Chad’s untouched cock exploded.  

“UUUUNNNNhhhhh…” he gasped, his eyes darting open at the intense release.  He watched the sticky fluid splatter against the shiny plastic figure before appearing to be absorbed, leaving the toy looking entirely untouched.  Even the symbols had vanished, leaving the plastic as smooth as it had been before Chad started.  “Ho...holy shit…” he panted, his head spinning from the heady smoke and potent load he’d just shot.  

He stood and caught his breath while the herbs finished burning, trying to rationalize the strange turn his fantasy had taken.  He loved Todd, and he admired his friend’s short, strapping physique, but he’d never once had a remotely gay thought about the other man.  It didn’t bother him, Chad actually enjoyed it when gay guys hit on him just as much as women, it was just unexpected.  He looked down at his chest and shrugged, his thick hose softening below.  “I guess now we wait,” he sighed.    

Chad didn’t know what to expect after the ritual, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed.  The change to the figure was evidence that something had happened, unless it was all in his head.  He told himself there was a chance he’d simply found a recipe for a homebrew hallucinogen and it had all just been a vivid trip.  Cleaning up after the ritual and getting ready for work, it all certainly felt mundane enough.  But Chad knew that didn’t explain the dreams, or what he’d seen in the books.  He tried to hold out hope as he went about his work day, staving off the feelings of foolishness by focusing on the growing itchiness spreading across his chest.  

At first the handsome young man thought it was just his imagination, but as he stood behind the counter and was increasingly distracted when trying to talk to customers, he started to wonder.  His soft polo felt like sandpaper as it showed off his already impressive pecs and tight stomach, and as the day went on Chad started to notice a subtle change.  The shirt seemed to stretch tighter than it had that morning, and he blushed when he caught his reflection and the obviously hard nipples poking against the straining shirt.  Now that he was paying attention he began to see other people noticing as well, the thought sending a confusing thrill through him.  Chad was used to people checking him out, but he hadn’t fully considered what it would be like to walk around in public with his inflated chest.  He was glad that the counter obscured his lower half when the thought of his polo stretching tenuously around a set of giant muscle tits made his cock throb in his khakis.  

It only got worse as the day went on.  The itching felt like insects crawling under his skin and there was no hiding the two large, solid nubs pressing out against the thin material of the polo.  He’d had to pop the top button because the constant rubbing was nearly bringing him to his knees, and he tried to limit his arm movements as much as possible to limit further rubbing.  He fought the urge to strip his shirt off in the employee bathroom and take a look, both because he wasn’t sure what awaited him underneath and because he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to bring himself to put it back on.  

The ride home on the train was the worst, the constant jostling from the other passengers and the curving track making him gasp and wince.  He debated peeling his shirt off on the way, he’d seen plenty of other shirtless men on his commutes before, but he held it together, blushing every time he caught someone staring at his growing headlights.  

“Oh thank god,” he sighed as soon as he was back in the apartment, peeling out of his shirt before the door had finished closing behind him.  Looking down, he couldn’t hold back a shocked gasp at what he saw. “Fuck!”  

Chad’s loud cry brought Todd out of his room, the stocky blonde lumbering out in his usual evening uniform of gym shorts and nothing else.  “Everything okaaAAAHHH WHAT THE HELL?!”  The bowl of food in his hand clattered to the floor as he saw Chad standing in the doorway, pawing at a set of large, smooth pecs.  

“It...it worked...holy fuck...IT WORKED!”  Chad beamed as he looked at Todd’s stunned face, drawing his shoulders back to stick out his expanding chest.  Where his pecs had been sculpted and modest that morning they were now plump and round, hanging heavily off his torso instead of laying flat like they had, while the absence of hair showed off the deep valley between them and left the expanded nipples fully on display.  The twin lumps weren’t the oversized monsters that Chad had pictured and only threw his tapering frame off slightly, giving the appearance that he simply spent a few extra hours on chest day than anything else.  “I told you it would work!”  

“I...that can’t...I mean...how is that…” Todd stammered as he walked over to get a better look.  He flexed his own meaty slab defensively when he saw that Chad was approaching his size, feeling a twinge of jealousy at the thought of his already gorgeous friend having as big a chest as himself.  

“Who’s crazy now?” Chad laughed and flexed each solid lump separately, causing them to jump.  The bouncing sensation sent small darts of pleasure shooting through him, but they were nothing compared to the lightning bolt that was Todd’s rough hand.  He let out a wordless gasp when the blonde man’s fingers brushed against his now-smooth skin, shivering violently and breaking out in goosebumps.  It was hard to tell through his own swimming vision, but Chad thought he saw a glassy expression pass over Todd’s eyes before his friend pulled his hand away.  

“What the hell was that,” the shorter man laughed as Chad spasmed at his touch.  

“I don’t...I don’t know,” Chad panted.  “I think they’re a little sensitiiiiEEE!” The dark haired young man broke off in a cracking wail when Todd reached up and gave both mounds a rough squeeze, his palms rubbing against the large, solid nipples as he kneaded.  

“Honk honk,” Todd said, a mischievous grin on his face.  

“Fuuuuuuuuck,” Chad hissed, stumbling as he pulled away.  “Dude...okay, yeah...they’re a little sensitive,” he gasped, wheezing like the wind had been knocked out of him.  “Still, though...it worked!”  

The stocky man scratched at his short blonde hair and shook his head, still unsure what to make of his friend’s transformation.  It was all impossible, yet he couldn’t deny what he was seeing, or what he’d felt.  His fingers tingled from where they’d made contact with Chad’s bare skin, and he could still feel the large nipples digging against his palms.  “Something happened, I’ll give you that much...but is this really a good thing?  Is this safe?  What exactly did you get yourself into?”  

“You are such an old lady,” Chad sighed, brushing past Todd so he could go inspect his reflection and change out of the remains of his work clothes.  “I mean, what more proof do you need?  Of course it’s safe...I’m still here, aren’t I?  And I feel great,” he said, undoing his khakis and letting them drop.

“That’s one word for it,” Todd said as he followed.  He laughed when Chad’s rigid hose sprang free through the fly of his friend’s boxers.  

“Whoops,” Chad laughed and blushed, standing for a moment longer than he should have before turning and stuffing himself away.  He couldn’t help but notice Todd’s eyes on the bobbing pole the entire time.  “I mean, I said they were sensitive…” 

The burly blonde laughed and wiped his hands vigorously against his shorts.  “Eww...does that mean I just gave you a boner?”  

“You could always finish the job,” Chad purred as he turned and bobbed his tented boxers in the other man’s direction.  

“I’ll pass,” Todd said, a bit too quickly.  “So what do you do now?  Are those things going to get bigger?”  

Chad shrugged and looked down at his meaty alterations.  “Uh...good question.  There’s not really an instruction booklet…”

“So you could wake up tomorrow with tits down to your knees?”  

“No...at least, I don’t think so.  It’s supposed to be like the figure you use, so…” 

Todd laughed and held his hands several inches from his chest.  “Oh, okay, so just out to here, then.”  

“Hey man, don’t be jealous.  We can still get you set up.”  

Todd shook his head and backed away.  “No, I think I’m good.  This is a little too weird for me.  Maybe once I see how this all turns out.”  

Chad smiled at Todd’s awkward expression, wondering if the other man was aware of the twitching in his gym shorts.  “I need to see how this,” he said, motioning to his tented underwear, “turns out.  You gonna stick around and watch?”  

“Byyyeeee,” Todd laughed, rolling his eyes as he hurried out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.  

Chad’s heart was racing as he went back to inspecting his new reflection.  The growth at his chest gave his frame a curvy shape that he wasn’t used to, more so than Todd’s thick pecs since the rest of his tight body was still lean and tapering.  Where his friend’s meaty chest sat on an equally meaty body, Chad’s new growth bulged, heavy and oversized.  For the first time he realized how freakish he would actually look if they continued to grow, but instead of dreading it, the thought turned him on.  He reached up and toyed absently with an inflated nipple, thinking how wonderful Todd’s hand had felt.  Chad was kneading his chest before he knew it, whimpering and moaning as the scene from that morning replayed more forcefully in his head.  

“Hng!”  He tensed and spasmed without warning, his untouched cock spraying in his boxers and soaking through.  “God...goddamn…” he gasped, still cupping his thick chest.  Chad felt just as turned on as ever despite the drenched underwear, his long hose still rigid and aching as he stripped down and dropped onto his bed to keep at it.  

He fell asleep at some point, his fantasies blending seamlessly with his dreams.  Whether he was awake or not they were just as vivid, growing in both intensity and obscenity.  What started as Todd admiring his pecs that morning had devolved into the other man straddling his trim waist while the blonde’s wide, stout cock slipped in and out between the deep valley of the pecs that had grown to enormous proportions.  They were so large they pinned Chad to the ground, obscuring his view of the other man and making it hard to even breathe.  He kept trying to struggle upright but the piles of muscle were like anchors, weighing him down.  All he could do was lay and whine ecstatically at the mindblowing sensations rocketing through him.  His untouched cock was cumming almost constantly, never softening in the slightest while Todd worked him over again and again.  His face was sticky with the other man’s copious eruptions, but instead of being embarrassed he loved every second of it.  He loved the way the warm fluid felt running down his cheeks, and the salty taste when it drained into his mouth.  It was a blissful nightmare.  

“Guh!”  Chad started awake, his body feeling off as he rolled over in bed.  There was a heavy weight on his chest that made him wonder if he was still dreaming as he struggled to sit upright.  “What the hell were those...dreams…” he trailed off when he finally managed to sit up, his stomach dropping at the shifting muscle pulling him forward.  What had been normal, if overdeveloped, pecs when he’d gone to bed had blossomed into impossible mounds of solid, cresting muscle.  Looking down, he couldn’t see over them at all, his vision blocked by the shelf that jutted out at an almost ninety degree angle.  “This...these can’t be myyyYYYIIIEEEE!”  

Chad shrieked when he squeezed the freakish chest, feeling his unseen cock pulse and throb.  He gave the mounds a tentative poke and let out another uncontrollable bellow when the same paralyzing bliss rocketed through him.  

“Dude...wha’s matter…” Todd stumbled in at the sound of his friend’s loud moaning, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  The buff blonde blinked rapidly, rubbing his disbelieving eyes again at the impossible sight of Chad’s naked body sitting with a pair of fleshy globes affixed to his chest. “FUCK!  Holy shit, man...look at you!  Those...those things are massive!”  

“I...I know…” Chad stammered in shock.  “I didn’t think they’d...oh fuck…” he pried his eyes away from his inflated chest and up at Todd, his exposed cock aching again at the sight of the other man’s stuffed grey briefs, feeling a flash of embarrassment at the knowledge that he was sitting helpless, naked and hard in front of the other man.  The thought made his dreams come racing back and he let out a frustrated whimper as he fought the urge to keep fondling his new muscle tits.

Todd stepped forward, hesitating.  “Are you...I mean...are you okay?  What the fuck do we do now?  Can you reverse it?”  The captivated blonde made his way to the bed and sat next to his friend, seemingly unaware of his own twitching pole as he gawked at the smooth, solid pillows.  

“I don’t know if I can undo it...I didn’t think I’d want to!” Chad cried, the juicy mounds rising and falling slowly as he tried to calm himself.  

“Fuck, man, and I thought I’d be jealous…” Todd said, his voice going distant as his hand hovered just above the other man’s jutting shelf.  “Not to say I told you so, but…” The stocky man’s rugged face broke into a sly grin when he reached down and gave one of the pecs a squeeze, eliciting a sharp, gasping whimper from Chad.  “They feel so weird, man.  They’re fuckin’ solid,” he said, giving the pile of muscle a slap, “but kinda bouncy?”  He laughed as he hefted each one and watched Chad’s cock start spasming and oozing while the other man tensed and groaned.  “Bet you didn’t anticipate that, either,” he purred, sliding his hands around to thumb each of the broad, solid nipples.  

Chad could only gasp and spasm, nearly blacking out from the intensity of what he was feeling.  When his vision cleared he could see Todd wearing the same glassy expression that had briefly crossed the shorter man’s face before, only this time it showed no signs of leaving.  The burly blonde was mesmerized by the impossible pecs, slowly caressing and fondling each one.  It was hard for Chad to see from his obstructed view, but he caught a glimpse of Todd’s thick cock tenting his friend’s briefs as his confusing dreams began to manifest.  

“Du...dude...what are you...doing…” Chad managed to hiss after several blissfully torturous moments.  

“What you clearly want me to,” Todd laughed, not looking away from the heaping piles of muscle.  “You probably can’t see it but you’re leaking like a faucet down here, bud.”  

Chad opened his mouth to protest but instead let out a wall-shaking scream when Todd leaned in and began tonguing an inflated nipple, his stubbled chin scratching across the smooth flesh around it.  He’d never felt anything like it.  His entire body seemed to light up and melt away.  There was no fear or embarrassment or confusion, just pure, distilled pleasure.  

When he came back to his senses Chad found himself clutching the back of Todd’s head, holding it against his expanded shelf as the other man continued to lick it clean.  When Todd finally lifted his face it was dripping with cum, the result of Chad’s violent explosion.  

“Did I…?  So...sorry man…” Chad panted, barely able to speak.  His cock still throbbed and ached as if he hadn’t cum in weeks.  

Todd just grinned and wiped some of the dripping fluid onto his friend’s chest.  “Just means it’s my turn,” he said, shoving Chad down onto the bed and peeling out of his briefs.  Before the other man could struggle back upright he climbed on top, straddling his tight waist with his meaty thighs.  

Chad could feel more than see his friend’s heavy balls and solid cock rest against his abs as Todd continued to work his fleshy blinders, scooting closer and closer until the blonde’s bulbous head slipped into the valley between them.  The dark haired stud bucked and spasmed, clutching the sheets so hard they tore in his grasp as Todd pressed his pecs together and began slipping his stout rod back and forth between them.  

“Whooooaaaaa!  Fuckin’ rodeo in here,” the stocky man laughed as he rolled his hips and thrust into his friend’s inflated tits.  He reached down so he could work the nubby monsters that were Chad’s nipples while he pumped, flexing his meaty cheeks against his friend’s hand as the prone man clutched desperately at him.  

“Don’t...don’t stop!  Oh fuck….oh fuck...don’t stop...please...oh fuck…” Chad moaned, his handsome face twisted by his wild frenzy.  He could feel himself cumming again, but lifting his face all he could see was Todd grinning arrogantly down at him and fleeting glimpses of his friend’s oozing head slipping out from the top of his muscled valley.  He stuck his tongue out, savoring each brief contact with the glistening rod, not worrying about how he looked or that he was trying to put another man’s dick in his mouth.  Chad was well aware that his freakish pecs were being tit-fucked by his best friend; he just didn’t care.  He didn’t care how many people heard them or saw them or knew what was happening.  He didn’t care that his perfect body was now wildly misshapen, or that he’d probably never be able to wear a shirt again with a chest so big and so sensitive, but he’d let everyone get a look if it meant he could feel the way he did in that moment.  

He lifted his face when he felt Todd tense, squeezing his friend’s firm cheeks as he took the full force of the stocky stud’s eruption directly to his face.  He opened his mouth and tried to drink down as much of it as he could, relishing the warm, splattering liquid as it coated him like a hydrating mask.  

“Holy...holy fuck…” Todd gasped, seeming surprised by the intensity of his own release.  He continued to thumb absently at Chad’s nipples while his stout cock softened against the other man’s lumpy chest.  “That was...wow…” he sighed, letting out a deep breath before grinning down at his stunned friend.  “Dude, you make the craziest orgasm faces,” he laughed, acting like tit-fucking his friend was nothing more than horsing around.  “It’s weirdly hot,” he said, blushing.  

“Glad...glad you think so,” Chad stammered in a daze.  He could feel his still-rigid cock begging for release while Todd continued to stroke absently at his altered torso.  “Dude...you keep that up and we’re gonna have to do this again.”  

“Seriously?  Bro, my back is soaked right now,” the burly man laughed, twisting to show the trails of cum trickling down his broad back from Chad’s near-constant eruptions.  “How many you got in you?”  

“Fuck if I know…” Chad groaned and squirmed, Todd’s hands still feeling like they were touching him for the first time.  

The blonde man grinned and started rocking his hips again, working his soft hose back to full mast against his friend’s chest.  “Guess we’ll just have to find out.”  


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