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Theta Kappa Epsilon was the dream frat.  The cream of the crop, it’s where Men, capital “M”, were made.  Doctors, lawyers, executives, politicians; any of them worth mentioning had started as a Theta Kap.  The fraternity had deep running roots and membership could open doors that were locked to everyone else, greasing palms quicker than a simple check ever could.  

Which isn’t to say that money wasn’t required.  Such a prestigious breeding ground needed quality stock to begin with, and that meant the young pledges had to meet certain thresholds in order to be considered.  Wealth was one, but money alone didn’t matter if you also didn’t have the looks and body to go with it.  There were plenty of other frats you could buy your way into, but Theta Kaps needed to have more than a trust fund.  After all, guys didn’t just wish they could be in the fraternity; they wished they could be like the guys who were.  Chiseled.  Handsome.  Hung.  They were the kind of guys who were envied and lusted after all over campus, by men and women alike.  Theta Kaps got whatever and whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted it.  They were the star players, both on the field and in the bedroom.  

The classroom was an afterthought.  With their looks and money, grades didn’t matter for them nearly as much as they did for the common rabble.  A Theta Kap didn’t get their way based on brainpower, but through overwhelming charm or intimidation, whichever the scenario required.  One of the first lessons they usually learned as a pledge was that it didn’t matter how smart you are, but how far you were willing to go.  A strapping, Straight-A hunk with all the money in the world would quickly find themselves out of a spot if they weren’t willing to suck one of the older brothers off and another pledge was.  It wasn’t about brains; it was about drive.  Theta Kaps were the best of the best and that meant doing whatever it took.  

Gabe had been a quick and thorough student.  Now in his Senior year, the shredded, twenty-two-year-old jock was determined to be the leader of the pack.  He’d worked hard to make sure he had the best body of the bunch, working out for hours every day and following a diet that was monitored down to the smallest fraction of an ounce.  And it showed.  Gabe’s abs were a thing of legend around campus, as was the thick, eager cock that hung long and heavy beneath them.  The young stud’s perfectly proportioned pecs, broad shoulders, sculpted arms, and precision-crafted ass certainly didn’t hurt his reputation either, nor did his superior genetics.  Nature had given Gabe a head start over the rest, with a face marked by sharp, angular features, plump, full lips and a nose that was distinguished without being too large.  The full head of wavy, jet black hair perfectly complemented the young hunk’s olive skin as it spread down over his tapering, muscled frame in just enough of a dusting to enhance his masculinity without being excessive.  

He’d been a shoe-in from the start, rolling with the relentless hazing as if the humiliating demands didn’t bother him in the slightest.  Act as a butler for one of their parties wearing nothing but a bow tie and tuxedo-print thong?  No problem.  Streak across campus and nearly get arrested?  Done.  Present his virgin hole to the seniors and let them stuff it for what felt like hours?  That’s what sealed the deal.  It had come down to Gabe and a boy-next-door blonde, both of them naked and on their knees while the older brothers decided their fate.  When they finally issued the command the blonde refused, but that didn’t mean Gabe was off the hook.  He had to prove it, and though he didn’t like to admit it, Gabe hadn’t hated the experience.  There was pain at first, but after a while he found himself enjoying the sensations of the thick, rigid poles lighting up his body, gasping and whimpering from pleasure, not discomfort.  The older brothers were quick to remind him the entire time that there were people who’d line up for the privilege they were giving him, and they seemed especially thrilled when the young Gabe came multiple times throughout the process.  

It had been a steady climb up the ladder for the ambitious young hunk ever since.  With each subsequent year he was all too happy to subject the new pledges to the same rigorous entry standards, positioning himself as the Alpha of the group.  By now he’d dominated, both physically and sexually, each of the other brothers, and nothing happened in the house without his prior approval.  

Which is why Gabe was so confused when he walked into the bathroom and found a large, silicone dildo sitting on the counter.  There weren’t any open spots at the moment, so they didn’t need it to use on a pledge, and they had a strict rule about girls leaving anything behind.  The guys could bring women back to the house as long as they left no trace.  No lingering toothbrushes, no panties unless a pledge was being forced to wear them, and definitely no sex toys.  

“The fuck is this shit…” Gabe grumbled as he scratched at the wiry hairs disappearing into his stuffed briefs.  He shook his head and fished his semi-hard cock out, sighing with relief as he unloaded into the urinal.  

Behind him, a boxer-clad wall of muscle stumbled in, his cropped blonde hair still messy from sleep.  “Mornin’ dude,” Chet said as he took up the urinal next to Gabe and pulled his own fat hose free.  

“Leave something on the counter,” Gabe asked, looking up at the towering blonde.  At 5’10” the dark haired man wasn’t short, but it was hard not to feel that way next to Chet’s imposing, 6’5” frame.  Gabe consoled himself by looking down at the smaller, if wider, cock sticking out of the other man’s boxers.  He may have been bigger overall, but not where it counted.  

“What are you...ha! Is that a fuckin’ dildo?”  Chet laughed as he looked over a broad shoulder at the mystery on the counter.  “Where the hell did that come from?”  

Gabe stuffed himself away and gave Chet’s ample rear a rough swat.  “You could’a just asked, big guy.  I’d be happy to hit that again.”  The tall jock blushed, and Gabe was surprised to feel his own cock swell at the memory.  He’d fucked Chet as part of the other man’s hazing, loving how it felt to take a guy who was so much larger than himself.  The big man had been moaning and whimpering by the time Gabe was done, his short, wide pole spraying like a hose.  

Now, however, the thoughts flowing unbidden into Gabe’s mind were the of the opposite scenario.  The olive skinned adonis saw himself bouncing up and down on Chet’s meaty lap, his solid bubble gripping the girthy cock like a fist.  Gabe didn’t realize he was rock hard until Chet raised an eyebrow, smirking as he looked down at him.  

“Damn...you really ARE happy to see it this morning,” the big man laughed, dropping his boxers and flexing his solid mounds in Gabe’s direction.  

“I was joking...you wish you were that lucky,” Gabe shot back as Chet stepped into one of the showers, wishing he felt as confident as he sounded.  His cock still throbbed at the strange thoughts as he peeled out of the tented grey cotton and took up the next stall over, and no matter how hard he tried Gabe couldn’t rid himself of the unwanted fantasy.  Listening to the splashing coming from the other stall and looking down at Chet’s huge feet against the wet tile, Gabe could practically see the trails of soap cascading over the other man’s plump pecs and down the blonde giant’s shredded washboard.  

Gabe started stroking as his thoughts shifted to the stout cock he’d just seen.  He remembered what it had felt like hard, and the wide-eyed look of ecstasy on Chet’s face whenever he’d reached down to work it while plowing into the muscled wall of a man.  He hadn’t needed to; as part of the hazing all he needed to do was thrust into the blonde’s tight hole until he came, but he’d been curious.  He actually liked working the heavy, hairy balls, and the way the oozing pole had pulsed in his hand.  

He could feel it now, warm against his palm as he licked his lips.  Gabe sighed, the scene in his head shifting once again so that he was dropping to his knees on the wet floor and swallowing his friend to the hilt, working his jaw in a way he hadn’t done since his own pledging years before.  He’d forgotten how much he’d enjoyed that, too.  The sensation of Chet’s thick thighs on either side of his face, the musky scent filling his nostrils as the solid organ slid against his tongue, the sound of his friend’s quiet whimpers; it was all so vivid as to be overwhelming.  

Gabe was tugging furiously now, dizzy from the intensity of his imagined head bobbing quickly in and out of his friend’s lap.  He could actually taste the salty liquid starting to hit his tongue and could feel Chet tensing as he neared the point of no return.  

When the explosive release shot down his throat, Gabe opened his eyes to find his face buried against the taller man’s golden bush.  He wasn’t imagining anything.  The handsome, dark haired stud really was on his knees in Chet’s stall, eagerly blowing the bigger man.  He gasped and sputtered, the shock causing his own pulsing cock to blow all over the floor as he instinctively swallowed the copious load.  

“What...what the fuck, man,” he coughed, wiping the cum dribbling down his chin.  

Chet’s meaty pecs heaved as he caught his breath, a confused look on his flushed face.  “Sorry man, I told you I was about to cum…” 

Gabe shoved away from Chet and scrambled to his feet.  “No, I mean...why was your dick in my mouth?!  You fucker!”  

“Uh, dude?  YOU’RE the one who came into MY shower with a leaking boner begging to blow me.  The fuck is wrong with you right now?”  

“What?! Of course I...didn’t…” Gabe trailed off as the memories filtered in.  He could hear the pained tone in his voice when he suddenly recalled how he’d begged the big man to let him blow him.  He could still feel the desperate need, his softening cock throbbing at the thought.  

“You okay, man?  You’re acting really weird this morning...”  

Gabe bristled at the note of condescension in Chet’s voice.  Normally the brothers acted in a more deferential manner around him, but the big man was looking at him with an expression that bordered on amusement.  “I’M acting weird?  There’s a fuckin’ dildo on the counter and you just had your...I just...you know what?  Never mind,” he finally stammered, turning on his heel and hurrying from the shower.  He grabbed a towel on the way out, not bothering to cover himself as he trudged towards his room.  It wasn’t until the door slammed behind him that he realized he’d grabbed the dildo as well.  

“Why the fuck did I bring this thing,” the confused, naked stud asked the empty room while he finished toweling off.  He went to set it on his dresser but instead found himself opening the top drawer out of instinct, his eyes going wide at what he saw inside.  What should have been filled with his drab briefs and boxers was now packed full of bright, tiny wads of fabric, beneath which he could see several variations of the silicone object he held in his hand.  

Gabe recoiled as if the drawer was full of hissing vipers, his blood boiling.  “Those motherfuckers,” he growled.  “Come into my room...mess with my shit...put these fuckin’ things in here...I don’t fuckin’ think so…” he slammed the drawer and threw his door open, almost making it to Lance’s room before the dark haired jock realized he was still naked.  He paused, the thought flashing through his mind that he should turn around and put something on, but it passed before he could act on it, leaving him to storm into his friend’s room entirely bare.  

“Yo, asshole!  You think it’s funny to steal my underwear?  Wanna find out what happens to people...who fuck...with...me…” Gabe’s angry tirade was cut off when he pushed through Lance’s door and found his friend as naked as himself.  The lean, shaggy-haired brunette was standing in the middle of his room with a contraption wrapped around his long, thick hose.  

“Oh, hey bro,” Lance waved, flashing his surfer boy grin.  “You’re actually just in time...I was about to try this thing out.”  

Gabe was too busy gawking at Lance’s shredded stomach and chiseled pecs to pay attention.  He’d seen his friend’s tapering torso nearly as many times as he’d seen his own, but the sight had never made him hard before.  The grinning man had put his plump, pouty lips to good use during his hazing when he’d sucked Gabe off, but even then Gabe hadn’t ached at the sight the way he currently did.  He licked his lips as he looked Lance’s smooth, tanned skin up and down, forgetting what he’d even stormed into the room for in the first place.  “Is that...what is that,” he stammered.  

“New pump.  Wanna see if it helps with my stamina for some of the longer scenes, you know?”  

Gabe had no idea what Lance was talking about.  All he knew was that he couldn't look away as the pump hummed to life and he watched his friend’s thick banana twitch and harden.  He licked his lips again, shifting his weight from one hairy leg to the other as a strange yearning started to build inside him.  

“There we go,” Lance said, fastening a ring around the base of his rigid pole.  “Didn’t even have to do anything!  This ring is supposed to help,” he said, flashing another grin.  “Wanna take it for a test drive?”  

Gabe’s heart was pounding in his chest.  His recently spent cock was throbbing like he hadn’t cum in weeks and it was taking all of his willpower to not throw himself at his lean friend.  “Dude...what?  No!  Of course not,” he laughed awkwardly when Lance stepped forward and batted their firm members together.  He ignored the voice in his head telling him to pull away when the other man’s hands found their way to his perky bubble.  

“Oh, suuuuuure,” Lance laughed.  “Is this practice for a scene or something?  Since when do you NOT want to get fucked?”  

“Oh!” Gabe blushed at his loud gasp when one of Lance’s fingers pushed into his eager hole, trying desperately to make sense of what was happening.  None of this was right.  Lance was one of the biggest players in the house.  With his shredded, swimmers build, laidback attitude, and boy-next-door face he fucked more women than the rest of them combined.  There was no way he should have been even remotely interested in giving it to Gabe.  

Nor should Gabe have been so desperate for it.  He wanted Lance.  Bad.  His whole body was tingling with anticipation, the confused voice yelling at him in his brain the only thing keeping him in check.  As it was, his hungry pucker swallowed his friend’s finger like it had a mind of its own, a blissfully familiar contentment washing over him as soon as the digit was inside.  As with Chet, the brooding stud was hit with a wave of new memories, suddenly recalling the countless, ecstatic hours he’d spent at the end of Lance’s plunging cock.  He groaned, and before he knew it his fingers were digging into the other man’s back as he hefted his legs off the ground and wrapped them around Lance’s tight waist.  

“Oh...oh fuck...oh fuuuuuck…” he whimpered as Lance kissed and licked at his neck while slamming him back into a wall.  The other man’s fingers were still rooting around inside him the whole time, causing him to buck and spasm in Lance’s toned, wiry arms.  

“There he is,” the brunette purred, turning and falling onto the bed with Gabe in his arms.  They writhed in a pile of defined muscle, Lance’s smooth, golden skin popping against Gabe’s furry, olive frame.  

“Gi...give it to me, bro...fuckin’ put it...in me…” Gabe begged, moaning as his sturdy legs were propped up on Lance’s shoulders.  The voice in his head was like a whisper in a hurricane, entirely drowned out by his overwhelming desire.  “UUUunnnnhhhhhh….” he purred, arching his back like a cat when his friend pushed inside.  

The duo was a well oiled fucking machine, with Lance rolling his abs and thrusting like a piston into Gabe’s furry bubble.  The prone man squirmed in rhythm, popping his hips to slam against his friend’s firm abdomen just as the long, thick rod plunged in deep.  It was like watching a choreographed dance, with deep, guttural moans and whimpers echoing above the sound of pounding flesh.  

Gabe let his eyes drift close, feeling like he was floating.  His entire body was a single, lit-up pleasure center, Lance’s precision thrusting sending sensations through him that he’d never even imagined.  He could hear his begging whimpers, could feel his throat going raw from his drawn out wailing, but he didn’t stop.  If anything, the sound of his own desperation only drove him on.  

Covered in sweat and overwhelmed by Lance’s musky scent and masculine presence, Gabe’s eyes fluttered open as he neared the edge.  “Ohhhh...fuuuuhhnn….fuck...bro...bro...I’m gonna cum, bro...gonna….hhhnnnggggg!”  He howled, his untouched cock spraying like an open hydrant when he came.  The warm, sticky shower coated his prominent pecs and splattered against his handsome face, his tongue darting out to lap it up before he even knew he was doing it.  “Oohh...oh shit, dude,” he laughed, blinking in a daze.  “That was...that was fuckin’ incredible,” he sighed as Lance pulled his still-rigid cock from his aching hole.  

“Alright fellas, that was great!”  

Gabe froze, so focused on Lance towering above him that he failed to notice the other people in the room.  Without moving his head he shifted his eyes and saw a trio of men standing behind various camera equipment and a series of lighting rigs.  

“Gabe, that was killer,” one of them, an older, heavy set man, said as he replayed the footage.  “Fuck, kid, I’m straight and that look on your face makes ME wanna bust a nut.”  He turned the monitor in Gabe’s direction and the confused stud saw his ecstatic, slack-jawed face filling the screen.  

Before he could ask any of them what was happening, Lance leaned down and licked the remaining cum from his face.  “Seriously bro, you were on fire,” he grinned. 

“Of course he was,” the older man said proudly.  “He’s the best bottom in the house.  That furry fuckin’ bubble brings ‘em in faster than anything else, I tell ya.”  

“Whatever,” Lance laughed, crawling off Gabe and sitting on the edge of the bed, his rigid cock standing straight up between his toned thighs.  “Last time Gabe topped me I don’t remember hearing any complaints.”  

“You two could sit and do crossword puzzles and people’d still eat it up!” the older man clapped.  “This whole damn house...the lot’a ya...best investment I ever made.  You all fit the ‘frat boy’ bill so well I almost believe it myself.”  

Now that his head was clearing, Gabe was trying to keep up with what the man was saying.  “Wait...what do you mean we…” 

“You good to go for the other scene,” the man asked, interrupting Gabe’s confused muttering.  

Lance looked down at his throbbing cock and laughed.  “More than ready,” he said, squeezing one of Gabe’s furry thighs.  “You good for round two, dude?”  

Gabe’s stomach dropped as he looked at the expectant faces around the room.  Something impossible was happening to him and the others but he had no idea what it was or how to fight it, or if he even wanted to fight it in the first place.  

He looked over at Lance and nodded, his battered hole already hungry for more.  “Of course, bro.”  



As someone who was in a fraternity, the greek letters mean something secret. I was wondering if you chose them randomly or if you know what they mean.

Hugh Michelsen

I really hope this all turns out to be from something Larry did. He used to go to the frat and wanted revenge, or he got a genie, dislikes frat boys and wanted to make easy month so made a wish that combined both. Super hot!


Totally random. I did some light research on where Frat/Sorority names came from but it looked deeper than I had time to dig into, so I just made one up that had a nice ring to it.