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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 5

  • Duncan arrives and has his cock inflated for Tim's personal use. 21
  • Tim gives Duncan a new addiction to eating him and other men out. 18
  • Duncan mocks Tim's new look and winds up with a set of large breasts. 11
  • Not wanting Duncan to look better than him, Tim causes the other man to steadily gain weight. 16
  • 2019-07-26
  • —2019-07-29
  • 66 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 5', 'choices': [{'text': "Duncan arrives and has his cock inflated for Tim's personal use. ", 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Tim gives Duncan a new addiction to eating him and other men out. ', 'votes': 18}, {'text': "Duncan mocks Tim's new look and winds up with a set of large breasts. ", 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Not wanting Duncan to look better than him, Tim causes the other man to steadily gain weight. ', 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 29, 16, 0, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 26, 1, 41, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 66}


“Wait...what’re you…” Shawn was bowled over before he could finish his question, Cayden’s stocky frame hitting him like a wrecking ball.  His friend’s wrestling background was obvious as the shorter man sent him reeling almost effortlessly, pinning him to the mattress despite Shawn’s struggles.  “Dude!  What the fuck?” the dark haired man laughed as he squirmed against Cayden’s hairy abs, his chest heaving as their rigid cocks ground against each other.  He was past the point of caring about their bizarre behavior or worrying about his sudden attraction to men.  The only thing he feared in that moment was Cayden pulling away.  “MMMMmmmm…” Shawn sighed when the burly man on top of him began licking his way down his neck, shivering and breaking out in goosebumps at the sensation of Cayden’s stubbled cheeks scratching against his bare skin as his friend’s mouth made its way to his chest.  “I thought...I owed you…” he panted.  

Cayden laughed at Shawn’s loud gasp when he bit down on one of the other man’s tiny nipples.  “You do.  Just making sure you’re warmed up first.”  

Shawn grunted, bucking his hips and digging his long pole against Cayden’s stomach.  “Gonna be a lot more than that if you keep this up.”  

Cayden lifted his head from Shawn’s chest and sat back on his meaty thighs, straddling the prone man between them.  His stout cock rested wide and heavy on Shawn’s stomach as he grinned arrogantly down, loving the stunned, lustful look on his friend’s face.  “I’ve seen how quick you are,” Cayden laughed, running his hands through his hair to show off his beefy biceps, “wouldn’t want that.”  

There was a long pause as Shawn’s tentative hands inched their way to rest on Cayden’s solid thighs.  “So, uh, do you want me to…” he trailed off, lifting his head and nodding towards the fat cock pointing in his direction.  It didn’t even register as odd that he was offering to blow another man.  

Cayden blushed and shook his head.  “Not with that,” he said, wriggling his hips and pressing his ample rear into the other man.  

“Oh.  Oh!” Shawn laughed, Cayden’s request finally registering.  “Are you, uh...really?  I mean...have you...before…?”  

Cayden shrugged his broad shoulders, his stubby fingers toying with the sparse hair on Shawn’s chest.  “Does it matter?”  

Shawn shook his head, unable to hide his eager smile.  “No, I just never really thought about it.  But hey, if you insist…” he slid his hands around to grip Cayden’s thick cheeks and flipped over, dropping them onto their sides.  Acting on another new instinct, Shawn reached down and lifted one of  the burly stud’s short, wide legs into the air, lining himself up for entry.  “I’ve never done this with another guy before...shouldn’t be too different, right?”  

“FFFFfffffuuuuuuuuuuck,” Cayden grunted, arching his back and clutching at Shawn’s arm as it draped over his chest.  The two were nearly falling out of the small bed as they writhed together and Shawn worked himself in with an ease that surprised both of them.  “OHhh...oh shit...oh shit…” 

“We haven’t even started yet,” Shawn whispered, his lips brushing against Cayden’s ear as he began thrusting in earnest.  

The shorter man let out a wordless howl, his stocky body going tense in Shawn’s arms.  He didn’t want to tell his friend that he hadn’t actually done this before, but he wouldn’t have believed it himself as they quickly fell into rhythm.  It didn’t even hurt.  He’d simply taken the other man inside like he’d done this hundreds of times, his body lighting up with an easy ecstasy.  

The urge had hit him as soon as they were out of the woods on their earlier run.  At first he just thought the strange forest had left him spooked and edgy, a natural explanation for why he’d want to be close to his friend.  With his taller build and impressive physique Shawn was a comforting, protective presence.  Cayden still hadn’t forgotten his anxiety about his delusions of shrinking, and while it wasn’t something he’d ever admit, or something he knew he should even think, Cayden was grateful to have a big, strong man like his roommate around.  

His thoughts began to shift before he even realized it.  He didn’t just want Shawn near him; he wanted Shawn IN him.  He’d never had such a desire in his life, but staring at the other man’s long, hard rod in the showers he couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to have inside him.  He started to picture himself wrapped in Shawn’s arms, writhing in his friend’s grip.  

It was better than he ever could have imagined.  Cayden was used to being pinned by bigger guys, but even though he knew that Shawn wasn’t overly huge, the other man seemed massive, a warm wall of muscle bringing him bliss like he’d never felt before.  “Ho...holy fuck dude...how are you...this feels fuckin’ incredible…” 

“Glad you approve,” Shawn purred, loving Cayden’s desperate whimpers.  He hadn’t known what to expect at first, but as they got down to it, his friend’s compact, beefy frame in his arms wasn’t all that different than what he was used to.  True, Cayden was solid and hairy, but there was a familiar sense of scale that let Shawn apply his bedroom expertise in full.  After his prolonged dry spell, the handsome stud was just happy to have someone in bed again.  “You’re not so bad yourself.”  

“Juhhh...just wait...til...next time…” Cayden moaned, his eyes going wide as he flashed a dazed grin back at Shawn.  

“Oh?  We’re...doing...this again?  I thought we...were...even…” Shawn said between thrusts.  

“I’ll...owe….you onnnNNUUUUNNNNHHH!”  Cayden tensed without warning, his untouched cock spurting and spraying like a ruptured hose.  He let out a series of wailing gasps when Shawn followed suit, not expecting the warm release to fill his insides.  

The two spent jocks laid in a panting heap while they caught their breath, their naked bodies still tangled together.  Shawn toyed absently with the hair on the stocky man’s thick chest while a dazed Cayden blushed at the sensation of the warm, sticky fluid pouring out of his battered rear.  

“Well that was a pleasant surprise,” Shawn finally said, giving Cayden’s chest a final pat before rolling off the bed and stretching.  He wiped himself off with his towel and dug into his bag of skimpy new clothes, slipping on a pair of tiny green briefs.  He reached for a pair of shorts but was interrupted by a loud screech from behind.  “Uh...what’re you doing?”  

“What?  This’ll be way more comfortable,” Cayden grunted as he finished shoving their small beds together.  

Shawn blushed and shook his head, the sequence of events threatening to take hold.  He looked down at his revealing new underwear and back up at the man he’d just fucked and who was pushing their beds together, the knowledge that something was dangerously wrong threatening to take hold.  “I dunno man…” 

Cayden folded his arms under his chest, puffing out his meaty pecs.  “After all that we don’t even get to cuddle?” he laughed.  

Shawn grinned back, the anxiety passing by without landing.  The sight of his friend’s naked, stocky body and goofy smile was enough to keep his attention focused elsewhere.  Looking at Cayden standing next to the bed, something caught his eye as looking off, but he couldn’t place it.  “If you insist,” he sighed, dropping onto the joined beds and pulling Cayden down on top of him.  


“Yes...Yes I know…” Tim said, his face pressed into the expensive carpet as he knelt naked and prostrate on the floor of his office.  The figure looming over his chiseled body was hazy and indistinct, little more than a blurry patch in his field of vision.  He was happy to keep it that way.  It was hard enough wrapping his head around the dead, smoldering suns and frozen planets that replaced his view of the skyline on the other side of his towering windows.  Seeing one of the “executives” in their true form was an experience Tim was willing to keep at bay for as long as possible.  “This new batch is already ripe for the picking.  Two in particular are absorbing the energies at an impressive pace.  The one is starting to...” 

Tim stopped short when a loud hum filled the air, his ample muscle going tense as the deep tone rattled him to his core.  He fought the urge to look up, his eyes fixing instead on the kaleidoscopic fungus creeping out from around the blurry patch.  The psychedelic mold had already reached his hands and was ever so slowly branching up his forearms.  

“That’s what I was going to say.  The one is already shrinking.  On his own.  No one directed that to happen.  I have maintenance looking into the beacon on top of the Tower to make sure things don’t get out of hand.  I’m confident we can get to the bottuUUUUHHHHNNNN…” Tim groaned when an invisible vice suddenly clamped around his kneeling body, the bone-shaking vibrations coursing directly through him.  “N...no!  I’m so sorry,” he stammered when he could finally speak, “I wasn’t aware the feed had dwindled.  If I’d known you were getting hungry I would haaaaiiiIIIEEE…!”  

Tim spasmed, the invisible vice becoming invisible worms seeping under his skin.  He gasped and shivered as the crawling sensation flowed down his back to settle on the round, muscled cheeks currently pointing towards the ceiling.  He knew what was happening without having to look.  He’d messed up, and everyone would soon know it.  The HBL leadership was generous with their rewards, Tim’s sculpted perfection and stunning looks were proof of that, but they were just as quick to mete out punishment when necessary.  Letting their supply of food get interrupted was one of the biggest mistakes he could have made, for many reasons.  If their hunger grew and some of the lesser entities decided to start feeding on their own it could be disastrous for all of them.  Even thinking about the things lurking just beyond the dimensional veil was enough to chill the blood in his veins.  Thinking about those same things ravenous and on the loose was a nightmare.  

“At...at once…” Tim gasped, the unseen pressure easing.  “I’ll get it fixed right away.  It won’t happen again.”  The urge to get up and examine the changes to his body was overwhelming, but the prone man didn’t so much as twitch.  It was part of the test, and he’d end up far worse if he failed this too.  He could still feel the blurry presence hovering just before him, the horrible, rainbow fungus now reaching all the way to his elbows.  

And then it was gone.  All at once Tim was back to kneeling in a mundane office, the icy stars and husks of planets once again a twinkling city skyline.  The hypnotic fungus had vanished with the ominous entity, but as he righted himself Tim could already feel the magnitude of his alterations when his formerly solid rear swayed and shifted heavily.  

“Goddamnit,” he hissed under his breath, wincing as he stood and caught sight of the massive globes reflected in the window.  They were impossibly huge, shooting out from his tight waist in an explosion of supple flesh that looked entirely out of place against the rest of his granite form.  “Damnit!”  Tim growled as he looked down at the front of his seemingly unaltered torso.  The rest of his adonis-like physique appeared unchanged, but the handsome man wasn’t convinced.  He was so turned on it hurt, a side-effect whenever someone was changed, but his long, thick hose hung limp and lifeless while an unseen throb radiated from his colossal backside.  He reached down and tugged on the dangling beast, rubbing his frustrated face with his free hand.  “Of course...of course they did,” he sighed, blushing when he felt his cheeks shake violently with each step as he walked around his desk.  “I’m not going to be able to show my face in the next meeting…” 

Tim knew that while most people would recognize something different about him but not be able to put their finger on it, his fellow managers would be well aware and eager to point it out.  He’d done it himself on many occasions when someone else had screwed up, never thinking one day it would be his turn to waddle into a meeting with a mammoth, oversized ass and lifeless dick.  “Mike, get in here,” he grumbled into the phone, turning to inspect his reflection as the dainty, former jock entered.  

“You called...sir…” the lithe, panty-clad twink froze when he saw Tim’s current state, his eyes going wide at the sight of his boss pawing at a thick, gravity-defying bottom.  

“Stare all you want, this doesn’t get you off the hook,” Tim spat, his frustration growing.  He’d specifically chosen Mike’s new look, loving how it felt to wear the formerly arrogant stud like a sleeve.  Now, looking at the shrunken man’s tight slit, he felt like a kid who’d had their favorite toy taken away.  “I don’t care how late it is.  Call Duncan and tell him to get his ass over here.  Now.  Then get your ass over here and put those tiny new hands of yours to good use.”  


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