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Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 6

  • Shawn runs into Duncan the following morning in the showers. 6
  • Shawn and Cayden wake up the next morning to find that Cayden was right and he's noticeably shorter. 25
  • Shawn finds himself becoming increasingly popular the less he wears. 17
  • Benton makes sure Duncan is roomed with AJ, who seems to know more than he should. 7
  • 2019-08-07
  • —2019-08-09
  • 55 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Climbing the Ladder, ch. 6', 'choices': [{'text': 'Shawn runs into Duncan the following morning in the showers. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Shawn and Cayden wake up the next morning to find that Cayden was right and he's noticeably shorter. ", 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Shawn finds himself becoming increasingly popular the less he wears. ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Benton makes sure Duncan is roomed with AJ, who seems to know more than he should. ', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 9, 16, 0, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 7, 1, 16, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 55}


Duncan’s heart was pounding, both from his race to reach Mr. Benton’s office and his fear of what he’d find when he got there.  Ever since he’d turned Mike in he’d known this moment was coming, and he’d been dreading it.  The raise had been nice, as had the career boost, but Duncan was smart enough to read between the lines.  Nothing came for free, and he had a sinking feeling that he was about to find out exactly what his new status would cost him.  

He’d barely had time to get dressed.  When he saw the office’s number show up on his phone as he was getting ready for bed he knew it couldn’t be good, and when he heard the strained tone of Taylor’s voice telling him to get to Benton’s office as fast as he could, he didn’t hesitate.  He threw on the first pair of pants he could grab, slipped into a polo and sped across town, sprinting from the parking lot as fast as his athletic legs could carry him.  

“I got here as fast as I could,” he panted, pausing outside of Benton’s office to collect himself.  He tried to read Taylor’s expression, but the lithe man’s delicate features were a mask.  “What’s the emergency?”  

“I’ll let Mr. Benton explain,” Taylor said, his voice as flat and emotionless as his androgynous face. 

Duncan didn’t like the sound of that any more than he did the slight, curling smile he thought he saw flash across Taylor’s face as the smaller man motioned towards their boss’s door.  He took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves as he pushed into office, his widened eyes betraying him when they adjusted to the dim light and he saw his boss sitting shirtless behind his massive desk.  Duncan’s brain was moving at lightning speed as he simultaneously took in the older man’s broad shoulders, muscled chest and beefy arms, wondering exactly what was in store.  He knew Benton kept himself in shape, but Duncan was surprised by just how impressive his boss’s fit, hairy frame looked.  

“Don’t just stand there and stare.  Get in here,” Benton barked, not looking away from the monitor on his desk.  

Duncan cleared his throat and hurried forward.  “Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting…” 

“To see your boss sitting in here with no shirt on?”  Benton shrugged.  “You know better than that, Duncan.  The first lesson a true HBL employee learns is to never expect anything.  The second you think you know what’s coming...you’ve already lost.”  He sighed and sat back in his chair, folding his solid arms behind his head as he shifted his attention from the screen to the anxious pretty boy in front of him.  “But what am I lecturing you for?  I’m the one who had that reminder tonight.”  

Duncan didn’t like the hungry look on Benton’s face as the older man stared at him.  He’d already told himself he’d do whatever it took to maintain his current trajectory, even if that meant letting his boss have his way with him, but this felt deeper than mere sex.  There was a heavy dampness in the air that made Duncan feel like he was in a cave or a musty cellar, not a posh, executive suite, and his skin was starting to tingle, the wiry blonde hairs coating his granite arms twitching with a static charge.  He shifted on his feet and tried to look casual as his eyes traveled down Benton’s sculpted pecs and defined abs before the desk cut off his view.  “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t think I understand…”

“That’s good in this case,” Benton nodded.  “But you will.  You’re a good worker, Duncan.  The kind of man I need on my team.  You’ve already shown initiative, and now I need you to take on a special project for me.”  

“Of course, whatever you need,” the handsome young man said, his blonde head nodding eagerly.  

Benton grinned.  “I’m glad to hear you say that.  Why don’t you join me,” he said, motioning to his bare torso.  

Duncan swallowed hard.  This was the moment he’d been waiting for.  As a former frat boy he had plenty of experience being hazed by the older brothers, so it wouldn’t be the first time the smug stud had a dick inside him, but he’d hoped those days were over.  He said nothing as he peeled out of the clinging polo to expose his own smooth, chiseled pecs and washboard abs, the strange tingling sensation growing with his increased exposure.  

The fit young man’s tanned skin broke out in goosebumps, his hands hesitating at his fly until Benton nodded.  Deftly stepping out of his shoes, Duncan tugged his pants down and tried to look confident when he righted himself and stood in front of his boss’s probing eyes.  The older man took his time looking him up and down, his hungry eyes eventually coming to rest on the heavy bulge in the front of Duncan’s small red briefs.  The increasingly nervous young jock struggled to maintain his composure when Benton nodded again and he found himself tugging those briefs down.  Duncan knew how good he looked.  He knew he had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and wasn’t a stranger to public nudity.  But it was the lack of control that got to him, the blow to his pride that came with submitting.  No one was forcing him.  He knew he could have turned and walked out, but that would have meant giving up everything he’d been working towards.  

He blushed and blamed his nerves when he felt his thick, dangling hose start to twitch, throbbing to its full seven inches while Benton stared.  The tingling seemed to be zeroing in on the aching organ as buzzing darts of pleasure pulsed through the confused young hunk as he shifted his weight awkwardly from foot to foot.  

“Impressive,” Benton finally said, raising an appreciative eyebrow.  “Not just that appealing member of yours...the whole thing.  You apply the same discipline to your body as you do your work, don’t you?  Let me get a look at you.”  

“I...I try,” Duncan stammered as he turned in a slow circle to let Benton get a full view of his muscled, athletic build.  The embarrassed adonis was trying not to think about the fact that he was standing naked and hard in his boss’s office and that anyone could walk in at any moment.  

“Every one of those muscles exactly where it should be...an ass that’s tight and firm...a cock that does more than just hang there...I have to admit, I’m jealous.”  

Duncan gasped when, before he could ask what Benton meant, the older man stood to reveal his limp, colossal package and impossibly large, jiggling rear.  The exaggerated features were entirely out of place, wrecking the balance of the handsome man’s masculine, proportional body.  He didn’t understand what he was looking at.  He’d seen Benton that morning and knew for a fact his boss didn’t have an ass like the one he was currently gawking at, yet there the bouncing globes were, defying gravity as they shook and shifted with the slightest movement.  

“I’m going to let you in on a secret,” Benton said, his hulking cheeks squishing as he sat back against his desk.  His dangling cock and heavy balls rested lifeless against the oak.  “The world isn’t at all what you think it is.  It’s being remade all the time, in front of your eyes without you even knowing it’s happening.  You think HBL just deals in money?”  Benton grinned and pressed his phone.  “Taylor, could you come in here?”  Duncan blushed and froze when he heard the door open behind him, wanting nothing more than to strangle the slender little man when he stood in front of him with a barely concealed grin.  “I believe you remember Mike?”  

“Wha…!”  The embarrassed jock’s humiliation was forgotten when his world suddenly turned upside down.  A wave of nausea washed over him as Taylor’s form seemed to blur, his shirt and pants vanishing, leaving nothing but a pair of small, empty panties behind.  But before Duncan could even start to register the change to the tiny man’s wardrobe or the strangely familiar lump between his supple thighs, Taylor’s image flickered again, alternating between the muscled jock he used to share a cube with and the curvy twink he knew as Taylor.  

Benton stepped forward and wrapped a sturdy arm around the smaller man’s waist, his fingers slipping into the front of the panties.  “I was so glad when you told me about Mike.  I’ve been quite enjoying this new version of him until recently,” he sighed, looking down at his limp member.  “Now, now, Mike. It’s not Duncan’s fault.  You’re the one who broke the rules,” he said, jamming his fingers in deep.  

Duncan could only stare and try to wrap his brain around the image of the athletic man being fingered by his warped boss, his image constantly shifting between tall and muscled, and short and supple.  

Benton pulled his hand free and motioned for Mike to stand next to Duncan, a disappointed look on his face.  “Unfortunately, due to an oversight on my part, I can’t enjoy Mike the way I used to, which isn’t to say he doesn’t still have his uses.  Mike, hold your arm out for me.”  

Duncan’s head was splitting as he watched Mike stick a shrunken arm forward, grateful at least that the shifting images were slowing, gradually settling on the small, panty clad version.  “Sir...please...I don’t understand any of this.  What do you want frooOOHHH!”  

“You’ll see,” Benton said, his eyes narrowing as Duncan arched his back and moaned.  The naked jock wanted to turn and run but was rooted in place, helpless to do anything other than stare as he felt a series of pulsing throbs rocket through his rigid cock.  With each one the aching organ shivered and expanded outward, stretching and widening until the formerly seven inch pole was an impossible club the size of Mike’s now-dainty forearm.  

Duncan wanted to scream as he watched his pride and joy inflate like a balloon, growing well over a foot in length and gaining an unwieldy girth.  It was comically, uselessly large, so big that he’d never be able to use it in the same manner again.  

“Perfect,” Benton clapped, the hungry look in his eyes making Duncan realize he’d been too quick to assume that his penetrating days were over.  He started to reach for the obscene pole but was interrupted by invisible hands pushing him down into one of the large chairs in front of Benton’s desk.  “No, none of that.  What I need you to do is sit there and be quiet,” Benton said, running a hand along the underside of Duncan’s inflated club.  “Just because they took away one of my toys it doesn’t mean that I can’t find another.”  

“OOHHHHH---”  Duncan’s loud, deep groan dried up in his throat when his boss bent and impaled himself on the painfully hard organ.  The blonde’s chiseled chest still rumbled like he was howling with pleasure, only no sound made it past his gaping mouth.  

“I told you to be quiet,” Benton hissed, his pillowy backside enveloping Duncan’s lap as he lowered himself all the way down.  “Aaahhhh…..much better,” he sighed, squirming and settling into place.  

Duncan’s face was a twisted mask of pleasure as he screamed with noiseless ecstasy.  His fingers bit into the arms of the chair and his throat felt raw as Benton squirmed on his lap, nearly blacking out from the intensity.  His cock hadn’t only grown longer but more responsive as well, lighting up his entire body with agonizing bliss.  Each of his sculpted muscles strained and flexed, a sheen of sweat breaking out across his golden skin as Benton casually tortured him by bobbing and squatting, working every inch of his sensitive new beast at once.  He may have been the one inside the other man, but it was clear Benton was fucking him, not the other way around.  He could still see Mike standing off to the side and felt a stab of kinship with the shrunken man even as he was humiliated at the thought of someone seeing him twisted and used in such a way.  

“Adaptability….that’s the key, Duncan.  Remember that.  You might not know what to expect, but a real leader can roll with whatever comes their way.”  The writhing blonde only half heard, his attention focused on the increasing pressure he felt mounting at the base of his spine.  His mouth moved silently as he begged Benton to finish him off, to give him the release he needed, but the altered executive continued to move at his own pace until the slight trickle issuing from his limp hose became a steady stream.  “Take...this….for example…” Benton grunted.  “Should I be...ashamed?  Should I...feel weak...having you...inside?  Am I less...of...a man since...this cock doesn’t...work?”  He looked back over a broad shoulder, his eyes blazing down at the desperate young blonde.  “Do you feel powerful….right...now?”  

Duncan shook his head wildly, thrashing in the chair as he was finally pushed over the edge and his empty screams were drowned out by Benton’s quiet groans.  The older man sighed and leaned back against the panting blonde’s solid chest, his body seeming to absorb the copious eruption filling his insides even as a torrent poured from his own lifeless snake.  

“Well, that was exactly what I needed,” Benton said, his burning eyes suddenly cheerful as he slid off Duncan’s mammoth pole.  

“Guh!”  The dazed blonde grunted, surprised by the sound of his own voice.  “Wha...what just...happened…” he gasped, struggling for breath.  

“You got a promotion,” Benton grinned, the young jock’s oozing monster going limp in an instant.  He laughed when Duncan pawed at the still-massive organ hanging heavily like a third arm between his toned thighs.  

“Why can’t I...I can’t feel it!” Duncan cried, tugging on the sleeping beast as it filled his hands to capacity.  

Benton crossed his arms, his tone going firm.  “It belongs to me now.  You use it when I say you can use it, and only then.”  He waited for Duncan to argue but was impressed when the young jock remained silent.  “What else are you going to do with it, anyway?”  

Duncan paled when he stood on shaking legs and felt the enlarged organ drop and sway, reaching nearly to his knees.  If he closed his eyes, the sensations coming from his thighs and lower abdomen were the only way he even knew it was still there as the dangling trunk itself stayed numb and lifeless.  He started to reach for his briefs but realized how futile an effort that was, blushing instead when he pulled his pants up and saw the obvious lump of an outline snaking down his leg against the tight fabric.  “But...how do I...people are going to know…” he stammered, not knowing if he should be embarrassed by what he saw or horrified by what he didn’t feel.  

“Of course they will.  But they won’t really ‘know’ if that makes it easier.  They’ll see something out of the ordinary but their brains won’t truly register it.  Not unless they’ve already had their eyes opened.”  He nodded over towards the small, panty-clad figure standing off at a distance.  “Like how you used to see Mike,” Benton said, pausing.  He grinned and cocked his head to the side as he stared at Duncan’s impossible bulge.  “I suppose we could do the same...do away with your pants altogether.  It would make it easier...but no, that’s too much power right now,” he sighed, shaking his head.  “We have to find out where the disruption is.  Which is where you come in.”  

Duncan was too busy reeling from the idea of being forced to walk around with his warped cock exposed to fully register what his boss was saying.  “Wait...I need to do what?”  

“You’re going to move back into the Tower.  There’s a problem there and I need someone inside to get to the bottom of it.”  

“But...but I have an apartment!  And what do I do about…” Duncan trailed off, his stomach dropping at the thought of traipsing through the open showers with his numb trunk for all to see.  

“Adaptability, remember?  I’m sure you’ll figure it out.  Now go gather some of your things.  You move in tomorrow.”  


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