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The young man jumped at the hand on his shoulder, his phone clattering to the desk.  He looked up to see Professor Everhardt, his boss, staring down at him with a confused look.  “Sorry Doc,” Greg stammered with a forced smile, “you startled me.”  

“I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes...everything okay?  You seem on edge today,” the Professor said, giving Greg’s broad shoulder a gentle squeeze.  He watched the younger man’s eyes dart towards the phone before he spoke. 

“Just a little overwhelmed.  You know how the end of the semester goes.”  Greg leaned back in his chair and sighed, running a hand through his short, auburn hair.  His eyes went wide and his expression paled at the sight of the thick bicep straining against the sleeve of his shirt.  The thin material looked like it would burst at any moment while the buttons running down the seated man’s torso were pulling apart across Greg’s thick chest.  His shirt looked about two sizes too small, and the dark khakis stretched like spandex around his stocky legs weren’t any better.  

“That I do,” Everhardt laughed, watching Greg’s confused eyes shoot back and forth between the two of them.  The young man would look at himself, then his eyes would travel up the Professor’s brawny frame, then drop back to his ill-fitting clothes to repeat the process.  “Not to add to your stress, but I was calling because I sent you the latest set of data.  Can you run the numbers and let me know what comes out?”  

Greg cleared his throat and nodded.  “Sure thing,” he said with a forced smile, quickly turning back to his desk.  

It wasn’t quick enough.  Everhardt had caught the twitching in the front of Greg’s pants and reached down to give the younger man’s shoulder another squeeze.  “What would I do without my best grad assistant,” he said, letting his hand linger before returning to his office.  

He closed and locked the door behind him, taking a deep, satisfied breath.  Already Greg was starting to look like a different person.  When his young assistant had stumbled into the office that morning it had taken all of the Professor’s willpower not to let his amusement show.  Seeing the normally lean, shaggy haired man show up bulging out of his clothes, his hair cut short to hide the fact that it was suddenly thinning, was better than he ever could have imagined.  He’d seen the pictures already, but witnessing the metamorphosis in person was another matter altogether.  

“Still such a shame,” Everhardt muttered to himself.  Greg had been one of his most promising students.  He’d had the charming young man during undergrad and had personally selected him for a graduate assistantship.  It meant Greg got a free ride for his Master’s and Professor Everhardt could put the young man’s agile mind to use.  The fact that Everhardt was also able to enjoy the sight of Greg’s fit, athletic body and handsome, youthful face for a while longer just made it more of a win-win for everyone.  

When Everhardt first suspected Greg of cheating, he didn’t want to believe it.  He did everything he could to find some other explanation, or some excuse, that would absolve his young protege.  The Professor couldn’t understand why Greg would throw away such a promising future over something as trivial as selling falsified grades to lazy undergrads.  Greg had been a straight A student, breezing through all of his classes without having to try.  With his brains and looks the young rising star could have rocketed to the top of his field in the private sector or gone on to have a lifelong academic career.  Now all of that potential was wasted.  

Everhardt had been about to confront Greg and turn him into the Dean when a chance meeting with Sam Davidson, the university’s basketball coach, changed his mind.  He’d been wrapping up his workout for the night when he ran into Sam in the locker room.  Their paths didn’t cross often, but Everhardt remembered Sam mentioning something about the former football coach’s sudden departure, along with the star quarterback.  Since then he’d heard rumors around campus about a pair of muscled young men who went along with the basketball team on their away games, and the less-than-reputable ways those men boosted team morale.  

Everhardt wasn’t going to judge.  As a gay man who’d just turned fifty, he knew what it was like to have to hide in plain sight.  Things were certainly getting better, but it was still more acceptable for a male faculty member his age to have a twenty year old young woman hanging off his arm than another man.  He knew plenty of fellow professors who plowed through pretty undergrads without a second thought or any serious repercussions, but if he walked into a room with a boyfriend every head turned in their direction and the rumor mill started in full.  Suddenly he was suspected of impropriety and of passing students based on their looks, not merit.  And while Everhardt may have enjoyed eyeing the fit young men around campus, he’d never crossed that line.  He liked his men rugged and beefy like himself, with thick, powerful builds instead of lean, shredded muscle.  The young studs around campus may have been pretty, but he preferred the feeling of another man, not a boy in training.  

So when he heard about what Sam may or may not have been getting up to with the young pair, he didn’t care.  Everhardt wasn’t interested in what they did as much as where they’d come from.  Some of the more outrageous rumors he’d heard hinted at wild impossibilities, suggesting that maybe the previous football coach and star quarterback had never left at all.  It was a crazy thought, but Everhardt had to know.  

The look on Sam’s face told him everything.  He’d barely finished mentioning the situation with Greg when the towering, dark skinned man looked around to make sure no one was watching before slipping Everhardt a piece of paper with a phone number on it.  Sam told him it would be expensive, and he hadn’t exaggerated that part, but so far it was living up to everything the other man had promised.  He’d been confused by the silent grin and triumphant glint in Sam’s eye when he finally came out and asked directly about the two young men.  Now he understood.  

That was about all Everhardt could wrap his head around.  How any of this was even possible in the first place was beyond him.  As soon as he’d wired the money the person on the other end started responding with details that they couldn’t possibly have known.  Everhardt hadn’t described the situation at all, yet the stranger knew all about Greg’s cheating and the older man’s secret desires.  Without having to ask, Everhardt started receiving racy photos of his young assistant.  He’d seen the public pictures on Greg’s facebook page, the ones with the young man’s defined, muscled torso in full view at the beach or covered in dirt and sweat after a weekend football game.  

These were clearly meant for a different audience.  Everhardt suspected they were texts to former girlfriends or whoever Greg had been sleeping with at the time as they showed the young man in his full glory.  Some were of the handsome, auburn haired man wearing nothing but a pair of small briefs and his charming smile, but most were of Greg’s long, thick cock standing rigid and eager between his toned, hairy thighs.  

The pictures made Everhardt feel dirty and guilty even as his own stout cock throbbed in response.  The older professor focused on why he was doing this in the first place and managed to convince himself the voyeuristic thrill was nothing compared to what Greg had done to him.  The young man had betrayed his trust, made a fool of him around campus, and would have put a huge dent in his reputation had the scandal been made public.  And if Greg was acting like this now, Everhardt knew the younger man’s behavior would only get worse with time.  He’d started this, so it was up to him to finish it.  He still could have turned Greg in but it felt like too much of a waste.  The young man still had plenty of potential and Everhardt was still happy to have him as an assistant, just in a very different capacity going forward.  

That conviction was cemented when the pictures and videos began arriving the previous evening.  Everhardt almost didn’t believe his eyes as he watched a nervous looking Greg perform a slow striptease, steadily revealing a body that had already grown larger.  Having become intimately familiar with what the young man’s tight, lean frame should have looked like, Everhardt immediately noticed the extra bulk.  It was subtle, but Greg’s shoulders were broader than they had been, and his ripped torso looked wider and less defined.  When the young man reached his much tighter briefs and hesitated before pulling them down, Everhardt watched a ripple run through Greg’s body as it expanded outwards before his eyes.  More of the definition melted away and Everhardt watched the other man’s expanding chest and shoulders swallow a chunk of his long neck, already giving him a stocky appearance.  Greg tore his briefs off after that, working himself up to full mast as he frantically pumped away.  The look on the naked young man’s face when he reached up to run his hand through the shaggy mop on his head and came away with a clump of it stuck to his fingers made Everhardt cum on the spot.  Fortunately he’d been at home, but even just the memory of it made his fat rod surge to life. 

Everhardt’s musings were interrupted by his buzzing phone.  “Go check on the progress.  He’s just about ripe,” the message read.  The beefy professor grinned and took a deep breath, trying to will his twitching cock to sleep lest it betray him.  He’d given the other two assistants the day off to ensure that he and Greg would be left alone, but he didn’t want to tip his hat too soon.  

Everhardt couldn’t suppress a quiet gasp when he opened his door and saw Greg hunched over his desk.  The young man had widened significantly and even from a distance he could see the small tears forming where Greg’s sleeves met the rest of the plastered-on shirt.  Also immediately noticeable was the large, shiny bald spot on the back of his head that was gradually overtaking the entirety of the expanding man’s scalp.  As he walked closer, the sound of Greg’s slow, uneven typing told him the internal changes were starting to take place.  Normally the young man was a rapid typer, but now Everhardt watched him hunt and peck like he’d never touched a keyboard.  

“How’re things going out here,” he asked cheerfully.  

Greg stopped typing and straightened in the chair, freezing like a deer in headlights.  His burly shoulders rose and fell rapidly as he slowly spun in his chair.  “Do...Doc...somethin’s...not okay,” he rumbled in a deepened voice.  “I’m...big!”  

“I can see that,” Everhardt whistled, genuinely stunned by the changes to Greg’s body.  The buttons that had been straining on the other man’s shirt earlier had long since given out, revealing a thick, hairy slab of a chest that rested like a shelf on a protruding muscle gut.  The slim khakis had likewise exploded, with Greg’s meaty new legs spilling out through the tattered fabric.  As he held up his hands in surprise, Everhardt understood why typing may have become more difficult with the fat, stubby fingers in place of the long, slender digits the young man used to have.  Greg’s formerly youthful face had expanded with the rest of him, becoming round and full with wrinkled, weathered skin as it seemed to sit directly on his shoulders.  Instead of twenty three, the balding, burly man would be lucky if he could pass for forty three.  

“You gotta help me!  I can’t...my head’s all funny…” Greg whimpered, clutching at his head and brushing away more of this thinning hair.  On the screen behind him Everhardt could see a string of gibberish and he wondered if his former star pupil could even read anymore.  

“Easy now,” Everhardt said gently.  “Of course I’ll help you.  Let’s go into my office and figure this out.”  His appreciation for the stranger’s work grew when his assistant stood and lumbered forward in his beefy new body.  Greg’s once-toned arms now hung at an angle from his thick, formerly tapering torso, and his trunk-like thighs caused him to adopt a wide-legged waddle.  

Everhardt locked the door to his office behind them and took a step back, silently watching Greg squirm and paw at his thickened frame.  The wide, bulbous head of the rigid cock that poked out from above the waist of the ridiculously small briefs was a far cry from the cock that used to look impressively large against the rest of his formerly athletic body.  Now, with the expansive flesh around it, the thick organ looked as stocky as the rest of him.  

“Let’s get you out of those silly clothes,” Everhardt said, stepping forward to pull the tattered shirt free.  He felt Greg shiver and blush at his touch while the young man gawked at his new barrel torso.  

“I donnnuuuhh...don’t understand…” Greg stammered, groaning when the Professor’s hands brushed against his briefs as his shredded pants were pulled free.  

“You’ll get used to that,” Everhardt laughed, the straining underwear practically exploding off Greg’s body when he pulled on it.  He sighed as he looked at his altered assistant, now a beefy, bearish man close to his own age instead of a handsome young student.  “I don’t imagine there’s still much going on up here, is there,” he said, stroking Greg’s bare scalp.  

The formerly young man shivered in Everhardt’s grip, instinctively reaching out to clasp the Professor’s ample, solid rear.  “Wait...you mean you…” he said, his roughened brow furrowing even as he gazed longingly at Everhardt.  

“I know about everything,” the Professor said.  “The cheating, selling better grades...all of it.”  He smiled when Greg’s blushing face went pale and reached down to tug on the other man’s widened, aching pole while he stroked his other hand across the shelf of a chest and tweaked the enlarged, nubby nipples.  

“UUUNNnnnnn…” Greg moaned, his stunned eyes drooping as his new impulses took over.  Everhardt could see the slow wheels trying to turn in what remained of Greg’s brain, but the more he tugged, the less Greg could focus.  “Pl...please! I’m suuuuhhnnn...sorry!”  

“No need,” Everhardt purred, pressing his equally brawny frame against Greg’s naked bulk.  He undid the buttons of his shirt and smiled when the other man reflexively pulled it free, Greg’s meaty, fumbling hands starting to struggle with the button of his pants.  His assistant had his aching member free in moments, stroking the thick, pulsing organ with trembling fingers.  “See?  We can still work just fine together!  I’ll take you home with me and you can help me out around the house.  You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”  

The struggle in Greg’s eyes was evident as he slowly nodded his head.  “Yuh...yeah,” he grunted.  “I don’t wanna leeeIIIEEEE!” he cut off in a roaring bellow when Everhardt’s fingers slipped between his mammoth new cheeks and pressed against his virgin hole.  “Wha...what was that…” he panted, grinding his oozing cock against the Professor.  

“Your first assignment,” Everhardt grinned, spinning Greg around and spreading the other man’s furry, ample globes.  


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