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Kyle’s eyes struggled open, blinking against the light leaking in around the edges of the curtains.  He rubbed the sleep from his face with his large hands, the rough palms scratching against the rough stubble coating his sharp cheeks.  

“Worse damn night of sleep…” he grumbled, yawning as he looked down at himself.  His lean, wiry body was partially covered by a thin sheet, all that remained after Kyle’s thrashing sent the rest of the covers scattering.  The groggy man couldn’t remember the details of his nightmare, just that he’d had one.  His heart was still in the process of slowing and he felt like he hadn’t slept at all despite it being seven hours later than when he’d first laid down.  He remembered running, and falling, but beyond that it was hazy.  His whole body ached, especially his legs, as if he actually had been running up a hill all night.  Kyle looked over at the clock and sighed, not wanting to get up before he had to but also not wanting to risk a return to the dread he’d so recently escaped.  

“Fuck it,” he groaned, kicking his long, toned legs over the edge of the bed.  He stood and stretched, scratching at the patch of hair coating the base of his abs and running a hand through the messy, chestnut mop on his head.  “I was really goin’ at it...good thing I didn’t have anyone over,” he laughed as he pulled the back of his grey briefs up over his perky bubble.  The normally tight underwear had been worked down so that the top of his tight, muscled mounds were hanging in the open air.  He adjusted the long cock snaking off to the side and gave his broad shoulders a shake before making his way to the kitchen.  

The expensive gold watch on the counter caught his eye as soon as he walked in.  “Hello, gorgeous,” he smiled, picking up the heavy piece and turning it over in the morning light.  Relieving unwary homeowners of unappreciated items was one of his favorite parts of the job.  Kyle knew the watch in his hand probably cost more than he paid in rent each year, and yet the guy just had the thing sitting out in the open.  He knew it was risky, and he didn’t do it unless the person clearly had money to spare which, based on the size of the house and the car in the driveway yesterday the guy obviously did.  Even if someone wanted to come after him it would be their word against his unless they had cameras or caught him in the act, and by the time they even noticed something was missing he’d have long since pawned the evidence.  He’d also caught the guy checking him out constantly yesterday, and while he didn’t mind the attention, he considered the watch payment for giving the guy a show.  

“Gonna hate to get rid of you,” Kyle sighed, putting the watch down and absently tugging the back of his underwear up after noticing it had slipped down again.  “Fuck...gotta add some squats in or somethin’,” he mumbled to himself as he downed his morning coffee and trotted to the bathroom to get himself ready, fixing his hair and throwing on a pair of shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that showed off his chiseled arms and modest pecs.  He’d finish his morning routine at the gym after his workout, and Kyle threw his work clothes, and the watch, into his bag and headed for his truck.  

After dumping everything in his locker Kyle went straight for the weights.  He normally did some cardio to warm up, but the wiry young man was starting to worry that he’d lost weight.  His frame had always been tight and lean, with a metabolism that, at twenty six years old, had yet to slow down.  There was ample, defined muscle on his deceptively thin body and he had no desire to bulk up, but after pulling his shorts and underwear up for the fourth time he started to wonder if a little extra size would be a bad thing.  It didn’t matter how tight he pulled the drawstring on the mesh shorts; a few minutes after pulling them up and taking his hand away he’d feel a draft and find the top of his pert little bubble on display, making Kyle suddenly regret his penchant for small, tight shirts.  They showed off his tapering torso, but they usually stopped exactly at his waist, providing no extra coverage for the cheeks that refused to be contained.  

The process continued throughout his workout.  Kyle would pull the shorts in place, start a set of squats, and not make it through more than one or two before his rear was once again hanging out above the back while, confusingly, the front stayed where it should.  The tight drawstring kept the shorts cinched against his firm abs, adding extra emphasis to the outline of his impressive bulge underneath, but the back continued to sag, as if weighted or pulled down by an invisible hand.  

Kyle opted for the exercise bike when he was done lifting instead of his usual treadmill, fearing that his cheeks would be bouncing free the entire time.  As it was, even seated on the bike he felt a constant breeze flowing into the shallow valley and tried not to think about how many people were getting a view of his furry crack as he pedaled.  He could have stopped at any time but was far too stubborn to admit defeat.  He’d rather deal with the embarrassment of flashing his crack to an entire gym than let it deter him.  

He caught people staring, men and women both, feeling none of his usual bravado when being checked out.  Strutting around the locker room or stripping down in front of a girl he was about to fuck were different.  In those situations he had control, a feeling he was rapidly losing as the morning progressed.  

It didn’t make sense.  Scrubbing himself down in the locker room, his ass felt bigger than normal, not smaller.  Kyle tried to be discreet as he palmed the furry globes in the open shower, wondering if the problem was the opposite of what he thought.  When he squeezed, the normally granite cheeks had some give to them, a soft layer for his fingers to bite into before reaching the muscle underneath.  

His new theory was confirmed as he looked at himself in the steamy mirror while he toweled dry.  “What the hell…” he muttered, turning to inspect his profile.  Instead of a small lump on his otherwise shapeless frame, his cheeks seemed to jut out, looming large and noticeable on his tight, whipcord body.  They weren’t exaggeratedly large, but considering how tight and shredded the rest of him was the supple mounds looked out of place.  

“Damn...I’d look at ‘em too.”  Kyle blushed and jerked away from the mirror, coming face to face with a burly older man who’d been watching his self inspection.  The bald wall of muscle had his beefy arms crossed over his slab of a chest, resting on the muscle gut that bulged out above the stout, wide cock and heavy balls wedged between the man’s trunk-like thighs.  He had a grin on his round, full face, his eyes glued to Kyle’s bare backside.  “Hey, don’t stop on my account.”  

Kyle immediately shifted his towel to cover his dangling package but didn’t think to simply wrap it around his waist.  Instead he stood with it in front of him, desperately trying to quell his twitching cock as the bull of a man made an obvious show of checking him out.  “Uh, sorry,” Kyle stammered.  “Didn’t think anyone was...I mean...my clothes have been...I can’t seem to keep my pants up…” he rambled nervously.  The normally confident young stud could hear himself stammering but couldn’t stop.  

“I noticed,” the man laughed.  “Whole gym did.  That’s one way to advertise,” he shrugged.  

“Huh?  Oh, no, sorry man, I’m not, uh, I mean I’m straight…” Even Kyle thought it sounded like a lie.  

The man just shook his head, his voice dropping.  “Shame.  I’d give those things a real workout.”  

Kyle looked down at the man’s wide, imposing cock as he said it, his own twitching snake going confusingly solid against the towel at the thought.  “Ma...maybe some other time…” he choked, swallowing hard.  He could feel the man’s eyes on his now-bouncing cheeks as he hurried to his locker, standing and taking deep breaths with the towel in front of him until his eager rod had at least mostly softened.  Normally he’d shave and brush his teeth in nothing but the towel, but given how the morning was going he thought it better to at least put some pants on.  

He winced as he slid a fresh pair of briefs on, the tight cotton straining around his larger cheeks.  There was no denying they’d grown.  His underwear should have been a perfect fit, he’d been the same size for years, yet now they were tight and confining against his rear.  The same went for his baggy work pants which now had an obvious lump pushing out the back instead of draping down in a straight line the way they had.  

Regardless of whether it was caused by a lack of size or too much of it, Kyle’s problem continued.  Standing at the locker room sink he’d had to continually pull the pants and underwear back into place no matter how much he tightened his belt, and even donning a longer shirt was no help.  Unlike the sleeveless gym gear his embroidered work polo hung well below his waist, but even that draping top refused to stay where it should.  The bottom inevitably rested on the small shelf formed by his unexpected growth, pushing his pants and briefs away like they were opposing magnetic poles.  Kyle tried tucking the shirt in and tightening his belt to the point where it hurt and he could barely raise his arms against the constricting material.  Within minutes he was back in the same predicament, the weathered vinyl of his driver’s seat cold and smooth against his exposed skin.  

“This is gettin’ really fuckin’ old,” Kyle spat, pulling his pants up for the hundredth time as he rummaged through the back of his truck for his tools.  He was grateful he didn’t have many calls lined up, wanting to get through them as fast as he could, pawn the watch, and hole up in his apartment until he could figure out what was happening.  Holding his pants in place with one hand and his bag of tools in the other, he made his way up to the sprawling suburban tudor and rang the doorbell with his elbow.  

The man who answered was every bit the stereotypical Soccer Dad, appearing to be in his early forties with an average build that was slipping towards dumpy.  He had a trim beard that offset his balding scalp and Kyle was surprised to find himself thinking of the older man as handsome as he looked at the dark glasses resting on his prominent nose.  

“Hey, thanks for coming,” the man said, opening the door and ushering Kyle inside.  “I’m Vince.”  

“Kyle,” the young man said, letting go of his pants just long enough to shake the offered hand.  “So you’re having problems with your tub?”  He only half listened as he followed Vince down a hall lined with pictures of his wife and kids and up a winding staircase to the master bedroom.  His eyes kept drifting to the plump rear shifting in the older man’s khakis, and to the muscles of his upper back outlined against the polo.  He looked like he’d been in better shape at one point, but having a family had clearly kept him out of the gym.  

“...so I’ll be working in my office down the hall if you need me.  I’ll pop in and check on you every so often,” Vince said, finishing the explanation that Kyle had ignored.  

“Sounds, uh, sounds good,” Kyle said, forcing a smile.  He popped open the access panel and set to work when Vince left, desperately trying to ignore the almost immediate sensation of air on his expansive rear.  His frustration grew.  Instead of trying to figure out how to lift something from these people who could clearly afford it, he had to focus on how to work with his ass hanging out.  

And then there were the constant intrusive thoughts.  His mind kept drifting back to the naked bull at the gym and the suburbanite with the cute face and thick cakes.  Kyle kept wondering if Vince was a boxers or briefs guy, and what kind of equipment the other man was working with.  His body tingled and his cock throbbed as he rooted around under the tub, imagining Vince’s naked body inside or picturing him in bed with his wife right outside.  

“Whoa!  Didn’t know a Plumber’s Crack was a real thing.”  

Kyle blushed at Vince’s unexpected laugh, realizing he was on all fours presenting his half-covered ass like a horny beast.  “Sorry about that...having some wardrobe issues today.”  

Vince took a deep breath and ran a hand over his scalp, his eyes fixed on the hefty mounds.  “Not complaining...that’s...that’s a view.  Hope I’m not out of line but I didn’t expect such a lean guy to be so...thick…” he said, his voice going distant.  

Kyle’s heart started racing when he caught his reflection out of the corner of his eye and saw that his formerly perky bubble had somehow continued to expand.  The plump melons were officially oversized for his trim, athletic frame, bulging out behind him like they’d been inflated by an air pump.  He wanted to leave, to race to the hospital and find out what was happening to him, but when he saw Vince absently kneading his tented khakis he just grinned and leaned forward, wagging his bottom in the other man’s direction.  “Want a closer look,” he purred, screaming at himself.  

Vince licked his lips and nodded, stepping forward to tug Kyle’s pants the rest of the short distance down to fully expose the rotund cheeks.  The older man had a glazed, hungry look in his eyes as he squeezed and clapped the fleshy mounds.  

“MMMmmmMMMhhhmm….” Kyle groaned, arching his back when the rough jiggling sent darts of pleasure shooting up his spine.  The young jock had no idea what was happening, he just knew he needed more.  “What...what’re you waiting for…” he whined, pressing back against Vince’s hands.  

The other man fumbled his pants open, answering Kyle’s earlier question when he flashed his tented boxers as he tugged them down.  The younger hunk was momentarily impressed by the long, thick rod dangling between Vince’s hairy thighs, but he only had a moment to look at it over his shoulder before it was buried deep inside him.  

“HHHHooooOOOHHHHaaahh!”  Kyle howled, his vision going white with bliss.  

The part of him that was aware had expected pain.  His virgin hole had never been stuffed before, and Vince’s thick club should have felt like it was splitting him open.  Instead all he felt was ecstasy, as if his expanding rear was made for one thing and one thing only.  Working his dextrous hole with surprising precision, Kyle stared longingly back at the other man, wishing he could tear Vince’s clothes off.  He wanted to be in the bed with the other man’s naked body on top of his, slamming into him until he screamed.  He wanted to be flat on his back with his legs in the air.  He wanted to be riding Vince’s lap, slamming his mammoth cheeks up and down over and over.  He wanted Vince to hold his face against the mattress while the other man gave it to him like a steam driven piston.  

It was a twisted parody of his usual porn fantasy.  Instead of the handsome plumber showing up to fuck the horny housewife, the bottom heavy young man was the one getting plowed by a hung, straight dad and loving every second of it.  Kyle knew it didn’t make sense.  He knew he certainly wasn’t gay and he’d seen pictures of Vince’s wife and kids.  Neither one of them should be doing what they were doing, and yet there he was, eyes wide and mouth hanging open while his fat cheeks bounced and jiggled from Vince’s thrusting.  It was an odd sensation.  The tight-bodied young stud wasn’t used to having enough excess flesh to shake and ripple the way his cheeks had started to, but he couldn’t get enough of it.  

“Oh fuck...fuck...gonna cu...cuuuunnnhhhnnn….” Vince gave one last, long thrust and erupted into Kyle’s insides.  The warm liquid splattering against his guts pushed the young man over, his own untouched cock exploding all over the tiled floor.  

“Wow...that was...wow…” Kyle laughed, panting.  Vince slapped the side of his cheeks and pulled out, looking equally stunned.  

“I don’t know what just happened,” he smiled, pulling his pants back up, “but there’s an extra hundred in it for you if you finish the work without the pants.”  

Part of Kyle was mortified, but the part that was in control just grinned and shook his hips, getting back to work with his lower half entirely on display.  Normally in situations like these the young stud was proud of the impressive hose hanging long and thick towards the floor, but as he knelt with his plumped cheeks swaying behind him the dripping organ was an afterthought.  He managed to finish just as a minivan pulled into the driveway next to his truck, leaving a disappointed Vince to snap a picture as Kyle pulled his pants up as best he could.  Looking at the petite brunette unloading a car full of kids, the smug young man wondered which of them Vince would be thinking about next time he used the tub.  

To Kyle’s surprise, the process repeated itself at his next two calls.  The first found him bent over a kitchen counter while a smug college jock sent his expanding cheeks into a bouncing frenzy, and the second had his back pressed up against an older, heavy set man’s protruding gut while he slammed his hips back against the equally large pole inside him.  It was the same setup as with Vince; once the men got a good look at his exposed rear their eyes would glaze over and next thing Kyle knew they’d be feverishly going at it.  

The flustered young man had no idea what was happening, or more importantly why he was enjoying it so much.  He’d never had a gay impulse in his life.  The thought of getting fucked by another man, let alone several, should have made his stomach turn.  It fluttered instead, a wave of giddy excitement washing over him at the thought of the next solid organ penetrating his ravenous hole.  Kyle couldn’t even muster the fear he knew he should be feeling.  His body was continuing to warp and change, his formerly perky bubble having grown to the size of two large melons.  He’d officially outgrown his pants and underwear after the second call and literally couldn’t cover himself now even if he wanted to, which, he was surprised to discover, he didn’t.  The sensation of the open air on his supple mounds and the feeling of his shirt resting on the shelf they formed was intoxicating.  It didn’t matter that he looked like a freakish, walking example of bad photoshop as long as he got the attention he suddenly craved.  

The last part wasn’t a problem for the bottom heavy young man.  It wasn’t just on calls that he found himself under a spotlight; everywhere he went Kyle quickly became the center of attention.  Stopping for gas, grabbing coffee, hitting the hardware store; heads turned in his direction like the shifting, half-exposed mounds hanging off his lean back were a Pied Piper.  Men stopped mid sentence to stare or snap a pic, not even trying to be subtle as Kyle basked in the hungry eyes.  The former stud felt a pang of embarrassment at the way women wouldn’t even give him a second look, unless it was one of disgust.  He was used to roping them in with his tight, muscled body and handsome face, but now they took one look at the sacks of flesh Kyle towed behind and quickly looked away.  

They weren’t the only ones to have lost interest, but Kyle didn’t know whether or not he should be disappointed at his own rapidly changing desires.  His fourth call of the day was a woman in her early thirties with a broken water heater.  She was the kind of girl that should have driven him wild, with pale skin, auburn hair, a tiny waist, and heaping breasts.  Just the thought of her should have made him hard, but all he could think about was the suburban dad and arrogant college kid who’d fucked his brains out that morning.  She was equally unimpressed, her eyes losing interest as they traveled down from his chiseled pecs to the pillowy rear hanging out of his pants.  No matter how hard he tried the frustrated Kyle couldn’t conjure the slightest amount of desire, his once-eager cock remaining quietly limp while his hungry bottom begged for attention.  

He rushed through the job as fast as he could, desperate to find someone to ease his growing hunger.  Since he’d encountered three willing men one after the other earlier in the day Kyle hadn’t noticed just how incessantly horny he was.  It took all of his focus to even finish the job, the normally simple task of swapping out parts becoming exponentially more difficult as his mind refused to focus on anything other than his new found lust.  

“Goddamnit,” he moaned, squirming in the driver’s seat back in his truck.  He’d had to pull over a few blocks from the woman’s house, unable to resist the urge to slip a hand into the canyon between his cheeks in a vain search for relief.  He couldn’t get the angle right and only succeeded in making himself more frustrated, leaving him to whimper and grind his cheeks against the seat in desperation.  “There’s gotta be someone…” he muttered, wracking his brain for anyone he knew that would be willing to give him the release he needed.  He didn’t have anymore calls scheduled for the day, and while a part of him knew he could probably just show up at a bar and eventually someone would take him, he didn’t know how long that would be or how that would end.  He didn’t want to get slammed in an alley, he wanted someone who knew what they were doing.

As soon as his eyes landed on the watch he knew where to go.  “Dude wanted it bad yesterday...couldn’t keep his eyes off me...it’ll be his lucky day…” Kyle repeated to himself as he sped across town towards the owner of the purloined watch.  “I’ll just tell him I’m there to make sure everything’s still working...he’ll take one look and boom, he’s in…” he laughed, too lust crazed to appreciate the sudden change in his thinking.  Just the day before he’d viewed the lithe, smaller Chris as inferior.  With his thin, wiry build and soft features Kyle viewed him as weak, not a real man by any definition.  He’d pictured Chris as the one being hungry for his dick, never in his wildest nightmares imagining that the opposite would ever be true.  But as he pulled up the winding driveway and parked his truck, it took all of Kyle’s willpower to keep from sprinting towards the front door, something he wasn’t sure he could even do anymore.  His moderate pace caused his excessive rear to bounce and clap so vigorously he nearly stumbled, forcing him to adopt a slow waddle lest he sprawl face first onto the sidewalk.  He took a deep breath and did his best to keep from pounding wildly on the front door.  

“Uh...can I help you?”  

Kyle’s heart was a jackhammer at the sight of Chris’s obscured body through the cracked open door.  “Yeah, hi, I was here yesterday working on your bathroom…” 

“I remember,” the other man said, opening the door and looking Kyle slowly up and down.  The flustered plumber was too busy trying to work his way into the house to notice Chris’s sly grin at the sight of his fat cheeks.  “Is there a problem?”  

“No!  Not at all...just doing a routine check to make sure everything is still working,” Kyle stammered, swallowing hard.  He was starting to sweat, unable to take his eyes off the tight body straining against Chris’s thin white t-shirt.  He wasn’t as built as himself, but looking at the lean, defined muscle outlined under the soft cotton Kyle didn’t know how he ever could have thought of the smaller blonde as weak.  “Can I take a look?”  Kyle hurried in when Chris stepped aside, his athletic body already tingling with anticipation.  

“Are you sure you don’t want to take something else?”  

“Oooohhhh….!” Kyle gasped and groaned when Chris stepped forward and latched onto his ample bottom.  He arched his back, his knees going weak when the other man kneaded the hairy mounds and sent his useless pants and underwear down around his ankles.  

“So you DO want something else,” Chris said, pulling his hands away.  He grinned as the taller, handsome man shuffled around in place to face him, his thick, aching cock pointing rigidly in his direction.  The large organ and heavy balls looked pitifully out of place against the wide expanse of flesh that was visible spilling around Kyle’s trim waist.  

“Please...I’m desperate…” Kyle begged, forgetting all about his aching rod as he reached around to squeeze his buzzing cheeks.  Something about being in Chris’s house was different than his earlier encounters.  There was more room for awareness in Kyle’s lust addled mind, letting a steady stream of embarrassment seep in at the knowledge that he was standing in a stranger’s foyer with his pants around his ankles and his solid dick on display begging to be fucked.  Unlike before, Kyle was able to feel the fear and shame and disgust that had blissfully been held at bay.  “Oh...oh god…” he moaned, his broad shoulders and solid pecs flexing as he continued to reach behind and toy with his impossible rear.  “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing…”  

“Looks like you’re playing with your asshole in a customer’s house,” Chris laughed, watching Kyle squirm.  “Don’t remember that being quite so big yesterday.”  

“It...it wasn’t…” Kyle said, his eyes going wide as if noticing the changes for the first time.  “Fuck...fuck!  All day!  It’s...it’s been getting bigger!  I can’t keep it covered and it won’t stop growing and it’s like whenever a guy sees it we start fucking and I can’t help it!”  Kyle’s chest was heaving, his breath coming fast as he was finally able to give frantic voice to the fears that had been floating at the edges of his mind all day.  

“So you came here because you want me to fuck you?”  

Kyle felt his face go crimson as he nodded, his eyes fixed on the small lump in the front of Chris’s gym shorts.  “Please...I need someone to...I’ve never felt this before...it’s like I’m gonna explode…” 

“Are you sure you didn’t come back to steal something else?”  

Kyle’s fluttering stomach dropped.  In his desperation he’d never stopped to consider that Chris might have noticed the missing jewelry.  “I...I mean I didn’t…”

The smaller blonde sighed and shook his head, interrupting.  “It was my great grandfather’s, but you probably don’t care about that right now.  Do you still have it, or did you pawn it already?”  

“I still have it,” Kyle said quickly.  “You can have it back!  I’m sorry!  I shouldn’t have taken it...just...I need...” he broke off in a hungry snarl, squirming.   

“Well that’s a relief at least,” Chris said, a broad smile spreading across his sharply angled face.  He adjusted the glasses resting on his prominent nose and let out a short laugh.  “Though if I’m being honest, a family heirloom seems like a fair price for giving you your new look.”  

Kyle’s jaw fell open, dread creeping down his fit body.  “Wha...what?” 

“You coming back here wasn’t an accident.  I’m sure you caught me checking you out yesterday, but after everything you’ve been through today did you really think I was the best option?  No, we’re just not done yet.  Follow me.”  

Kyle didn’t understand, but he stepped out of his pants as instructed and waddled along after Chris.  Part of him wanted to club the smaller man in the back of the head, and another part wanted to tear his pants off and take the organ he craved by force.  He did neither, instead trying to wrap his brain around what he was hearing.  

“This was you yesterday,” Chris said, holding up his phone to show Kyle a picture of himself from behind.  The smaller man had snapped it without his knowledge, capturing a flattering angle of his tapering back and perky rear.  The sight was like a punch in the stomach as Kyle looked at the tucked in polo and pants that fit as they should, covering the parts of his lower half that should have been covered.  The covered, eye catching bubble in the photo felt like a lifetime ago already, a distant memory swallowed by the glacial cheeks he’d sprouted.  “When I found that woman on the boardwalk I honestly thought she was full of shit.  Magic?  Please.  I just went along with it ‘cause I was pissed, aaaaand she was a little bit scary,” Chris laughed.  “She had all sorts of weird shit in her booth...and the smell…” he shuddered at the memory of the salty, spicy aroma that carried a rancid note underneath, like the ocean burned as incense to mask the scent of rotting fish.  “But the weirdest thing she had were these cards.  Not that fortune telling garbage, either.  These were different.” 

Kyle’s head was spinning as he watched Chris pull out a small card that looked like a child’s collage.  It was the picture of himself that he’d just seen, but what looked like a magazine cut out of a plumber’s fat crack had been pasted onto his lower half, and next to it were several rigid penises cut from old porn rags while a weathered, salt-crusted cord bound the card from top to bottom.  “Wait...what’re you doing,” he asked when Chris lit a piece of charcoal in a small, cast iron cauldron.  

The smaller man shrugged, his tone more casual than Kyle felt was appropriate considering the circumstances.  “Here’s the question: do I burn this and leave you as you are, or do I unbind the cord and put you back to normal since you brought my watch back?”  He hovered the card precariously above the cauldron before setting it back down on the counter with a sudden grin.  “Here’s an idea...how about you pick?”  Chris started undressing as he asked, peeling out of his tight undershirt and shucking his shorts and briefs until his wiry muscle was as exposed as Kyle.  He ran a hand slowly down his firm abs while the bigger man watched, hefting the surprisingly large, girthy package between his toned thighs.  “So what’ll it be,” he purred, sliding around behind Kyle to paw at the juicy mounds.  

“I...I don’t knoooOOOHHHHH!”  Kyle screamed when Chris parted the gravity defying pumpkins and began licking around his eager hole, bathing the deep canyon with his warm, firm tongue.  His knees buckled and he sagged against the counter for support, unable to do anything but moan at the oral onslaught.  Salvation or damnation were only inches away on the counter, he just didn’t know which was which.  A part of him knew he should undo the cord and go back to his old life, that this wasn’t something he ever should have wanted, but that would have meant denying the ecstasy he was feeling.  Unwanted or not, the mindblowing waves of bliss he’d been experiencing all day were real and addicting.  The sheer, distilled pleasure was like a numbing narcotic, drowning out the shame and embarrassment of his obscenely huge rear always being on display.  He thought of that even as Chris plunged inside, picturing a future that involved his hairy cheeks never being fully covered and always being open to any man that wanted a crack at them.  Instead of a supple, chesty ginger writhing on the end of his arrogant cock, Kyle knew he’d be the one whimpering and groaning like a lustful beast as he took man after man.  

On a mental level he knew he should deny it, but with Chris pumping away behind him his body was the one in control.  He’d only been experiencing this newly discovered joy for less than a day, but already he couldn’t imagine living without it.  If that meant mammoth, clapping cakes for the world to see, it was a price he’d willingly pay.  “Fu..fuuuuuuuuuck…..” Kyle whimpered, grabbing the card and tossing it into the cauldron.  The muscled brunette gasped as it went up like tissue paper, a wave of dizziness washing over him.  As the vertigo passed it took the fear and dread with it, leaving nothing but a giddy, eager lust in its wake.  

“Good...good choice…” Chris panted, slowing his pace to a series of long, deep thrusts.  His hands had slid up under Kyle’s shirt and were stroking through the wiry hairs on the larger man’s solid pecs as he bucked his hips.  

“Wha...what’re you...taaaAAAHHH...talking about…” Kyle gasped, popping his bottom in time with Chris’s thrusting.  His whimpers were increasing in pitch, his ample muscle tensing and thrashing as he neared the edge.  “Fuuuuuuuck yes...this is sooOOOAAHHHooohhh guuhhnn...so good...you’re gonna maaaaiiieeee...make me...cu...cuuUUUHHHHNNNNN!”  Kyle let loose a shrieking howl as he came, his untouched rod spraying like a hose.  For a fleeting moment he felt like he was forgetting something important but it passed quickly, replaced by the sensation of Chris’s bulbous cock erupting inside him.  He sighed and squeezed, milking out every last drop from the other man as he leaned forward against the counter to catch his breath.  “What was that...you were...saying,” he asked, out of breath.  

Chris just smiled as he pulled out and clapped Kyle’s colossal, dripping cheeks together.  “Nothing important,” he said, watching the last wisps of smoke disappear out of the cauldron.  


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