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Wrong Number: Cheaters Never Win

  • A vain model shrinks disproportionately, becoming short and apelike. 17
  • A lean graduate assistant beefs up and grows older, losing intelligence in the process. 25
  • An arrogant personal trainer gains weight, becoming a sweaty, smelly pig. 11
  • A rugged, sleazy mechanic sprouts a pair of large, sensitive breasts. 17
  • 2019-05-27
  • —2019-05-30
  • 70 votes
{'title': 'Wrong Number: Cheaters Never Win', 'choices': [{'text': 'A vain model shrinks disproportionately, becoming short and apelike. ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'A lean graduate assistant beefs up and grows older, losing intelligence in the process. ', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'An arrogant personal trainer gains weight, becoming a sweaty, smelly pig. ', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'A rugged, sleazy mechanic sprouts a pair of large, sensitive breasts. ', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 30, 0, 37, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 27, 0, 38, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 70}


“You’re really takin’ that shit?”  

“Of course,” Cody scoffed, raising an eyebrow as he flexed a bicep the size of a small cantaloupe.  “Look at me, bro.”  The smug jock gestured down to his sculpted pecs and washboard stomach, his boy-next-door face beaming with pride.  The young man’s towel-clad body was a work of art, covered in ample, defined muscle with a solid bubble and impressive bulge straining against the thin, damp cotton.  It was a physique born of hard work, dedication, and some less-than-official performance enhancers.  At twenty one it was easy enough for Cody to maintain his athletic build, but the handsome brunette didn’t just want to be in shape, he wanted to be the best.  He wanted the biggest arms, the most home runs, and to get the most tail on the team.  So far, he was well on his way to reaching those goals.  “Fuck wouldn’t I?”  

“Because it could get your ass kicked out if anyone ever found out?  How are you even…” Shawn started to ask how Cody was passing his drug screens, but thought better of it. “Nevermind, the less I know the better.  Aren’t you worried about your health, though?  Shit makes your dick shrink.”  

Cody smirked and dropped his towel, his thick, seven inch hose and heavy balls speaking for themselves.  “You speaking from experience?” he laughed, nodding over at his friend’s average endowment and shrugging his broad shoulders.  “If it does, it does.  I’ve got it to spare.”  

“Hope you still feel that way when your pencil dick stops working,” Shawn sighed.  The beefy jock rummaged through his locker and pulled on a fresh pair of boxer briefs, the grey cotton stretched tight around his thick frame.  He was every bit as muscular as his smug friend but not as cut, leaving him looking stocky and burly next to the shredded adonis.  “Doesn’t matter how big they are...you can’t fuck a chick with your biceps.”  

Cody winked and blew a kiss at Shawn as the other man pulled his shorts and t-shirt on, stepping over to rub his dangling package against his friend’s sturdy thigh.  “You ever wanna find out if everything’s still working or not, you just let me know.”  

“Fuck off,” Shawn laughed, shoving the naked young jock away.  “You never shut up about how much pussy you get...I’m sure the outcry from all the disappointed women will let everyone know.”  

Cody pulled on a pair of small red briefs and ran a hand through his wavy, mahogany locks.  “Hey now...doesn’t matter what size, satisfaction is guaranteed,” he said, hefting his bulge proudly.  

Shawn’s thick arm shot out, giving the heavy lump a quick swat that caused Cody to whimper and dance out of the way.  “Whatever you say, stud.”  

“Jealousy’s not a good look, dude,” Cody called after Shawn, rubbing his stinging balls as his friend grabbed his bag and walked away.  “Fucker needs to get laid,” he muttered to himself.  Cody understood Shawn’s concerns, but he was being careful.  He was using just enough to give himself an edge, not turn into some ‘roided out meathead who could barely move.  And everyone knew the guys in the majors did the same thing, Cody told himself.  

He turned back to his locker to finish getting dressed and saw his phone light up with an incoming text. 

“Since you’ve got it to spare,” it read.

“The hell…” Cody muttered under his breath, not recognizing the number or understanding the ominous message.  He started to respond, but the underwear clad jock nearly dropped his phone when a sudden tingling filled his briefs.  It passed as quickly as it came, leaving Cody to blink in confusion at a pouch that looked less full than it should.  He pulled the small underwear down, his eyes going wide and his stomach dropping at the sight of his girthy equipment.  It was hard to tell soft, but Cody was sure it was smaller than it should be.  Without thinking he grabbed it and tugged, the eager member springing to life in his trembling hand.  “That...what just...that can’t be…” he mumbled as the rigid organ failed to fill his grasp as much as it should.  The bulbous head didn’t stick out of his fist as far as it should have either, appearing to have lost at least an inch in length.  

Cody turned bright red when he saw the people watching him out of the corner of his eye.  In his panic he’d forgotten that he was still standing in the middle of a crowded locker room, the star baseball player appearing to jerk off in front of everyone.  He tugged his briefs back up and frantically slipped his clothes on before hurrying out, his bag slung in front of his tented shorts.  “Who the fuck is this,” Cody texted back.  The young jock’s mind was racing, trying to wrap itself around the impossibility of what just happened.  There was no way the timing of the ominous message had been a coincidence.  Had someone been listening to him and Shawn?  Was this somehow his friend messing with him?  

“It was nice of you to give everyone a final glimpse,” the next message read, followed by another bout of tingling in his shorts.  Cody gasped and took off at a sprint, his agile, muscled legs carrying him across campus to his dorm in record time.  The panting, panicked man barreled through the busy halls, knocking several of his neighbors aside in his desperate flight.  

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” he stammered, slamming the shoor shut behind him as his shaking fingers fumbled with the button of his shorts.  He tore them and his briefs off in one motion, collapsing onto his bed with a moan at the thin, meager package that greeted him.  It looked smaller than the average member he’d just seen hanging between Shawn’s legs, a shadow of the thick, proud beast it should have been.  Any hopes Cody had that the unimpressive cock would inflate to its old size were quickly dashed when he tugged, wincing, on the still-eager organ and watched it harden to a mere four inches.  

The phone rang as soon as his diminished poker reached its zenith.  “Who are you,” Cody barked, his fury building at the quiet chuckle on the other end.  

“Always the same.  Everyone starts with the who, not the how or the why.”  It was a man’s voice, smooth and emotionless and entirely unfamiliar to the terrified young baseball star.  “I wouldn’t answer those, either, they just feel more important, don’t you think?”  

Cody blinked down at his small little club and the shrunken balls underneath, his fear the only thing keeping his rage in check.  “How are you even doing this?”  

“I’m impressed that you skipped past all the denial I usually have to deal with,” the man said, ignoring the question.  “Usually I’m three or four messages in before they put together what’s happening.  But you picked it up right away.  Let’s skip the “what do you want” and “why are you doing this” while we’re at it.”  

Cody’s eyes were still locked on his shrunken package as he listened.  The short trail of hair that ran down his abs and terminated as a trimmed bush at the base of his cock seemed like a jungle obscuring the majority of what remained of his former trunk.  “What...what happens now…” he asked.  

“Another smart question,” the man said, a slight hint of approval creeping into his voice.  “You’ve got a brain inside that pretty head of yours.  Not a dumb jock like some of your contemporaries.”  

Cody was confused when the call abruptly ended, a string of photos suddenly landing in his messages.  When he opened the first and saw what looked like a beefy football player in gym shorts and a t-shirt he didn’t know what he was supposed to think.  As he scrolled through the increasingly warped photos, the message became crystal clear.  What started as a burly young man in what appeared to be a strip club ended in a naked, curvy caricature.  As incredible as it seemed, there was no denying the familiar features on the grinning, doe-eyed young man with the oversized pecs, tiny waist, and mammoth rear.  Cody would have convinced himself it was all photoshop until a video came through that showed the disproportionate stud stripping and dancing for what looked like a college basketball team before the tall, dark skinned young jocks put the altered stranger’s clapping cheeks to use.  He was too stunned to say anything when the video ended and he answered his phone.  

“Looks like fun, right?”  

“You...you did that to him,” Cody croaked.  

“And the Athletic Director, but you get the idea.”  

“Is...that what you’re going to do to me…” As terrified as he was by the changes to his body, the dull, giddy smile on the man’s face as he’d been fucked senseless in the video was truly horrifying.  Cody knew he wasn’t the smartest guy in the room, but he certainly didn’t want to end up as the dumbest.  

“Do you want me to?”  

“No!  Please!  I don’t…”  

“Then open your door.”  

“Wha...what?”  It wasn’t the response Cody had been expecting, but it was an easy enough command.  

“I didn’t say to get dressed.  I said to open the door.”  

Cody froze, mid-bend as he reached for his briefs.  “How did you…” he started, looking around for some clue as to how the stranger was watching him.  

“Why the hesitation?  You’ve never had a problem with people looking at your body before.  Ashamed of this?”

Cody gasped when the tingling hit and he watched his cock dwindle further, shrinking to a comical three inches.  He darted from the bed and threw the door open, getting several surprised looks from passing guys as the pantsless stud startled them.  Cody’s tight t-shirt stopped just above his trim waist, doing nothing to cover his missing size.  He blushed and turned away, hating the smirking expressions he saw when the other guys looked at his bare lower half.  The stranger had been right in that Cody usually lounged in his stuffed briefs with the door open, lording his chemically enhanced body over the rest of his neighbors.  Now, the idea wasn’t nearly as appealing.  

“There...I just flashed the entire floor.  Is that what you wanted?  If you embarrass me enough do I get my dick back?”

“The real question will be whether or not you want it back.”  

“What’s that supposed to meaaAAHHHH…!”  Cody yelped and went up on his toes when it felt like a live wire had been inserted into his tight, perky bubble.  The stunned jock’s tiny cock throbbed as he staggered forward and fell onto his bed, squirming and writhing against the unseen current.  The sensation wasn’t painful, only overwhelming in the way it lit up every pleasure center in Cody’s muscled frame.  “What...the fuuuhh...fuck are you...doingguuhh…” he grunted.  “Ma...make it...stop…” The writhing jock was dimly aware that he was face down on his bed, groaning and wagging his tight, dimpled ass in the air with the door wide open, but there was nothing he could do about it.  

“Only you can make it stop...with some help.  Here, I’ll give you a boost.”  

Cody gasped when he felt the tingling kick in once more, this time centered on his aching rear.  He reached back with his free hand just in time to feel the muscle shift and shudder and expand against his groping palm.  “Oh god...did it just...get bigger…”

“You never leave anyone unsatisfied, right?  Hard to do with that little thing, so you’ll need to learn how to use something else.”  

Cody was horrified at the thought of his tight, solid rear ending up like the stranger in the video, but already he was growing to love the electric sensations coursing through him.  “No...how do I stop it…” 

“Find someone to satisfy,” the man said and hung up.  

Cody groaned and gritted his teeth, trying to force himself upright.  Through the constant, shooting darts of pleasure he could feel the dull tingling hovering at his rear, a mounting pressure that chilled his blood even as it made his shrunken cock ooze.  He was wild eyed and desperate, the fear and humiliation he felt paling in comparison to his burning need.  Even without the added incentive of a changing body Cody would have eagerly thrown himself at anyone willing to help.  

If he could just make it to his feet.  The whimpering stud’s legs were like jelly, his knees giving out without warning when a sudden surge of bliss would rocket up his spine.  With each staggering movement he could feel the increasing weight of his inflating cheeks shifting and bouncing.  He couldn’t get a good look, but based on feel alone his formerly perky bubble had already packed on noticeable size.  Just as Cody’s head was filling with nightmare visions of himself stuck to the bed, pinned down by an ass the size of a small house, he heard a familiar voice from the open door.  

“Uhh...what the fuck are you doing, dude,” Shawn laughed.  

“Shawn!  Oh god...dude...this guy started calling me and he...my fuckin’ dick shrank, man!  He’s doin’ it somehow and now he waaauuuhh...wants me to...my ass is gettin’ bigguuuhh...guuuhh…” Cody’s frantic stammers gave way to wordless moans as he looked back at Shawn’s brawny frame filling the door.  His eyes immediately went to the front of his friend’s shorts, filling him with a hunger like he’d never felt before.  

“Whoa...whoa...easy, dude,” Shawn said as he came over and sat on the edge of the bed as if his friend was merely drunk, not naked from the waist down and presenting his eager hole to everyone who passed.  “Damn,” he whistled, giving Cody’s inflated cheeks a slap that caused the excess new flesh to ripple and shake, “these things did get bigger.”  He laughed at his friend’s whimper as he manhandled Cody onto his back, swallowing the small, oozing cock and tiny balls in his meaty fist.  “Told you it’d shrink.”  The star athlete’s eyes widened, more from the sensation of his little package being worked than anything Shawn said.  He could barely process the other man’s words through the deafening lust.  “So you, what?  Want me to fuck you?  I dunno, man.  I just came over because I started getting texts that you were acting weird.  That might be a little TOO weird for me, though.”  

Cody clutched Shawn’s thigh, his fingers digging into the chestnut hair coating the sturdy legs as he glared up with pleading eyes.  “Pl...please…” he hissed.  

Shawn grinned and rolled Cody back over, palming each of the inflating globes and giving them a rough shake that caused the prone man to shudder.  The tight, solid rear Shawn had just seen in the locker room was already twice the size and quick to set in supple motion.  He sighed as he watched the cheeks continue to spread outwards, packing on size at a slow, inexorable pace.  “I guess it’d be a dick move to leave you like this,” he shrugged.  “You sure?”  

Cody only nodded, forcing his hips up off the bed as Shawn undid his shorts and fished a rapidly hardening cock free.  The rod that Cody had written off as simply average before was like a glowing beacon, an antidote for the burning venom coursing through him.  The sensation of his enlarged ass being clapped together had also jarred some of his fear back to the surface, and Cody knew he needed to get Shawn off before it was too late.  Bits and pieces of what his friend had said were starting to connect in a way that Cody didn’t like, but the desperate man had no choice.  He grunted and climbed to his knees just in time for Shawn to line himself up.  His stocky teammate’s laugh was the first thing Cody noticed when his spinning head cleared moments later.  The second was Shawn’s rough palm clamped over his mouth.  

“Didn’t figure you...for...a...screamer…” Shawn grunted, rolling his hips to thrust his stout cock deep between the shaking cheeks.  “Don’t want the...neighbors...to complain…” the beefy man laughed.  

Cody could only grunt and writhe, driven beyond speech and reason.  It didn’t matter that the door to his room was still open, giving everyone who looked a view of the cocky jock being topped by another man.  All that mattered was satisfying Shawn and putting an end to the nightmarish bliss rocking his muscled body.  Normally the one doing the thrusting, the howling stud wasn’t used to the way his pecs and shoulders bounced as Shawn slammed into his pillowy cheeks, and the sensation of the inflated globes shaking and jiggling wildly sent Cody into high gear.  The impaled jock started popping his hips in rapidfire succession, twerking and slamming his fleshy mounds against Shawn’s firm abdomen.  

Their dual moans told Cody he was on the right track and he varied his pace, swiveling his hips and falling into rhythm with Shawn while he tried to ignore the feeling of his small little nub throbbing uselessly between his flexing thighs.  His head was full of visions of himself waddling around a field, his pumpkin cheeks spilling out of his tight baseball pants.  He saw himself in the locker room, a jockstrap accentuating his oversized rear while the pouch flopped empty around his tiny package.  He grunted at the thought, not out of fear, but out of excitement for what his teammates could do to him.  

Cody’s sudden burst of frantic twerking pushed Shawn over the edge.  The thick jock grabbed his friend’s tight waist and plunged in deep, unleashing a huge load that made his friend spasm.  As soon as the warm liquid hit his insides, Cody felt the tingling stop.  He still had his meager nub and massive, oversized rear, but the changes seemed to have reached their peak.  Physically, at least.  Internally, all the panting, sweaty jock could think about was how soon he could experience it again, squeezing Shawn’s softening rod to work out every last drop.  

“Holy shit, bud,” Shawn laughed breathlessly, tracing his hands down Cody’s tapering back until it exploded outwards again at the huge new cheeks that would steal the attention away from his friend’s piston arms.  He had no idea how Cody was going to fit into his pants, but he couldn’t wait to watch the other man try.  After so many semesters of smug, condescending arrogance, Shawn was thrilled at the prospect of Cody trying to lug his twerk-queen ass around a field.  It was even better knowing that all his friend would be thinking about was which of the players, either on his team or not, would be the first to take a crack at it after the game.  “You weren’t kidding…you really don’t leave anyone unsatisfied.”  



Those are pretty dark options...