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It had all seemed so great at first.  When Todd walked into that photobooth and woke up the next day in his hulking new body it had been like a dream come true.  He’d thought the picture was a mistake.  As soon as the shutters stopped and the dripping paper dropped out of the slot he thought there was no way the imposing figure filling the entire frame could ever be him.  He was fit, with a tight, lean athletic build, but it was nothing like the wide, lumpy beast in the photo.  He was only 5’8”, but that man’s head nearly hit the ceiling.  He only weighed a hundred and fifty pounds, but that man had an upper back and shoulders so broad he could barely fit in the booth.  

And that didn’t even factor in the rest of his appearance.  Todd wore fitted jeans and tight t-shirts, not loose, draping muscle shirts that left him more on display than covered, and not baggy mesh shorts showing the outline of a massive cock thicker and longer than should have been possible.  He had a full head of thick, chestnut hair, not a short mohawk with shaved sides.  He didn’t have a ring piercing his septum and, as he would discover later, he didn’t have a brand in the shape of a bull on the side of his now-mammoth ass.  

He’d simply thought there’d been a glitch, that he’d ended up with someone else’s photo, until he woke up the next morning, barely fitting in his bed.  He’d kicked most of the sheets off during the night, leaving only one trunk-like leg and his solid club of a cock covered.  The rush of power was immediate and overwhelming.  Todd was confused, but flexing his melon biceps and running his hands over the meaty new slab of his chest, he couldn’t think of many reasons to complain.  Even when he looked around at an unfamiliar dorm, he was too busy stroking his thick, ten inch rod and tugging on his inflated, grapefruit balls to worry.  Of course there were piles of filthy sportswear on the ground, nothing else fit, and of course he had his own room.  He was a star on the football team; he got whatever he wanted.  

Todd knew that wasn’t right even as he thought it, but that didn’t stop the rush of new memories.  He saw himself at practice, tearing across the field and slamming his two hundred and eighty pound frame into his teammates.  He saw himself strutting around the locker room, lording his 6’5” height and ridiculous endowment over the other guys.  They all laughed and looked up to him, making way whenever he threw his weight around.  

It was an odd experience.  Todd hadn’t been shy before, but he wasn’t used to his confident new swagger.  After jerking off that first time, his churning balls spraying like a hose, he’d casually grabbed a towel and lumbered naked down the hall to the showers.  The small cotton sheet wasn’t big enough to come anywhere near covering him, so he didn’t even bother.  He let his swaying beast dangle proudly for the crowded hall to see, the brand on the side of his shifting cheeks a sign of his status.  Like the new memories of the locker room, Todd got a rush from the way the other guys looked up at him, from how small they all were compared to him.  He felt like a god among men.  

The feeling didn’t last.  What was fun in the dorm and the locker room was a bit more complicated when he was out in public.  Todd quickly discovered that even his XXL briefs were uncomfortably constricting, wedging between his large, solid globes and thrusting his heavy bull balls and girthy package forward.  Jeans were out of the question given the size of his granite quads, but his baggy shorts and loose sweats all had an embarrassingly obvious bulge in the front.  He’d hoped he could cover it with a shirt, but none of his baggy tops draped far enough down his wide, towering frame to be much help.  Everything was sleeveless, his burly arms being just as difficult to contain as his powerful legs, and the thin straps, scooping necks and open sides left his solid, nubby nipples hanging on display.  Even with his sudden swagger, the old Todd couldn’t fight a rush of embarrassment at his forced exposure.  He may technically have been covered, but there was nothing left to the imagination.  

He didn’t get the reaction he’d always imagined big guys got, either.  In his mind, Todd always thought hulking, muscled guys had the pick of the litter, but lumbering across campus he found more girls looking away from him than checking him out.  He caught a few eyeing his muscle, only to take one look at the huge lump in his shorts and look away.  More often than not it was other guys Todd caught staring, some out of envy, some clearly out of something else altogether.  

The altered man started to think it was for the best, a growing fear that he’d break the kinds of lithe young women he’d normally go for.  The whole world was suddenly too small.  He was bumping into people constantly in the tight hallways and had to wait for even the widest of doorways to be clear of people before he could pass through.  Where he’d once been nimble and quick, Todd felt like he was walking underwater with his extra size, having to fight for space in a world that was increasingly claustrophobic.  He didn’t fit in most desks or lecture hall seats, and his books and supplies felt like small children’s toys in his meaty paws.  

It was a constant frustration, causing the already arrogant Todd to snap and bark at people without warning.  With his good looks, fit build and natural smarts he’d always been a bit of an arrogant bully, but now the slightest inconvenience set his temper off, giving him a brutish attitude to go with his brutish appearance.  What had seemed like a dream come true was quickly turning into a nightmare.  More than just his temper and personality, his whole brain seemed to have been affected.  He’d always taken the ease with which he learned things for granted, not realizing how good he had it until that ease was gone.  Classes that should have been a breeze were now confusing and boring.  Even reading simple sentences had become difficult as the words all blurred into a dyslexic jumble.  He had to focus as hard as he could just to barely keep up, a task that was nearly impossible due to the incessant distractions of his demanding new body.  

He was perpetually horny.  His oversized club was semi-hard all the time, constantly leaking a steady trickle of cum.  Todd would try and pay attention, but his eyes would inevitably land on a handsome classmate.  Instead of listening to the lecture he’d start imagining the other man riding him like a bucking bronco, and before he knew it he’d either be in the bathroom jerking off or in an empty classroom getting blown by a guy lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his rigid tent on his way out of class.  It was humiliating.  His new size and muscle weren’t a gift, they were a prison.  People didn’t look up at him out of admiration, but out of fear.  Their smiles weren’t friendly, they were scared and intimidated.  The guys in the locker room let him act like an ass because he was bigger than three of them combined, not because they were all having fun.  They weren’t his friends and he wasn’t confident and swaggering; he was just too stupid to know better.  He was a horny bull that needed milking constantly, barrelling his way through a world that had become a china shop.  

He hoped Mike could help him.  With all of the confusion from his merged memories he’d almost forgotten about his friend entirely in the days since waking up to his new life.  Todd had been staring at the photo that set all of this in motion when he’d finally noticed the barely visible figure standing behind him.  His brawny new frame covered most of his friend, but as soon as he saw Mike’s toned arm and the side of the other man’s face the memories fought their way back.  

They’d been out together on the boardwalk that night.  He’d been annoyed because he would have been out getting laid if he hadn’t been ghosted by the stacked blonde from his morning physics class, and he was taking it out on Mike.  They’d been friends since high school but Todd viewed the other man as his sidekick, always so easy to push around and do whatever he was told.  Though they’d been on the same teams and got the same grades and were just as handsome as each other, Mike always caved to Todd’s bullying.  The altered man had started to suspect it was because his friend may have been harboring a crush, but that just made it easier to get his way.  Then they’d gone into the photobooth and everything changed.  

He’d texted Mike as soon as he remembered, asking his friend if he knew of anything strange about that night.  To his surprise, Mike didn’t respond.  It made him furious.  He was a terror at practice and during the team’s workout that afternoon, letting his grunting, stomping new self out in full.  At first the looks of fear on everyone’s faces made him feel powerful.  Then they just made him feel lonely.  Lounging naked in his dorm, absently toying with his massive, eager rod instead of trying to study, he’d nearly burst into relieved tears when his friend finally messaged him back.  

Todd was too relieved to be embarrassed by the number of attempts it took him to fully read the string of messages.  Mike did remember that night and how the world had been, but like Todd, he also had memories of his friend’s enlarged existence.  Mike had asked around about the burly bull of a man Todd had become, but it was quickly apparent that they were the only two who remembered anything being different.  It wasn’t much, but knowing that someone else out there remembered the way he should have been was a lifeline for Todd.  

Mike wasn’t as relieved.  The fit young man was hurt that his friend had forgotten him, thinking Todd was simply too busy taking advantage of his new status and stature to make sure he was okay.  The flustered giant had tried to explain himself, but words that once came easily now struggled to form at all.  His stout fingers could barely manage to spell the simplest of words, but he was able to get across, in halting, garbled phrases, that he was on his way over.  Todd was in such a rush that he burst out of his room without getting dressed, startling a group of guys down the hall when the mohawked, naked bull exploded through the doorway with a semi-hard forearm between his legs.  He hurried back in, throwing on the first pair of shorts he saw and nothing else, and stampeded across campus to Mike’s room.  

Todd’s heart raced as he stood outside the small door.  It was nerves, not exertion, that had his blood pumping.  His powerful new body could have run across campus and back six more times before he wore out.  He may have been confused in class, but physical activity was a language he understood better than anyone now.  It was what came next, a situation that he couldn’t power through, that scared him.

“To...Todd?” Mike gasped, his eyes going wide as he looked up at his friend filling the doorway.  

“Uh, hey,” Todd grunted awkwardly, his old self marveling at the way he towered over the other man.  Instead of looking his shirtless friend in the eye he stood a whole head taller, and the lean young blonde could have fit comfortably inside him with room to spare.  

“Christ, man...these new memories are one thing, but seeing you in person like this is...whoa…” Mike laughed, stepping aside to let the big man lumber in.  “I like the hair.  Nose ring might be a bit much.”  

Todd blushed as he ran a hand across the shaved side of his head and toyed with the small hoop dangling from his septum.  “Gets attention,” he shrugged.  

Mike sighed, taking a deep breath as he looked Todd’s bare torso up and down compared to his own.  The protruding mounds of his friend’s chest were absolutely massive above his ripped muscle-gut, and Todd’s new arms were bigger than his thighs.  “It’s certainly on-brand for The Bull.”  

“Dude, so’s this,” Todd chuckled, tugging down the back of his shorts to show off the brand on the side of his ample bottom.  

Mike tried not to stare as he nodded at the dangling monster bouncing against the front of Todd’s shorts.  “Same with, uh, that,” he stammered.  

“Don’t fuckin’ remind me, man,” Todd whined, seeming to forget about his exposed rear.  “This shit ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.”  

Mike was equally thrown by his friend’s deep, booming new voice and the way he used it.  Normally eloquent, the smaller blonde wasn’t used to his friend grunting in short bursts.  “So what happened?  One minute you’re like this,” Mike said, motioning down to his trim frame.  “And the next your like...that?”  He reached out and put a tentative hand on a bulging pec, as if to make sure it was real.  

“I think it was that photo booth.  Remember that weird ass picture we got?  It was me!  Like this!” Todd barked, not pulling away from Mike’s probing hand.  “I went to bed a normal guy and woke up a fuckin’ meathead.”  

“I don’t wanna freak you out man, but I thought the same thing and went back to check out that booth.  It’s not there anymore.  No one I asked even remembered it ever being there.”  

“WHAT?!  FUCK!  WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO…” Todd caught himself when Mike recoiled and pulled his hand away, wincing as the big man roared.  “Awww, hell, dude,” he sighed.  “Sorry.  I can’t...my temper’s a fuckin’ hair trigger anymore!  I’m not gonna hurt you.  I’m not gonna hurt anyone!  But everyone’s afraid of me.  This sucks,” he grumbled, his broad shoulders sagging as he stared at his giant, calloused hands.  “I’m just so frustrated all the time!  Everything’s so small and everyone talks so fast and I’m so fuckin’ horny!  Chicks won’t even look at me and the dudes who blow me just wanna brag that they ‘milked the bull.’  That’s what they call it. I heard one of ‘em say it to their friend like I was too stupid to understand.”  The lumbering stud turned and dropped down onto Mike’s bed, the twin frame bending under his weight.  “I’m not stupid!  I just don’t read so good anymore...”  

Mike felt like he had whiplash.  He’d fully intended to stay angry at Todd, but watching his towering friend sulk tested his resolve.  The big man didn’t seem to remember their conversation after the photo was taken, when Mike had finally fessed up to his feelings for him.  Todd had been as smug and condescending as he always was, making a joke about Mike finally giving up because he got all the girls.  It was a total brush off, and enough to make him wonder why they were friends in the first place.  Before he could pursue it, they’d both woken up in a new world.    Now, looking at the pouting muscle god on his bed, Mike had a chance.  It was a known secret that the Bull would rather be milked by his bros than any of the girls on campus, and it wasn’t as if anyone was going to give the walking mountain a hard time about it.  

Mike didn’t know how aware Todd was of the shift.  His friend had been an insatiable ladies man before, so he thought Todd should have been more upset at his reduced interest in the opposite sex, but Mike also didn’t know how much mental energy the brawny colossus had to spare on such concerns.  It suited him just fine.  He’d been attracted to Todd before, but now his friend radiated a raw lust that was irresistible.  The other man’s muscled body dripped with barely restrained potential, a kinetic explosion just waiting to be released on the field or in a bed.  And, as a young gay man, Mike knew there were other advantages to having a wall of intimidating muscle looking out for him.  New or old, Todd might not be ideal boyfriend material, but Mike could make it work.  

“Hey, it’s alright,” the smaller man said as he wedged himself next to Todd on the small bed.  He reached up and gently rubbed the coiled muscle between the big man’s shoulder blades, leaning into the wall of muscle from the dip in the mattress.  “I know you didn’t do this to yourself on purpose.”

“How do we fix it,” Todd asked, relaxing against Mike’s soft hand.  He could feel his cock twitching already, his body’s natural reflexes taking over.  

“I don’t know if we can,” Mike said softly.

“But...that means I’m stuck like this?!  I DON’T WANNA…” 

“Hey...hey...easy,” Mike said, putting a hand on Todd’s chest to prevent another outburst.  He rubbed between the solid pecs, watching his friend’s huge cock harden out the bottom of his shorts.  “We’ll get through it, alright?  It’s not all that bad,” he said in his best soothing tone.  “You’ll get used to that size eventually.  I know it’s rough now, but you’re already learning to catch your temper, right?”  Mike’s hand slid down to rub Todd’s solid stomach while the other man’s eyes closed contentedly.  “I can tutor you in your classes, so you don’t need to worry about that.  And if you want me to, I can even help you out with this,” Mike purred, reaching down to stroke the leaking head sticking out of Todd’s shorts.  The big man groaned and squirmed, turning to lock eyes with his friend.  

“You’d do that for me?” Todd asked, sounding genuinely surprised.  

“Of course, dude.  I’ll…” 

Mike was cut off when Todd wrapped a meaty arm around him and pulled him close.  “And I’ll look out for you,” he said, his serious tone matching his stern expression.  “No one fucks with my friends,” the big man barked to the empty room.  

Mike couldn’t resist.  Pressed against Todd’s thick chest like he was, his face was inches from the other man’s solid nipple.  He gave it a lick, half expecting Todd to shove him away, but the beefy giant only held him tighter.  Encouraged, Mike went at his friend’s slab of a chest in earnest, reaching down to pick up where he’d left off with the aching rod.  Todd’s rough hand stroked his back while the muscled brute squirmed, his deep groans causing his chest to rumble against Mike’s lips.  He froze a few moments later, original fear surging back when Todd abruptly shoved him away and stood,.  

“Fuckin’ dumb shorts…” the lumbering man grumbled, tearing out of the pointless garment.  Before he could finish breathing a sigh of relief Mike found himself being stripped down as well, his own gym shorts and briefs being literally torn free as Todd shoved him flat on the bed.  The young blonde’s stout rod shot to attention at the display of power, the throbbing six inches looking tiny compared to Todd’s behemoth.  

Mike cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow as he stared at his friend’s oozing monster bobbing in front of him as he sat back up.  “There are people who could actually get that thing in their mouth?”  

The big man grinned bashfully and shrugged.  “Nah...they just kinda licked it.  Doesn’t take muuuuhhhh….” he groaned when Mike darted forward and grabbed the aching club.  The smaller man licked around the underside while he stroked, unable to close his hand fully around his friend’s thick organ.  It only took a few moments of pumping and licking before Todd blew, erupting all over Mike’s chest and face like a geyser.  

“I can see why they call it milking,” the sticky man laughed, wiping the dripping layer from his face.  

“Sorry...it happens quick…I’ll be good again in a few minutes.” 

“I don’t mind,” Mike said, looking down at his own aching member.  “I can think of some ways to pass the time…” 

The big man surprised them both when he grinned and dropped to his knees, burying his face between Mike’s toned thighs.  The lean blonde whimpered at the sensation of Todd’s lantern, stubble-covered jaw scratching at his balls while his friend swallowed him to the hilt.  He could feel Todd’s nose ring rubbing around in his trimmed bush as the kneeling brute snorted and grunted.  

“Holy...holy shit…” Mike panted, gently guiding Todd’s head away.  “You’re really, really good at that…” 

Todd’s beaming smile was proud.  The altered man felt like he should be embarrassed about what he was doing, but his new brain didn’t work that way.  This was just another physical activity, like running across a field or catching a ball.  And he was good at all things physical.  “Damn right,” he grunted.  

“So, uh, here’s the thing,” Mike said, stroking the side of Todd’s mohawk.  “I might be able to take that monster some day, but right now I’m pretty sure you’d rip me in half.”  

Todd looked down at his twitching baseball bat, pouting.  “No one can,” he sighed.  

“But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t…” Mike trailed off, nodding over at the bed next to him.  

“Couldn’t wha….oh!  Uh…” Todd’s face went bright red, betrayed by his jumping cock.  “I mean...yeah, I guess we could,” he grinned.  “Gonna be a rodeo,” he warned.

“I’ll try and hold on,” Mike laughed as his friend crawled up onto the bed, afraid it would break under their combined weight.  It sagged in the middle, making him fall against Todd’s expansive, solid globes as he lined himself up.  The burly man was trembling with anticipation, arching his back and shaking his kneeling frame like a dog.  “Someone’s excited,” the smaller man purred.  He was talking about himself as well as his friend.  He’d fantasized about getting a crack at Todd plenty of times before, but never quite like this.  The sight of his buddy turned muscle god presenting his eager hole almost pushed him over by itself.  

“Fuck yeah man,” Todd barked, as if he was about to take the field.  “I’m pumped!  Fuckin’ give it to meeeeuuuuhhhhOOOHHHH!”  

Mike actually was worried that he wouldn’t be able to hold on when Todd started thrashing.  As soon as he’d worked himself inside the raging bull exploded with all the kinetic potential lurking beneath the surface.  His ample muscles flexed as he bucked and spasmed, slamming the bed into the wall and up off the ground.  Mike knew the entire floor could hear them fucking, but at the moment he couldn’t care less, cementing Todd’s reputation as a bull that could be ridden as well as milked.  

“Don’t...don’t stop…” Todd begged  “Do it..harder...HARDER…”  The altered man wasn’t bothered in the least by the sound of his bellowing moans.  He didn’t care that he was being fucked by a man and broadcasting it with his ecstatic roaring.  He just wanted it to keep going.  

“I’m...doing it...as...hard as I...can…” Mike hissed, a sheen of sweat breaking out over his tight frame.  His perky bubble shook as he slammed like a rapid jackhammer, a low moan escaping as the pressure grew and grew.  “Oh fuck..oh fuck...I’m gonna cum...I’mmmmuuuuUUUHHHH!”  His fingers clutching Todd’s firm waist, Mike sprayed into the writhing beast.  

“YYYuuuUUUEEEESSSSS….YESSSSS...FFUUUUCCCKKK YES,” Todd roared, slamming his fists against the mattress at the feeling of Mike spurting against his insides.  He was acting like his friend had just scored a touchdown, not pumped him full of cum.  “St...stay in there bro…” Todd sighed, rapidly tugging on his leaking, swaying club while Mike softened inside him.  He came seconds later, his heavy balls unleashing like it was the first time.  

The two slumped forward, Mike feeling small draped over Todd’s back as the big man took up the entirety of the mattress.  They caught their breath in silence while the winded blonde kissed at his friend’s thick neck.  “I think this’ll work out just fine” the smaller man laughed, nibbling on Todd’s ear.  “I think that photo booth did us both a favor.  Todd?  Dude?”  

Mike just laughed and nestled against his friend’s expanse of muscle when he heard Todd’s loud snore.  They could figure out the rest in the morning.  


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