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Wrong Number: Heavy Weight

  • An arrogant, bullying bodybuilder has his impressive cock replaced by an eager pussy. 19
  • A handsome, rising young corporate star begins to shrink until he's less than half the height he should be. 17
  • A hunky middle aged professor who sleeps with his students is age regressed to a dumb, horny little twink. 6
  • A cheating college baseball player's dick shrinks while his ass grows to massive proportions, turning him into an insatiable bottom. 22
  • A beefy, womanizing construction worker begins acting and dressing increasingly femme, with a high new voice and limp cock. 8
  • 2019-05-19
  • —2019-05-22
  • 72 votes
{'title': 'Wrong Number: Heavy Weight', 'choices': [{'text': 'An arrogant, bullying bodybuilder has his impressive cock replaced by an eager pussy. ', 'votes': 19}, {'text': "A handsome, rising young corporate star begins to shrink until he's less than half the height he should be. ", 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'A hunky middle aged professor who sleeps with his students is age regressed to a dumb, horny little twink. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "A cheating college baseball player's dick shrinks while his ass grows to massive proportions, turning him into an insatiable bottom.", 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'A beefy, womanizing construction worker begins acting and dressing increasingly femme, with a high new voice and limp cock. ', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 22, 16, 0, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 19, 22, 45, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 72}


“No...no no no no…” Gavin stammered, his heart racing as he stared down at his firm, flat stomach.  To an outsider it would have been an unremarkable sight, possibly inspiring jealousy but surely not the mounting panic coursing through the stunned, shirtless man.  All someone else would have seen is a fit, athletic young brunette with a sculpted, tapering torso leading down to his small khaki shorts stretched tight around his muscled legs.  The fear causing his lantern jawed, razor cheeked face to go pale wouldn’t have made any sense.  

Gavin grabbed the hot pink tank-top from the table next to him and frantically pulled it on.  “Daddy’s Girl”, written in glittery, cursive script stretched tight across his chiseled pecs while the cut off bottom left his fearful stomach on display.  He poked at his exposed midsection with shaking fingers, feeling like he had a spare tire strapped to his waist.  Despite the solid, flat shape, just moments before Gavin had sported a set of shredded, eight-pack abs.  Then he’d answered his phone and the world stopped making sense.  

“Okay...okay!  I’m wearing the damn shirt...give me my abs back,” Gavin pleaded, running a hand through his thick, chocolate hair.  The calls had started a few days before, a series of vague, threatening messages that had culminated in the tank-top showing up on his front door.  His phone rang as soon as he’d opened the box and the frustrated stud had finally snapped, loosing a string of obscenities at what he’d assumed to be a simple prankster before hanging up.  Then he’d felt a strange tingling sensation at his stomach and watched in horror as his abs melted away.    

“It’s too late for that,” the man on the other end said.  “What’s important is that you don’t take it off unless I tell you to.”  

“Look, I’m sorry, okay?  Whoever you are, whatever I did to you, I’m sorry!  Why are you even doing this?  Who are you?”   

“Unfortunately I’m not the one you need to apologize to, but if you can figure out who that is before all this is over it probably wouldn’t hurt.”  

“What does that even...that’s crazy!” Gavin cried.  The handsome young man knew it was pointless to try and run through the entire list of people who’d like to see him suffer.  With his impressive build and striking features he’d amassed a sizeable list of jilted hookups and their angry boyfriends.  Add in his natural charm and Gavin could make his way into any bed he pleased, which he did almost daily.  He told himself his actions were okay because he wasn’t actually trying to hurt anyone, and that he wasn’t responsible for bruised feelings or whether or not a girl cheated on her boyfriend.  But at the end of the day he ultimately didn’t care as long as he got off and his ego got a boost from adding another notch to his belt.  “I can’t just start calling anyone who might be mad at me.”

“THIS mad at you?  If you’ve been living a life where you can’t immediately think of someone so angry they’d reach out to someone like me...might be why you’re in this boat to begin with.  But that’s none of my business,” the man said, his tone casual.  

“What do you want from me?” Gavin snarled, his anger momentarily overriding his fear.  

“To go out for the night,” the man said flatly.  “It’s what you like to do, right?  Only this time you’re the one waiting, not hunting.  I’ll send you the address.”  

Gavin felt dizzy as he stood and stared at his phone.  It wasn’t just that his thoughtless lifestyle was finally catching up with him; it was that everything he’d thought he knew about how the world worked was being turned on its head.  All of the rules he’d been taught for the past twenty four years regarding the possible versus the impossible were suddenly proven false.  He wanted to protest, to rage, but he didn’t even know who or what he was raging against, or what else they could do to him.  His missing abs were proof enough that he was in over his head.  

When the address popped up on the screen with a message telling him to leave, Gavin hurried to his room and threw his closet open.  He pulled out a fitted button up, slipping the short sleeve shirt on over the bright tank.  The skin-tight, black material obscured the neon pink underneath as it showed off his steely arms and tapering build while hiding his stolen abs.  The idea had occurred to him at the last minute, a way he could do what he was told and leave the shirt on without entirely humiliating himself in public.

The immediate pins-and-needles tingling sensation that broke out over his torso told Gavin he’d made the wrong decision.  The startled young jock had just enough time to gasp before the buttons of his tight shirt shot off one by one as his midsection expanded.  

“Oh...oh god...oh fuck…” Gavin groaned, his eyes wide as he looked at the round new gut pushing out through the open shirt.  His hands shook as he grabbed it, his fingers biting into a soft layer before finally reaching the muscle underneath.  The expansion seemed to have also spread upwards as the formerly chiseled pecs puffed with an added layer of flesh, giving them a more rounded appearance.  

Gavin’s phone rang, but when he answered the horrified young man didn’t get a chance to beg before the angry tone on the other end started.  

“You’ll find that playing games isn’t something I tolerate,” the man hissed.  “You want to try and hide what’s happening?”  

“N...no!  I’m sorry!  I…” Gavin trailed off when he felt the same tingling sensation break out on his head.  He took off towards the bathroom in a lumbering waddle, his balance thrown by the added weight of his protruding new gut.  A wave of nausea washed over him when he made it to the mirror and saw his reflection.  “What...wait...that’s…you can’t!” he shrieked at the sight of his bald scalp.  The wavy chocolate locks had receded, leaving the top of his head entirely bare as what remained of the thinning hair settled into a horseshoe pattern of baldness, lingering at the sides and nowhere else.  

“I guess you could hide that with a hat,” the man laughed, ignoring Gavin’s cries.  “But not this.”  

Gavin dropped the phone, his knees buckling as the tingling dripped down from his scalp and he watched his pretty boy face twist and change.  His thick, full lips thinned and spread until he had a gash of a mouth beneath a nose that pushed outwards as it shifted, settling as a crooked beak.  His lantern jaw and prominent cheekbones vanished as his face puffed and filled out like his belly, his forehead expanding up and outwards until he had a high, sloping brow.  Gavin wasn’t ugly, but going from a face that had been perfect to one that could barely pass for average was a nightmare.  

“Now...we can keep doing this, or you can do as you’re told,” the man said while Gavin whimpered quietly.  “The longer you stay here the worse it’s going to get.”  

Gavin moaned and lurched to his feet.  “No!  I’m going!  I’m going!”   He shucked the ill-fitting button up and ran from the house, refusing to look at anything even remotely reflective.  The few times he caught partial glimpses of his altered face in the rearview mirror as he drove across town nearly brought him to tears, as did the sensation of his expanded gut squishing and biting into the waist of his shorts as he sat behind the wheel.  He held it together as best he could, knowing that if he cracked even slightly he’d collapse into a panicked heap.  Gavin kept telling himself that if he was going to get out of this and be put back to normal he needed to do what the man said.  

That resolve was tested when he pulled up outside the familiar sports bar.  It was one of his favorite hunting spots, full of young, buxom college girls just ripe for the picking.  Gavin winced as he looked in the mirror on reflex, hating the oafish stranger staring back at him.  

“At least no one’ll recognize me,” he sighed, too focused on his decimated features to remember his ridiculous tank-top until he saw it reflected in the opening door, his round belly pushing out under the bottom.  

Gavin was mortified as he walked up to the bar, feeling hideous amongst the sea of fit, pretty young bodies.  The girls he used to consider fortunate to receive his attention now only laughed in his direction while their frat boy, jock boyfriends glared menacingly at him.  Less than twenty four hours ago Gavin strutted around the bar like he owned the place, but now he cowered on a stool, feeling insecure and ugly for the first time that he could remember.  

Despite his humiliated terror, Gavin’s thick cock swelled instinctively when Sarah, the pretty blonde bartender with massive tits and a perfectly round ass, headed in his direction.  They hooked up regularly, or at least they had until Sarah found out that Gavin frequently bragged to people that she gave the best head in town.  Remembering their last confrontation, Gavin was relieved when she looked at him without the slightest recognition.  

“Can I get you a drink,” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the glittery script stretching across his beefy, softened pecs.  

“Just a vodka soda,” he stammered quietly, the noisy bar masking the sound of his voice.  Gavin felt like an animal at the zoo as he sat at the bar, increasingly aware of the people laughing and pointing at him.  The constant sensation of the open air on his exposed, fattened stomach was torture, making the minutes stretch like hours as he lingered with a drink by himself.  The formerly handsome young hunk usually had people surrounding him within minutes, with eager guys hoping for his castoffs and eager girls hoping to be the one.  Now he felt like a leper on an island, staring at a sea of pretty faces and chiseled bodies that should have been his.  

Sarah came back a while later, interrupting his self-pitying spiral.  “You know,” she said, flashing a friendly smile, “you might have better luck down the block at Twist.  This crowd is only interested in one thing...and they can be a bunch of dicks, too,” she sighed, nodding over at a group of muscled pretty boys and the thin young women hanging off their beefy arms as they laughed in his direction.  “I’ll tell ‘em to get lost if you want, but this place gets...rowdy.”  

Gavin blushed at the implication.  “Oh, uh, I mean, I’m not…” he started to say until his phone sitting on the bar flashed to life with another message.  

“That’s a good idea,” it read.  

Gavin swallowed and forced his altered lips into a toothy smile.  “...uh, you know, that’s probably not a bad idea,” he said, reaching for his wallet.  

“Don’t worry about it, I got it,” Sarah said with a wink.  “Good luck over there.”  

Gavin stumbled out, his head spinning.  He didn’t know what was worse, the ridicule he’d just experienced, or being confronted with just how shitty of a person he actually was for only ever thinking of someone as kind as Sarah as a mouth to be fucked.  She could have laughed at him with all the rest, he certainly had in the past when he’d been on the other side, but instead she stood up for him.  

He was still wrestling with those thoughts when he made his way into Twist, feeling that same alienation as he walked into the unfamiliar bar.  This time it was entirely internal as he saw nothing but friendly faces looking in his direction.  His outfit was much less out of place here as he watched several beefy, shirtless men walk by, each of them wearing some form of leather or denim.  One in particular, a bulky blonde wall of muscle in nothing but a leather jockstrap that could barely contain his massive package, smiled and waved giddily when he saw Gavin staring at him.  

“That’s Adam,” the bartender laughed as Gavin fumbled onto a stool.  “He’s hard to miss.  Big sweetheart, though.”  

“Big everything,” Gavin said, smiling back at the lean, shirtless man on the other side of the bar.  He braced himself when the man cocked his head and gave him a puzzled look.  

“First time here?  I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.  I’m Tony.”  

Gavin let out a relieved breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.  “Gavin.”  

“Well, welcome.  It’s leather night, but don’t worry, it’s not required.  But if you wanna have some fun…” Tony smiled and motioned around the busy bar, nodding at Gavin’s sparkly shirt.  “You’ll find plenty of daddies here.”  As the wiry bartender said it, a group of hairy, beefy men lumbered up to the bar wearing nothing but small leather shorts the size of his briefs and harnesses that accentuated their meaty pecs and round, ballooning guts.  Gavin smiled awkwardly when several of their hands found their way to his exposed midsection, squeezing and pinching his unwanted new bulk.  He took his drink and slipped away, hoping to find a dark corner where he could hide.  He started to feel overdressed as scantily clad bear after scantily clad bear lumbered by.  At one point he thought he’d finally spotted someone wearing pants, until the man turned and revealed the plump, hairy globes hanging out the back of the leather chaps.  

Gavin was so intent on the strange crowd that he didn’t notice his phone buzzing at first.  His heart sank when he pulled it out and saw that he had several missed messages from the stranger.  The first one was nearly ten minutes old and read, “take your shorts off and join them.”  It was followed a few minutes later by another that stated, “tick tock”, before the last that said, ominously, “final warning.”  

Ignoring his embarrassment, Gavin started fumbling with the tight button of his shorts but it was already too late.  As he grabbed them the tingling set in again, rendering it a moot point when his expanding lower half exploded the shorts off his inflating body.  The tight khaki was no match for thighs that ballooned outwards to keep up with the perky bubble that had grown into a pair of meaty, mountainous cheeks.  Gavin’s already sizeable gut pushed outwards even more as the changes spread up, further softening his slab of a chest before spilling over his shoulders and turning his sculpted arms into thick, beefy logs.  When the changes stopped, Gavin was left standing in the tank-top that now barely covered the plump, juicy pecs that rested heavily on his beach ball gut while his thickened arms hung off at an angle.  His formerly perfectly fitted briefs were painfully tight, biting into his thighs as his huge new cheeks spilled out the back and his widened waist threatened to shred the elastic.  

Gavin was too stunned to process the last message.  “If you won’t do what I say, maybe you’ll do what they say,” it read.  He let the phone drop, stumbling when the tingling hit his head again.  This time it felt different, like it was changing something inside him, not on the surface.  He took a few lumbering steps in a daze, wincing as he felt his chunky thighs rub together and his confined cheeks bounce and shift against each other.  He stopped his drunken waddling when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder from behind, the other reaching down to rest on his belly.  

“Whoa…” a deep, booming voice laughed.  “You okay?  You look like you almost went down back there.”  

Gavin turned and found himself looking down at a slightly shorter, pug-faced older man with a stocky, bulldog build.  The man was entirely bald, his hair seeming to have given up on his scalp in favor of the rest of his thick frame, coating the slab of a chest and muscled gut in equal measure.  Like the rest of the crowd, the man had straps of leather accentuating his broad shoulders and round, muscled torso as they connected to a pair of small, stuffed leather shorts.  The tiny trunks were stretched around wide, solid thighs and a full, prominent backside with the same salt-and-pepper coating as the rest of his short body.

“Uh, ye...yeah,” Gavin stammered, suddenly aware of the rough hand still lingering on his belly.  Unlike before at the bar, it never even occurred to him to pull away.  

The man smiled up at him, tugging on the bottom of the pink top.  “Daddy’s girl?  Your daddy here?”  The shorter man’s smile grew when Gavin quickly shook his head.  “Well, you don’t look like much of a girl to me,” he said, slipping both hands under the shirt to squeeze Gavin’s altered chest.  A part of the younger man recoiled at the way his formerly granite pecs squished and gave under the probing digits, but a larger part felt a thrill at the hungry look in the stocky stranger’s eyes.  “Tits aren’t bad,” the man nodded, sliding a hand over the cresting mound of Gavin’s new gut and slipping it into the front of his briefs.  “But this doesn’t feel like much of a pussy,” he grinned, kneading the addled young man’s heavy balls and twitching hose.  

Gavin gasped, his cock rocketing free of the ill-fitting briefs.  He felt small and insecure all over again in the older man’s grip, but instead of being humiliated like he had been at the previous bar, the sensation turned him on.  He could see heads turning in their direction when the shorter man tugged his briefs down and spun him around, his plumped cheeks spilling free.  Being on display would have been an arrogant rush in his old body, but now, looking at the way his cock, or at least the small part of it he could see over his protruding midsection, seemed so much smaller compared to the increased flesh around it, all Gavin felt was a humiliated surge of lust.  

“Oh...there it is,” the man said, slipping a hand between the bouncing globes.  

Gavin let out a loud groan, unable to hold back when a pair of rough, stubby fingers slid inside.  He’d been with girls who’d played with his hole before and had enjoyed it, but this was nothing like that.  The man’s solid fingers were nothing like the dainty, slender ones he’d experienced before as they rooted around inside him.  Gavin hated the way his body shook and gave when his groping hands traveled over it, but he couldn’t stop himself.  He tried not to think about what his warped face looked like twisted by ecstasy as the relentless stranger drove him closer and closer to the edge.  The inflated, former hunk let out a final moan as he spasmed, his unwanted new flesh shuddering and jiggling while his untouched cock spurted and sprayed.  He could feel the stranger’s other hand biting into a fattened cheek that should have been rock solid, but all he could think about was how much better it felt without the confining briefs’ tight grip.  

“That’s daddy’s girl,” the stocky bulldog said proudly as he watched Gavin’s twitching rod sputter.  The younger man was aware that he’d just been stripped and fingered in public, but the sound of approval in the deep, booming voice was better than anything the former ladies man had ever heard.  He smiled when the man pulled his hand free and gave his jiggling ass a swat, raising his arms as instructed to let him pull the tank-top free.  The old Gavin felt a stab of horror at the full sight of his plump, rotund new body standing naked where his athletic, tapering frame should have been.  The crowd around him didn’t help, making him feel more exposed and vulnerable, and turned on, than he could have thought possible.  He didn’t even try and cover himself as his short new friend motioned for him to follow, loving and hating the way his shaking body caused his cock to twitch all over again.  “Come on, princess.  Let’s get you set up with some proper gear.”  

“Whatever you say, daddy,” Gavin said, lumbering behind.  


Mark Josefsson

That was amazing! You really made the reader feel Gavin's anguish the entire time! This was my favorite Wrong Number chapter so far!


Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Don’t always get to write a lot of weight gain stuff so this was a fun one.