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“I can’t believe you took that,” Austin sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.  

The other man shrugged his broad shoulders and turned the bronze medallion over in his rough hands.  “What?  Like I was gonna pay what he was asking for a piece of junk metal?  Dude was totally ripping people off.  I mean, this thing is cool, but two hundred dollars?”  Steve slid the chain over his head, the medallion nestling in the dark patch of hair between his chiseled pecs.  

“It’s an ANTIQUE.  You’re paying for the age, and that thing’s cleary old as fuck.”  Austin cocked his head to the side as he looked his athletic roommate’s shirtless body up and down.  Steve’s muscled frame looked as impressive as ever bulging out of his small mesh shorts, but the necklace resting against his furry pecs looked out of place.  “Also when did you start wearing jewelry?  I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a necklace before.”  

“Why are you being such a bitch about this,” Steve snapped.  “So I took a necklace.  You gonna go back and tell on me?  You didn’t even want to go in there.”  

“All I’m sayin’ is, one, if you’re gonna steal go do it at the mall, not from some old guy trying to make a living.  Two, and this is maybe more important, don’t do it from the creepiest fucking store we’ve ever been in.”  

“Oh, come on,” Steve laughed, shooting a sculpted arm out and tousling Austin’s short blonde hair.  “Don’t tell me you believed any of his garbage.  You think all that ‘curse’ shit is real?  Believe in magic all of a sudden?”  

Austin shoved Steve away, failing to notice his hand brushing against the necklace in the process.  “Were we not in the same store?  Real or not that shit was weird.  All those bones and all that bizarre religious stuff?  I don’t need to be superstitious to know messing around with that is a bad idea.”  

“No, you just need to be an idiot,” the dark haired man snorted.  “What are you even nervous about?  I’m the one who took it.”  

“And I don’t wanna be standing next to you when your dumb ass gets struck by lightning.”  

“Whaaaaaaaaatever,” Steve sighed, turning his back.  

The stocky, hairy jock may have been done with the conversation, but Austin still wasn’t convinced.  Something about the old man and the antique store had set him on edge.  From the second they walked in he felt like someone was standing right behind him, breathing down his neck.  At one point he was so sure that he took a step backwards on purpose, expecting to bump into something but finding only a musty cloud hovering behind him.  He chalked it up to the mildewy books and water stained relics, though it always seemed to be strongest right behind him.  He’d thought he’d smelled it again just now but chalked it up to Steve’s post-gym musk.  

As he left the apartment for his own workout session and found the smell following him, he wasn’t so sure.  He tried to tell himself it had just worked itself into his nostrils, but after lifting to the point of exhaustion, lingering in the sauna, and scrubbing his ripped frame in the showers, he was starting to worry.  Even the normally the overpowering stench of bleach and chlorine in the locker rooms was drowned out by the odd odor.  

Austin was going to ask Steve about it when he returned home later that evening, but the blonde jock found his friend’s door shut.  When he cracked it open he was greeted by a full view of his friend’s hairy, ample cheeks as Steve slumbered face down on top of his sheets.  It was earlier than usual, but Austin again tried to rationalize things, chalking it up to a busy day and ignoring the pungent, musty odor that seemed stronger than ever hovering above the sleeping stud.  

The strapping blonde turned in shortly after, the ever present aroma suddenly hitting him like a gaseous anesthetic.  Sitting on his bed watching TV, the tall adonis felt the floor drop out from underneath him, sending him tumbling into the void as he fell unconscious.  

“Mmmm…” Austin moaned in his sleep, drifting on a sea of ecstasy.  His muscles tensed and relaxed against the waves of pleasure as the slumbering jock squirmed, driving his long, thick rod deep into the buxom redhead writhing on his dream lap.  His strong hands gripped the supple thighs straddling his tight torso, reaching up to cup the voluptuous breasts while she rolled her hips and worked his aching pole.  The proficient stud had never felt anything like it.  He could fill entire volumes with the number of women he’d hooked up with over the years, but even in his dream Austin was aware enough to recognize the unrivaled intensity of his lust.  The phantasmal goddess was like nothing he’d ever experienced, swallowing not just his girthy cock but his entire being.  The gasping blonde could feel his very essence slipping into her with each pump of his hips, leaving less and less of himself behind as he was enveloped in her throbbing warmth.  

“Ohhh...fuuuuck…” Austin moaned, his fingers dancing through the wiry hairs on the grinning beauty’s chest.  The muscle was solid underneath, flexing against his probing digits as a confused Austin slid his hands down a body that was no longer soft and curvy but firm and tapering.  When his hands gripped a pair of hairy, sturdy thighs his eyes shot open, the dream turning into a nightmare.  

Austin couldn’t speak at first, his brain refusing to connect the pieces.  The radiant, auburn haired Siren was gone, replaced by the vision of Steve’s muscled frame.  Like the woman in his dream the other man was naked, save for the necklace, and straddling him, moaning and bucking against his lap with glassy, half-closed eyes.  This would have been a jarring enough sight on its own, but watching his thick rod slip in and out of the tight slit where his friend’s heavy package should have been convinced the stunned blonde that he was still dreaming.  He told himself it wasn’t possible, that there was no way Steve’s fat, eager cock could have been replaced by a throbbing pussy.  It had to be a nightmare.  

For a moment he lay there, stunned, letting his athletic friend continue to work him with his new orifice.  Shocking or not, the blissful sensations were the same, and though he didn’t understand why, Austin couldn’t deny that he was turned on by the view of Steve’s powerful arms flexing behind his sleepy, groaning head while his ripped abs flexed and rolled.  He’d been pinned by his friend plenty of times before when they’d horsed around, but Steve had never seemed so masculine and imposing, a sharp contrast to the feminine gap he’d developed.  

“Du...dude...come on…” Austin croaked, his heart racing.  Hearing his own voice made him question whether or not he was still sleeping after all.  His brain told him what he was seeing was impossible, but his body was telling him he was wide awake.  He tried to heave the other man off his lap but Steve was like a lead weight bearing down on him.  Austin strained and pushed, flexing with all his might to no avail.  

“Steve!  Snap out of it dude!  You gotta…wake...up…” the grunting blonde trailed off, his eyes going wide as he realized the true horror of his situation.  He’d been so focused on Steve’s writhing, muscled body that he hadn’t paid any attention to his own, or at least what was left of it.  Lifting his head from the mattress and looking down at himself, Austin couldn’t even muster a scream.  His ripped, athletic frame was nowhere to be seen.  Instead of bulging mounds his pecs were small and modest, and his ripped, washboard abs were now a barely visible four-pack.  The same went for his thin, narrow shoulders and slight, toned arms.  He couldn’t see his lower half, but kicking frantically with his legs he could feel the lack of bulk already.  

And it was getting worse.  With each reflexive thrust he watched his frame continue to dwindle, what little muscle remained melting away with all the rest.  “Ste...Steve!  Sto...stop!  What are you doing to me?!”  Austin shrieked, his stomach dropping when he heard the softened, higher register to his voice.  It was hard to tell from his current vantage point, but looking at the small, slender new hands clutching Steve’s tanned thigh, he understood why his friend seemed so imposing.  He hadn’t just lost muscle, he’d clearly lost height as well.  

“Pl...please…” he moaned, falling exhausted against the bed.  He couldn’t struggle anymore.  He didn’t even know if he wanted to.  Despite his horror, or perhaps because of it, the mind-blasting ecstasy had only grown more intense.  Austin watched his long, thick cock, the one part of himself that hadn’t appeared to change, jam to its base inside his friend, never wanting the bliss to end.  

A few moments later the choice was taken from them when the pressure that felt like it had been building for hours inside the formerly athletic blonde finally boiled over.  With a piercing wail Austin arched up off the bed, exploding into Steve with a force that would have knocked him off his feet.  His friend’s sleepy eyes shot open, his stubbled jaw falling open in a deep, echoing moan as his burly frame shuddered and spasmed, a puddle forming on the soft belly that had replaced the blonde’s abs.  

Impossible or not, Austin knew they were awake.  As he caught his breath and tried to wrap his head around what just happened he watched Steve’s vision clear.  His friend shook his head and ran a hand through his raven scalp, a confused smile on his face as he looked at the shrunken man between his legs.  

“Austin?  Like, what happened babe?  You’re such a little cutie,” he chirped.  His voice still had the same deep, velvet bass, but the words that came out took them both by surprise.  Steve cleared his throat and tried again.  “What the fuck?  Like, why am I talking so totally weird?  Is this a dreeeeaaaahhhhh!” Steve’s eyes bulged out of his boy next door face when he looked down and saw the other man’s softening cock still inside him.  “Where’s my dick?!  Honey somebody better tell me what the fuck is goin’ on around here, like, now honey,” he cried, hopping off the bed and pawing at his leaking hole.  

Austin watched his friend prance in a frantic circle.  He’d seen Steve walk around naked almost daily, so to see his friend’s chiseled frame carrying itself with a new, arched-back posture and a sway to his step, with no bouncing cock and heavy balls, was a shock.  Physically there was only one thing different, but Steve seemed like a new person entirely.  

He could say the same for himself, at least on the surface.  Getting a full view, things were worse than Austin imagined.  His muscle was almost entirely gone, leaving him with a soft, curvy frame nearly devoid of hair.  He’d never been as furry as Steve, but what little body hair the former athlete had fled with his muscle, leaving a small golden patch at the base of his cock and nowhere else, emphasizing what he’d lost.  Instead of a solid, gym-built body that made men jealous and women swoon, Austin had a flat chest, pinchable belly, slender arms, and wide, supple thighs that shook with the slightest movement.  It was small comfort, but unlike Steve his cock remained untouched, looking bigger than ever against his shrunken frame.  He forced himself upright, wincing at how much he had to struggle and how close to the edge of the mattress he had to scoot in order for his feet to touch the ground.  

“Okay...okay...we gotta figure this out,” he said, staring at his small new hands and forcing himself to remain calm.  “We can’t panic.”  

“Panic?  Panic honey?  Hooooonnnnneeeeeeey,” Steve cried, waving a hand dramatically.  “We are, like, sooooo far past that.”  His already crimson skin went a deeper shade of red at Austin’s quiet chuckle.  “Girl this isn’t funny!”  

The diminished stud couldn’t help it.  Watching his handsome, sculpted friend flail around and hearing the flamboyant speech in Steve’s deep, masculine voice was too much.  “Sorry...sorry,” Austin laughed.  “I know this isn’t funny.  It’s just...a lot.”  

“That’s, like, one word for it!  At least you still have your cock!”  

“Yeah, and nothing else,” Austin said, finally hopping off the bed.  He’d been trying to delay, not wanting to confirm just how much he’d lost.  It was as bad as he’d expected, leaving him level with the top of Steve’s hairy pecs instead of looking his friend in the eye.  Worse, when he took his first fumbling steps he felt the large, jiggling backside that had replaced his firm bubble shake and bounce.  

The dark haired man stopped his frantic gesturing.  “Oh...oh wow…” he stammered.  Looking down at the top of his friend’s blonde head was enough to jar Steve back to his senses.  “Come here ‘lil honey…” He took a deep breath and swallowed the tiny, curvy man in his beefy arms on instinct.  

Instead of struggling, Austin felt surprisingly calm pressed against Steve’s hairy, muscled torso.  He knew they should both be blind with panic, but all he could think about was how good it had felt to be straddled by the other man’s powerful thighs while he was plunged deep inside his friend.  He buried his face against the furry pecs, a nagging thought that he was forgetting something tugging at the edges of his brain.  

“Seriously, you are, like, super adorable right now,” Steve said, his deep voice rumbling against Austin’s face.  

“So are you,” the shortened man said, shaking his head.  “I just don’t know why.  How is any of this...I mean...what the fuck even happened?  This can’t be real, can it?”  

“Feels real,” Steve laughed, reaching down to squeeze Austin’s yielding, ample backside.  “You a thick little boy ain’t ya?”  

Austin pulled his head back from Steve’s chest in mock offense and jammed his dangling hose into the other man’s leg.  “Who you callin’ little?”  The dark haired jock giggled and leaned down to kiss his friend’s lithe neck while Austin’s tiny hands began probing Steve’s broad shoulders and slab of a chest.  It wasn’t until his thin fingers were laced through the curly hairs in the deep valley between Steve’s pecs that Austin realized what he’d been forgetting.  “The necklace!” he cried.

Steve lifted his head from his friend’s neck, confused.  “The what?”  

“The necklace!  You were wearing the necklace when I woke up, but it’s...gone…” he said, running his hands over the other man’s bare chest as if to double check the jewelry hadn’t gotten lost.  He was sure it had been around Steve’s neck, but now it was nowhere to be seen.  He pulled out of his friend’s embrace, frantically scouring the bed and surrounding area as he sniffed at the air.  There was a growing pit in his stomach that told him the medallion was responsible.  Steve had taken something he shouldn’t have and they’d both been caught up in the consequences.  It was a ludicrous notion, but thinking back on the strange shop and its stranger contents, it was the only one that even came close to making sense.  

It was also a moot point.  The two altered jocks ripped the house apart in a frenzied search, torn between their desire to find the necklace and their desire to pick up where they’d left off on the bed.  Even as the pair hurried from room to room in their desperate quest, the strange new reality felt increasingly normal.  Austin’s soft, jiggling body and short legs stopped seeming so foreign, as did the sensation of Steve towering over him.  He even caught himself thinking of his friend’s prancing walk and giddy speech as entirely commonplace.  It was easy, since looking at Steve from behind, his naked friend seemed the same.  He had the same broad shoulders and tapering back, the same chiseled arms and solid, hairy bubble.  It wasn’t until he turned around, his shredded obliques pointing the way to the conspicuous absence between his meaty thighs, that everything changed.  

Though for his part, Steve had already stopped expecting to feel a pair of heavy balls and a thick cock bouncing around as he walked, and the hands moving constantly while he spoke were just a part of his nature.  As when Austin looked at him, the sight of his newly supple, twink friend filled him with warmth, not dread.  The altered jock shivered at the memory of Austin’s pulsing rod exploding inside him, and he knew that despite their size difference, the tiny blonde was the one in control.  He had the hair and the muscle, but Austin was the one who radiated a calm, strong presence while his brawny body pranced and flitted about.    

“Ugh,” Steve said, rolling his eyes after they turned over the last untouched room in the house.  “Honey, we’ve looked everywhere, honey...it’s gone.”  

Austin sighed, not sure whether he was disappointed or relieved.  The smell that had been following them around all afternoon was as missing as the necklace, and even if they’d found it there was no guarantee they’d be able to fix what happened.  “Well….shit,” he spat, rubbing the bridge of his new button nose.  He’d caught sight of his softened features during their search, but he hadn’t worked up the courage to return to a mirror.  “Now what the fuck do we do?”  

There was a tense moment of silence as the two men stared at each other’s altered bodies, thinking about the entirely different futures that lay ahead of them.  They hadn’t even begun to process what these changes meant for their friends and families and jobs.  Everything would be different going forward.  They had no idea how people would react or if they’d be viewed as freaks or if anyone would even know anything was different.  It was an upheaval of epic proportions.  

Steve grinned.  Ever the impulsive one, the dark haired jock sauntered over, reaching down to tug on Austin’s twitching cock while planting a long, deep kiss on his friend’s softened, puffy lips.  The tiny blonde yelped when Steve broke it off and scooped him up into his arms, his cock rocketing to life at the sensation of being so easily manhandled by his friend.  “I can, like, think of something,” he giggled, carrying Austin back to his bedroom.  



Great writing! I loved the setup of Austin’s unease and the playing out of a scenario worse than he could have imagined. Austin and Steve’s identity death was well controlled, their minds slowly slipping away as had their former bodies. Have you ever considered to spend a paragraph or two on the description of the magical object (in this case a bronze medallion)? After all, these objects are almost characters in themselves, possessing sometimes a kind of personality. I remember well your descriptions of the eldritch statue in the interactive set on a university campus and fraternity house. Examinations and discussions of these objects, however brief, can add a lot to the narrative.


That is definitely on the agenda. Since this was just an idea I wanted to get out I didn’t go into full detail on the medallion, but I’m hoping to give this one a proper ending and expand on some stuff then.