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“I told you we never should’a come here, man!  I told you!”  

“Would you just shut the fuck up and let me think for a second?”  Tony leaned his head back against the rough wall of the cell, his eyes closed.  The chipping paint of the cinder block was scratching at his broad, bare back, but he was more focused on the constricting sensation of the small, tight shorts clinging to his thick thighs and the way his wide feet were wedged into the high heels.  There was another feeling too, an emptiness where a weight should have been, that he was desperately trying to deny.   

Tony didn’t understand why Glen was panicking.  The other man didn’t look any different than he always did.  It was HIS body that had been changed.  HIS dick was the one that had been stolen.  HE was the one that had been forced into the shorts and heels and makeup.  HE wasn’t a hooker.  Glen was.  It’s how they’d met.  He’d picked the other man up one night and had been regretting his inability to walk away ever since.  His friend’s insistence that they never should have come to town was just as confusing since, as far as Tony knew, Glen had never left.  He was the one that had just come back into town, not the other man.  Tony should have just been passing through, but his friend was a street corner staple.  

Something felt wrong about the thought as soon as he had it.  He couldn’t pin it down or put his finger on exactly what was off, he just knew something didn’t make sense.  “Okay,” Tony sighed, eyes still closed, “tell me one more time what you think happened.”  

“I don’t THINK anything happened!  I know something did!”  Glen buried his face in his hands, smearing the makeup covering his rugged features.  “Look...I was coming into town to score and pay you a visit…” 

“No, see, that’s what I was doing,” Tony interrupted.  

“The fuck you were!”  Glen hopped up off the bench, blushing at the sound of his heels clacking on the concrete floor.  “Never should’a picked your whore ass up in the first place...none of this’d be happening.  I’d still have my fuckin’ dick and you…” 

“Wait...wait a second,” Tony said, his eyes darting open.  “What if...what if we’re both right?  We each think the same thing happened, but I remember you always being this way, and you remember me always being this way.  What if neither of us were?  You keep saying you heard weird things about this place, right?”  

Glen nodded and dropped back down, his frustration spent.  “Heard people came here and never left, and those that did weren’t always the same as when they got here.  Last time I was in I met this hairy, burly little dude...all of about this tall,” he said, gesturing to his waist, “and just as wide.  Guy was so thick he could barely move, with a dick like an acorn and a voice like he’d been sucking on helium.  Weird looking little guy...always begging someone to fuck him.  Didn’t matter who.  He just said he needed it.  Didn’t even matter if the guards were around...hell, half the time they were the one’s givin’ it to him.”  Glen took a deep breath and shook his head.  “But he kept saying he shouldn’t be like that.  He kept insisting that he should be tall and thin, that he’d been turned into...that...when he got busted in Pikesburg.  No one believed him, but that wasn’t the only story I heard, either.” 

Tony was pale, a growing knot in his stomach.  “Fuck, man, did you see the cop that brought us in?  Dude had tits out to here,” he said, holding his hands several inches from his own burly pecs.  “And that ass…” 

“He came in front of us too, right?  I swear he blew a load when he got to the car.”  

“Is that…” Tony hesitated, needing all of his stubborn willpower to keep talking.  “...that’s not normal, right?  Why does all’a this feel natural?”  He paused when a hulking officer walked by with what looked like a small baseball bat snaking down his lycra pants, hating the pulse that throbbed where his heavy package should have been.  “See?  That’s not right,” he whispered.  

Glen scooted closer and tilted his head towards the far wall.  “You saw him on the way in, right?”  

Tony swallowed hard and nodded.  He’d only managed a passing glance on the way, but even in his panic he couldn’t have missed their neighbor.  The man looked to be in his early twenties, with a lean, ripped build.  They’d been able to see the stranger’s impressive definition because the only thing he had on was a small, purple thong that barely covered his thick cock and a matching pair of bright sneakers.  The base of the young man’s long hose was visible, as were the sides of his heavy balls as the back of the thong disappeared between his solid little bubble.  Whoever he was, he seemed just as panicked about his exposed state as Tony and Glen were about their alterations.  He kept insisting that all he’d done was shoplift a pair of shoes, but the same officer who’d arrested them just laughed and said he should be happy to show them off since they were just about all he’d ever wear.  Eventually he got quiet.  

“What the fuck are we gonna do?”  Tony’s expression was pained, his brow furrowed in concentration.  “I don’t even know what’s real anymore, man.”  

“We’ve gotta get…” Glen trailed off when an officer approached the bars.  The young brunette didn’t look much older than the nearly naked man in the next cell over, and like their neighbor, his rigid cock was mostly on display.  The front of his pants was missing, like a pair of chaps, and his impressively large, solid cock poked through the opening.  A black pouch was stretched over it and the hairy balls underneath, leaving just a glance of his furry thighs visible through the gap.

“You got that, Austin?”  A voice called as the young officer nodded.  

“Yeah, I’m good, Rich,” he yelled over his shoulder, unbothered by his exposed state.  He turned his attention to the two men in the cell and slid the gate open.  “Alright, you two are good to go.”  

“We...we are?”  Tony couldn’t keep his eyes off the young man’s bobbing pole.  

“You can get your things and your court dates on the way out.  We need the cell,” he said, a smug grin on his face as he watched the two stare at his crotch.  

Glen was up and out the door, pulling Tony along with him.  “Thanks, handsome,” he laughed, blushing as he heard the unintended words.  He looked over and saw the young, thong-clad jock still sitting in the cell as they passed, a shell-shocked look on his face as he stared down at his exposed body.  He gave them a pleading look, but as with the officer walking them out and everyone else they’d passed, Glen had to force himself to think of the young man’s plight as anything other than normal.  He felt solidarity for a fellow prisoner, not someone who’d been permanently stripped of their clothes.  

“Thank fucking god,” Tony sighed as soon as they were back outside, his relief quickly fading when it occurred to him that he was about to be seen in public in his current state.  He turned a shade of red to match his tiny, empty shorts as he looked down at his bare torso, high heels, and small clutch hanging off a burly shoulder.  He could feel the late afternoon air on the exposed bottoms of his meaty cheeks as he watched his friend process the same emotions.  

“I just want to go home,” Glen said, clacking down the sidewalk towards the bus stop.  

“Fuckin’ same,” Tony grumbled, following behind.  Both men were surprised at the ease with which they navigated the tall, unfamiliar heels.  Instead of stumbling like they should, both of them casually strutted along, feeling self conscious about their new sauntering walk.  Their broad backs arched for balance, puffing out their solid chests while the shoes caused their plump cheeks to flex and stick out all the more prominently in back.  The two only made it a block before their first cat-call.  

“Hey mama!”  They both turned to look at the passing SUV with three young men hanging out the open windows.  The guys whistled and hollered as they drove by, but Tony and Glen were more worried about their response.  The two burly men were mortified to find themselves stopping and posing, giving coy little waves.  It was a sensation that only grew worse when they both looked at each other and saw the same disappointment in their eyes at the fact that the car kept going.  

They didn’t talk about it.  They were on autopilot, stopping at an unfamiliar bus stop and climbing onto an unfamiliar bus on the way to an unfamiliar destination.  Despite having no idea where they were headed, they each knew they were going home.  Regardless of where they’d lived before, Pikesburg was where they’d be staying.  

They flirted their way through the ride, covering their bare muscle guts with beefy arms while crossing their meaty legs and pursing their lipstick covered mouths at any man who looked in their direction.  Though each of them was horrified at their own actions, the behavior of their friend seemed perfectly natural.  Tony wasn’t at all surprised by Glen’s promiscuous behavior anymore than Glen was surprised by Tony’s.  And making matters worse, the more time that passed, the more they had to struggle to remind themselves that their own behavior was at all out of place.  

“I thought this day would never end,” Tony said as they scampered off the bus.  Looking down the ratty street, he knew he’d never seen it before, but at the same time it felt like home.  He knew what direction to go, and when they reached the dilapidated warehouse apartment building, they knew they’d arrived at their destination.  

They were clomping up the battered stairs from muscle memory, opening the door on the dirty, single room that they shared.  The only sign that the former warehouse had been renovated at all was the small kitchen counter and stove in the middle.  Otherwise the space was all industrial, with a slab floor and exposed brick walls.  A pair of beds and a smattering of furniture was scattered at one end of the room, while a curtain was strung up at the other to block off the toilet and exposed shower head.  A dingy skylight in the ceiling was the only window, filtering in the hazy, late day sun.  

Tony didn’t have anymore energy left to fight.  He shrugged over at Glen when they walked in, kicking his heels off and stomping over to one of the beds.  He flopped down face first, his head pounding.  The diffuse light overhead made everything seem even more surreal when he rolled over and looked at his new home.  He knew it was the first time he’d ever set foot in it, but he also knew, to his horror, that the top drawer next to him had their panties and vibrators, and the third one down had their mini-skirts.  He lifted his head just long enough to share a stunned look with Glen before dropping it back to stare at the ceiling.  

“I’m takin’ a shower,” Glen said, cranking on the water and peeling out of his shorts without thinking.  As soon as the tight gold material hit his ankles he froze, not wanting to look down.  He knew what he’d find, he could picture it in his head, but seeing it would make it real.  “Is it...is what I think…” he said, turning towards Tony.  

The beefy man lifted his head again and saw Glen standing with his brawny arms outstretched, naked save for a black lace thong.  “Looks normal to me.”  

“Right...normal…” Glen said, trembling as he finally forced himself to look down at the new orifice between his legs.  He kept expecting to see his stout, thick cock and low hanging balls just beyond the lumpy muscles of his stomach, but instead he only saw a flat patch of lace.  He pulled the feminine underwear down his wide, sturdy thighs, and stepped under the shower, his head spinning.  

Tony watched from across the room as Glen lathered his stocky muscle.  He looked at his friend’s slab of a chest and flexing, powerful arms, trying to picture a cock poking out from between the equally meaty legs.  It seemed ridiculous.  Glen was solidly built with plenty of muscle and an ass that went for days, but of course he didn’t have a dick.  

He thought back to all the men they’d encountered that day, trying to picture Glen with the various cocks they’d seen.  He pictured his beefy friend with the hard, pouch-covered rod that the young officer had, before switching to the enormous club they’d seen lurking in the other officer’s tight pants.  Then he imagined Glen with the stuffed thong they’d seen on the young jock, his barely covered equipment teasingly hinted at.  

“Mmmmm…” the sound of his unexpected moan snapped Tony out of his reverie.  The burly man was horrified to discover his hand inside his shorts, a few fingers buried deep inside the unwanted slit.  His instinct was to jerk his hand away, but it was glued in place by the waves of pleasure surging through him.  They were more intense than any stroke session with his missing equipment had ever been.  “Wait...I don’t…” he murmured to himself, his stomach dropping when he realized that he no longer remembered what it actually felt like to tug on his own cock.  He had plenty of memories involving rigid poles belonging to other men, but none of his own.   

“You’ve got your toys right next to you,” Glen said, rolling his eyes as he toweled off and watched Tony go to town on himself.  Sharing such a tiny space for so long, he’d seen it enough times that it no longer bothered him.  Hanging up the towel and dropping down naked onto his own bed, the bald man wondered why he thought it should have bothered him at all.  Given what he and Tony normally did in a room together, watching his friend finger himself struck him as practically commonplace.  

It also struck him as a good idea.  He was just as worked up, the fear he felt every time he looked down steadily being replaced by a dull, aching lust.  “You could at least take your shorts off,” he laughed, pulling an intimidatingly large vibrator from the drawer.  

Tony could only gasp and stare as his friend lubed the silicone rod and slowly worked it inside.  He watched it disappear inch by inch towards the man’s muscled stomach, no more shocked by the sight than Glen was by him.  “Fuck...man...what’re we...doin’...” he groaned, arching his back at the oncoming climax.  

“Not gettinnnuuuhh….paid…” Glen laughed, his eyes drooping closed.  

“No...I mean...this!  I shouldn’t be...I’m fuckin’ fingering myself, man!”  Tony couldn’t hold back any longer.  He pulled his hand free only long enough to tear his shorts and underwear off, staring down in wide-eyed shock at the leaking hole where his brain kept telling him a thick cock and pair of balls should be.  As stunned as he was by the sight, his fingers darted back into the opening, his other hand joining in.  “Oh...oh god...fuck, man...I’m gonna…” He tried to hold the coming explosion at bay.  Something deep down told him that as soon as that happened, it would make all of this real.  “No...no...nooouunnnnnNNNHHHH!”  Tony nearly bucked off the bed from his forceful spasming, his vision blurring from the intensity.  He had just enough time to look over and see Glen wriggling on the opposite bed, quickly sliding the lubed rod in and out, before his vision went dark.  


“Mmm...wha…” Tony stirred, fighting his way back from the deep sleep that had claimed him.  He cracked his eyes open to the sight of Glen sitting on his bed in a crimson thong, painting the stubby nails at the end of his rough fingers a matching shade.  Cotton balls were wedged between the fat, wide toes which bore a similar paint job while the stocky brute of a man hummed along to a random pop song.  

“What’re...doin’...” Tony grumbled, rolling over onto his stomach and burying his face against the pillow.  He stayed that way for several minutes before registering the missing, smashed feeling from his absent package.  The realization hit him more as a confusing reflex than a wave of mind numbing horror.  

“Getting ready,” Glen said, holding out a hand to inspect his nails.  “We’ve gotta make up for last night.”  

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Tony sighed, rolling back over.  He ran a hand over his buzzed scalp, watching a thick bicep flex next to the solid pecs.  He had his usual coating of stubble on his weathered cheeks, the flat patch of the thin cotton sheet over his lower abdomen the only suggestion that anything was out of the ordinary.  “Where we gonna hit?” he asked, stretching and hanging a meaty thigh over the edge of the bed.  He scratched at his solid stomach and tossed the sheet aside, no more bothered by the exposed pussy between his legs than he would have been with his old equipment.  “Wanna head towards campus?  After all those boys earlier I want some college dick tonight.”  Tony laughed as he said it, but his heart started racing.  Something about his words didn’t feel right; he just didn’t know what.  

“Fuckin’ punks never pay,” Glen said, shooting Tony a dirty look.  “I’m not blowin’ an entire frat for twenty bucks again.”  

“Let’s just check it out,” Tony said, throwing his damp, discarded panties from earlier at his friend.  “Those boys also got their parents’ money.” 

Glen dodged the underwear and hopped off the bed, shoving Tony towards the shower.  “Seriously, get movin’.  If we gotta get across town we need to go.”  

Tony shuffled sleepily into the shower while Glen stood at the sink next to him, applying a thick, heavy coating of makeup.  The bald man’s lips and rough cheeks were just as red as his nails, while dark clouds hovered around his eyes.  “Subtle,” Tony laughed.  

“Do you wanna get fucked or win a beauty contest” Glen asked defensively.  “Don’t forget to shave this time.”  

Tony grinned and took his friend’s spot at the mirror, scraping his cheeks clean before applying an equally dense layer of paint to his face.  Watching his lips purse in the mirror as he applied the garish maroon lipstick, Tony was hit by another surge of fear.  Something felt very, very wrong.  He dropped the lipstick and grabbed the edges of the sink to steady himself, staring at himself in horror.  

“Everything okay?” 

Tony shook his head and sighed, rolling his bowling ball shoulders as he turned.  “I...yeah...I think so,” he said, the usual sight of his friend wedging a short black mini skirt up his trunk like thighs putting him at ease.  “Guess I’m not awake yet…” 

“Well get awake,” Glen said impatiently.  He’d pulled on a sheer, crimson halter and was busy digging through the drawers for Tony’s outfit.  

“What’s your hurry?  It’s not even ten yet.”  

“Every minute we spend here is a minute we’re not makin’ money, dude,” Glen barked.  

“And a minute you don’t have a dick in that slutty mouth’a yours,” Tony laughed, casually pulling on a black lace thong before struggling into an equally short, leopard print skirt.  He paused when he realized both of his meaty globes hung out the bottom and the flat crotch of his lace panties would be on display as soon as he sat, but he didn’t know why that should bother him.  Of course that was how his skirt fit.  “Does this look okay,” he asked his friend, turning in a slow circle.  

“You and that trashy leopard,” Glen tutted.  “Always did like the classics.”  

“They never go outta style,” Tony shrugged, pulling on a black spandex top that was little more than a strip of fabric stretching between his meaty pecs and down the middle of his wide back.  The two capped their outfits with stiletto heels, black for Tony and shiny red for Glen, before heading out the door.  

Clacking down the sidewalk, Tony kept pausing to look at their reflection in the darkened windows they passed.  His strange unease was even stronger now that they were out of the apartment, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary in their small, revealing outfits.  The way their bulky muscle bulged out of the confining fabric and their asses hung on display looked exactly as they were supposed to.  

“I do NOT feel like taking the bus tonight,” Glen sighed.  “Wanna try and snag a ride?”  

Tony shrugged.  “Sure.  Get a little warm up in.”  

The two burly men wandered for another block before settling on a street corner, lingering casually for the passing cars.  It only took a few minutes before a beat up sedan with a pair of guys in the front seat pulled over.  

Glen sauntered up, giving both of the men a quick scan.  They were dumpy and middle aged, neither one setting off his cop radar.  “Hey fellas,” he smiled.  

“You two need a lift,” the man in the passenger seat, a heavy set, balding figure with a less than appealing face, asked.  He openly kneaded his crotch with one hand while staring at the meaty thighs sticking out of Glen’s short skirt.  

“We do,” Glen said, leaning into the window.  “My friend and I are trying to get over to the campus.  Think we can work something out?”  He ran a finger around his lips as he spoke, looking down at the man’s crotch with a raised eyebrow.  

“Of course!” the man behind the wheel said.  “We couldn’t leave two damsels in distress.”  He didn’t look much better than his friend, but a ride was a ride.  Glen waved Tony over and the two hopped in the backseat, their skirts riding up nearly to their waists.  The man in the passenger seat didn’t try to hide his obvious lust as he stared back over his shoulder at the burly mens’ exposed panties.  

“Uh-uh,” Tony chided when the driver pulled down a nearby side alley.  “Get us over to the campus and THEN we’ll thank you,” he said, reaching up and toying with the man’s thinning hair.  The two men in the front seat gave each other a disappointed look but they pulled the car back onto the road.  Glen and Tony flirted mechanically on the way, sounding more like bored receptionists than anything else.  

Things were just as mechanical when they reached the edge of campus a short time later.  They pulled the car over onto a dark side street a few blocks away where they wouldn’t be seen.  Tony swapped with the man in the passenger seat, taking the spot next to the driver, while the man climbed in back with Glen.  The two miniskirted bulldogs feigned excitement as they fished the men’s average cocks free, stroking them to full mast before swallowing the mediocre organs.  

Tony felt another rush of terror as soon as the underwhelming rod hit his tongue.  For an instant, every instinct told him this was wrong.  The musky smell, the salty taste, the man’s desperate groans; his brain was telling him he shouldn’t be experiencing any of it.  It only lasted a moment, but Tony knew without a doubt that something was horrifyingly wrong.  

And then it was gone.  The beefy man wasn’t aroused or disgusted by the oozing member in his mouth.  He and Glen were holding up their end of a transaction and nothing more.  The sooner they could get these two off, the sooner they could go after the young dick they craved.  

Fortunately, they didn’t have long to wait.  The two men had about as much stamina as they did looks, exploding into the guys’ mouths after only a few minutes.  “Thanks for the ride,” Tony purred, wiping cum from the corner of his mouth as he fixed his lipstick in the passenger mirror.  

“Aw, is that all we get,” the man in back asked, sliding his hand up Glen’s leg and slipping a few fingers inside the bulky man’s panties. 

Glen forced a smile and gently pulled the man’s hand away.  “For a ride.  You want more, you know where to find us again.”  The two hopped out and waved the men off, the fake smiles turning into sneers as soon as the men were gone.

“Thank god,” Tony said, his shoulders sagging.  “Jesus those two were boring.”  

Glen rolled his eyes as they stomped off down the sidewalk in the noisy heels.  “At least it was quick.”  

“Did anything even happen?  I could barely tell when the guy came.”  Tony pulled a small mirror out of his clutch and fixed his lipstick while they walked, navigating the cracked sidewalk in his heels while applying makeup like he’d done it for years, not days.  His hand trembled when he saw his reflection, the fear washing over him again.  His pursing, crimson lips looked completely out of place.  

“You fixed it,” Glen laughed as he watched his friend continue to stare at his reflection.  “You’re gonna walk into a street sign you keep that up.”  Tony shook his head and put the mirror away.  He tried to calm his nerves on the rest of the walk, but the growing eagerness he felt kept him on edge.  

The two made their to one of the sleazier bars on the outskirts of the university district.  It was still close enough to attract the college crowd, but it was far enough away that townies and working girls like themselves could mingle without standing out too much.  The drinks were cheap and it was the kind of place where people didn’t ask a lot of questions, which made it a perfect spot for the two scantily clad hulks.  They could land professors or frat boys, whichever they were in the mood for.  The professors paid more, but the sex was better with the younger guys.  

A quick scan of the dim, crowded room didn’t show any competition as Tony and Glen sauntered up to the bar.  They took a pair of stools on the corner and each downed a quick shot, their eyes discreetly wandering the crowd for potential customers.  There were plenty of guys looking in their direction, but it was a pair of athletic young men that made the first move.  

They were each clad in fitted jeans and tight t-shirts, one red, one black, that showed off their lean, muscled builds.  The one in red had a shaggy mop of auburn hair while his friend in black had a short blonde fade, and both of them had charming, boy-next-door faces that bordered on innocent.  Tony and Glen had them sized up well before they reached the bar, guessing the two jocks to be no older than their early twenties.  This was confirmed when they started talking, fumbling their way through flirty conversation without knowing how to ask the question they so clearly wanted answered.  They played for the university baseball team and Chad, the one in black, was taking Brad, the one in red, out for his birthday.  

The two older men didn’t make it easy.  They were coy for several drinks, teasingly stroking a young thigh or flashing a view of their panties and absolutely loving how the bashful young men squirmed.  Tony and Glen wanted it just as bad, their mouths practically watering at the thick, virile hoses they squeezed through the tight denim, but they didn’t want to seem desperate.  

“Do you have somewhere we could go?” Tony finally asked, dropping the clueless routine.  “And cash?”  

“Ye...yeah, of course,” Chad stammered, surprised by the change in tone.  “Our apartment is right down the block and I’ve, got, uh...” 

Glen put a hand on Chad’s arm, interrupting him.  He could already smell the kid’s connection to mommy and daddy’s wallet.  “You want us both for the night it’s two fifty.  Each.”  

Chad looked over at his blushing friend and back at the two men with an awkward grin.  Brad had barely spoken, clearly overwhelmed by everything that was happening.  “Um, okay, yeah, we can do that.”  

“Great!” Tony cheered, hopping off his barstool and throwing a heavy arm around Brad’s broad shoulders.  “Dibs on the birthday boy.”  

Glen shot him a dirty look as he reached out to squeeze Chad’s tight bubble.  “We’re not gonna share?”  

“That all depends on what these boys want, doesn’t it,” Tony whispered seductively.  He raised an eyebrow in Chad’s direction, running a hand over his buzzed scalp.  “Are you just watching while we play with Brad?  Or are you getting in on the fun?”  He laughed when the young blonde went bright red.  “It’s okay honey, you don’t have to decide right now.”  

“Oh! Uh, no, I mean, I was gonna…” he stammered, looking over at Glen.  

“Trust me, you’re gonna,” Glen said, leaning in and nuzzling the young man’s neck.  “Well?  What are we waiting for?”  

They were a motley group heading out into the night, the two brawny men clinging to the young jocks half their age.  Tony and Glen continued toying with the young studs, having them rock hard and ready well before they reached the apartment.  It was clear the jocks had never done this before, their inexperience only turning the two older men on even more than they already were.  

As soon as they were inside Tony fell on Brad, wrapping the lean young man in his beefy arms while Glen did the same to Chad.  The awkward jocks didn’t know what to do with themselves as they were stripped of their shirts by the ravenous pair.  They had just enough time to share an eager, nervous glance before they were pulled off in different directions.  

“Relax, stud,” Tony grinned, shoving Brad down onto the edge of his bed when they reached his room.  He purposely left the door open, giving Glen and Chad a view from the couch in the living room as he ran a hand down Brad’s hairless washboard, his finger tracing along the outline of the lengthy, solid cock in the tight jeans.  His mind flashed back to the young man in the cell next to them, about the same age as his new friend and with a similar body that would forever be on display in the skimpy underwear.  The thought made his loins ache as he undid Brad’s fly and slowly pulled the pants open.  “Impressive.”  

“Uh, thanks…” Brad blushed when Tony tugged his pants and boxers down to his rigid seven inches spring free.  The young man’s bright, boy-next-door grin made Tony throb even harder as he gazed down at the lean, nubile muscle.  

“Now you stay right there,” Tony said in a coy tone as he pulled his revealing top free, exposing the burly muscle gut that led to his leopard print skirt.  He tugged the tight garment down slowly, wiggling his meaty cheeks as he worked it over his powerful thighs.  He was so eager to get the young man inside him that he almost tore the lace panties clean off, but instead managed to slip them free and kick them at the young jock on the bed.  

“Oh...ohh...hhhh…” Brad gasped when Tony reached down and gave his aching cock a few quick tugs.  He started to sit up, but the bigger man shoved him back down.  

“Since it’s your birthday I’ll do all the work,” Tony purred.  He climbed up onto the bed as Brad scooted back from the edge, straddling the younger man’s trim waist.  “You lay right there and let meeeuunn….me...take over…” he grunted as he lined himself up and slowly wormed Brad inside.  

“Uuahh...ahhh…” the athletic stud groaned, his eyes going wide.  “Oh...oh fuuuuuck…” 

“I’m a pro,” Tony winked.  The brawny hulk flexed his massive arms behind his head, rocking and writhing on Brad’s lap.  He hoped the young man had staying power.  He was more concerned with using the shredded jock’s solid organ to get himself off than anything else.  His body was on overdrive, feeling like it hadn’t been stuffed in weeks while his head spun from the confusing events of the last forty eight hours.  They’d been busted before, that wasn’t the issue.  Spending a few hours in a cell every now and then just came with the territory.  What really had him bothered was the constant, creeping sensation that he was missing something obvious.  Clutching the young man’s solid pecs and bouncing on his shapely rod, Tony didn’t understand how everything could feel so blissfully right and naggingly wrong at the same time.  It was right on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t quite get the thoughts to gel.  He could hear Glen whimpering in the other room as Chad pounded the bald man senseless, the sound striking him as both familiar and horrifying.  Tony kept having flashes of a dick between his legs, one that belonged to him and not someone else.  He could almost remember what the throbbing organ had felt like, but he knew that didn’t make sense, either.  If he had a dick of his own he wouldn’t be the one getting fucked and if he wasn’t getting fucked he wouldn’t feel nearly this good.  Eventually he stopped thinking about it altogether and focused on the growing pressure building inside him.  

As worked up as he was, it didn’t take long.  He had the bed creaking and slamming against the wall while he swiveled and pumped his hips up and down, jamming Brad deeper and deeper inside.  The young man’s face was a slack jawed mask of ecstatic shock as his body raced to keep up, kept on its toes by the way Tony switched the pace from fast to slow, rough to smooth.  The beefy man knew exactly what he was doing, his body’s instinctive movements pushing the confusing thoughts further away.  If this was wrong, he told himself, he wouldn’t be so good at it.  

Tony brought them both to the edge over and over until he finally let loose a deep, cracking wail as he came, his stubby fingers biting into Brad’s smooth chest.  The young jock wasn’t far behind, launching his own sticky torrent to mingle with the waterfall pouring out of the spasming bruiser. 

“That was...wow…” Brad panted, stroking Tony’s meaty thighs.  

The big man blinked down in a daze and breathed a sigh of relief, all of his anxiety flowing out with the copious fluid.  “That was just the first round,” he grinned, pinching Brad’s small, solid nipples.  “We’ve got all night.”