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The Man In The Green Suit had been watching Garrett strum and sing his way through a set for the past twenty minutes.  The young blonde was practically glowing as he held the bustling coffee shop captivated with his smooth tenor and handsome looks, both a cut above the normal talent at a church sponsored open mic night.  The crowd was mostly students from the nearby university, likely his recent classmates before graduating, with a row of smiling young women vying for seats closest to the stage as if the wholesome youngsters would ever do anything more than hold hands before marriage.  The lyrics were just as innocent and not nearly as impressive as the person delivering them, full of typical lies about salvation and love and a caring god and a magical wonderland waiting for you when you died.  

The Man In The Green Suit loved every second of it.  “If you only knew,” he muttered under his breath, his eyes flashing a sickly yellow.  These were his favorites; young men held aloft by their innocent righteousness, only to fall farther and faster than they ever thought possible.  He was doing them a favor, they’d see that eventually, but first things needed to be set in motion.  

He waited until Garrett was reaching a crescendo to bring everything to a deafening halt.  With a flick of his hand the room went still and silent as time paused.  The hissing growl of the espresso machine, the noisy chatter, the cars outside; all of it came to an abrupt stop.  

Garrett’s smooth note finished, the echo hitting him before the realization that everyone was frozen.  “Uh...hello?  Everyone okay out there,” he asked with a nervous laugh. 

“Bravo!”  The Man In The Green Suit smiled at the way Garrett jumped when his loud clap shattered the silence.  “You’ve left them speechless!”  

“What’s going on here...hey...why...why can’t I move?!”  Garrett’s deceptively trim torso inflated impressively as his ample muscle struggled in a futile attempt at freedom.  

“We’re just taking a little break,” The Man In The Green Suit said as he stepped up onto the stage and made a slow circle around the frozen man.  He leaned in close, inspecting Garrett’s plump, full lips, button nose, and prominent cheekbones.  He ran a hand through the frozen man’s wavy blonde hair before giving his straining biceps a squeeze.  

Garrett wished he could pull away.  The man’s touch was cold and clammy, the very air around him giving off a chill.  He’d seen the man in the dark green suit standing in the back of the crowd, but other than noting the strange color of his outfit he hadn’t paid much attention.  Now, looking at the thin man’s motionless, waxy face, the young singer was struck with the odd impression that the green suit wasn’t a suit at all, but the strange creature’s skin.  There was a scent of honey and lemon wafting over him, making his head spin.  Or at least that’s what he blamed for thinking that the other man’s mouth hadn’t moved even when he’d heard him speak.  “Don’t...don’t touch…” 

“The face and voice of an angel with a varsity body,” The Man In The Green Suit said admiringly.    

“Wha…!”  Garrett gasped at the rush of air on his impossibly exposed skin.  His fitted jeans, boxer briefs, shoes, and straining t-shirt, even the guitar he’d been holding, had vanished in an instant.  The horrified young man tried to cover his girthy package, but his frozen muscles wouldn’t respond.  All he could do was blush.  

“What are you so bashful about?” The Man In The Green Suit laughed.  “Look at you!  All those muscles...those abs...that cock!  No wonder these ladies in front are going to leave moist puddles on their seats.  Do you think they’ll remember this later?  A clear picture of your lean, athletic body standing naked and blushing before them?  Will they think of it as an exceptionally vivid fantasy?  Or will they know they got a glimpse of the real thing?”  He traced a hand down Garrett’s sturdy arm and along his smooth abs, a crooked grin forming on his pasty, unmoving face.  “You’re a hairy one, aren’t you?  I can feel it...you shave, but it’s always there.  This smooth skin...another lie?”  

“Lie?  What are you talking about?”  Garrett tried not to think about just how many frozen faces were staring at his exposed body.  Being naked in the locker room was one thing.  He’d been on enough teams over the years that it was something he was used to.  In those settings he was fine, reluctantly, with baring his chiseled frame.  There was a need for it.  This was different.  This was raw exhibitionism, flesh for the sake of flesh.  Staring out at the sea of faces, the blushing young jock could see just how many of them were tinged with lust, already imagining him in a similar state while he’d been singing.  It made him feel dirty. 

“And a little excited.  Be honest,” The Man In The Green Suit grinned, nodding down at Garrett’s thick, twitching hose as he seemingly read the naked man’s mind.  “That’s not me doing that.”  

Garrett’s body turned purple with embarrassment as he tried desperately to keep his eager equipment under control.  “What do you want with me?”  

“Only for you to live your true life, not this lie.”  The Man In The Green Suit spread his hands and gestured at the frozen room around them.  “We all know, deep down, this isn’t what you want.  They,” he nodded down at the ogling young women in front, “aren’t who you want.  Now him on the other hand…” he circled around and put his head on Garrett’s shoulder from behind, pointing across the room at a frozen barista.  The young man looked to be about Garrett’s age, with a lean, trim build and a head of shaggy, chocolate brown hair.  

“What?  N...no!  I don’t want…” Garrett stammered, betrayed by the cock that rocketed to its full seven inches.  

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you there,” The Man In The Green Suit whispered into the young hunk’s ear, giving his perky bubble a pat as he pulled away.  

“How...WHY are you doing this?  What’d I ever do to…” 

“I go where I’m needed,” The Man In The Green Suit shrugged.  “Some people find their way to the path on their own...others need more of a push to reach their destination.  Can you guess which category you’re in?”  

Garrett’s flexing body broke out in a thin sweat as he continued to struggle.  “Path?  Destination?  I don’t understand any of this,” he barked, his anger starting to replace his fear.  

The Man In The Green Suit cocked his head to the side and watched his naked young friend struggle.  “You will in time.  You’re not going to be walking this path alone.  You won’t see me again, but you’ll hear from me.  I won’t be far.  Do what I say, when I say, and you can ease into your new life.  If not, the “new you” will be a bit more literal.”  His eyes lit up as he spoke, the rest of his thin frame taking on a hazy, spectral appearance.  “Personally I’d love to see that pretty face on a thick, hairy body, but that’s ultimately up to you.  Sometimes a drastic change is good though.  Makes for a cleaner transition.  That way no one will see this angelic creature you are now and have any misconceptions.”  

Garrett had gone from an angry crimson to a sickly pale at the strange being’s talk of changing his body.  “What do you mean?  What am I supposed to do?”  

The Man In The Green Suit had faded to little more than a pair of glowing eyes.  “Time is going to lurch back into motion shortly.  Don’t worry, your clothes will come back with it.  That will give you the opportunity to take your shirt off while you’re up here.  I don’t care how you justify it, as long as you lose the top and show off that impressive torso.  Give your audience what they really want.”  

“What?  No!  That’s insane!  I can’t…” Garrett trailed off when the background noise finally registered, the partial silence no longer a result of time being frozen but surprise at his outburst.  To the rest of the room he’d broken off mid-note to start frantically yelling.  There was a moment of panic where he was afraid to look down until he felt the familiar sensation of clothes against skin.  The Man In The Green Suit was nowhere to be seen, and Garrett would have thought he’d just imagined everything if it weren’t for the rigid cock straining against his fitted jeans behind the conveniently obscuring guitar.  “Uh, sorry about that, folks,” he laughed awkwardly.   “Kinda lost my train of thought there.  Guess I should take that as a sign from the almighty to quit while I’m ahead.  God bless,” he said, quickly hopping off the stage.  

The charming young man would usually hang around to flirt with his groupies afterwards, telling himself that he was basking in the Spirit with his friends; he wasn’t REALLY in it for the attention that was being heaped his way.  But now he hurried out the door to his car, mortified by what just happened and the sudden doubts as to his motives.  Even if it had all just been in his head, the fact that he even had such thoughts was troubling.  To imagine himself being stripped down in front of everyone, to enjoy it, to get hard over another guy; it was all too much.  By the time he made it back to his apartment he was actually hoping it had been real since that gave him a way to deflect.  He’d been visited by a demon.  This wasn’t really him.  

“I just need to pray on it...I just need to pray on it…” He repeated it like a mantra.  Garrett hoped it would calm his frayed nerves, but he was constantly distracted by his still aching cock.  The rigid hose refused to relax, tempting the young man.  It wasn’t that Garrett didn’t jerk off, he’d made peace with that particular weakness, it just always made him feel guilty afterwards.  Given how the night was unfolding, that was something the horny jock already had plenty of.  

“I’m being tested, that’s all.  I can get through this.  I just need to…” Garrett let the sentence go unfinished, feeling like he’d been kicked in the gut.  When he’d clasped his hands and bowed his head, the stunned blonde found himself looking down at noticeable patches of sandy blonde hair on the back of each hand.  The wiry hair grew thicker as it traveled up his arms and disappeared into his tight sleeves, forming a silky coating that hadn’t been there earlier in the day.  “No no no no…” 

Garrett stripped out of his t-shirt and moaned when he saw the curly forest that had sprouted across his chest, obscuring the view of his defined pecs.  There was a thick patch in the valley between them that thinned as it traced along the curves of his muscle and up towards his shoulders before bisecting his abs in a furry trail that vanished into his jeans.  Like the roots of a tree, the sandy dusting was spreading out from the middle line, creeping across his washboard towards the sides of his trim waist.  

It was impossible.  Garrett had always been naturally hairy, but he shaved regularly.  He’d been doing it since he’d started sprouting back in high school and had just shaved himself clean two days before.  Now it didn’t look like his body had seen a razor in weeks.  He shucked his jeans and boxer briefs, momentarily forgetting about his throbbing pole as he stared in horror at the dense bush that flowed further south to coat his toned thighs and perky rear, reaching all the way down his calves to the tops of his long, wide feet.  

He bolted to the bathroom, his hands fumbling with the shaving cream as he lathered up and systematically scraped himself clean.  The horrified young man was meticulous, leaving no area untouched until he was once again smooth from his eyebrows down.  He’d even done his arms, legs, armpits and balls just to be safe.  

“Nice try.”  

Garrett jumped at the unexpected voice, instinctively trying to cover his aching cock as he stuck his head back out into the empty apartment.  

The voice dripped with amusement.  “I’m not there...just watching.  I told you what would happen if you didn’t do what I said.”  

Garrett could practically feel The Man In The Green Suit’s glowing eyes on his naked skin.  “How?!  How are you doing this?!” he cried.  

“You have your talents, I have mine.”  

“Please, no…” Garrett moaned.  While the voice had been speaking he could already feel the hair starting to grow again.  His smooth, heavy balls were sprouting prickly hairs against his palms and his entire body itched as the blonde carpet reappeared.   Where before it had looked like he’d simply let his natural growth take its course, now he had a thick carpet, deep enough across his chest and abs to lace his fingers into.  The hair that had started to wrap around his trim sides completed the journey, fading to a light coating as it spread up his lower back and down from his shoulders.  “Okay! Okay!  Alright?  Just...tell me what you want me to do to make this go away…” he begged.  

“Take care of that neglected cock,” the voice purred.  

Garrett’s pale body flushed under the new growth.  “What?”  

“You heard me.  You were going to anyway, right?”  

“But...not with someone…” 

“Watching?”  The Man In The Green Suit finished with a chuckle.  “Oh, I’m watching.  There’s always the alternative if you’d prefer…” 

“No!  I just...this is…” Garrett stammered, his hand inching towards his oozing cock.  He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and started pumping.  

“See?  That’s not so bad, right?  Tell me...how does it feel to do that, knowing someone’s watching?”

“Humiliating,” Garrett spat.  

“After that...underneath the embarrassment.  Think about your answer,” The Man In The Green Suit added, his friendly tone dropping to a threatening snarl.  “If you lie to me I’ll make sure you never stop cumming.  You’ll spend the rest of your days in a diaper with that thing leaking like a dripping faucet between your legs.”  

Garrett’s blushing face turned a deeper shade of red.  The handsome young man’s face tightened as he clenched his eyes and had to force his jaw open.  “Go...good,” he half whispered, half hissed.  “Exciting.”  

“So it turns you on?”  

“Ye...yes, okay?  Yes!”  Garrett shouted, stroking faster.  

“And do you wish it was that cute young man from the coffee shop watching you?”  

“What?!  I don’t...n…” Garrett caught himself, an image of his muscled, hairy body stuffed into a pair of padded briefs that constantly needed changing due to his uncontrollable oozing flashing before his closed eyes.  “Ye...yes…” he said quietly, defeated.  

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” The Man In The Green Suit laughed.  “And what else would you want to do together?”

“Ki...kiss…” Garrett stammered, struggling with the words.  The pious young man had always told himself he was waiting for marriage, but he knew that was a lie, a convenient way to deflect the women he’d never been interested in.  

“Aaaaaannnnddd….?  Be descriptive.  What do you REALLY want to do?”  

Garrett whimpered, both from fear and the surge of lust that shot through him.  He’d never been physical with another man, but in moments of weakness he’d watched gay porn.  He knew all too well what he wanted to do with the fit young barista, he just struggled to say it out loud.  

“Tick.  Tock.”  

“Un..undress him!  Strip him all the way down…”  As he said it, a crystal clear vision of the lean young man replaced the horrifying image of his diaper-clad sef.  He saw himself in high def, raising the other man’s toned arms to slip the baggy shirt free before slowly working his mouth down the trim, smooth torso as he undid the barista’s pants.  Garrett could practically smell the musky scent and feel the fabric against his hands when he pictured himself dropping to his knees and tugging them down.  “I’d...I’d blow him...lick every inch of that cock...work his balls while he fucked my mouth until he came all over my faaaaauuuuuhhhnnnn…..”  Garrett thought his fantasy had become real when he felt the warm, sticky fluid splatter against his handsome face.  He’d been imagining his head bobbing in and out of the other man’s crotch and could feel the oozing rod hitting the back of his throat.  He was actually disappointed when he opened his eyes to find one of his hands working a furry nipple while the other clutched his softening rod.  He’d angled it towards himself so that he’d blow all over his face and chest when he came, and he blushed at the sight of the copious fluid trickling down into the new forest on his pecs.  

“Now was that so hard?” The Man In The Green Suit sounded like a parent talking to an unwilling child who’d just had their teeth cleaned at the dentist.  

Garrett winced as he pulled his hands away from the sticky hair on his stomach.  “Why am I still...I did what you said!”  

“Oh, there’s no undoing anything, so you’ll want to start getting used to that.  If you try and shave again it’ll just grow back before you’re even done.  No, the name of this game is how long you can go before something ELSE happens.”  

“You can’t!  I don’t want to be covered in…” 

“It’s pretty clear you’re not being honest with yourself about what you really want, isn’t it?  Speaking of...you’ll find that handsome young man’s number in your phone.  Why don’t you text him with all of those things you’d like to do to him?”  

His anger growing and his head clearing from the release, a bit of the athletic blonde’s resistance flared back to life.  “What?  No!  That’s...I can’t do that!  I won’t!”  

There was a pause before a quiet chuckle seemed to come from every corner of the apartment at once.  “Have it your way.”  

“Wait!  Can’t I just...hello?”  Garrett shouted, going from room to room but getting no answer.  He finally made his way back in front of the mirror, his eyes going wide at the sight of his now-hairy frame.  Nothing else seemed out of place, but already his swaying hose and plump balls were twitching back to life.  “I’m just being tested...this is just a test...I’m just being tested…” he mumbled.    



Amazing! Would love to see more nipple/chest growth/transformation in your stories! You write erotic horror so well.


I can't wait to see what happens to him next. Very hot.