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Smith opened his eyes on a nightmare.  The last thing he remembered was going to bed in his dorm like he did every night.  He’d stripped down to his boxers, climbed under the sheets, and drifted off with the soft glow of his roommate’s tablet illuminating the other wall.    

Now he was somehow standing upright in an empty, featureless room.  He squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights glaring overhead, reflecting off the bare white walls around him.  Bryan was nowhere to be seen, nor were his boxers, as a stranger in a lab coat made a slow circle around his naked frame.  Smith’s instinct was to cover himself, but he quickly discovered he couldn’t move.  The former swimmer’s lean, ample muscle tensed from the strain of trying, but the most he could manage were helpless blinks.  

“Ah, you’re awake!”  The stranger’s tone was friendly, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.  “I’m sure you have a thousand questions, but all you need to know is that you’ll be fine.  This won’t hurt in the slightest, and when you wake up next you probably won’t even remember anything happening, so do try and relax.”  The stranger gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and looked at the tablet in his hand.  

Now that he was standing in front of him, Smith could see that the man was older, looking to be in his late fifties, with a doughy, average build.  His friendly features were etched with wrinkles and his dark, messy hair was thinning.  The man’s glasses accentuated the beakish nose that wrinkled as he read his screen.  “You ARE a fit one, aren’t you?  Eleven percent body fat...that’s impressive,” he laughed and gave his midsection a squeeze.  “Believe it or not I wasn’t far from that once.  A lot easier when you’re twenty than when you’re my age.”  

Smith wished he could turn and run.  The man’s nondescript appearance and casual conversation were almost more alarming than if he’d been overtly sinister.  Smith had been abducted from his bed, stripped down, and temporarily paralyzed, but the man was talking as if he was simply getting a physical.  

“Let’s see,” the man continued.  “Five foot ten, one hundred and sixty two pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes.  Former swimmer?  That explains the athletic build,” he said, cocking his head.  He held up the tablet and Smith’s stomach dropped when he saw pictures of his older brothers and dad on the screen.  “Good thing that hair held off, eh?  Would’ve been a pain to shave all that constantly.  Looks like it’s starting to come in, though.”  

Smith wanted to pull away when the man started prodding the wispy hairs sprouting across the top of his prominent pecs.  They weren’t much more than a light dusting, trailing down his firm abs to join with his trimmed bush before spreading out around his toned thighs and just starting to creep up towards his perky bubble.  Smith knew it was only a matter of time.  The men in his family were all hairy chested, with dense carpets coating the front of their torsos, as well as their arms and legs.  Their backs were usually spared, and the way the smattering of hair thinned across his shoulders, vanishing until just above his ass made Smith hopeful that he’d share that fate.

“Alright, what else...size ten feet, six inches erect, twenty three milliliter testicles...I think that’s the basics,” the man finished, laughing at Smith’s blushing face.  “Nothing to be ashamed of!  You should see some of the guys that come through here,” he shrugged.  “But you’re probably more interested in what you’re going to look like when you leave, right?”  

Smith’s eyes went as wide as they could in their frozen state when an image of his current, naked body was projected on the opposite wall like a reflection. 

“First things first, you’re going to be quite a bit taller.  Six foot six was the order.”  The man tapped on the tablet and Smith watched the projected image grow, towering over both of them.  Instead of stretching like taffy, the taller version of himself kept the same lean, athletic proportions, meaning he’d somehow be packing on quite a bit of muscle.  “Looks like nature’s being sped up a bit as well,” the man said absently as a horrified Smith watched his torso erupt in dense, sandy blonde hair.  It was like watching a time lapse; the wispy strands growing dark and spreading like wildfire down his trim stomach.  The already-present hair on his forearms grew thicker and spread down to coat the backs of his hands and up his chiseled biceps, leaving a thin layer across his broad shoulders that threatened to spill down his tapering back.  The hair on his thighs spread at a similar pace, coating his solid cheeks as it flowed up towards his lower back before covering his shins when it fell down over his knees.  Smith knew it was going to come sooner or later as he aged, but it was even more jarring to see the forest of hair on his still-youthful body.  

“You’ll probably like this part,” the man grinned.  Smith would have gasped when his reflection suddenly sprouted a dangling snake between its hairy thighs with a set of small oranges wedged in behind.  “Ten inches long, and those bad boys get pumped up an additional twelve milliliters.  Whoooo,” the man whistled, “you’re gonna turn heads in the locker room.  Okay, last couple details….size fifteen feet, flamboyant personality, homosexual, increased libido...but with a dick like that how could you not?” the man said as an aside, more to himself than Smith.  “Alright, we’re all set!  Back to sleep you go.”  

Smith tried to scream.  The physical changes were horrifying enough, but the man’s offhanded comments about a new personality and a sudden shift in orientation were terrifying.  He was quiet and laid back, not boisterous or over the top.  And while he wasn’t a homophobe, the future he envisioned didn’t involve him having a dick in his mouth.   He tried to think of a way out, to fight his way free, but the man tapped his tablet again and the world went black.  



“AAAaaahahhhh!”  Smith shot up out of bed, finally overcoming the bonds holding him in place.  He stared, wild eyed, around the familiar dorm and at the startled face of his roommate.  “Wha...what the fuck…” he panted, his body covered in sweat.  

“Jesus, man,” Bryan laughed, taking a deep breath as he reached up to run a hand through his chocolate bed-head.  “You scared the fuck outta me.”  

“I did?”  Smith shook his head, trying to remember the source of his terror.  He’d awoken in a panic, but already he couldn’t remember why.  “Fuck...sorry, dude.  I’m not usually the nightmare type.”  

“I know!  You were thrashing like a motherfucker...I thought you were having a seizure or something.”  

Smith fell back against the bed and rubbed his face, a strange sensation running through him as he looked at Bryan.  He’d seen his roommate in nothing but his boxer briefs on a daily basis, but the sight of his soccer player friend’s wiry torso and thick lower half had never caused his cock to throb before.  “I can’t remember any of it.  Is that weird?”  

Bryan shrugged and sat on the edge of his bed, his meaty thighs pressing together.  “Nah...that kinda is, though,” he laughed, nodding over at Smith.  

“What’re you...oh! Shit!” Smith yelped, blushing when he looked down to see his rigid cock poking out of the fly of his striped boxers.  Having spent years on the swim team around scantily clad men, as well as all the antics they got up to in the locker room, Smith wasn’t bashful about his body, but he wasn’t used to springing wood in front of another guy.  

“So I’m gonna go back to sleep now,” Bryan yawned, falling over onto his bed.  Smith found his eyes darting to the glimpse of his friend’s stuffed bulge just before the covers were pulled up.  “If you gotta take care of that give me like five minutes to pass out first,” he smiled sleepily, rolling over to face the wall.  

Smith blinked up at the ceiling, confused, tired, and far too horny to fall back asleep.  He tried to will his persistent cock soft, but the demanding organ refused to listen.  After what felt like an hour of fruitless tossing and turning the embarrassed young man gave in, another strange thrill shooting through him when he reached down and started pumping.  He’d never jerked off with Bryan in the room before, and he’d certainly never done it while thinking about his friend.  His mind raced with memories of the other man’s plump, perky cheeks and stout cock, the musky scent of their shared room hitting him like an aphrodisiac.  He blushed when he found himself watching the other man’s slumbering frame while he stroked, and then came, but didn’t look away.  His eyes were still tracing over Bryan’s button nose and full lips when he eventually drifted off.  

The rest of his sleep was thankfully free of nightmares, but that didn’t prevent a surge of confusing fear when he woke and tossed his covers aside to see the freshly sprouted hair beginning to spread across his chest.  What had just been wispy strands the day before were now a noticeable coating, with a thickening trail bisecting his abs.  “What the fuck?  Where the hell did this come from?” he muttered, looking up to find Bryan gone.  He stood and stretched, scratching absently at the new fur on his stomach as he fought against a strange impulse.  His eyes landed on a pile of Bryan’s dirty laundry, and before he knew what he was doing he’d picked up a pair of his friend’s worn boxer briefs.  His hands tingled and his stomach fluttered as he raised them to his face, taking a deep breath of the musky scent.  He had just enough time to whip them at the ground when he heard the doorknob start to turn before his towel-clad friend sauntered in.  

“Mornin’,” Bryan waved, his whipcord body glistening from the recent shower.  Smith’s eyes immediately fell to the outlined bulge and he tried not to be obvious when the other man dropped the towel and gave him a full view of his tantalizingly plump bottom.  “Anymore weird dreams,” Bryan asked as he slid into a fresh pair of underwear.  “You seemed pretty zonked when I woke...up…” he trailed off, cocking his head to the side.  “Dude...did you hit puberty last night or something?  Where’d all that hair come from?”  

“Uh...search me,” Smith shrugged, blushing and feeling self conscious.  

“It’d explain why you’re so horny all of a sudden,” Bryan said, casually nodding at his friend’s rigid cock for the second time.  

“Fuck!  Sorry man...I have no idea what’s going on…” Smith said, quickly stuffing himself back in his boxers.  It obscured the view, but still left a large tent.  “Maybe I’m just hungry for cake this morning.”  The blushing man felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach when he heard the strange words leaving his mouth.  It didn’t sound like a joke; it sounded like he was flirting.  

“Ha!” Bryan laughed, giving his cheeks a shake.  If he took it as anything other than a joke he didn’t let it show.  “Room with me long enough and it’s bound to happen.  They’re irresistible.”  

“Lucky me,” Smith laughed, trying to cover the unintended slip as he grabbed his own towel and hurried to the showers.  Any hopes he had that being away from Bryan would ease his hunger were dashed as soon as he walked in.  Though he’d spent years using gym showers, the thought that he was surrounded by naked guys on all sides suddenly caused his cock to throb even harder.  He pumped as fast as he could, trying not to sound too obvious with his rhythmic splashing until he blasted like a shotgun, surprising even himself with the force of his spraying. 

Smith seized the opportunity to hurriedly finish his shower while his hungry snake slumbered, both marveling and wincing at the foreign sensation of running his hands through wet hair on his torso.  It felt like it had continued to grow in just the time since he’d woken up, a feeling that was confirmed when he stepped out and saw his furry reflection.  His pecs and stomach were almost entirely covered by the beginnings of a curly forest.  The sight brought with it a blurry memory of a white room and being unable to move, along with an overwhelming sense of dread.  

Smith fought back the panic as he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed for his room, only making it a few steps before he stumbled.  The normally coordinated athlete tripped over his own feet, falling face-first in the middle of the hall.  The tumble sent his towel flying, leaving him sprawled naked in front of the people heading out for their early morning classes.  

His instinct was to cover himself and run, but instead Smith casually stood and shrugged.  “Whoops,” he laughed, tossing the towel over his shoulder.  It was an all-male floor, he told himself as he waved at the smiling faces passing him on the way.  

The rest of his morning only grew more confusing.  When he’d gotten dressed, Smith had found his normally perfect-fitting pants too small.  They clung to his legs and were noticeably shorter, as was the tight t-shirt that barely reached his waist.  And on top of the poor fit, Smith kept thinking about how much he hated the way he looked.  His jeans and t-shirts were bland and boring, his shaggy haircut plain and generic.  He needed a makeover.  

He also increasingly needed clothes that fit. He spent the morning squirming and scratching at his itchy torso, the hair still growing beneath a shirt that looked two sizes too small.  And while the clinging top at least showed off his solid build, his pants were just painful.  The growing young man felt like his package was in a vice, not to mention being completely on display as his thick hose was outlined snaking down his leg.  His jeans looked like capris, stopping halfway up his shins while his feet felt like they were going to burst out of his shoes.  

He gave up after his third class, skipping the rest of his morning schedule to head back to his room.  As he stumbled across campus, his legs feeling gangly and uncoordinated, the confused young man couldn’t wrap his head around how much taller he was than everyone.  Instead of being eye level with his peers as he should have been, he now looked down at people just as he caught them craning their necks to look up at him.  The constant sensation of the breeze on his exposed abdomen was just as jarring, causing Smith to blush when he got a glimpse of his reflection and saw just how tiny his shirt had become.  It stopped at his navel, leaving a much thicker patch of hair on display as it snaked tantalizingly into his plastered on pants.  He tried not to think about how it immediately drew attention to the outline of his aching equipment even as he told himself his cock couldn’t possibly have grown that much larger in just a few hours. 

He tore out of his clothes as soon as he was through the door of his room, his sigh of relief turning into a gasp of surprise at the dense, curly forest coating the front of his torso.  It was so thick he could run his fingers through it.  He could actually grip and pull on it, mainlining a shudder straight to his thickened cock.  

“There’s no way...this can’t really happen...can it?”  Smith mumbled to himself, his eyes wide at the sight of his swaying, pendulous balls.  He could feel a panic attack lurking just beneath the surface.  He knew that a growth spurt like this was impossible.  People didn’t just shoot up several inches and sprout a forest of hair in a matter of hours.  That sense of dread he’d been feeling all morning and the half remembered dream boiled at the edges of his mind, only held at bay by an increasingly carefree attitude.  

So what if he was growing?  So what if he was hairy?   He was hot.  Striking.  His lean muscle looked even more impressive at his new height, and as he turned in front of the mirror, stroking his lengthened pole, he couldn’t find many reasons to actually be concerned.  Instead of a face in the crowd, people had noticed him as he walked by.  The thought made him sigh, a smug thrill running through him at the knowledge of how many people had been checking him out.  Already the thought of going back to his smaller life, both literally and metaphorically, seemed awful.  

Smith groaned when his eager monster exploded, the fingers laced through the carpet of hair on his chest kneading the solid pec underneath.  He looked at the pile of clothes on the ground and made a face, his broadened shoulders sagging.  “I have GOT to do something about that.”  

He squeezed himself into his baggiest clothes, feeling a mischeivous thrill instead of embarrassment at the sight of his thick hose bouncing beneath the sweatpants while his new hair exploded around the tight tank-top.  He’d turn heads at the mall for sure.  


“Whoa!” Bryan laughed over the sound of pulsing music when he opened the door to his dorm.  “Someone having a party in heeeeooooooooly shit!”  

“Heeeeeeyyyyy,” Smith waved, laughing at Bryan’s stunned, slack-jawed expression.  He knew the last thing his friend expected was to walk in and find him dancing in front of the mirror wearing nothing but a bright red jockstrap.  

“Sm..Smith?  What the hell, dude?” the other man gave a shocked laugh as he stepped forward and had to look up at his now-taller, hairy friend.  “You...I mean...how are you…” 

The furry blonde grinned down at his roommate.  They’d been the same height the day before, but now he towered over Bryan.  “You were right, I think?  I’m going through a growth spurt or something crazy,” Smith said with a dismissive wave.  “And check this out!” he reached down and grabbed Bryan’s hand, placing it on the sandy carpet covering his stomach.  “Butch, right?  I thought I hated it but it’s actually kinda hot.”  

“I...I guess...but...what’s with all…” the shorter man blushed and pulled his hand away, his eyes going wide when he saw the stuffed pouch of the jock.  

“It’s cute, right?  I had to get new clothes anyway, so I thought why not?”

“No, I mean the...not that I think about your junk...but I just saw it and it wasn’t that big.”  

Smith grinned.  “It’s okay if you wanna peek,” he said, tugging down the front of the jock and letting his lengthened cock and plump, low-hanging balls fall free.  “EVERYTHING’S growing,” he winked.  

Bryan stumbled back onto his bed in a daze, overwhelmed by the sudden change in his friend.  It wasn’t just Smith’s physical appearance that made him unrecognizable.  The extra height, extra body hair, and extra cock were jarring, but his friend’s attitude threw him off more.  Smith was normally quiet and level headed, but now he was like a force of nature, radiating a carefree confidence that was disarming.  It was something Bryan normally would have applauded, but watching the waving hands and looking at the skimpy underwear and pile of bright tank-tops and tiny shorts on the other man’s bed, he wondered if there was something more to all this.  Smith had even cut his hair into a stylish hard-part, the gelled blonde locks flopped over to one side.  

“You okay?” Smith asked, reaching down to run a hand through Bryan’s hair. 

Bryan blushed and looked away from the massive bulge inches from his face, unaccustomed to Smith being so touchy-feely.  “This is just….a lot, man,” he laughed, shaking his head.  “I mean you’re...giant!  Look at you, stud!  I’d be jealous of all the tail you’re gonna get, but I have a feeling,” he hesitated, his eyes darting over to the bright new clothes on the other bed, “that I might not need to be?”  

Smith blushed, looking bashful for the first time.  “I dunno, man.  I just go for what I like.  I’m too young and too hot to let this go to waste on hang ups.”  

“Hey, whatever makes you happy,” Bryan stammered.  “You just might have to give me a minute to get used to my big gay roommate.”  He laughed and looked up at his friend.  “You know I was just kidding about my ass making you gay, right?  You didn’t just take that too literally?”  

“Hmm...lemme see it again just to be sure,” Smith said, grinning when Bryan turned bright red.  He flopped down behind the other man on his friend’s bed, his lengthened legs now hanging over the end.  “I’m just kidding, dude.  Unless you’re curious.  It coouuuulllllddd beeeee fuuuuuunnnn,” he sang.  “Blowjobs whenever you want ‘em.  I need the practice.” 

“Dude!  Something HAS gotten into you,” Bryan stammered.  He’d had friends come out to him before but it was usually awkward and nervous, not a hairy, flirty explosion.  

“Not yet it hasn’t...unless you wanna rescue a damsel in distress,” Smith purred, flexing his bare, furry cheeks.  

The enlarged young man knew his behavior was different.  He’d spent the day torn between feeling embarrassed and stifled.  He kept having flashes of the strange room all afternoon, feeling a sense of deja vu about everything that was happening.  When he looked at himself in the mirror he felt like he’d seen this version before, but he knew that was impossible.  

And what did it matter?  He liked this version that he was becoming.  Like his old, ill-fitting clothing, his reserved attitude was suddenly smothering.  As the day went on and his body continued to change, he felt like he was waking up from a twenty year nap.  He didn’t need to feel bad about what was happening; he needed to embrace it.  

Bryan laughed and shook his head.  “Oh my god!  Are you gonna be like this until I say yes?”  

Smith grinned and rolled over, propping himself up on a solid, hairy arm.  “Only one way to find out.”  

Over the following weeks, Bryan quickly learned that he could either get on board or get out of Smith’s way, and when he saw how much fun his friend seemed to be having the idea of getting out of the way became less and less appealing.  Smith’s confident charm was entirely disarming.  The straight guy in Bryan was jealous of his friend’s muscled, towering build, but also curious.  The strapping, hairy chested blonde didn’t fit his mental category of what a gay guy was, and if Smith wasn’t bothered by fooling around with guys, maybe he shouldn’t be either.  

It started with a drunken blow job.  They’d both staggered back in after a night at the bars, Bryan being held upright in Smith’s long, solid arms.  The wiry young man was far more intoxicated, and as his friend put him to bed and got him undressed, he worked up the courage to ask.  It was the best head he’d ever received.  The next time he was sober, and the time after he’d actually reciprocated, until it became a regular thing.  

So when Bryan’s girlfriend wanted to experiment, he knew just who to turn to.  She loved his plump cheeks and wanted to explore them further, something Smith was all too happy to help with.  What the lean young man hadn’t expected was for a one time thing to become a nightly occurrence.  Never in his wildest dreams would the wiry athlete have imagined himself looking forward to getting fucked by a guy, but he also never could have pictured himself blowing one.  With Smith it was different.  Something about his friend’s confidence and charm and masculine build made him still feel like one of the guys, like he wasn’t crossing a line.  They were just two guys messing around.  

“Nnnnooooooooooo…” Bryan groaned, arching his back while his plump cheeks slammed into Smith’s lap.  “Nooo...no one hears about this,” he whimpered, burying his face into the mattress.  

“My lips are sealed,” Smith rumbled with his deepened voice, loving how small Bryan felt kneeling in front of him.  He’d finally stopped growing after a few days, topping out at just over six and a half feet tall.  When it was all said and done his new personality had settled into a boisterous flamboyance that was just as large as the rest of him, quickly drawing attention all over as people wondered who this hulking, charming new stud was.  

Instead of recoiling from the attention the way he would have in the past, Smith leaned into it, flirting his way from bed to bed across campus.  It wasn’t uncommon to find the towering young man lounging on the quad in nothing but a small speedo or pair of cut offs, his furry body and impossible package proudly on display while he soaked up the sun.  His enthusiasm was contagious, infecting even the straightest of jocks and leaving them to wonder how they inevitably wound up naked in bed with the furry chested, effervescent hunk.  

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Bryan moaned into the bed, his ample bottom swallowing Smith’s monster almost to the hilt.  “Why...couldn’t….you hit...this growth spurt...sooner…” he whimpered.  

Smith laughed when he rolled his hips and Bryan screamed ecstatically, his untouched cock spraying all over the sheets.  The bigger man kept pumping, his virile hose nowhere near complete.  “Better late than never,” he purred.  



I’m curious as to who ordered Smith’s changes, as alluded to by the scientist. And I rather wonder if Bryan is in that person’s sights as well! Great story and well controlled gradual transformation!


I love a camp top, this was great! :)