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Wrong Number: Oversized Ego

  • A group of frat boys lose their muscle and become femme, curvy twinks. 12
  • A hung, cheating boyfriend has his dick shrunk to micro proportions. 17
  • A personal trainer who steals from his clients beefs up and gains weight. 14
  • An overly aggressive executive finds his cock growing to mammoth, impossible size. 27
  • A promiscuous professor loses his brains, age, and brawn after failing the wrong student. 9
  • 2019-05-06
  • —2019-05-08
  • 79 votes
{'title': 'Wrong Number: Oversized Ego', 'choices': [{'text': 'A group of frat boys lose their muscle and become femme, curvy twinks. ', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'A hung, cheating boyfriend has his dick shrunk to micro proportions. ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'A personal trainer who steals from his clients beefs up and gains weight. ', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'An overly aggressive executive finds his cock growing to mammoth, impossible size. ', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'A promiscuous professor loses his brains, age, and brawn after failing the wrong student. ', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 8, 16, 0, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 6, 3, 58, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 79}


“I’m not gonna fuckin’ tell you again.  Stop calling.”  Adam wished he had a phone he could slam instead of furiously pressing a screen with a heavy thumb.  The athletic young man took a slow breath to calm himself, his broad chest pressing out against his straining t-shirt.  He’d been getting the vaguely threatening calls since the previous and they were starting to wear on his nerves.  

At first he thought it was just one of the guys messing with him since the man on the other end knew his name and had details that only someone who actually knew him should.  The man’s calm, monotone voice listed off his background as if he was reading a resume, rattling through Adam’s impressive athletic accomplishments and state titles, his job at the chrome shop, and even his last several hook ups.  That alone wasn’t what bothered him.  The frustrated young jock knew anyone with access to social media could find that information out.  It was when the man on the other end started mentioning things only a select few knew about, like the guy he and Dave roughed up outside the gay bar a few weeks ago, or the time he’d gotten a little too rough with the blonde from PJ’s after work, that he started to worry.  

In his brief, arrogant twenty three years Adam had amassed more than a few enemies, but he couldn’t put a definite pattern together.  The dude who’d hit on him outside the gay bar had nothing to do with the girl from PJ’s, and neither of them had anything to do with the guy at the gym he’d left with a black eye after letting the scrawny man blow him in the showers.  There was no single connection to any of it that he could see, and the caller wasn’t leaving any hints.  Whoever he was, he started by listing the facts, like a judge reading a list of charges in court, before dropping more ominous statements about how things would “get started soon” and that Adam should “enjoy his old life while he could.”  

The whole experience left him feeling anxious and out of control.  For a handsome, strapping young man used to getting his way it was a new experience.  Between his tapering, sculpted build, lantern jaw, and thick, sandy blonde hair, Adam could normally charm his way out of trouble.  Failing that, he could always rely on his ample muscle and nimble reflexes if things had to get physical.  Now, in a situation where neither of those things did him any good, he was floundering, full of impotent rage and a growing sense of fear that caught him off guard.  

“Owe someone money?”  

Adam shook his head and shoved his phone in his pocket when a large, rough hand landed on his shoulder.  “Nah, someone thinks they’re bein’ funny fuckin’ with me,” he sighed, looking up at Keg’s towering bulk.  His older friend earned his nickname by the thick, solid shape of his burly torso, and while at an even six feet Adam wasn’t short, the dark skinned giant was one of the few people who could make him feel small.  

“Uh-oh.  Finally piss off the wrong boyfriend,” Keg laughed, raising an eyebrow.  

“Who the fuck knows.  Probably?” Adam shrugged.  

Keg made a tutting sound and wagged a finger in disapproval.  “Told you that dick was gonna get you in trouble.” 

“Fuck you know about my dick?  It’s, like, the ONE in this city you haven’t gotten your hands on.”  

“What do I need white baby dick for?”  Keg asked with mock offense.  “That ass, though…”

“Fuck you,” Adam laughed.  He wasn’t entirely comfortable with Keg’s open homosexuality, but the older man had arms the size of Adam’s thighs so the young jock kept his mouth shut.  And it was better than thinking about the phone in his pocket as he went back to work.  It kept buzzing throughout his shift, vibrating against his solid thigh at maddeningly regular intervals while he was stuck feeding machines, helpless to answer.  

It was torture.  Each quick rumble was a threat in potential, an unrealized torment quietly waiting for him in his pocket.  His nerves became increasingly frayed and jittery, causing him to drop loads of metal and nearly ruin several batches in the process.  The heat that had never bothered him was suddenly oppressive and Adam felt like the walls of the expansive shop were closing in, suffocating him.  

By the time his break rolled around he practically ran to the locker room, tearing the buzzing phone from his pocket.  “Just tell me what the fuck you want,” he snapped.  

The voice on the other end was as calm and emotionless as always.  “Is that any way to answer a phone?”

“Who are you?  Why are you…” 

“The heat must be getting to you.  Just look...you’re drenched in sweat.”  

Adam’s heart started racing, his eyes darting around the empty locker room.  Looking down at himself, he was soaked.  His t-shirt clung to his torso, outlining his bulging pecs and each of his bumpy abs, and his thighs were equally damp beneath the rough denim of his jeans.  What he couldn’t figure out was how the caller knew that.  He hadn’t seen anyone on their phones out on the floor, Ed would have yelled at them immediately, and there wasn’t anyone else in the locker room.  

“Why don’t you strip down and take a lap around the shop to cool down,” the man continued.  

Adam gave a shocked laugh.  “What?  No!  I’ll get fired!”  

“Suit yourself,” the man said and hung up.  

He nearly dropped the phone, his hands trembling as he headed back out onto the floor and tried to figure out which of his coworkers was the culprit.  He searched each of their faces for any clue, getting several odd looks in return as the gruff crew wondered why the young man was eyeing them all so intently.  Adam felt trapped, like a caged animal just waiting for the hunter to show up and finish him off.  He tried to ignore his growing dread, but that soon became an impossibility.  

Adam had been back on the floor for less than an hour when his legs started to tingle, a pins-and-needles numbness that spread from his waist to his feet.  The sensation came out of nowhere and was quickly followed by a loud tearing sound and a rush of air on limbs that should have been covered.  

“Whooooaaa!” Adam gasped.  He stumbled and sent another armful of metal clanging to the ground as his jeans nearly exploded off his body.  Through the chorus of laughter that followed, Adam stared in stunned silence at legs that looked bigger than they should.  

“Kid...what the fuck’s your problem today?  You’ve been dropping shit all afternoon and now you can’t keep your pants up?”  Ed, the supervisor, waddled his bulky frame in Adam’s direction.  He shook his head as he looked the young man up and down, noting the bits of straining boxer briefs visible through the shredded denim.  “Look, I’ll pay you out for the rest of the shift...just go home and get your shit together.”  

Adam nodded, too shocked to respond otherwise.  Stumbling past his grinning coworkers, there wasn’t even room for embarrassment, only fear, as he felt his bulkier legs shift together in unfamiliar ways.  His fears were confirmed when he made it to his car and watched his widened quads spread as he dropped into the driver’s seat.  

“That’s...that’s not possible…” he stammered.  He sat in the parking lot, prodding at the solid muscle with disbelieving fingers until the phone buzzed in the seat next to him.  He ignored it, throwing the car into gear and speeding back to his apartment as if he could outrace the constant buzzing.  

It was still ringing when he stumbled through the door, kicking off his shoes and tearing out of the remains of his clothes to inspect his impossibly altered frame.  Adam still couldn’t believe what he was seeing even as he stared at his new, bottom-heavy reflection.  The naturally proportional build that he’d always taken for granted had been thrown off, with extra bulk somehow accumulating from his waist down.  His perky bubble of an ass had thickened into a set of marble globes while his sturdy quads had expanded outwards in all directions above now-bulky calves.  Instead of an even distribution of muscle, he looked like a rugby player, his powerful upper body now struggling to keep up with an inflated lower half.  Worse, even though Keg had been joking about his baby dick, Adam couldn’t help but notice how the extra size made his dangling cock and heavy balls seem smaller by comparison.  

He grabbed his phone when it started buzzing again, almost crushing it in his grip.  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!” he roared, barely registering the tingling sensation in his head through the rage.  

“I told you before that was no way to answer the phone,” the man said, the barest hint of amusement creeping in at the edges of his monotone voice.  “What do you have to say for yourself?”  

“I...you...no...do…” Adam stammered, barely able to form the words.  His stomach dropped at the sound of his garbled speech, an icy fear replacing the burning anger.  In his head he was forming full sentences, but only a few words were making it out.  “What...do….me…” 

“That’s better.  All that bluster wasn’t helping, really,” the man said, ignoring the question.  “How do you like your new look?”  

Adam was raging in his head, demanding to be put back to normal.  All he managed to actually say was a frustrated “too big!”, sounding like an angry toddler.  

“I can think of some people who’d disagree.  Put some clothes on and head to the address I’m sending you.  You’ve seen what happens when you don’t listen.”  

“No! I...don’t…” Adam yelled to the empty line when the man hung up.  “Fuck!”  He stomped a foot in frustration, trudging off to find something he could wear.  That frustration only grew when he quickly discovered that pants were out of the question.  Even his baggiest jeans were too small to make it past his widened thighs, as were his painfully tight boxer briefs.  He had to resort to an old jockstrap, blushing at the way the straps were visible against the tight gym shorts he managed to squeeze into.  The formerly loose mesh clung to his thighs like a second skin, leaving his bulge clearly on display.  He regretted his love for tight t-shirts as he slid one on, the small shirt providing no help in covering his altered lower half as he stumbled out of the apartment.  

“Gotta...kid...me…” he stuttered to himself, double checking the address when he pulled up.  It was Twist, the gay bar he and Dave had been walking by when the man smoking out front had decided to cat call them.  If they hadn’t been drunk they might have kept walking, not left the man battered and bruised in the alley next door.  Adam barely remembered it, and he hadn’t heard from Dave since.  His friend had tried to stop him.  Adam had vague memories of Dave trying to pull him away but getting a punch of his own in return for his troubles, and he hadn’t heard from him since.  He’d assumed his friend was just cooling off, but now Adam worried that the other man might be in the same boat.   

His phone buzzed right before he opened the door to walk inside.  “Hold on...let’s make a few last minute adjustments.”  Adam gasped when the tingling sensation washed over him again and he felt his shorts grow tighter as his lower half expanded once again.  The straining grey mesh rode up his thighs and threatened to tear over the mounds of his shelf-like bottom, his bulge thrust ever more prominently forward.  The young jock moaned at the sight of his underwear-like shorts stretched precariously around a lower half that was officially oversized for the rest of his body.  He looked freakish, with trunk-like thighs and a colossal ass supporting his otherwise tight, athletic torso.  To top it off his sandy blonde hair had gone a bright platinum, ensuring that it would turn heads if his lumbering frame didn’t.  “There we are,” the man said.  “Much better.  Now go inside and dance your troubles away!  If anyone shows interest, make sure you let them do whatever it is they want.”  

Adam was horrified.  There was no more anger or frustration, only terror.  “Please!  I...sorry!” he begged, blushing at the stilted apology.  The man had already hung up.  

Fighting the urge to run, Adam took a deep breath and trudged inside, blushing at the way his widened lower half shifted and rolled against itself.  His embarrassment grew as soon as he opened the door and saw the place was packed, with a bustling dance floor that quickly took notice of the thick, handsome young stud with the bright blonde hair making his way through the crowd.  

He wished he could at least get drunk, but the man had been clear about going inside and dancing, not drinking.  He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the part about letting people do whatever they wanted, but Adam figured he’d worry about that when it happened.  For now he tried to control his blushing as he waded out onto the floor, awkwardly twitching and gyrating to the music.  He wasn’t much of a dancer at the best of times, and his altered lower half left him even more uncoordinated.  Adam stumbled into the men around him, a shirtless sea of all shapes and sizes who were gradually all focusing their attention in his direction.  

Adam tried not to think about it, but more and more he felt hands drifting to his mountainous cheeks or brushing against his prominent bulge, while a few hands made their way up under his shirt to grope his washboard abs.  Eventually Adam felt a man wrap his arms around him from behind, slipping his hands down the front of the young jock’s shorts while he pressed his crotch against the expansive rear.   

It happened on instinct.  Adam twisted in place and shoved the man away, stumbling into the crowd as another wave of tingling draped over him.  This time he didn’t need a mirror to see what was happening as his already tight shirt grew even more so.  The bottom pulled up, exposing the base of his abs, while the sleeves stretched and were pushed up towards his expanding shoulders.  Like his legs, everything was growing.  Adam’s chiseled pecs ballooned outwards, growing plump and juicy as they rested on a stomach that no longer tapered but crested as a lumpy, solid muscle gut between the piston arms that now hung at an angle from the rippling sea of muscle that was his torso.  

Adam had just enough time to register that, despite looking like a ‘roided meathead, his body had at least balanced out before the tingling hit his head again.  He swayed, a wave of dizziness nearly taking him to the floor as his head emptied.  The young muscle beast tried to literally hold onto the draining thoughts, gripping the sides of his blonde scalp until he barely knew where he was or why he felt so scared.  

Blinking and shaking his head, all Adam saw were friendly faces looking at him.  He didn’t remember how he got there but he felt like he was supposed to be dancing, so he started gyrating again.  There was a loud tear as soon as he moved his beefy arms, his comically small shirt exploding off his body.  He grinned when the crowd cheered, knowing that he was also supposed to do whatever they wanted him to.  

“Like?”  He asked the man in front of him, his smile growing when the shirtless older man nodded.  Hoping to get the same reaction he grabbed his shorts and tore them free, his powerful arms shredding the straining mesh like it was paper.  He clapped along with the cheering crowd in nothing but his sneakers and straining jockstrap, eagerly writhing against the men grinding up against him.  This time when people slipped their hands into his tented jock or tweaked the nubby nipples on his slab of a chest he didn’t pull away, but let them stroke and pump and pinch as much as they wanted.  Even when he felt a quick stab of pain from behind all Adam did was grunt and gasp at the unexpected sensation of the stranger’s cock sliding in and out, not even realizing he was being fucked in front of everyone until he came in his jockstrap.  The realization brought a small rush of anxiety surging back, but he’d loved the way it felt and everyone seemed so happy that the fear didn’t last.  Instead, the young muscle beast with the boyish face and sopping jock basked in the attention, flashing his dim smile at everyone as they took full advantage of his impressive physique until the music finally stopped and the lights came back on.  

“Looks like you were a hit.”  

Adam turned at the familiar voice, confused why his new friends were all suddenly leaving.  “Da...Dave…?” he finally stammered, hazy memories of his friend’s face slow to surface.  Those memories punched through the giant’s addled haze, reminding the warped jock of how things should be.  Adam’s dim smile faded, his brow furrowing as he looked at his fresh expanse of muscle and cum-soaked jock.  “Dave!  Some...someth...happ...me!” he said, gripping his friend’s broad shoulders.  They should have been similarly built, but now Adam dwarfed his athletic friend.  “I change!  Too big!”  Unlike before, the stammering hulk’s words were keeping pace with his slowed thoughts, no longer struggling to give voice to the full sentences in his head.  

“I know,” Dave said, his cheerful smile calming Adam down instinctively.  He threw an arm around his friend’s inflated shoulders, rubbing the blonde giant’s broad back.  “I know you’re confused...and I’m not sure how much you remember...but this is really for your own good.  That last night a couple weeks ago was the last straw, dude.  You’ve been outta control for a minute and it was only getting worse.”  Adam cocked his head like a confused puppy, not remembering any of what Dave was talking about.  He felt like he should, but his friend’s strong hand rubbing his back kept him calm.  “I came here to see if they wanted to call the cops, but Jordan...the guy you attacked...had a better idea.  And now here we are!”  

Adam just blinked and smiled at the short, thin brunette sitting at the bar that Dave had led him to.  He didn’t know what he was supposed to do but everyone was acting like he should do something, so he did the thing that got a reaction before and started to tug his jock free.  

“No, no, that’s okay,” the smaller man said, stopping him.  “I just wanted to see the dumb brute for myself.”  Adam returned the smile, not understanding that he’d just been insulted.  “You’re not my type, but you’ll be more useful here than sitting in some prison cell, at least.  You can thank your friend for offering to take care of you…”  

The confused blonde tensed without knowing why when Jordan’s phone rang, the sound of the buzzing cell sending him into a panic.  He threw his steely arms around Dave, swallowing the other man in a terrified bear hug while Jordan looked on.  

“It’s perfect,” Jordan said to the person on the other end.  “No, no, absolutely better than I could have hoped for.  His pretty face and empty head on that muscle bull body?  Worth every penny.  You should see him now...oh, wait, you probably can...standing here in his cummy jock and too stupid to know better?  You’re an artist.”  

Adam didn’t know why everyone was laughing while he was so scared.  Even Dave was smiling at him while Jordan and the men behind the bar chuckled at his expense.  “Not funny!  No...laugh!”  He scowled exaggeratedly when the laughter only grew.  

“Awww, looks like someone’s tired,” Dave said condescendingly, patting Adam’s bare, mountainous cheeks.  “You had a big day...we should get you home to bed.”  His friend’s condescending tone not registering in the slightest, Adam only nodded, pouting.  “Don’t worry, you can come back tomorrow.  You’ll be here with your new friends a lot, now.”  

Even through his haze, Adam felt like he was forgetting something as he lumbered behind Dave.  The confused giant hesitated on the threshold, knowing in his gut that once he was over the line nothing would ever be the same.  He looked down at himself over the heaping mounds of his pecs, the crusty jock poking out from beneath his muscle gut seeming wrong even as Jordan and the men behind the bar smiled at him encouragingly.  

“Yo!  Let’s go, stud,” Dave called from the car.  

Not knowing what else to do, Adam waved goodbye and lumbered out into the night.  

***** What happens in the next chapter? *****



I’ve got some stories in the works that hit most of these themes in some form or another. I feel like we haven’t had a good muscle theft in a while...gonna have to remedy that.


A quick question regarding the interactive polls: do you structure the plot/argument of the interactive chapter around the winning option alone or incorporate other options/devices as well? Thank you for any information - your Patreon page is one of the best!


I typically try to focus on just the winning option unless there's a reason to do otherwise. For this first chapter it made sense to do the highest two, but the format of the voting options wasn't going to be sustainable, so I switched over to the individual scenarios instead. With that set up it will only be the one winning option since they're so specific to each other. I do try and view the overall responses as a gauge of what people are interested in, though.