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“Take your clothes off.”  

I blinked at Alex, sure that I couldn’t have heard my friend correctly.  My head was still swimming from whatever had just happened and it was taking most of my concentration just to stay upright.  “What did you just say?”  

“Your clothes.  Take them off,” he repeated, more forcefully this time.  I watched his smooth brow furrow as he glared at me.  

“Uh….no?  What do you think is supposed to happen right now?”  I looked around the room and saw the smoldering candles arranged in a circle around a strange symbol laid out on the floor in what looked like ash.  Alex had a smudge of it on his forehead, and I reached up to discover a similar one on mine.  “What the fuck did you just try to do?  Did you drug my tea?”  

I watched Alex’s handsome face go from frustrated to confused.  His glare softened and his soft, full lips pursed beneath his trim beard.  “I don’t understand….it worked.  I felt it.  You’re supposed to…”  He trailed off, as if he’d forgotten that he was speaking out loud.  

“Supposed to what?”  My fury was rapidly building.  I hadn’t seen much of my friend since we’d had a falling out a few years prior, which made his sudden reaching out to me odd.  We’d been friends for a long time, but he didn’t react well when he learned that I had feelings for him.  As a straight guy he was perfectly fine with girls crushing on him, just not other men.  I’d tried to ignore my feelings and just focus on our friendship, but it was a losing battle.  I just couldn’t resist.  He was the All American Boy Next Door, with a lean, shredded body under his jeans and t-shirts.  He had a shaggy mop of brown hair on top of his sharp, handsome features, but my personal favorite was the prominent, bouncing rear bubbling out the back of his pants.  Given how tight and toned the rest of him was, it always seemed to loom large and round, especially considering how tight he wore his shirts and pants to show off the rest of his defined muscles.  

I should have known better when he called me out of the blue.  When we’d had our falling out I’d learned that his friendly, charming demeanor was mostly an act.  At his core lurked the arrogant jock he’d always pretended not to be.  But I wanted the closure, so I ignored my gut and went to his house.  Next thing I know I’m coming to in his bedroom surrounded by candles with him telling me to get naked.  

“Tell me what you did,” I spat back, the words leaving my mouth like a physical force.  

His eyes went wide as he started to speak.  “I cast a spell.  It was supposed to bind you to me...to make you obedient to whatever I want.”  He clamped his hands over his mouth and went pale when he stopped talking.  

I gave a short laugh, looking down at myself and back up at him.  I’d had what I thought was a nightmare while I’d been unconscious.  Monstrous, horrible tentacles were wrapping around me out of the darkness.  I panicked and thrashed against them, pushing with all my willpower in an effort to force them away.  I remember giving one final, desperate shove and they started to loosen.  I kept going, pushing and pushing with my mind until they’d receded from view entirely.  It looks like I’d just discovered where they went.  “Is that what that was?  Doesn’t look like it worked.”  

“Hey man, look, let’s just talk this out and…”

“Stop talking.”  He went silent as soon as I spoke.  The longer I was awake, the more I could feel the strange energy pulsing through me.  It was like bugs crawling under my skin.  “I guess it backfired, huh?  Unless this is all bullshit.  Are you just fucking with me?”  

He quickly shook his head.  “No!  I swear, I’m not making this up.  I didn’t mean for…” 

“Stop talking and sit down,” I said again, watching him take a step back and sit on the edge of his bed.  There was obvious fear in his eyes, but I still wasn’t entirely ready to believe that any of this was real yet.  “So are there rules to this?  Do you literally have to do everything I say?  Is that how it’s supposed to work?” 

“I...think so…” he said hesitantly, as if trying to hold back. 

“Interesting,” I said, taking a long, slow breath.  “Let’s find out?  Until I say otherwise, lose the use of you arms and legs.”  

His eyes went wide.  “What are youuaaaAAAHHHH!” he shrieked as he suddenly fell backwards on the bed.  Without the stabilizer muscles of his legs the sudden dead weight of his arms threw him off balance, sending him tumbling in a heap.  He thrashed his head and torso as much as he could, his chest heaving from his hyperventilating.  

It was an extreme reaction on my part, but I’d never felt as angry as I did in that moment.  “Calm down,” I said after letting him panic for a moment.  As soon as I spoke I watched his breathing slow and his thrashing stop until he was laying still.  The look of desperate panic in his eyes was the only thing that betrayed his otherwise contented appearance.  “Don’t worry...if this works the way you say it does I’ll put you back in a bit.  It’s like you’re just tied up.  I have a few questions first.”  My tone was friendly as I manhandled his athletic frame fully up onto the bed, stretching him out on his back.  

“Please, dude, I’m sorry!  Just put me back to normal and we can forget any of this ever happ…”

“Why me?” I interrupted.  “Be honest.”  

“Because I thought you’d like it,” he said, blushing.  

“You thought I’d like being your slave?”  I could see him trying to stop himself even as his mouth kept moving.  

“Yeah, I mean, we both know you were into me.  I always knew.  I thought you’d like it if you could finally get a piece.”  

“Aren’t you straight?”  

Alex blushed a deeper shade of red as he nodded.  “Well yeah, but I don’t always wanna have to keep a girl around and you’d be good for filling in the gaps…” 

“Wooooowwwwww,” I sighed, trying to wrap my head around what I’d just heard.  On the one hand, Alex was right.  I’d fantasized about getting my hands on the other man’s solid, jock body for years.  His broad shoulders, thick pecs and beefy arms were the stuff of dreams, not to mention his prominent bubble and boy-next-door looks.  But being used as a cum dump between hookups was never part of the plan.  It also confirmed what I’d always been afraid of, that the arrogant stud was just keeping me around because he liked the attention.  He flirted with everyone, teasing but never crossing the line, getting off on whatever spotlight his handsome features and athletic build brought him.  “So you were just going to use me to get off when you were horny?”  

“No...not just that.  I was gonna have you do stuff around the house, too…” he said, the color draining from his embarrassed face at my expression.  

“Obviously,” I laughed, my rage being replaced by a strange calm.  A part of me wanted to walk away and leave him on his bed like that to rot, but a rapidly growing part knew it would be rude to turn down such a gift.  The energy that felt like a horde of insects crawling under my skin was itching to be released and there was only one outlet.  I stepped forward and let my hands slowly drift down to start undoing his belt. 

“Hey!  Wha...what’re you doing…” 

“This is what you wanted, right?”  I said, popping the button of his jeans and pulling down the zipper.  “I can’t get you off with your pants on.”  

“But this isn’t...not like this…” he stammered.  I could see him fighting the command to stay calm, his chest rising and falling faster as I spread his pants open to expose the worn boxers underneath.  I watched the boxers slide tantalizingly low when I tugged his pants free, the waist stopping just above the base of his cock.  He gasped when I squeezed the smallish lump through the fabric.  

“Little guy, isn’t he,” I laughed before positioning his arms above his head.  I worked his shirt up slowly, running my hands along his tight abs and smooth skin, tweaking the tiny nipples on his sturdy pecs on the way up.  He was breathing heavier and I could see his barely covered cock twitching against his boxers, betraying the look of fear in his eyes.  I left his arms above his head after peeling the shirt free and struggled to roll Alex over onto his stomach.  

“He...hey!  What’re you doing!” he cried, trying to look back over his shoulder.  

“Just getting a better view.”  I tugged the boxers down, my hands finally filling with the plump cheeks I’d so often fantasized about.  Despite the bizarre circumstances I couldn’t help but feel an elated thrill at seeing Alex stretched out naked before me, his body mine for the taking.  And it was all his own doing.  “This is even cuter than I imagined,” I laughed, clapping his supple cheeks together.  

“Co...come on, man.  I said I was sorry,” he stammered, doing his best to look back at me from his prone position.  

I slid my hand south, caressing the inside of a toned, hairy thigh.  “And did you mean it?”  

Alex’s bearded face went red, then pale as he struggled to keep his mouth shut. “...no…” he whispered.  

“See?  That’s what makes this so fun for me!  Any time I even begin to feel bad, you remind me why I shouldn’t.”  He shivered when my probing fingers brushed against the underside of his hairy balls and let out a quiet gasp when I started kneading them in earnest.  His face was a mask of embarrassed shame when I rolled him back over and his thin, average rod sprung up, hard and eager.  “Awww, that’s cute too,” I cooed, giving the smallish organ a gentle stroke.  

Alex’s bare skin broke out in goosebumps, his tiny nipples going hard against his heaving chest.  I could tell he was trying to resist the jolts of pleasure shooting through him as I tugged on his eager cock with one hand and stroked his abs with the other.  His rigid member was oozing already, and I thought back to all the times he used to joke about how quick, and often, he came while having sex.  I was eager to test those claims but didn’t want to rush.  

I stopped stroking and moved my hands up to pinch his nipples while squeezing the solid pecs.  “So tell me...knowing how you feel right now, how frustrated and helpless you are, would you still do this to me if you had the chance?”  

His panicked eyes and clenching jaw muscles answered for him.  “Ye...yes…” he hissed through gritted teeth.  

“Splendid.”  I gave his bearded chin a gentle stroke with my finger and turned away from the bed to open the windows.  

“Look, man, what do you want me to say?  I can’t lie, so what the fuck am I supposed to do to fix…”

“Right now you can moan like you’re having the best sex of your life.  Loud.”  

Alex’s face went beet red, his eyes wide as his trembling lips parted.  “HHHNNOOOOaaaaOOOHHH!” he wailed in a cracking whimper.  “YuuuhhUUUHHHeeessss...yes….oh yes...fuuuUUUAAAHHnnn….fuck….fuuuuuck...hnnnuUUHH…” he trailed off into a high pitched series of wordless groans, his grunting, cracking voice echoing through the neighborhood.  I watched people riding bikes and walking dogs give the house a startled look before hurrying their pace.  I wanted to laugh, but the sight of Alex’s naked body coupled with the bellowing moans nearly pushed me over the edge.  

“That’s enough,” I said after several minutes.  Alex’s lean body was covered in a sheen of sweat from his prolific moaning, his little cock as hard as ever.  

“What the fuck was that?!  Everyone’s gonna think I’m some kind of pervert!”

“Says the man who just tried to magically force me into being his sex slave?  Sounds like an appropriate label.”  He opened his mouth to argue, but I cut him off.  “Hey, are you and Logan still friends?”  

His eyes hardened at the mention of his brawny friend.  “Yeah...why?”  

“Great!  Let’s send him a little video.”  I couldn’t help but laugh at the look of horror on Alex’s face.  He and Logan had been best friends since high school.  They were practically inseparable, playing sports together and living together while in college.  They’d sparked plenty of rumors about the two of them being secret lovers despite their frequent hook ups with countless women, and now I could test that theory.  I knew I could just ask him, but that wasn’t as much fun.  “You know those ‘cam girl’ videos you like to watch?  Let’s send Logan your best impression of one.”

“No...come on, don’t make me…” his eyes darted around wildly, my command for him to stay calm the only thing keeping him from melting down completely.  

“It’ll be fun!  You said you wanted to get off, right?  When I tell you to start, give it your best impression.  Really get into it, too.  Pretend like he’s the hottest thing on the planet and let him know it.  You’ll be able to move again, too, so it’s not all bad.”  He whimpered and gave me a pleading look as I grabbed his phone and stood at the end of his bed.  “Aaaaaaaaannnnnd go!”  

All at once the embarrassed terror left Alex’s bearded face.  His eyes softened and he pursed his full, puffy lips as he slowly stretched his working limbs.  He reached down and gave his cock a few strokes before lifting his head and grinning at the camera.  

“Mmmm...hey Logan,” he purred, his voice high and light as he batted his eyes directly at the phone.  “Just layin’ here thinkin’ about you,” he sighed, folding one toned arm behind his head while the other kept stroking.  “Remember that time you thought I was asleep in our dorm while you fucked that redhead?  God...watching you with her was so hot...the way your arms flexed while they held you up...the way your ass dimpled while you worked your fat cock in and out…” Alex flipped over and started rolling his hips, thrusting his cock against the mattress while his perky bubble shook and jiggled.  “I wish you were here right now doin’ that to me,” he whined, sitting back on his knees.  “I wish I had that juicy cock inside me...I wanna ride it and lick it clean...I want you to turn me inside out and cu...cum all over me…” 

Alex was writhing and moaning on his knees with half closed eyes.  While one hand pumped away on his throbbing pole, the other groped all over his torso and up through his shaggy mop of hair.  He flexed and pouted and bounced, whimpering and groaning the entire time.  

“OHhhhhh yeah...Logan...baby...gonna make me cum with all those muscles...that... thaaa...that huge cock in my puuuhhnn….pussy...go...gonnaaaAAAHHH…” he wailed, spasming as he came.  His ropey strands launched straight at the camera, his ecstatic, lust-filled expression filling the frame.  

“Good job!” I clapped, ending the video.  

Alex blinked, his body going crimson moments later.  “Oh...oh god…” he moaned.  “I can’t believe you made me do that!  You can’t send that!”  

I shrugged and tossed him the phone.  “Okay, then you do it.”  

He glared at me with hate-filled eyes as his trembling hands fumbled with the phone.  I watched his arms flex as he strained against the impulse of his tapping fingers until it was too late and the video was on its way.  “Fuck!  Happy now?” he spat, tossing the phone aside.  

“Getting there.  I’ll be happier if Logan responds in kind.  Hey, that reminds me...is that the first time you’ve jerked off thinking about him?”  Alex’s face went such a deep shade of humiliated purple I was afraid he was going to be stuck that color.  He shook his head.  “Dude, trust me, I don’t blame you.  Logan’s a stud.  Kinda blew it picking me over him, huh?”  

Alex rubbed his face and sat on the edge of the bed, seeming unsure what to do without a command.  “So what now?”  

I motioned to his dresser and closet.  “Go get some trash bags and don’t stop filling them until all your clothes are inside,” I smiled, folding my arms across my chest.  “It’s time to get started on the new you.”