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Wrong Number: BDE

  • A handsome, bed-hopping young stud loses his pretty looks and lean build as he gains weight and beefs up. ga 25
  • A cheating college wrestler has his girthy package replaced by a tight, hungry pussy. 20
  • A middle aged physical therapist is stripped of his rugged, athletic body until he's a curvy twink. 8
  • A beefy truck driver's voice and mannerisms become more feminine while his dick shrinks but his muscled, bearish build stays the same. 16
  • An aspiring bodybuilder starts losing inches of height until he's only half as tall as he was. 19
  • 2019-05-12
  • —2019-05-15
  • 88 votes
{'title': 'Wrong Number: BDE', 'choices': [{'text': 'A handsome, bed-hopping young stud loses his pretty looks and lean build as he gains weight and beefs up. ga', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'A cheating college wrestler has his girthy package replaced by a tight, hungry pussy. ', 'votes': 20}, {'text': "A middle aged physical therapist is stripped of his rugged, athletic body until he's a curvy twink.", 'votes': 8}, {'text': "A beefy truck driver's voice and mannerisms become more feminine while his dick shrinks but his muscled, bearish build stays the same. ", 'votes': 16}, {'text': "An aspiring bodybuilder starts losing inches of height until he's only half as tall as he was. ", 'votes': 19}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 15, 16, 0, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 12, 20, 14, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 88}


Alex stared at the picture on his phone, blurry from his trembling grip.  It showed a young man literally bursting through his ill-fitting clothes, an impossibly large ass jutting out from a pair of decimated slacks while a set of oversized pecs made short work of his fitted dress shirt.  Whoever he was, he had an expression of stunned terror, his eyes wide with a dread that couldn’t be photoshopped.  The disproportionate muscle and tattered clothing were easy enough to explain away as simple photo manipulation, but there was something in the horrified young man’s face that chilled Alex to his core.  

That was no easy feat.  As someone who’d risen to the top of his field by the age of thirty, Alex was used to threats and pressure.  He’d stepped on, not over, plenty of competition on the way to the top, leaving more enemies and rivals than he could count in his wake.  He prided himself on it.  His favorite motto was “if you’re not pissing someone off, you’re doing it wrong.”  To hear him tell it, people should either be envious or furious at your success.  Without rivals and competition a person got soft.  It wasn’t enough to achieve success; you had to maintain it with an iron grip.  

It was a philosophy that ruled every part of Alex’s life.  Whether in the office, the gym, or the bedroom the smug executive didn’t just make sure he was the best; he made sure everyone else knew it, too.  He didn’t merely shoot down an opposing idea in a meeting; he made an example of tearing apart and belittling the person who challenged him.  He didn’t simply go through his sets in the company gym and leave; he made sure everyone saw his chiseled, tanned frame strutting naked around the locker room, lording his perfect features and precision build over his employees.  He didn’t do anything as commonplace as have sex with countless women; he conquered them, making sure one way or another they’d never forget the experience.  

Which is all to say that Alex was used to being threatened.  He’d been on the receiving end of more curses and literal death threats than he could even remember.  Jilted lovers, jilted employees, angry rivals; they all wanted to see him burn.  As far as Alex was concerned, that just meant he was doing it right.  The handsome brunette even got off on it, loving the rush of adrenaline and the implied power he had over the other person.  It was a rush.  

But these latest texts were different.  The very fact that someone had access to his personal phone, something he took great lengths to protect through a series of call routers and encryption, was impressive enough.  And then there was the content.  Whoever the person was knew him well, and though Alex would never admit it, they also knew exactly what buttons to push.  The arrogant executive found his insecurities laid bare.  All of the things he’d tried to bury, his fears, his failures, the things he’d never written down or spoken of; it was all waved in front of him, a steaming pile of shame that prevented him from notifying the authorities even when the person started sending pictures of his own penthouse.  

Alex would deal with it himself.  It wouldn’t be the first time he’d had to resort to less than legitimate means in order to deal with a problem that wouldn’t go way.  Money talked, and he had plenty of ways to make people listen.  

“Excuse me, sir…” 

Alex jerked in his chair and dropped his phone, startled by the timid voice and quiet knock.  “Damnit, Chris,” he barked, furious that his young assistant had seen the display of fear.  “My calendar clearly says I’m not to be disturbed right now,” he growled, funneling his frustration and anxiety at the lean, wiry man.  “Interrupt me like this again and you can kiss your position here goodbye.”  

The younger man nodded quickly, his voice shaking.  “I’m sorry sir, it’s just that your appointment has been waiting for twenty minutes and he’s starting to get angr…” 

“Anderson wants to do business with me,” Alex scoffed.  “That means he can sit and wait until I’m goddamn ready to see him, understood?  I don’t care how pissy he gets...that’s exactly what you’re paid to deal with.  But since you already interrupted me, go ahead and send him in.”  

Alex grinned at the pale, exasperated look on Chris’s face as the young man scampered from the room.  He’d forgotten all about his appointment with Anderson, and his astute assistant clearly knew that, but the young man was smart enough not to come out and say it.  

“Was that fun?” the message on his phone read when the screen sparked to life.  “Let’s see you put that big dick energy to use.”  Alex had just enough time to read it out of the corner of his eye before Chris walked back in with an older, heavy set man trailing behind.  

“A..Anderson,” Alex stuttered, clearing his throat.  He stood and reached out a hand, forcing his frayed nerves back under the surface as he flashed a sparkling smile.  One look at Anderson’s round, pudgy face and eager eyes was all it took for Alex to know that he already had the upper hand; he just had to keep it.  “You know I’m not one for small talk, so let’s get right to it, shall w...weee…” Alex gasped, reflexively tightening his grip on the other man’s meaty paw at the unexpected sensation of his thick cock rocketing to life.  The slumbering hose surged awake out of nowhere, straining against his tight briefs and causing a noticeable twitch against the thin fabric of his slacks.  He let go of Anderson’s hand and dropped back into his chair, hoping the other man hadn’t seen.  

The flash of surprise in Anderson’s eyes made it clear he’d seen it all.  Despite his quick recovery, the last thing the older man expected to encounter in the meeting was Alex’s tented pants.  “Uh, sure,” he said, grinning despite himself.  “Right to business.”    

Alex wanted to reach across the desk and throttle the smiling sack of flesh, but he was more preoccupied with the throbbing ache that showed no signs of letting up.  He was past the age of experiencing many random erections, but even when he did, they were nothing like this.  Alex heard Anderson’s voice from a distance, his senses overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure surging through him.  His cock wasn’t just solid, it pulsed against a legion of ghostly hands and mouths working his thick seven inches and kneading his churning, heavy balls.  He felt his face flush as he bit back on the groans that were begging to escape from his clenched jaw while the older man prattled on nervously, clearly uncomfortable by what he was seeing.  His smug grin had faded, replaced by a look of genuine confusion as Alex absently nodded and pretended to listen.  

“If this is a bad time we can reschedule…” Anderson finally offered when the sheen of sweat broke out on the younger man’s smooth forehead.  

Alex smiled and forced a laugh, shaking his head.  “Sorry, you caught me on an off day,” he said, switching to a deferring charm instead of his usual bluster.  With his handsome features and deceptively easy smile it could be just as effective, especially given his relatively young age.  He could turn on a dime and play the role of impetuous youth just as well as ruthless tycoon.  “This meeting was mostly a formality, anyway.  Go ahead and send the papers over and I’ll have my people sign off on them.”  

Anderson sat for a silent moment before it sunk in that they were done.  “Uh, great!” he said, standing awkwardly and retracting his extended hand when Alex didn’t take it.  “So I’ll…”

“Just give all the details to Chris on your way out and he’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”  Alex’s smile grew visibly forced as Anderson turned and lumbered out of his office.  As soon as the door shut behind the older man he slammed the lock button on his desk and let out the low moan he’d been holding back.  “Fuuuuuuuuck...what...what the hell is this…” he whimpered, his face going red when he pushed away from his desk and saw the huge damp spot spreading across the front of his expensive slacks.  He fished his oozing cock free, still feeling the unseen hands gliding along the impressive organ.  

One hand gripping the arm of his chair, Alex reached down with the other and wrapped it around his painfully hard member, trying not to think about the fact that he was jerking off at his desk in a suit that cost more than what most of his employees made in a month.  He had no idea where the overwhelming lust had come from but it was clear he couldn’t ignore it as the intensity only seemed to be growing.  He pumped and pumped, hoping that his eager rod would blow quickly.  

“Jesus...you gotta be kidding me,” he sighed in frustration when relief proved elusive.  The sweat that had broken out on his forehead had spread to the rest of his muscled frame, and his chiseled abs and solid thighs were starting to ache from the constant flexing and tensing as he bucked his hips.  “Why won’t you ju...juuuuhhhnn…” 

The flustered executive spasmed in his chair as a wave of ecstasy took his breath away.  It should have pushed him over the edge, but instead of release the only thing Alex felt was a growing pit of fear.  It took a moment for his swimming vision to clear, and when it did the athletic brunette was sure his eyes were playing tricks on him.  The cock in his hand had grown considerably thicker, forcing his clasping fingers apart while at the same time extending farther out of his grip than it should have.  

“That...wait….that can’t be possible…” Alex stammered, spinning in his chair and pulling a ruler from his desk drawer.  The stunned man let out a shocked laugh when the oozing tip just barely crossed the nine inch marker.  “Two...two inches...how did it just grow twoooOOOOHHH!”  

Alex nearly dropped the ruler when another surge caused him to spasm.  This time he watched as the bulbous head extended past the twelve inch point, growing so thick in the process it felt like a beer bottle in his hands.  Before he could even begin to wrap his head around what he saw a pinching, crushing wave of pressure shot through him.  “Ow!  Oowwww!  Fuck!” he yelped, springing up from the chair.  He tore his pants and briefs down, gasping at the heavy tug when his inflated new balls fell free. The hairy orbs had expanded like his aching cock, outgrowing the confining grip of his small briefs.  

“Oh...oh god…” Alex muttered, the fear hitting him like a kick in the stomach.  Looking down at his exposed lower half he saw his phone light up on the desk as another text came through.  

“Still feel powerful?” it read.  

Alex groaned when his cock pulsed forward another several inches, growing to the thickness of a wine bottle while his balls were like a pair of grapefruits.  He fell back into his chair, gasping for breath as the room seemed to spin around him.  The all-consuming lust was growing exponentially as his package inflated to obscene size, making it impossible to focus on anything else.  

He fumbled for his phone, wincing at the wide pole that nearly reached his pecs.   When he’d dropped into his chair the oozing organ had slapped back against his shirt, leaving a large, wet cum stain on the white fabric.  Alex quickly undid the buttons, picturing what he looked like with his pants and briefs around his ankles, his ripped torso on display through his open shirt with a monstrous, growing cock sticking proudly up towards the sky above his swollen balls.  

“Please, I’ll give you whatever you want, just stop,” he dictated, his trembling hands making typing an impossibility.  Time seemed to come to a halt as he sat, panting and shaking and staring at his phone, waiting for a response.  Instead of another message he was rocked by a jerking seizure that knocked him from his chair.  

Alex writhed on the ground, struggling to roll over and prop himself up on knees and elbows.  His elongated member rested heavily on the ground and before he knew it he was flexing his solid bubble and pumping his hips to grind the inflated girder against the rough carpet.  Any remaining shred of composure was gone, pushed aside by the encompassing need for release.  Alex heard himself grunting like an animal even as he tried to process the leaking, bulbous head bigger than his fist looming at eye level.  The math was slow in coming to his addled brain as he humped the floor, but he knew that meant his comely, seven inch hose had expanded to nearly two feet in length, with a circumference that made it impossible to close both hands around.  The balls that had grown to grapefruit size were now a pair of small melons, squishing and bouncing against the floor as he pumped.  

He moaned and rolled over onto his back, wrapping his arms around the throbbing trunk and hugging it against his sculpted torso.  More than just the size, he knew it should have been impossible for his anatomy to support something so large, but that knowledge didn’t stop the beast from feeling like a steel beam in his muscled grip.  Not caring who might hear, he let out a bellowing shriek of pleasure when he began licking around the massive head, the steady stream of fluid increasing its flow.  He sat up and shrugged his broad shoulders, working his way out of his now-sopping shirt as he kicked free of his pants until his fit, tapering frame was entirely on display.  

Naked and slick with his own fluids, the frenzied executive sat and squirmed, desperately working the entirety of his gargantuan equipment with his athletic body.  He shifted his thighs to knead the mounding balls while he flexed his pecs and arms against the aching shaft, using his hands and tongue in equal measure to work the tip of the spire he’d sprouted.  The gnawing pit in his stomach was still there, well aware of the freak he’d become.  The small part of his brain that could still focus on anything other than his ravenous need for release was frantically trying to process what this meant for his future.  If what he was experiencing was real, Alex wouldn’t be conquering anyone in the bedroom anymore.  He wouldn’t even be conquering pants, let alone commanding a workforce or devouring rival companies.  He’d either be a footnote in a book of medical oddities or be forced to remove his altered equipment altogether, a thought that was impossible to consider under the circumstances.  The notion of giving up the blissful terror setting his body on fire was too much to even contemplate, like the thought of giving up his lungs or stomach.  He needed it on a basic, primal level.  Nothing else mattered.  

When Alex looked up and saw Chris smiling down at him, he had no idea how long he’d been sitting on the ground going at himself, or how long his young assistant had been watching.  There was a moment of panic and anger as Alex watched Chris take the phone from his desk and text the stranger, but the prone, muscled executive was helpless to do anything about it.  His humiliation and fury would have to wait until his aching cock was done with him.  Alex’s thick, wavy brown hair was matted and he was covered from head to toe in a sticky sheen while he whimpered and grunted in front of his young assistant, worshiping the monolith growing from between his legs.  

He’d finally cum at some point, his geyser-like explosion soaking the office around him, but he had to keep going.  The emptiness he’d felt after the volcanic release was worse than his fear or embarrassment could ever be.  It went far deeper than a biological need, a soul-crushing lack of purpose that nearly made him weep.  He existed for one reason and one reason only.  Succeeding in business didn’t matter.  Conquering others didn’t matter.  Money didn’t matter.  It didn’t matter how many people gawked at him or saw him debasing himself.  He would do whatever it took to keep the warm, pulsing god hugged against his sculpted torso happy.  Alex had been horrified once the blissful glow from his release faded, but not at the impossible volume of his eruption or the way the sticky fluid dripped from the wet ceiling.  It wasn’t from the brief moment of clarity or the dread he felt at his predicament, either.  

Once he’d finally stopped spurting his towering cock had started to soften, and he couldn’t let that happen.  


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