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Hi Everyone,

I hope your weeks are off to a good start. Just a quick note to say that you all are killin’ it with the voting! This interactive more than any other has had the most number of ties and results within 1 vote of each other, and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and vote. These stories are the hardest to write because of the turn around time, but also the most fun because of everyone’s participation. 

As always, please know that if your vote doesn’t win it isn’t wasted! I’m keeping track of the options and trying to work as many of them as I can into the stories over time. And if you don’t see options you’d like, you can always drop suggestions in the comments or send me a message. 

Thank you for reading and for the support!



You really enjoy what your doing . That s a wonderful thing and it s felt by your followers