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(This one has two endings, with the cut off point indicated for both)

Jason stared at the grunting brute of a man on the monitor with a growing pit in his stomach.  The burly stud was clearly enjoying himself, moaning and whimpering like a beast while his ample muscle shook from the jackhammer pounding he was receiving.  The huge, oozing club wagging wildly between his trunk-like thighs made his athletic partner’s sizeable equipment look small by comparison.  Everything did.  The groaning, ecstatic giant stood an impressive 6’4” and was pushing three hundred pounds, with a dense layer of brown hair covering his excessive flesh.  The primal, masculine power flowing off his solid frame was mitigated by the dull smile on his otherwise handsome face and the eagerness with which he received the other man.  At first glance it would seem that the hung, hairy meathead should be the one in control, but watching his broad frame bounce and beg, it was clear he was anything but.  

Even Jason had been impressed by his work.  Only a few days ago the brawny hulk had been one of his entry level techs, a short, thin young man named Henry.  He’d been exactly what Jason was looking for: 5’8”, 150lbs, and straight, but single.  Most importantly, Henry didn’t have a lot of friends and family that would come looking when he disappeared.  Jason had roped the young man in with promises of new opportunities, and watching Henry hungrily writhe at the end of another man, he’d kept his word.  

Jason knew the drug would work, he just hadn’t known to what degree.  It was based off one of his company’s existing products, an highly effective muscle growth supplement that he then personally tweaked for a custom order.  His buyer wanted something that wouldn’t just make someone bigger; they wanted them horny, dumb and docile on top of it.  

It was entirely unethical, not to mention illegal, but Jason hadn’t risen to the top of his own pharmaceutical company at twenty eight years old by following the rules.  As long as the customer could pay, whatever they did with the product after the fact was none of his business.  As far as poor Henry went, human testing was just part of the process.  He hadn’t forced the young man to take it, even if he hadn’t been fully honest.  

The results had been better than Jason could have hoped for.  Henry packed on muscle and height at an incredible pace, his lean, wiry body ballooning into a beefy adonis in a matter of days.  Fortunately for the unwitting young man, he only had the brains to be scared for a few of those days before slipping into his current, perpetual state of dull contentment.  The former tech couldn’t even spell his name anymore, let alone piece together that he’d been tricked and turned into something against his will.  Jason could see bits and pieces of the former Henry lurking beneath the dim smile, but whenever they surfaced it wasn’t long before they were buried beneath his powerful new body’s desires.  The wide, ten inch club and grapefruit balls that replaced Henry’s formerly average package demanded constant attention.  

Jason’s triumphant pride had been short lived.  Now, looking down at the patches of wiry hair on the back of his hands, all he felt was dread.  He was already showing signs, and he’d run his blood work just to be sure.  At some point, he’d been contaminated.  Jason wracked his brain, trying to think of when it could have happened.  He was always so careful, especially when brewing a chemical cocktail like this, but the signs couldn’t be denied.  His tight, precision built frame was already inflating.  When he weighed himself earlier he’d put on five pounds, and his tanned, shredded skin was starting to sprout a layer of wiry blonde hairs.  Each individual reaction would vary slightly based on a person’s body chemistry, but Jason knew he only had a matter of days at most.  Given how tight his clothes had become since he’d put them on that morning the growth was picking up speed, and he was so hard watching Henry get fucked that it was taking all of his willpower not to start jerking off right then and there.  

Jason was being as stoic as he could about the situation, trying not to panic.  There was no way to reverse what was happening in time.  His notes were already beyond what he could understand.  He wasn’t at Henry’s level of functioning yet, but give it forty eight hours and he wouldn’t be far off.  

“Goddamnit,” Jason muttered, cursing himself under his breath.  It was something he’d done often since discovering his predicament.  All his work, all his success, was about to be taken from him and there was nothing he could do about it.  

Due to all of the less-than-legal activities he’d done to make his money, he didn’t even have anyone he could turn to for help.  His business partners would be thrilled at the prospect of him turning into a big, blonde idiot so they could descend in vulture-like fashion and pick his empire apart.  And that was if they didn’t just keep him for themselves.  There were more than a few that would love to use him the way Henry was being used.  Jason was straight, but he wasn’t above using his charming looks and impressive body to get what he wanted.  He was all too willing to flirt with a potential investor or partner if it meant sealing a deal, only now those deals would be sealed in an entirely different manner.  He looked around his office, hating the way his aching cock throbbed at the thought of his massive new body eagerly impaling itself on someone like Todd or Andrew while they sat in HIS chair at HIS desk.  

His pride wouldn’t allow for that.  He could accept what was coming.  He was horrified at the thought, but he’d done it to himself and he’d face it with as much dignity as possible.  What he couldn’t stomach was the thought of winding up as someone’s toy, or in some harem somewhere.  If he couldn’t stop what was happening, he’d have to escape another way.  He needed a safety net, somewhere he could land and be taken care of until maybe someone found a cure.  

The problem was that, like Henry, Jason didn’t have many friends.  None of the women in his life lasted longer than a one night stand, if he even let them stick around once they were done fucking.  He had plenty of acquaintances, but they were all either just as opportunistic as his partners, or were people he’d stepped on to get to the top.  He’d never realized just how isolated he was until now.  

There was one potential, an acquaintance from his college days who was still close by.  He’d never been overly terrible to Rich, but he’d never been nice, either.  He’d always viewed the other man as a total nerd, more interested in games and comics than getting laid.  It never made sense to him.  Rich kept his lean body in trim, fit shape, and with his dark hair and sharp features he was far from unattractive, but Jason had never seen the other man on the prowl.  He always had his nose buried in a book while people walked all over him.  And in a display of ultimate irony, Rich had just approached him last year about investing in some philanthropic start up, but Jason wouldn’t even make time for an appointment.  

Still, it was his only hope.  He knew Rich was a bleeding heart, always trying to save the world instead of trying to make money.  If there was one person willing to help, he prayed it would be him.  If not, he didn’t have time to find someone else.  


“I’m coming!  Jeez, hold on,” Rich called, hurrying across his small apartment as someone pounded on his door.  “You don’t have to beat the...door...down…” he trailed off, his brain doing a hard reset at the unexpected sight of the person waiting on the other side.  “Jason?”  It actually took him a moment to recognize the other man.  Every other time he’d run into him Jason had always been impeccably put together.  His hair was always perfectly styled, his clothes were expertly tailored to his athletic body, and he radiated a smug confidence.  Now, the disheveled man with what looked like several days stubble on his face wearing straining sweats and a tight hoodie had none of those characteristics.  

The other man smiled awkwardly, running a hand through his messy blonde hair.  “Hey, sorry to just drop by like this.  Can I, uh, can I come in?”  

“Of course,” Rich said, stepping aside.  He looked Jason up and down as the other man lumbered past, noting the powerful legs and ample rear stretching the sweatpants to capacity.  He also couldn’t remember if Jason had been taller than him the last time they’d met.  “You’re slumming it a bit coming here...is everything okay?” he finally asked after a long pause.  He looked down at himself as he watched Jason stare, feeling momentarily self conscious about his Captain America tank top and loose gym shorts.  He’d just gotten back from working out and hadn’t had time change, though from Jason’s appearance the other man had little room to judge.  

Jason shook his head, his brow furrowed in concentration.  “No, man, not really.”  

Rich crossed his solid arms and tried to tell himself that he wasn’t seeing the front of Jason’s sweats twitch.  “Are you sick? You look like you’ve been working out.”  

The tall blonde gave a short, humorless laugh.  “Something like that.  Look, I don’t have a lot of time, and what I’m going to say will sound horrible and crazy.  I know that.  I’m just asking that you hear me out, please.”  He tossed the small folder he’d been holding down onto the coffee table.  “All the documents are in there.”  

“What documents?  What are you even talking about?”  Rich listened as Jason told his story, dropping down onto the couch in shock at what he heard.  He felt sick to his stomach as the other man paced back and forth, matter-of-factly relaying the terrible string of events that had brought him there.  If what Jason said was true, Rich had never heard anything like it.  He knew the other man was ruthless, but this was another level altogether.  “You...you’re a monster…” he stammered when Jason was done.  

The inflating blonde sighed.  “You’re not wrong. I’ve done awful things, and now I’m paying the price.”  He unzipped the tight hoodie, revealing his bare, brawny torso underneath.  The lumpy muscle that had replaced his prominent taper was covered in a layer of curly blonde hair that thickened across his plump pecs.  “Look at me...this is just the start.  I already can’t…” he blushed and paused, struggling to hold onto his train of thought.  “I can feel my brain shutting down.  Even telling you that story was...almost more than I could…” he trailed off, distracted by the sensation of warm air on his bare chest.  His embarrassed blushing spread when he looked down and saw the outline of his solid rod tenting his sweats.  

“Holy shit…” Rich sighed, rubbing his face and trying not to stare at the mammoth organ begging for release.  He had no idea what to make of anything he’d just heard.  It didn’t help that he’d always been attracted to Jason, at least physically, so to have him show up out of the blue talking about how he was turning into a horny muscle man was overwhelming enough.  The burly torso and solid cock on display didn’t help matters.  “What do you want me to say to you right now?”  

“That you’ll help,” Jason begged.  “Please.  All of it’s yours.  That’s what those documents are.  My houses, my money, my investments...it’d all go to you.  Think of what you could do with that!  All those projects you always wanted to start but couldn’t get funding for…” 

“I don’t want blood money!” Rich spat.  “For fuck’s sake, man.  How many people suffered the way you’re suffering for you to make all that in the first place?  I’d say you’re getting what you deserve but NO ONE deserves that…” 

“You’re right.  I’m not going to pretend like I’m a good person, or that I don’t have this coming.  You’d be totally justified throwing me to the wolves.  There are plenty of people who’d line up for the chance to take full advantage of me like...this…” Jason paused, distracted by staring at the exposed bits of Rich’s lean chest.  “But...but they’re gonna keep doing all the same terrible things I was while they’re at it.”  He sat down next to Rich, feeling small even as he loomed over the other man.  “Listen...I came here because I’ve always known you to do what was right while I was busy doing what was wrong.  I’m about to pay for all my sins and there’s nothing I can do to stop it...I’m just trying to make things a little less terrible for everyone while I still can.  Please.”  

Rich was torn.  As angry as he was, he couldn’t deny that Jason had a point.  If he kicked the other man out and left him at the mercy of his many enemies, all they’d do is take his money and add it to their own pile of crimes.  Jason may have been a monster, but he wasn’t the only monster out there.  He’d only be letting the other man suffer out of some petty desire for revenge, and Rich knew that made him no better than anyone else involved.  He could turn Jason over to the police, but even then he knew one of his partners or competitors would throw down an obscene amount of money and they’d be back where they started.  If he turned a blind eye, how many other people would he be hurting?  

“Where do I sign,” he sighed, clapping Jason on the thigh as he reached for the folder.  (Ending #1 follows here.  Skip down to "alternate ending" for the other version)


“Guh!”  Rich gasped awake, a heavy, writhing weight on his lap.  He reached up without opening his eyes and squeezed Jason’s meaty thighs as the other man straddled him, rocking his hips to work Rich’s solid cock deeper inside him.  “Jace...we talked about this,” he yawned, finally opening his eyes.  Even months later, the sight of the hulking, doe-eyed blonde smiling down at him still took his breath away.  

Like Henry, Jason had ballooned into a muscled giant.  The handsome blonde topped out at just under 6’4” and weighed in at two hundred and ninety pounds of hairy, solid bulk.  He wasn’t cut and defined like he had been, but was thick and beefy, with a round, ample ass and a heavy club of a cock that slapped noisily against Rich’s stomach.  The former executive’s face had changed to match, his jaw expanding into a prominent lantern while his beakish nose seemed to withdraw to a small button as his features filled out.  As jarring as those alterations were, the most striking change was the sparkling, doe eyes that had once been shrewd and piercing.  

“Morning!”  Jason chirped, grinning from ear to ear.  The blonde giant ignored Rich’s admonishing tone as he squirmed and whimpered.  “Sor...sorry…” he added with a groan.  

“You know I can’t stay mad at you,” Rich sighed.  He’d long since grown accustomed to waking up with either Jason’s lips wrapped around his sleeping cock, or with the other man already impaled.  

Despite his attraction, he hadn’t let himself get physical with Jason at first.  He wasn’t sure if Jason had known about him being gay, but he felt like he was taking advantage of the other man’s impaired state.  As time went on, though, it became clear that denying the lustful blonde was worse than giving him what he wanted.  And as Rich soon discovered, Jason always wanted it.  

The changing man hadn’t been exaggerating about what was coming.  Rich’s anger melted away as he watched Jason go from arrogant executive to an illiterate meathead in a matter of days.  Jason wasn’t just pulling at his heart strings; for all his physical power, the towering blonde was nearly helpless.  His attention span was nonexistent, as was his memory, meaning anything that required more than a few simple steps was out of the question.  

Rich originally had no intentions of moving out to Jason’s expansive estate, but as he watched his addled friend become a slave to his impulses he knew the more privacy they had, the better.  Instead of expensive suits, Jason now spent most of his days lumbering around joyfully naked, not bothered in the least by his seemingly perpetually hard monster of a cock.  Rich barely even noticed anymore when Jason would walk in the room pumping away, as long as the big man would clean up after himself.  Most of the time he felt more like he had a dog than a boyfriend.  

Rich always felt guilty when he caught himself making that comparison, but Jason had more in common with an eager puppy than he did with a Wall Street tycoon.  Whatever else the drug had done, it left the furry meathead as a total sweetheart, wanting nothing more than to make everyone around him happy.  The only way he knew how to do that was with his body, but Rich, and the few people he brought home, weren’t complaining.  

The more time that passed, the more Rich appreciated Jason’s plan.  His friend had been self interested, true, but as Rich divvied up and sold off his shares of the company he saw firsthand how ruthless the others actually were.  Jason may have deserved a harsher punishment, but Rich was content that his friend wouldn’t be in a position to hurt anyone ever again.  

“You sleuuuhh...sleep okay?” Rich asked as Jason reached down and kneaded his modest pecs.  

Jason frowned and shook his head.  “Uh-uh.  Bad dreams.”  

“Aww, I’m sorry big guy,” Rich cooed.  Every now and then Jason would dream about his old life, but fortunately the memories never lasted long.  There were moments when the old Jason would surface, when he’d find the big man staring at himself in horror, but they always passed quickly.  “You okay now?”  

Jason nodded and smiled.  “Uh-huuuUUUHHNNNN!”  Without warning he arched his back and launched a stream of ropey cum all over Rich’s chest and face, smiling proudly at the glistening mess.  

Rich just laughed.  As with everything else, he’d long since grown used to the sensation of Jason’s warm, copious fluid coating his body.  He gave a few quick thrusts, loving the surprised yelp when he erupted inside the bigger man.  Before he could even pull out, Jason leaned down and mashed their lips together in a deep, long kiss.  

“Okay, okay,” Rich gasped, finally pulling his head away.  He melted at the way Jason beamed at him, as devoted as he was dependent.  “So do you still want to go to the beach today?”  

“Beach!”  Jason hopped off the bed in flash, his massive rear bouncing as he bounded down the hall.  

Rich sighed and rolled off the bed, hurrying after his friend.  “Wait!  Jace!  You’ve gotta get dressed first!  You can’t do what you did last time!” 

**********Alternate Ending*********

“You...almost...done back...there…” Rich grunted, his arms burning from the strain of holding himself up.  He’d already blown his load what felt like hours ago, but Jason was still eagerly slamming into his tight bubble as if they’d just started.  

“Fuuuuuuck...fuck yeah….yeah….fuckin’ love your….fuckin’...pussy…” the big man growled, ignoring the question.  Rich didn’t really expect an answer.  When Jason was worked up like this, which was a near constant state, there wasn’t much room in the hulking blonde’s brain for much else.  He could literally fuck for hours, his colossal body driving him on more than his brain ever could.  

Like Henry, Jason had ballooned into a muscled giant.  The handsome blonde topped out at just under 6’4” and weighed in at two hundred and ninety pounds of hairy, solid bulk.  He wasn’t cut and defined like he had been, but was thick and beefy, with a round, ample ass and a heavy club of a cock that slapped noisily against Rich’s stomach.  The former executive’s face had changed to match, his jaw expanding into a prominent lantern while his beakish nose seemed to withdraw to a small button as his features filled out.  As jarring as those alterations were, the most striking change was the dim, dull eyes that had once been shrewd and piercing.

“Seriously...big guy...I’ve gotta leave...for work….soon…” Rich’s toned muscle shook wildly, the bed slamming into the wall as Jason picked up his pace.  The big man’s hands were vices on his smaller friend’s trim waist as he bucked his hips.  Rich had never felt anything remotely similar.  It was like being fucked by a hairy, foul-mouthed bulldozer.  Where Jason had once been charming and elegant, now he barked out commands in short sentences, usually peppered with “shits” and “fucks.”  He didn’t ask; he told Rich what he wanted.  

“Almo...almost….uuuunnnnNNNNHHHH!”  Jason let out a deep bellow, the force of his volcanic eruption nearly launching Rich off the bulbous pole.  As it was the wide-eyed man groaned as his insides were filled to capacity, the overflow pouring out of his battered hole like a waterfall.  “Fuck yeah!” the brawny blonde roared in triumph as he pulled out and flipped Rich over.  He pressed his furry bulk down on top of the other man, trapping him in a long, rough kiss.  

Rich was still surprised by how much he loved it.  If you’d asked him before all this happened, the lean, quiet man never would have imagined that being manhandled and fucked like a beast would have turned him on the way it did.  Jason was like a force of nature, and he was just along for the ride.  

“So...sorry…” Jason rumbled, finally breaking off the kiss.  He had a bashful look on his widened face, like a dog who’d been caught doing something wrong.  

Rich reached around as best he could to stroke his friend’s broad, muscled back.  “Don’t apologize, bud.  I know you can’t help it.”  

Jason rolled off his friend and onto his back, pounding the mattress with a meaty fist.  “I’m just so fuckin’ horny all the time!” 

“Don’t I know it,” Rich laughed as he stood and stretched, wincing at the soreness radiating from his pummeled cheeks.  He caught himself when Jason’s expression darkened, patting the other man’s furry pecs affectionately.  “I wasn’t making fun.  Believe me, I’m not complaining.”  

“I wanna go to work too,” the big man pouted.  He sat up and looked down at himself, his face a mix of pride and shame at the sight of the burly, hairy body.  Jason still knew what had happened to him, and what he should have looked like, he was just helpless to do anything about it.  Trapped inside all that muscle and fur was the same arrogant, chiseled young executive he’d always been.  

“We’ve talked about this,” Rich said, his tone stern.  “You don’t do so good in crowds like that anymore.”  

The sculpted young man originally had no intentions of moving out to Jason’s expansive estate, but as he watched his addled friend become a slave to his impulses he knew the more privacy they had, the better.  Instead of expensive suits, Jason now spent most of his days lumbering around naked, both amused and bothered by his seemingly perpetually hard monster of a cock.  It demanded constant attention, much more than Rich could provide.  He’d spent a fortune on various toys and fleshlights for his friend, to the point where Rich barely even noticed anymore when Jason would walk in the room pumping away.  

It was a toss up whether Jason would apologize or grunt at Rich that it should be him and not a toy working his demanding rod.  The instinct to take charge and boss people around was still there, the only problem being that the big man would lose his train of thought as soon as his dick twitched.  And once that started, there was no stopping it until he was done.  

“There’s stuff I can do!” Jason barked, puffing his massive chest out.  

“Not in an office.  Honey, I know you want to help, but…”

“I’m not dumb!” Jason interrupted.  “I just...I get confused…” he trailed off, his anger fading into disappointment.  He was well aware that he couldn’t even read anymore, let alone do anything productive in a clerical setting.  He couldn’t even mop the floors on his own without getting distracted.  

“We’ll find something for you to do, I promise,” Rich said, as if he was talking to a pouting child.  “It’s just best if you’re not around there.  People start asking questions.”  

The more time that passed, the more Rich had grown to appreciate Jason’s plan.  His friend had been self interested, true, but as Rich divvied up and sold off his shares of the company he saw firsthand how ruthless the others actually were.  Jason may have deserved a harsher punishment, but Rich was content that his friend at least wouldn’t be in a position to hurt anyone ever again. 

“What if I bring home some friends for you later?  Would that cheer you up?”  Rich surprised even himself by how normal it all sounded.  He was talking to a horny, hairy meathead about bringing home strangers for him to fuck like most people talked about bringing home dinner.  For a reserved guy who’d barely even had sex, Rich was adapting quickly to his dual role as Jason’s sex toy and provider.  Despite Jason’s gruff exterior, they both knew the big man would be helpless without him.  

Jason grinned, his beast of a cock already stirring back to life.  “They better be big guys,” he grumbled.  

“Only the biggest for you,” Rich said, tousling Jason’s hair.  With his friend’s impossible body, it wasn’t hard to find guys eager to come over and go for a ride.  

Jason was already pumping away again at the thought.  Helplessly jerking off in front of his friend at the thought of fucking strangers, the smug executive trapped inside was well aware of how far he’d fallen, but he still knew it could have been worse.  He reached out with surprising speed for someone so large and pulled Rich onto his lap, swallowing the other man in a bearish embrace as he licked and kissed at his neck.  

“Duuuude,” Rich half laughed, half protested.  “I’m going to be late!”  

The big man bucked his powerful hips, causing Rich to bounce and grind the thick, mammoth cock against him.  “Don’t care,” Jason growled, falling back onto the bed with his friend in his arms.  


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